














类别搞笑 恋爱 校园






散散浮冰,乡愁隐隐漫画 ,诹访子的故乡之思












内容简介:  1981年,祖国的改革开放事业刚刚起步,整个社会处于巨大的变革之中。  位于大山深处的牛家村,一个名叫牛小强的傻子在中暑之后变成了天才,他承包转产的工厂,在大山深处构建了一个制造业 帝国,带领乡亲们走上了发家致富的光明大道。  他不仅要跟国企斗,还要跟国际知名企业竞争,可谓到处都是敌人。  牛小强的座右铭是:“在哪里跌倒就在哪里躺着,把别人绊倒后再拍拍屁股站起来。”  这是一个天才不断抗争奋斗的故事。  1w0-1536 >>




内容简介:岑宁十三岁被接到大院,院里小孩见她软萌胆小,使劲欺负。岑宁恐慌不安,只好壮着胆子跑到言行之的面前:听说我是你老婆,那你能给我撑腰么?……长大后,岑宁离开了,因为别人说言行之有喜欢的人了 。岑宁有点难过,但还是在临走前跟他打了招呼:听说我不会是你老婆了,那我能喜欢别人了么?时光荏苒。言行之压着眼前的小白兔,万般情绪只化为一抹淡笑:宁宁,这么多年白给你撑腰了吗。1w0-3991 >>


内容简介:你是否曾经为了寻找一个女孩,踏遍世界的每一个角落?你用血和汗水浇灌心中那希望之花,无数次的失落又重燃希望,无数次的倒下又重新站起。当你衣衫褴褛满身荆棘,终于看到那个可爱的身影,当你们的 指尖碰触的一刹那,你立下的誓言,连神都会颤抖。1w0-2359 >>


内容简介:她本是实力强悍,医术超群的世家家主。一朝穿越成将军府的废柴嫡小姐,成为第一位被退婚的太子妃,人人嘲讽!选秀宴上,她被赐嫁给鼎鼎有名的残废王爷。众人笑:瞎子配残废,天生是一对。却不知她手 握失传丹方,能练绝顶丹药;家养神级萌宠,天下独一无二!更可怕的是她家残废王爷——一肚子的腹黑坏水,外加逆天修炼体质,秒杀一众天才。白天坐轮椅,晚上却缠着她在床上练腰肌,妈蛋,说好的残废呢?各位书友要是觉得《魅王宠妻鬼医纨绔妃百里红妆》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w76-4700 >>


内容简介:穿越大唐当太子,渭水河畔,一人挽救百万大唐百姓!这世间,顺我者昌,逆我者亡,日月所至,唯有大唐。进犯大唐者,亡族!挑衅大唐者,灭种!世家望族:“悔不当初与太子为敌,家族覆灭,尽遭我手啊 ……”外族蛮夷:“与大唐太子为敌,那是自取灭亡。”李世民:“朕有太子,何愁万古不兴。”当李承乾初临大宝,位临皇位,满朝文武跪地叹服:“吾皇,万岁,万万岁……”李承乾:“朕之所愿,大唐万世延绵!”1w0-4417 >>


内容简介: 一个女人莫名其妙要我负责,不答应都不行。 1w0-1339


内容简介:同世界观新书《我在型月当剑豪》,欢迎各位读者大佬移步。重回2003年,面对的不是新生,而是即将毁灭的世界。人理烧却,魔神横行,未来危在旦夕。赌上御主之名,定要赢下这场史无前例的圣杯战争 !关键词:fate,fgo,fsn,型月,艾蕾。ps:单女主,无后宫,型月世界观,又名《冥界女神怎么这么可爱》本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《某御主的型月事件簿》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-83902 >>


