


类别都市 恋爱 生活 总裁 虐心


类别热血 玄幻 都市














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内容简介:穿成草包丑女,被渣男休弃?!不怕,她医术无双,疤痕一除,艳惊天下。渣男回头,一脚踹之。契神兽,炼丹药,坐拥万能神鼎,更有神秘空间法宝无数!皇孙贵族,世俗高手,谁来惹她,她杀他个片甲不留 ,抢得他一贫如洗。夺兵权,横扫五国,建立美男佣兵团,桃花开得停、不、下、来。她强势而来,却误惹妖孽腹黑的他,从此霸道纠缠,宠溺入骨。某女抱怨:“你掐断我的桃花,阻了我的路,该怎么赔偿?”某妖孽霸道将她拥入怀:“宠你,宠你,狠狠的宠你!”1w0-99710 >>




内容简介:陈超偶然间继承了一位落魄创世神的神力,身为一个宝可梦迷,他决定要创造一个宝可梦世界。创世能量不够了怎么办,去掠夺其他创世神的能量,你问我怎么掠夺?当然是召唤出我的玩家大军啊!少年你想成 为一名宇宙级精灵训练家吗?来吧,带着你的精灵闯荡星海吧!第四天灾所过之处,寸草不生!全球最火游戏《征战星海》第一服务器《精灵训练家》版本【传说三犬】火热来袭!三圣兽即将降临!1w0-132389 >>


内容简介:重生大时代2016的姜阳,系统逼他完成任务该怎么办,从“正宗兰洲拉面技术”开始,董小姐,古风美食供应商杏儿:我倾听了你的心声柠伊,成为天后是一种什么体验沈姑娘,赶快退休回家给为夫生猴子 缇娅,带货带货,我躺着数十个亿……姜阳:我真没想当网红教父啊————————————1w0-62244 >>


内容简介:穿越洪荒被女娲用泥捏出来才能自由行动,话说需要捏这么大个泥像吗?九丈高!?本想在洪荒混日子,在妖庭和十金乌称兄道弟做二世祖。然而十金乌变成了“十”金乌,女娲只带着金乌老十蜗居退隐。二世 祖只能靠自己,在洪荒拼出个一片天!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《我在洪荒有座山》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-71934 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:我家工厂通古代】江峰意外发现家中工厂竟可以通往各个朝代,从此,他就成了贯穿千古的大忙人。商纣王:寡人愿用妲己向江神仙换救国之策。秦始皇:朕愿用一切换得长生不老 药!曹操:孤今生遇江峰已无憾!李世民:朕每日烧香三炷,只愿江峰早日归来!崇祯皇帝:江神人匡扶大明之将倾也!于是,江峰架不住这些皇帝盛情。飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢我家工厂通古代,别忘记分享给朋友作者:秦汉唐宋明所写的《我家工厂通古代》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-84533 >>


内容简介:林川穿越到三国时期。入赘乔家,迎娶二乔。他用了三年截胡孙策。一个个本该属于孙家的名将被林川收入麾下。小小的皖县成为富甲一方的富饶之地。民生,商业,科技,学院……“江东不闻小霸王,但闻乔 家有麒麟!”直到有一天,孙策和周瑜登门造访,准备迎娶二乔时。孙策:此子算无遗策,必成我江东大患!周瑜:既生瑜,何生林川啊!曹操:天下英雄,唯林川与曹操尔!诸葛亮:今天下三分1w0-45755 >>


