内容简介:五年前,她刚从乡下回来就被人算计,本以为睡了个牛郎,却不料是个活阎王,得罪不起,她只好开溜。五年后,她带着五个儿子归来,强势虐渣,爽到爆。大儿子商界奇才,二儿子顶级黑客,三儿子神医,四 儿子航天奇才,五儿子美食大佬,而她……马甲也掉一地,还被迫捡了个超级大佬当老公。“女人,还想逃?”顾爷一手拿着红本本,一手把她堵在怀里。十个月后,她再次生下了五胞胎儿子1w18959-26351 >>
内容简介:男人都想日她高HNP简介:御书屋御宅屋文章请到【本文后续下半部在经常睡她的男人点击书名跳转】阮湘馋上了室友的男朋友陈硕。第一次见他,就忍不住想被他操。一夜,陈硕喝醉,阮湘得偿所愿,被男 人猛干了个爽。她万万没想到,这次意外的一夜情,并各位书友要是觉得《男人都想日她高HNP》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ1w0-28516 >>
内容简介:《最强抽奖系统》续集!杨宇回来了,再次开启穿越之旅,西游世界,获得玄幻武魂,九叶剑草,天角蚁宝术,异火,九字秘纵横西游海贼世界,光震果实让杨宇无敌新世界,火影忍者,八大祖符让杨宇碾压忍 界,后面,会再次回到《完美世界》,回到宇域相亲大会,传奇再续!后续,更有《绝世唐门》《遮天》,妖精的尾巴,死神,恶魔高校,秦时明月,超神学院,爱情公寓的巨星之路……杨宇归来,传奇再续!!!!1w0-25570 >>
内容简介:作为一名向往和平,普普通通的网络小说作者,我本应过着平凡的生活。如果我不是酒厂前成员,港黑现成员的话。滴滴————非正常拍摄●某个老读者对着镜头失声痛哭“事情发生的这么突然,就在一年前 和平常一样的一天,我按照惯例打开网站的时候,大大竟然请了一星期的假!而且,从那之后,她的更新频率再也没有超过两周一章!!为什么?!”某不愿透露真实姓名的小说作者深深吸了一口烟,万年不变的死鱼眼深沉的望着镜头“其实,我曾经也觉得自己是个认真负责的好作者,并且会一直这样坚持下去。”“直到有一天”黑衣组织要杀我灭口港口黑手党拿枪指着我的脑门全能型超能力者想抹除我的记忆黑色小本本掉在我的眼前黄色触手怪想让我暗杀他脑门着火的少年家的熊孩子一炮把我轰到了异世界“更可怕的是!人类竟然可以用雨伞在天上飞吗?!!”“所以你觉得我们人民警察会相信你的鬼话吗?!”“”烟雾缭绕中,黑沼绪的眼神更加深邃了。1w0-25208 >>
内容简介:唐不知胆子很小。因为额头上的丑陋胎记让她吃了太多苦,她不爱讲话、不爱抬头,只想把自己锁在自己的牢笼里,她不出来,别人也看不见她。但从小自卑怯弱的她,在遇到他之后才知道,原来小丑也是可以 做公主的。路知之是个禽兽。他第一眼见到怯生生的小姑娘时,瞅见她包了两汪泪水儿的眼,他脑子里的第一个想法就是:想肏,肏得她哭,哭着求他。后来,路知之不止想肏她,还想宠她疼她,想把她宠得不知胆小懦弱、疼得不知难过为何。泪失禁小哭包×雅痞心理医生1V1,SC首发:po【海棠搜书】「po1⒏υip」1w0-75900 >>
内容简介:《极品废少》是桔梗精心创作的都市言情,ABC小说网实时更新极品废少最新章节并且提供无弹窗阅读,书友所发表的极品废少评论,并不代表ABC小说网赞同或者支持极品废少读者的观点。各位书友要是 觉得《极品废少》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w2317-26891 >>
内容简介:325v当日万更主角身穿,是委托人的外挂金手指,自带系统c沈轶的任务,就是改变那些人的命运。世界1现代修真剑宗继承人重伤垂死,准道侣却在危急关头选择救蓝颜知己委托人不好意思,我和我的剑 he了1w0-28711 >>
内容简介:沂城陆家丢了个女儿,千辛万苦寻回后他们恨不得把星星月亮都给摘下来,各种限定衣服首饰全都搬到她面前任她选择。陆星摇看着那一大堆亮瞎眼的东西,面无波澜道:“给我一间书房吧,里面塞些英文原著 就行。陆家人:“?”陆星摇:“哦对了,我能不能跳个级?”陆家人:“???”陆星媛是假千金,整天提心吊胆的就怕陆星摇把自己赶走。某天她把陆星摇带到自己房间,小心翼翼地开口:“你看看你喜欢什么?都给你!”紧接着她看着陆星摇脸上几不可见地划过一分嫌弃,“不用了,我不喜欢。”陆星媛急了,“我以后不会和你抢衣服珠宝的!陆星摇:“……你要的话都给你。”她只想要天文望远镜,满满当当的图书馆,再不济,一本五三也行。文案2:景延说她不好哄,陆星摇不以为然,他才是真的难哄好吗?哄这个大少爷开心一下的难度在不断上升,到最后已经难到她还不如去做个研究实验来得快。毕竟,这位景大少爷根本不知道什么叫做适可而止。1w0-4287 >>
内容简介:“喂”了声,问:“你刚刚对着蛋糕许什么愿了,许了可足足有三分钟,说出来看看,没准我能帮你实现。”沈星若没看他,自顾自划重点,“我许愿,陆星延这学期能写完一本数学五三,五本小题狂练,十套 高考真题卷,背完四级单词,期末考试能上四百分,别再做老鼠屎给一班拉低平均分了。”老鼠屎安静三秒,“当我没说。”1w0-1257 >>
1) Is it wrong to eye your body 'As long as Kakuno's willing to look at me, it's okay.' Hazumi was helped by his classmate, Kakuno, who saw him being harassed by some upperclassmen. His heart stolen by Kakuno's strong and beautiful body, Hazumi told Kakuno that he wanted to see it all. Kakuno obliged, but as time passed their relationship became no clearer. They started out as strangers, neither lovers nor friends. Which would it be, if any? 2) Night falls Stirred by the rustling sounds of the leaves, the boy awakes to find a stranger in his house. Surprised but undeterred, he tries to befriend the mysterious guy that hangs out in his sister's room after night falls. Time pasts and his sister disappears, trying to go after the guy who decided to leave. Will he see his sister again? What about the stranger of the night? 3) The end result Continuation of the second story.
Yoshino Shinya is a high school boy who is bullied all the time at school, which leads him to have no friends. However, no one knows that he is actually half-youkai, and due to that, he has the desire to eat human flesh. But because of the promise he made with his youkai father never to prey on humans, Shinya tries to resist his youkai blood that is thirsty for human's blood, and live as a normal high school student. Will he be able to keep the promise he made with his father and keep his secret hidden?
Journal for February 5th summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Journal for February 5th. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Rise And Fall Of A Dragonking summary: The Rise And Fall Of A Dragonking summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Rise And Fall Of A Dragonking. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
First Impressions of the New World summary: First Impressions of the New World summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of First Impressions of the New World. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Australia Revenged summary: Australia Revenged summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Australia Revenged. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Philaster summary: Philaster summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Philaster. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.