
































内容简介:退伍海军、船厂二代目鲁若麟带着阿拉伯王子定制的风帆战列舰回到明末。从朝鲜外的海岛起步,一点点的赚钱、发展自己的势力,解救苦难的大明百姓,建立一个崭新的以人为本的新王朝。灭后金、定中原、 拓展海外领地,东瀛、朝鲜、草原、中南半岛……都将是华夏的领土,打造一个富足强盛、威临全球的新华夏。大航海时代将不再是欧洲人的独角戏,鲁若麟领导下的华夏也是这场盛宴的主角之一,切下最大块的蛋糕。书友群:3075922651w0-34392 >>


内容简介:都知道当今皇上喜怒无常,朝中无人敢与之相驳,宫中更是无人敢伴君侧,但也有件让人津津乐道的罕见事儿——和光大师赠了皇帝一幅美人画,甚得皇帝喜爱,被收于景阳宫。自那以后,但凡五官有一处与画 中女子相似之人,都被纳于后宫。但也听闻,无人曾被临幸过,甚至还死了好几个。付家的五姑娘出身不好,自幼胆小如鼠,被传召进了宫,又因坊间对这位帝王的传言,她更是提心吊胆,瑟瑟发抖。紧张之下打碎了景阳宫的一只白玉杯,吓的魂都没了,一张脸血色褪的干干净净。宫人见状,个个闭眼为她默哀,谁知一向淡漠的君王蹲下身子,将付茗颂的手从那堆白玉碎片中握住。付茗颂吓的眼泪不止:“我、我不是故意的,我赔给你…”闻恕抬手擦掉她的眼泪:“你拿什么赔?”他身音低哑,像在压抑着什么似的:“拿你赔给我,可好?”一众宫人面上波澜不动,心中却波涛暗涌,唯有一直伺候闻恕的元公公知晓,这付家五姑娘长了一张跟画中女子一模一样的脸,连眼角那颗痣的位置都分毫不差。后来果然不出元公公所料,付茗颂盛宠加身,冠宠后宫。她害怕,闻恕哄着,她哭了,闻恕哄着,就连晚上做个噩梦,闻恕都抱在怀里哄。闻恕吃饱餍足后,半弯着唇想,美人都是有毒的,栽了一次,却还想栽第二次。1w0-4296 >>


内容简介:“先……先生,你放开我,不然我要打你了。”单简明举着双手身体尽量后倒,想远离这个拖着行李箱,走过通道就抱住自己的陌生男人。机场里拖着行李的旅客匆匆而过,没有分更多的注意到这对姿势怪异的 男人身上,甚至,一个风尘仆仆的老式知识分子一样的年迈老人,在走出机场看见满眼的中国人后,情不自禁地匍匐到地上,浑浊的双眼里频频落出大颗大颗的眼泪来。1w12594-108594 >>


内容简介:纪修意外穿越西游世界,成为唐僧的后爹刘洪,与佛门结下大因果!还好,纪修激活复制合成系统。可以复制一切功法,法宝,修为……可以把普通功法,合成为神级功法,普通法宝,合成为洪荒至宝……纪修 第一件事情,就是跑去五指山,把孙悟空的72变,九转玄功,筋斗云,太乙金仙修为给复制了……1w0-26646 >>


内容简介:医仙陈步重生都市,可与阎王夺命,可与天下争锋。  生活很简单,赚赚钱,泡泡妞,踩踩人,不过如此。  “我不过是将我走过的路,再走一遍!”—&mdas h;陈步读者群:424110920二群:316092088作者公众号:作者步履无声1w0-3051 >>


内容简介:全民皆兵,人人都有军衔,人人都是领主,开启万族争霸!“欢迎进入万界领主争霸的世界,你是十亿地球降临者之一。”“这是一个超乎你们地球人想象的庞大而又恐怖的世界,这里有来自诸天万界的降临者 ,他们有的比你们早,有的会比你们晚,但是不管如何,最终的强者,迟早会碰面。”“这里危机重重,弱肉强食,你们地球人想要活下去,就得不停的发展壮大,成为金字塔的顶端。”甄建一脸懵逼,突然脑海中响起一个提示音:“神级军火抽奖系统绑定中,每日随机推送四样物品,宿主可从中抽取两样。”【六管火神炮99】【RPG火箭筒23】【巴雷特狙击枪12】【高级核弹套餐】(沙皇大伊万)“请在一分钟内做出选择……”甄建双眼通红:“我选核弹,炸死他们!!!”1w0-97396 >>


