内容简介: 燕赵歌第一次穿越,穿到了武道文明繁盛至极的异世界,一头撞进包罗万象,遍收天下经典的神宫藏书楼里,但随后便是一场天地大劫,连神宫也破灭了。 接下来居然第二次穿越,灵魂来到了同一个世 界,不知多少年后的时代。 人们发掘承载破灭之后残存的遗留,这里的武道文明重新起步,还处于新一代的发展期。 装了一脑子神宫秘籍宝典的燕赵歌,二次穿越到当前的时代,简直就如同一个人玩惯了地狱模式之后,突然被丢去玩简单模式。 简直不要太爽! 不过在此之前,他先要解决一个问题。 “我不是主角?而是跟主角争妹子的反派高富帅师兄?” “这剧本不对啊!” PS:已有460万字完本精品老书《史上第一祖师爷》,欢迎大家收藏养肥本书的同时移步阅读。1w0-664 >>
内容简介:类聊斋志异世界观,不圣母,系统只是工具,不后宫———人皇追求仙道,荒废朝政。正值灾荒连年,妖兽纵横,神诡遍地。谢长安,流民,意外习得旁门异术。拘魂纸人,操火炼蛊,飞剑暗器,地煞诡门,饲 诡淬毒,亦正亦邪。旁门通大道,异术斩人魔!他缓缓睁开眼,猛地发现…自己的“心脏”不见了!1w0-67483 >>
内容简介: 这是一个变异的封神世界! 文武自强,仙佛争锋,开诸天封神,定万载气运! 一场突如其来的宇宙灾难席卷而至,一名人族青年接受启明之光的指引,一幅波澜壮阔的画面就此缓缓展开。 诸葛 八阵图对决文王八卦! 飞将吕布决战战神杨戬! 鬼才郭嘉比拼太公子牙! 闭月貂蝉争艳祸国妲己! ...... 这是一场中华英灵参与封神大劫! 群:4-5-0-5-9-6-2-9-4(欢迎各位书友大大加入)1w0-2124 >>
内容简介:一代剑神逆天重生,竟穿越到了一块土著大陆!与人争,与妖斗,还要与万魔共舞!与诸天神佛抗衡!主角洛辰,原本是修真世界的当代最强剑神,绝巅修为,无人能敌!神剑一出,威凌九天!可惜为了阻挡灭 世龙劫,悍然与上古纪元‘祖龙’同归于尽,死后,他穿越到天元大陆,重生在了一名少年身上。却发现,自己不但觉醒了前世记忆,还拥有了上古祖龙的全部精华——各种战斗技巧与修炼经验!不仅如此,他还得到了上古第一炼体神功,龙皇霸体诀!为了快速成长起来,他踏上了炼体流的道路,行走天元大陆,纵横魔兽山脉,镇压诸天万界,踩着群魔枯骨,成为了一代龙傲剑神!=============已有完本书:《都市最强崛起》《万界天帝》《剑神归来在校园》《国服最强王者》(可在黑岩搜索阅读)【官方粉丝群:剑神盟711485139里面有帅哥美女哦,期待您的加入!】【加更规则:玉佩加一更皇冠加十更谢谢】1w0-2375 >>
内容简介:开局成为老爷爷【凡人流】【无系统】【杀伐果断】【不无脑】(注:望诸位道友不要因为书名而错过)我叫李大开,我要修仙。成仙路上,神挡杀神,佛挡杀佛!每天下午5点10分准时更新!1w0-89 350 >>
内容简介:“小鬼,不好意思,你挂了!”“不是吧,牛头马面长这么帅?”“呸,老爷我是陆元君,牛头马面哪比得上。”“你是陆元君?,我还朱尔旦呢!”····················好吧,主角也 穿越了,只是···“有没搞错,海贼王?我是···火拳艾斯?”经久不衰的话题,永不停歇的热血,看主角活出一个新的海贼王传说。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《重生海贼之火拳降世》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-67076 >>
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:娱乐:演员的快乐你想象不到】穿越到平行世界的叶欢成功考入魔都戏剧学院,成为杨老板旗下的一名签约艺人。让大家以为又是一个来赚快钱的小鲜肉。可谁料一出道就是巅峰。 霍元甲;我这一拳二十年的功力,你们挡得住吗!危城:吃饭就吃饭,这么多废话,吃饭……啊你还真吃啊!十月围城:老板,你能帮我一个忙吗,我喜欢大友记的阿纯三年了。于是人们发现,在全民流量,小鲜肉横行的鸡毛时代。一名真正的年轻演员,逆风崛起,打了所有小鲜肉的脸。飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢娱乐:演员的快乐你想象不到,别忘记分享给朋友作者:正儿八经的所写的《娱乐:演员的快乐你想象不到》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-73088 >>
