简介 一觉醒来,游戏中的“男票”人物居然睡在我身边OMG!可是为啥不按套路出牌?Game里选的可是温柔可人型暖男,这个醋精上身撩妹狂魔的霸总是谁,为何崩了我的理想男票人设?!嘤嘤嘤……游戏里的亲亲设定要玩不起啦! 作品QQ群:328460691
简介【每周日更新】21世纪金牌神医特工,一朝穿越定国侯府三小姐,却成了远近闻名的胖丑废物? 须不知她冷眸一开,万兽臣服,脚踩恶女渣男,化身顶级召唤师,遇佛挡佛,遇神杀神!虐渣减肥正上头,不想却惹上个腹黑皇叔: “王妃美若天仙,你们给本王看紧了,搭讪者杀无赦!” “救命!这种长得帅但眼睛不好的粘人老公申请退货可以吗?”
内容简介: 这是一个科学和魔法并存的世界。 这里有人追求强大的魔法,也有人寻求永恒的真理。 异世穿越而来的理科学霸,从小小的图书管理员做起,左手魔法,右手真理,一脚踢开了新世纪的大门。 有人称他为魔法的先行者,有人说他是科学的奠基人。 也有人这么形容他。 在新世纪,布莱尔是邪恶的象征。1w0-115 >>
内容简介:“红粉骷髅笑佳人,醒者生,醉者死!”青妩——冥界之主,皮相生得极美,却有着副冷硬心肠,因追寻忘川河畔逃逸的魂魄而穿梭于多个小世界中,替这些迷失其中的鬼魂达成心愿、消解怨气。任务世界暂定 :校园【神明少女×孤僻学霸】他最终还是失去了他的神明少女,终其一生,悔恨入骨。年代【高傲大小姐×乡下小狼狗】我不敢看她的眼睛,怕心中生了妄念,奢求能将月亮揽入怀中。1w0-2874 >>
内容简介:婚前,沈慕橙拍着胸脯对俊美无害的男人保证道:“你放心,我会对你负责的!”婚后,沈慕橙扶着老腰对邪魅狂傲的男人大声咆哮:“混蛋,我要离婚!”“离婚可以,不过你先前说要对我负责,那……就从 现在开始。”男人不慌不忙地答道。整个B市的人都知道,雷枭是个冷酷,狂傲,不近女色的男人,唯独只有沈慕橙知道,雷枭是个霸道,狡猾,吃人连渣都不剩地魔鬼,不仅凶猛,而且无耻!1w0-103203 >>
内容简介:如果穿越到古代该怎么办?如果穿越到古代当上了县令该怎么办?如果穿越到古代当上了县令并且被一群女人盯上了又该怎么办?楚门懵了。神啊,救救我吧!“叮!”“是否绑定无敌县令系统?”本站提示: 各位书友要是觉得《县令的悠哉生活》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-82431 >>
内容简介:一吻成瘾简介:原书名《一夜缠情:女人,要定你!》在充满了暧昧,浪漫气息的伦敦,那一夜,她做了一次大胆热辣的女人。【成年了吗?】他玩味的眼神审读着她,不沾染未成年,这是他的底线。原本以为 一辈子不会再有交集的两个人,在她回国后,他们再一次相遇:她耍手段,玩阴谋,肆无忌惮的惹怒他,不知收敛,最后,才知道自己惹不起他。【一千万,这些钱,够玩你一次吧!】他步步紧逼着她,熟悉的味道,熟悉的温度,熟悉的心跳,一切都在不停的勾出伦敦一夜的回忆。她是他玩过的女人,可这一辈子,他想玩的女人却只有她一个……【推荐纳兰的火热连载文《前妻,许你一世宠》,亲们请多多支持!】《一吻成瘾》是纳兰海映精心创作的青春都市小说,小兵实时更新一吻成瘾最新章节无弹窗广告版,书友所发表的一吻成瘾评论,并不代表小兵赞同或者支持一吻成瘾读者的观点。关键词:一吻成瘾最新章节纳兰海映一吻成瘾无弹窗一吻成瘾全文阅读1w0-80521 >>
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:洪荒:开局拒绝女娲】穿越洪荒,在迷迷糊糊中被通天拐骗为了弟子。当知道自己是悟道树后,他直呼亏大了。一把破剑就拐到了他。紫霄宫听道。女娲:哇!好可爱的弟弟啊,快 来让姐姐抱抱……“不要!跟你不熟!”女娲……“叮,拒绝女娲成功!获得修为点两千万!”“叮,拒绝后土成功,获得盘古精血一滴!”……昆仑山。通天:咳咳,乖徒儿啊,再让为师悟道一次可好?“不好!”太清:师侄啊,这是师伯的天地玄黄塔,你看……原始:这是师伯的玉如意……“嗯,这还差不多!”通天感觉有些凌乱……(不一样的洪荒!)…………飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢洪荒:开局拒绝女娲,别忘记分享给朋友作者:后土女娲所写的《洪荒:开局拒绝女娲》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-82009 >>
内容简介:【娇软可爱小甜妹X痞帅腹黑大佬】文案一:班里有个小可爱,人甜声甜,娇滴滴一姑娘,不知怎地惹上了学校大佬,不仅整天逗她,还欺负她,更可恶的是随时随地都在捏小可爱那软乎乎的脸蛋。就在全班以 为小可爱是因害怕被揍才不敢反抗时,结局另他们大吃一惊。某天,宋舟野像往常一样捏小可爱的脸,她忍无可忍,怒拍桌,踮脚去揪大佬的衣领。大佬生怕她揪不到,微俯身,听到她恶狠狠说:“宋舟野,你要是再捏我的脸,我就把你看动画片的事说出去!”“……”全班突然安静如鸡,表示,“你……已经说出去了。”文案二:商界赫赫有名的宋舟野生平第一次接受采访,记者问:“宋先生如今取得如此成就,是什么一直支持您走下去呢?”宋舟野慢悠悠将婚戒露出,云淡风轻:“我家小姑娘,姜月玥。”记者团:敢情你接受采访就是为了秀恩爱?各位书友要是觉得《校霸谈的恋爱甜爆啦》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-81355 >>
内容简介:麻三在路边捡到一百块钱,为了实现多年的梦想,忍饥挨饿狠下心去找一回小姐,没想到竟精尽人亡………………………………………………一醒来,发现自己重生到了一个叫全进的乡医身上,面对变得英俊帅 气的自己,麻三真的不敢想象。这小山村风景秀美,而且女人个个貌美如花。整个村子的男人因为忙于生计,都去城市里打零工,只剩下独守空房的女人们。而没有男人的生活哪叫生活啊,女人们见了他都恨不得……饥渴难耐的麻三身心经受着巨大的考验,面对诱惑的他终于下了狠心……1w0-82102 >>
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:学霸:语文交白卷,总分全校第一】全市统考的期中考试,楚然的语文交了白卷。0分语文,班主任这辈子没见过,正当他扬言要把楚然给砸碎了的时候,教务处送来了排名表…… 楚然考了个全校第一!这可真他吗尴尬了……语文老师:“我没见过这么嚣张的人。”班主任:“来来,楚然,这最后一题,你上来讲。”物理科组主任:“楚然就是我要寻找的竞赛天才!”班花:“我要和楚然同桌!”教导主任:“楚然不用上课,我批准的。”楚爸楚妈:“我儿子没别的,就是总爱考第一。”开会讲话:“你们老是问我什么才叫为校争光,楚然就是你们的榜样!”……记者:“楚然同学,请问你长期处于第一名,有什么压力飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢学霸:语文交白卷,总分全校第一,别忘记分享给朋友作者:学霸教科书所写的《学霸:语文交白卷,总分全校第一》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-84325 >>
Ringo's life isn't going so well. Her father's company went bankrupt, they have to move to a new town, she's leaving her crush behind and worst of all, she has met weirdo in the new town she's moved to. Will she ever find happiness?
From Viz: Choko Kuze is the sensible daughter of a venerable family who went bankrupt. She joins a real estate company as an entry-level office worker, but her eccentric boss is harder on her than anyone else in the company! After hearing him inadvertently call her 'milady,' she realizes he was the young servant boy she knew as a child. At work he's a tyrant, but after hours he insists on treating her like a lady of the nobility. Is romance even possible for a couple locked in such a crazy role reversal?