内容简介:奉安城有句流传很广的古语:男儿不可长于妇孺之手。直到出自身将门的顾家女顾汐宁,卸甲归来,接掌顾家和顾氏族学后,奉安所有人的脸都被打肿了。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《将军退役后日常》还不 错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-75535 >>




内容简介:世间光怪陆离,似妖怪打架。看着父母干架长大的何明橙从小发誓,她一定让她的孩子幸福成长。但世事无常,好学历,创业快成功,离幸福只差一个好男人的的她,就这么被迫入了妖怪打架的世间局。只见过 两面的男人,带着俩萌兽就这么闯入她的生活!这矜贵霸总富贵萌娃追着她跑是什么意思?一脸情深眼泪汪汪,搞得她像个不负责的妈,我跟你们不熟啊。何明橙被动入局。可妖怪干架,最是无常事与愿违为的时候,人生如何抉择?人生如1w0-37695 >>


内容简介:在每个世界中,总有一些女配被爱情蒙蔽双眼,为了不爱自己的男人付出一切,被渣男骗身骗心,最终却落得个炮灰的下场。觉醒后的女配让陆溪穿梭在各个世界中替她们完成心愿:独自美丽它不香吗?要什么 男人?男人只会影响她们搞事业。1w0-2674 >>


内容简介:“陛下不好了!下凡捉妖的天兵天将全被打趴了!”“陛下大喜事!狱神出手了,妖怪都被打趴了!”“陛下不好了!狱神突然收手……他跑路了!”“酉时了,他…下班了!”玉帝气得拍了拍龙辇,并且在极 度愤怒的情况下愤怒了三天三夜…三界出了个朝九晚五的楚大佬,从此画风变了。刚破封的罗睺:三界什么时候出了这么一个猛人?我差点被锤爆!西1w5699-81635 >>


内容简介:微博小磨唧传闻国内顶尖战队的鬼才队长freedom对奶茶上瘾。他眉目寡淡,沉默少语,轻狂孤傲。后来才发现她比奶茶更甜。呵尝过她,便发现奶茶什么也不是。小剧场:freedom散漫的歪在电 竞椅里打游戏,淡道:“经理给我叫杯奶茶。”林苑眯眼,点着手表:“明天有比赛,你该睡觉了。”freedom薄唇紧抿,键盘按的啪啪作响。队员1:喂喂,队长生气了。队员2:生气又怎么,还不是乖乖听经理话。ti夺冠那天。西雅图钥匙球馆,上万中外观众面前,冠军队长消失了。解说席一脸懵逼,喂喂,你的冠军盾不要了?镜头一转。解说惊讶“找到了,freedom在他们战队经理这!”freedom意识到镜头,嘴角微扯,瞥了眼摄像机,一把捞过身边的林苑,低头吻了上去。林苑停顿了片刻,怔了怔,双眸闪过一丝柔意,纤细白嫩的手臂勾了上去。周围全是尖叫欢呼声。赛后采访林苑笑了笑:我只是想陪他一起拿到ti冠军。freedom面无表情:我拿到ti冠军不只是为了国家荣誉,也是为了她。阅读指南轻狂孤高dota大神x美貌战队女经理dota2电竞小甜文。没有过多的游戏内容,人物无原型。游戏赛事或许会与现实不同,勿细揪。各位书友要是觉得《她比奶茶甜》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-27243 >>

Rec - Kimi Ga Naita Hi

From KakerA Translations: Aizawa Minami is a girl who has never cried in her life. She's awkward with her feelings, and she carries a camcorder to film everything she likes. Because of her quirks, she's labeled as a freak and alienated by her classmates. Satoru is her classmate and a recently retired teen actor who understands her. They quickly become friends, but what Minami doesn't know is that Satoru is hiding his secret from the world...

Sanjin Sadou

Fubuki, a man with silver hair and black eyebrows, is somewhat of an expert at taking care of people's monster problems, for a price of course. Yoru is a strange orphan girl who runs across one of his fights with a demon cat and insists on becoming his student. The two of them make an amazing team, whether they're fighting monsters or (as happens more often than Yoru would like) running from them!