内容简介:【接档文《一觉醒来我离婚了》,甜文向,球收】卡卡卡,今晚半夜更—627姜念觉得自己生下来是含着金汤匙的。直到家族联姻,她嫁入商界贵胄的顾家,才惊觉这汤匙充其量只能算是镀金。新婚当天,姜 念跟第一次见面的老公一拍即合,感情不存在,我们只有钱,在外是夫妻,在内是室友。从此,姜念遇到她演艺生涯最难扮演的角色——顾先生的妻子。有记者问:“不知道顾先生有没有透露情人节送什么礼物?”姜念抿唇一笑,明艳动人,“我老公很不解风情的,送的礼物都只挑价格,都没有一点心意的。”情人节当天,有剧组工作人员附上照片爆料,顾先生的礼物:精装版《演员的自我修养》。结婚纪念日,姜念在微博晒出跟顾先生的合照,配字深情款款:今生有你,何其有幸。不到一小时上了热搜姜念跟老公的合照是p的,并附上热心的网友圈出的变形的背景墙,以及新闻上正在接受财经访谈的顾先生。……跟顾先生结婚久了,姜念面对着丧心病狂,跪求她秀恩爱的众网友沉默了。——《一觉醒来我离婚了》接档文文案钟瓷一觉醒来,发现自己离婚了。从新做的渣女烫,化妆桌上的半包烟,浴室里的剃须刀……钟瓷后知后觉得反应过来,她这是被什么狗男人穿了身?与此同时,混不吝的小阎王谢亦骁从寸土寸金的美利坚回了国。同学聚会前,堵住钟瓷,霸道又痞气的道:“哟,离婚了吧。”“你怎么知道?”谢亦骁焉坏的勾了下唇:“我干的啊。”钟瓷:“???”“知道我回来干什么的吗?”谢亦骁撩开夹克,黑色的t恤上写着歪斜的好男人三个字,“我这不,得负责不是!”本文又名:被男人穿过身的我不纯洁了沙雕甜文,大概是一个小狼狗当年守住了最后底线没做小三,成了老狼狗后开始追悔莫及的故事qaq————————推荐基友好文《死对头要我以身相许》—说好互相利用,少将军你怎么走心了呢食用指南:1、轻轻松松的简单腻歪男女2、作者头已秃,光洁如镜,所有人身攻击自动反弹3、双洁,沙雕向各位书友要是觉得《豪门假夫妻》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-82680 >>


内容简介:  功德玄,福德黄,道德清,圣德白,阴德赤,五德轮转,劫运始生,谓之大道。一介羸弱之身,以圣德为锋,道德为锷,功德为脊,福德为镡,阴德为夹,怀抱五德,拔剑四顾,超拔亿万劫,吾为一世尊! 1w0-1905 >>


内容简介:真千金她法力高强简介:苏黎曾是真千金,长到十六岁才被谢家认回去,然而谢家已经有了一个谢小姐,千疼万宠,天之骄女,苏黎备受冷眼郁郁而终,死后被困千水湖底,终成一代鬼王,重生没多久,谢家来 人了,苏黎:呵虞市上流圈子流传了个大八卦,谢家夫人十六年前生产的时候女儿被掉包了,真千金在山里长大,一进高中就跟人打了一架,还对深爱假千金的未婚夫死缠烂打,没多久大家发现被打那个跟在真千金后面叫老大,季家小公子天天接送她上学回家,可望不可即的大佬们都尊这位粗鄙真千金一声大师。众1w0-77897 >>


内容简介:清明节是祭祖和扫墓的日子,扫墓又俗称上坟。在我们上坟的时候,其实有很多禁忌需要注意,不要一不小心触了禁忌。看看这篇上坟烧纸的十大禁忌的文章,了解下关于清明上坟烧纸的相关禁忌吧!1w96 46-78698 >>


内容简介:本文属于猎奇文,别名为《男主他总是很讲的是一位万人嫌的王爷历经千难万险,打败自家后院德才兼备的王妃以及一群千娇百媚的小妾,最终在众人失望的眼神中,喜滋滋地抱得美人归的故事。你需要知道, 女主是个玛丽苏的美女,人见人爱。也需要知道,男主是个万人嫌的渣男,人见人唾。还有一群不愿意女主跳入火坑,时不时跑出来坑一把渣男主的男女配角,其中战斗力最强的是男主明媒正娶的王妃,这是一位深明大义德才兼备有容有貌有人品的好妹子。明天五一,我会入V,入在码字中……是一篇除了虐男主,不会虐任何人的小白欢脱文,鉴于作者有些史料找不到,于是这文成了架空,但是背景朝代确实是唐朝,一个被作者改得面目全非的伪唐,介意勿入!!晋江总是在抽搐,若是您的后台看到更新,而页面不显示更新,【成【刷新页面。若这样还刷新不出来,换手机试试!1w0-109292 >>

Tsuki To Mizuumi

Story 1: Tsuki to Mizuumi From Shogakukan: Kazuna's late grandfather was a writer, and his unpublished novel depicting his private life was found among the articles left by him. He had written down his affection to his lover, while he was a devoted husband. Kazuna felt perplexed, and went to see his grandfather's lover. Hinako Ashihara depicts sweet, painful love in this collection of her long-piece love stories. Story 2: Nora in December from tohukyo: Dressed in frilly clothes like a princess, Nacchan lived next door in a house made of sweets. Nacchan says she doesn't like it because it is all her mother's own dream world. To help Nacchan, I decided we should go out on an adventure like Nora the cat. It was such a fun day and the best part is we actually met Nora! But Nacchan's mother was so upset that she didn't let Nacchan and I be friends anymore. Then one day, Nacchan's house of sweets next door was suddenly enveloped in flames. Nacchan was never found again...