A collection of one-shot yaoi stories 1)The World in Your Hand- Natsuo Kanda's not sure who started the rumors about him being gay, but everyone at his office seems to be talking about it. His only consolation is the escort service he hires every month, and the night of pleasure that follows. This month is different, since his escort is newcomer Masachika. Despite being huge, the childish and puppy-like Chika is exactly what Natsuo needs, and even though it's a business relationship he finds himself growing more attached to the younger man... 2)Our New Year's Event- Actor Keita Otoo has managed to get New Year's Eve off, and plans to spend the night making love to his super cool boyfriend Ryouhei Nemuro. Keita's been so busy lately, they've barely had time to see each other. But with a night of wine and romance planned, what could possibly go wrong? 3)Gaka to Gakyou- Writer Aiji Hirakawa has trouble interacting with others, and so only has one friend, Takafumi Shibata, the son of very wealthy parents. While Aiji struggles, Shibata lives a relaxed life, something that annoys Aiji, even as he tries to suppress his feelings. But when he loses his temper and snaps at Shibata, the drunken Shibata pushes him down and...! 4)My Feelings 5)Beautiful Days
After the events in Shoga Hamu Mushi mo Sukisuki, Asahina followed Sano home to observe him while he’s working. Guess Sano never knew how innocent Asahina could be…Part of Canna’s volume 14 short project, Blushing Boys.Prequel: http://mangapark.com/search?q=shoga-hamu-muki-mo-sukisuki
The Parish Clerk summary: The Parish Clerk summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Parish Clerk. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Geographic Variation in the Pocket Gopher, Thomys bottae, in Colorado summary: Geographic Variation in the Pocket Gopher, Thomys bottae, in Colorado summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Geographic Variation in the Pocket Gopher, Thomys bottae, in Colorado. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Kenkoku no Jungfrau summary:
It was the times of antiquity. Many kings, many countries, and many Faiths were mixed together, and then they conflicted; an age where nothing was controlled. And finally, an existence know as a Demon revealed itself to this world.
Then the many kings went to battle. Even possessing any kind of sword, or casting any kind of magic, or using any kind of knowledge, could not harm the body of the demon. It was at that time of chaos, a single sage appeared and said this, “There exists a sword that can kill the demon. I want a person who has excellent techniques. Isn’t there anyone who would come with me?”
There were 12 people. The 12 kings sent one of the most excellent knights from each of their kingdoms.
The 12 knight and the single Sage confronted the demon, and then splendidly defeated it. After that, making the sage their king, the 12 kingdoms became one. The 12 knights were referred as The Knights of the Round Table and became the model of all knights. And so, time has reached the present.
Geronimo's Story of His Life summary: Geronimo's Story of His Life summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Geronimo's Story of His Life. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.