Tight Rope

Chapter 1-4:The son of a sick mafia boss is constantly pressured to inherit his position as the '5th'. However, Ryuu wishes for nothing other than to marry Naoki and have a happy family. How will this go? Chapter 5:Doushiyoumo Nai Keredo Continuation Chapter 6:Tight Rope Extra Also contains a chapter related to Doushiyoumo Nai Keredo

Bungaku Shoujo To Shi Ni Tagari No Douke

Adapted from Light Novel series by Nomura Mizuki. Meet Kanoha Inoue, winner of a prostegious writing award at the age of 14. Mistakenly branded a 'Mysterious Bishoujo Author' and subsequently vowed to never write publicly again. Meet Amano Tooko, self-proclaimed 'Bungaku Shoujo'. Eats up works of literature, literally. The two of them are the only members of the Literature Club. Each day he writes short stories for her to eat. Until one day Tooko arbitrarily decided to put up a drop box for anyone with a problem... From Baka-Updates: The 'mysterious school comedy' centers on the unusual members of a high school literary club. Toko Amano, a high school senior who calls herself the 'literary girl' as the club president, is actually a supernatural creature (yokai) that devours stories — she tears pages from books to munch on them. Her club subordinate is Konoha Inoue, a second-year high school boy who writes stories every day for Amano to eat. He once wrote an award-winning novel, but he wrote it under the penname Miu Inoue so readers thought the author was a mysterious 14-year-old bishoujo novelist. The stress from the novel's fame and its movie and television drama plans turned Inoue into an introverted recluse.

The Road To One Day Be The Strongest

The Road To One Day Be The Strongest summary: The Road To One Day Be The Strongest summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Road To One Day Be The Strongest. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Peeps Into China

Peeps Into China summary: Peeps Into China summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Peeps Into China. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Oukoku e Tsuzuku Michi

Oukoku e Tsuzuku Michi summary: Oukoku E Tsuzuku Michi is a very interesting and exciting novel written by Afuro As.h.i.tsubo. It is presently published as an online book on a website called NovelOnlineFull. Potential readers can find the story there as well as other important related details. For example, you can check the satisfaction of previous readers by observing the novel's rating on the platform. It is based on the votes of others and can be good or bad depending on the story's quality.
Fortunately, you should not encounter any issues regarding this matter because the book is very well rated thanks to the interesting content. Oukoku E Tsuzuku Michi is, in fact, a combination of several different genres such as Action, Adventure, and Romance among others. The mixture gives an exciting novel, so you can enjoy reading this content.
The story presents a life if a young gladiator and fighter who forget almost everything about his past life. He remembers only two things. The gladiator is aware of his great strength, and he remembers his name. It is, in fact, quite enough to start a new exciting mission in this battle. He normally fights in an arena against other similar gladiators, however, he is quite aware that he can do much more, and that this slave life does not provide a sufficient amount of satisfaction. That's why he starts planning an escape from slavery and begins with the implementation of the plan.
He kills the arena's boss, so there is nothing to stop him to come out from the gladiator's world. So he just simply escapes the prison and becomes a totally free individual. In the run, he meets the group of mercenaries and decides to join the company. The gladiator is very good at fighting and is capable and trained to kill. That's why he gets a great reputation within the group almost instantly. 
At one of their missions, they meet a female vampire named Lucy who possesses great strength. She is capable to kill a group of humans in seconds, and they have no chance to defend themselves appropriately. The gladiator fast becomes a friend with Lucy, and the strength is their mutual personal characteristics that both of them posses. Lucy even invited the gladiator to come to her house, and he accepted the offer. 
Later, they start making different plans about the improvement of their lives. The gladiator begins a mission to acquire a big land and become a king. If he succeeds, Lucy will accept his offer to become his lady, and that's how a new exciting adventure starts again within the content of Oukoku E Tsuzuku Michi story.
The books are, however, still in the ongoing phase which means new chapters are about to come, but the end is not near yet. You can, of course, start following Oukoku E Tsuzuku Michi story by reading the novel, so the new chapters will arrive when you finish the old ones. There are over three hundred of those so far, so the book is not short, and you still have plenty of the content to read while waiting for the continuation.

Elder Conklin and Other Stories

Elder Conklin and Other Stories summary: Elder Conklin and Other Stories summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Elder Conklin and Other Stories. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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