内容简介:他从小就有一双能与鬼通的眼睛,跟随师傅一起走南闯北,夜探诡异教学楼,湘西秘闻,闯阴间斗恶鬼,古朝锁龙井事件,可是却在那件事后发生了天大的变化谈佛论道阴阳录,剑灭厉鬼踏黑雾各位书友要是觉 得《阴阳怪谈》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!阴阳怪谈最新章节阴阳怪谈无弹窗阴阳怪谈全文阅读各位书友要是觉得《阴阳怪谈》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-56225 >>
内容简介:【预计于1月5号星期三入v,希望大家多多支持啾咪啾咪】叶珏一觉睡醒发现自己穿越了,穿进了一本小说小说讲的是两个A之间的爱恨情仇,不过因为一些不知名原因,导致无数次重来的世界里两个A之间 只有你死我活,没有爱恨情仇他要想回到现实世界,就必须当红娘做月老,在两位主角之间架起爱的桥梁正好他又是一个和ABO世界有壁的普通人,闻不出任何信息素的味道,完全不受两位猛A的压制叶珏:哦豁,随便浪雨夜,各位书友要是觉得《穿书后被两个猛A盯上了》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-73004 >>
内容简介:老马的幸福人生小说儿媳叫苏玥公公叫马强的小说作者是夫子,这是近期非常受欢迎的一本都市小说,全文讲述的是苏玥是一个已婚少妇,可是丈夫的常年不在家以及生活工作的各种不如意早已将她击垮,在她 最不开心的时候,是公公马强陪在她的身边,为她缓解悲伤的情绪。马强见苏玥一副居家女人的模样,回答说:这两天我跟你联系不上,以为你生病了,就跑过来看看。没……没什么,只是觉得心烦,一直在家休息……苏玥急忙敷衍道。你没有去上班吗马强诧异地问。我……我觉得工作压力大,就辞职了……苏玥不想让公公知道自己在外面1w5932-29683 >>
内容简介:《首辅家的锦鲤妻》简介:江鸾痛得瞬间变了脸色(锦鲤王妃有空间)。她下意识抱住肚子,却发现肚子越来越痛,还有股热流。感受到那股热意,她的心彻底慌了(锦鲤王妃有空间)。“啊!”她惨叫了一声 ,凄厉地喊道,“快……快传太医!”碧痕一听她声音不对劲,吓得赶紧抬起头,然后就看见江鸾已经痛得面白如纸,额头上甚至冒出了密密麻麻的冷汗(锦鲤王妃有空间)。她顿时慌了神,转身就踉跄着超外跑,尖叫着让人传太医。好在东宫这边一直有太医驻守,外头的内侍听见动静后,立刻飞奔着去叫太医(锦鲤王妃有空间)。没多久,驻守的四名太医就慌乱地飞奔了过来。因为去的人神色惊慌,他们一看就知道太子妃这边出了事,哪里还顾得上形象?一个个几乎是跑出了百米冲刺的速度,别说是形象,连命都顾不上了(锦鲤王妃有空间)。。1w33416-76597 >>
From Attractive Fascinante: Tsurugi met Katsuragi's father and Tsurugi is afraid senior Katsuragi might do something to the company he manages, Mishima Construction. But young Katsuragi thought Tsurugi wanted a break-up and told Tsurugi he would definitely protect him. Tsurugi always thought that their relationship is purely sexual, without any feelings involved. Now Tsurugi met with some troubles, will Katsuragi keep to his promise to protect him?