Missing Rebirth

This world consists of 5 dimensions, the 5th is the world in which humans live, but everything’s changed and doesn’t become normal, when a giant comet landed a hundred years ago and because of that Espers, Aliens, Demons,Vampires and other creatures which are now called OUTLAWS existed and Time Travelers showed up. And the result to had a 1 organization in each country and called it W.U.O= World Unified Organization. The said organization is the one which organized the project to check and analyze the giant comet which had been landed and they called it “Project Eve”. And our typical main character who’s name is Xavier who is an average person but everything changed started when he encountered a mysterious girl, who is this girl? And what will they meeting bring. Follow the story of our characters as their bond starting to formed!

[email protected] Dearly Stars: Splash Red

Ai, wishing to become an idol as famous as her mother once was, has been participating in tests at various talent agencies, but she has failed every single one of them. Her inability to even begin to follow into her mother's footsteps becomes a complex to her. As Ai bursts into tears, alone in a public park, she is approached by 765 Production idol Haruka Amami, who was a special judge at one of the tests Ai has taken. Having sensed something special about Ai's singing, Haruka comforts her and introduces her to 876 Production's president Ishikawa. The president is very quick to invite Ai into 876, as she believes that her mother's name alone should be enough to propel Ai to the top. Ai protests, stating that she wants to become an idol using only her own strength. She is then given one chance to prove herself, at a rookie idol audition.

The Cliff

While hiking a mountain with his friend, Dong-uk stops to take a picture with him on a steep ledge which collapses and leaves them stranded on an isolated cliff. He accidentally drops a chocolate bar and it gets caught in a tree below them. While his friend is descending the cliff to retrieve it, Dong-uk accidently lets go of the makeshift rope and watches him fall to his death...but is he truly dead?

Invincible Level Up

Invincible Level Up summary: Qin Tian accidentally transmigrated into a sickly body, a body with broken Dantian that was unable to practice Qigong, in another world. Fortunately, G.o.d had mercy on him by giving him a level up system. Useless? That was him in the past. Not worrying about practicing Qigong, he was now able to kill Monsters to level up. Easy! Level up when killing Monsters; level up when killing people. An unbeatable sovereign of the clan in the eyes of other people, but in his eyes, he is a glittering big BOSS.
With this level up system, he will no longer encounter any bottlenecks during a breakthrough in cultivation like other geniuses; all he needs to do was kill as many monsters, clan heads, sovereigns, world experts … to have a better life.
Dedicating his life on a road to become an expert.

Leviathan of the Covenant

Leviathan of the Covenant summary: You shall become king—
Ruling over all “serpents” in the world&h.e.l.lip;
Become the man who bears the brunt of dragonkind’s fear and hatred.
A modern era when humanity is threatened by attacks from giant dragons flying from beyond the sky.
Controlling “leviathans”—serpentine spiritual beings created through magic—humanity is locked in a protracted war of resistance against the dragons.
Fortunately, there exist witches known as “magi”—battle maidens of salvation who formed covenants with “serpents” in order to combat dragons.
Nicknamed Hal, the young man called Haruga Haruomi makes his living through facilitating the covenants of these girls.
At the (partially coercive) request of his childhood friend Asya, one of Europe’s top witches, Hal returns to Tokyo New Town after an absence of three years.
Accompanied by the beautiful Asya whose appearance rivaled a fairy’s, Hal is running all over the place to secure his base of operations and taking care of matters related to school transfer when the elite dragon Soth suddenly attacks—!?
Life has been breathed into a brand new myth between dragons and dragonslayers.
A grand opening to the “birth” of a top-cla.s.s battle epic!

The World's Greatest Books - Volume 4

The World's Greatest Books - Volume 4 summary: The World's Greatest Books - Volume 4 summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The World's Greatest Books - Volume 4. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Dynamiter

The Dynamiter summary: The Dynamiter summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Dynamiter. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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