Kinukawa Yuusuke is a second-class pianist who earns a living by playing in small clubs. Things become complicated when Fukami, a yakuza boss with mesmerizing looks, becomes a regular at Yuusuke's piano bar. As Fukami's appreciation for Yuusuke's piano playing grows, so do Yuusuke's feelings for him. Although Yuusuke knows he shouldn't be attracted to such a dangerous man, he finds himself unable to stop thinking about Fukami. And so, one night in a desperate attempt to get Fukami's attention on something other than music, Yuusuke spills a drink on him...Is love understanding someone even when he doesn't understand himself? Sometimes the music of the soul is sweeter than any instrument in Nishida Higashi's story of two very unlikely men.Also features a story called Boku wa Taisetsuna (My Precious One) in volume 2.Sequel: > Seishun no Yamai wa(http://mangapark.com/search?q=seishun-no-yamai-wa)
Chaos;Head's story is set in 2008 in Shibuya and is centered around Takumi Nishij?, a high school student at the private Suimei Academy, and the strange and brutal murders that have recently occurred in the Shibuya area, known as the 'New Generation' (????????????) Madness. The story begins on September 28 with Takumi talking to an online friend called Grim (??? Gurimu?). Grim is trying to bring Takumi up to speed about the recent New Generation events since Takumi is not interested in local or international news. A person named Shogun (???) joins the chat room midway through Grim and Takumi's conversation. After Grim leaves the chat room, Sh?gun begins to talk. He speaks in a very cryptic and confusing manner, leaving Takumi nervous. He then sends Takumi a barrage of image links, one of which appears to be of a brutal murder of a man being pinned by stakes to a wall. The next day, Takumi comes across a real life murder scene. Witnessing a mysterious pink-haired girl pinning a man up by stakes in an alleyway, he immediately realizes he is witnessing the very murder detailed in the pictures he received the day before. Convinced Shogun is targeting him and the girl he saw committing the murder is somehow connected to him, Takumi tries to avoid getting involved with other New Generation events. However, as Takumi begins attempting to distance himself from the crime he witnessed, he soon catches interest of the police. With the police suspecting him, and himself convinced that he is being targeted by Shogun, Takumi finds himself caught in a spiral of delusions and paranoia, as he desperately tries to keep himself safe and figure out why he is apparently being targeted. He eventually comes into contact with several other people related to the events, including the girl he saw committing the murder herself. Unsure of what is real or who he can trust, Takumi finds himself thrust into a much larger scheme than he ever thought possible, as the mysterious company NOZOMI carefully plots something from behind the scenes. From Baka-Updates: Takumi is a high school student. He is withdrawn and is not interested in 3D things. In his town, a mysterious serial murder case happens and people get panicked. One day, when he chats on the internet, a man suddenly contacts him and gives him an URL. He goes to the website and finds a blog image that suggests a next murder case... On the next day, it really happens... Could he be really the one responsible? And where is the D-sword that he is supposed to find?
Ixion Saga ED follows the same story as the corresponding anime Ixion Saga DT. However, Ixion Saga ED is told from the point of view of Erecpyle Dukakis and his men. It gives you insight into Incognito's crazy antics behind the scenes and sheds a new light on the story that takes place in the world of Ixion Saga DT.
Vampire Setinel - Written in the Ruby summary: Vampire Setinel - Written in the Ruby summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Vampire Setinel - Written in the Ruby. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Mr. Fortescue summary: Mr. Fortescue summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Mr. Fortescue. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Father, Mother Escaped Again summary:
Xia Yuqing is a shut-in+fujoshi from the 21st century. After an accident, she transmigrates into the body of a young princess forced into a political marriage to another country.
“W-where is all this blood coming from? Is this– Is this nose blood? AH, YOUR HIGHNESS! A-are you alright? What? No! You mustn’t! Princess Xia, please, come back!”
“… I… need… to… see…”
The aide could only helplessly look on as Princess Xia Yuqing crawled towards the emperor’s quarters, leaving a trail of blood in her wake.
Fujoshi: a term for a woman who enjoys reading about relationships between men.
Physiology of The Opera summary: Physiology of The Opera summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Physiology of The Opera. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.