内容简介:灵气复苏,你发现不练武根本没前途,幸好继承了一片墓地。用裹尸布葬下一具黑毛僵尸,每日产生【灵气1】,你捡起来,修为得到增强。用血檀邪木棺葬下一具血尸,每日产生【血气1】,【修罗刀法1】 ,你捡起来,修罗刀法大成,领悟杀戮刀意,变得超凶!用五龙金紫棺葬下一具帝王古尸,每日产生【帝王龙气5】,【大威天龙经5】……你捡起来,练成了一部顶级炼体功法,肉身如龙,蛮横无匹!有强者杀死一头恐怖冥兽,被你埋入坟墓中,每日产生【冥王之血10】,【冥龙之气20】……你捡了起来,突然感觉自己修为大进,肉身成神,挥拳犹如核爆。你将两只黑毛僵尸进行合葬,谁料到出现融合变异,合成出了暗魔尸王!!!这些僵尸竟然还能爬出墓地为自己战斗。从此,你爱上了收集各种强者尸体……终于有天,你发现自己随手一拳打爆了路过的神魔,原来你已经摧枯拉朽,天下无敌了!各位书友要是觉得《我有一片墓地》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-79511 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:全民神祗:我的神域是科幻天庭】秦牧穿越到了人人都能成为神祇,点燃神火,凝聚神格,设计自己从属的异世界。并且每个人,都拥有自己的神域,以及里面生活着的种族。兽人 ?精灵?都弱爆了,我的设计可是科幻天庭!可是,这些建筑,怎么都活了?三十三重天飞升平台:天河护卫你们行不行,不行就让我来!轨道歼星炮诛仙剑:和他们哔哔什么,我一剑过去削死他们!空天母舰凌霄宝殿:都闭嘴,地府号曲越舰都要把对面的打完了!鬼兵鬼将歼星舰:老子打的就是精锐!基因武器孟婆汤:给我留点俘虏做实验啊!终于在有一天,秦牧愕然的发现,自己不仅成为了神上神,还征服了无数位面和晶壁系!飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-81065 >>


内容简介:  海贼王世界的震震果实,在火影世界变成了可以震碎一切的震遁血继限界!  尘遁木遁?须佐能乎?  全部一拳震碎!  “当力量达到极致,没有什么是一拳无法解决的,如果有,那就两拳。”   ………………………………………………  新书《世尊》已发布,求收藏!1w0-688 >>


内容简介:新热门小说网免费提供作者迷途千年的经典小说:《总裁大人欺人太甚》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说十二岁的时候,韩芊芊眼睁睁看着妈妈从阳台上跳下去,因为另一个女 人要带着跟爸爸的私生子进韩宅。十年后,有谁能想到落魄潦倒到要在酒吧打工的她,有个身价上亿的父亲。一次秘密会谈,让她将他得罪了个透!诡异的是,这个俊美如地狱修罗般的男人最后竟然是笑着离开的。然后,她被酒吧辞退,且再也没有地方敢雇佣她。再然后,她被房东1w0-96436 >>


From Shoujo Manga Maniac: Himeno Ruri is Vice President of the School Council at Seiou Academy! Recently, at a council meeting, a strange matter has come up: 'P', the mysterious thief for hire. Who is he, and why does he only steal particular items? Originally included in this manga is a oneshot called Baby It's You: Because of her beauty and status as a school idol, Akami is somewhat forced to take part in a school play. Only problem Akami has is that, the role she's suppose to do is a ''male'' role and she isn't experienced in acting at ALL.


The shinden (temple knights) are held responsible with the duty of fighting demons for the sake of the holy maiden, who's the symbol of the church. The holy maiden, unique to this country, exists to help save people from a mysterious illness that happens around the time of a new moon. Due to this, many people became followers [of the church]. Murray, a shinden, was brought up under the holy maiden's guidance, but, what kind of mysterious living is it if he supports the holy maiden, involuntarily? Even if he knew the church distorted its teachings.....? Here, the curtain rises to Izayakaku's Sakamaki Yukisato as she gives us a twist to a fantasy world.

Hone No Oto

A selection of short stories. The stories deal with the same themes as Parasyte and his other work, and in only one of them is his art style noticeably more primitive.


Set in a mythological time and place, Ja-Dou recounts the struggles of the heirs to kingdoms of heaven and their comrades, to repel the demonic forces that sometimes make their way into heaven. Ashray is the son of the Flame Emperor, small for his age, and cursed with a fiery temper. He also has to hide the fact that he has a horn, a trait usually associated with demons. His father keeps appointing assistants to keep an eye on him, but keeping up with Ashray is hard work, and the first six have died in the line of duty. Can Alan Seoul, his newly appointed seventh assistant, last a little longer than the first six? Teiou is a prince of the eastern kingdom of air. His best friend and lover is Keika, a mazoku, or demon, in human form. Tiarandear, is the Prince of the western kingdom of water. As chief of all the gods it is his job to maintain harmony in heaven and to direct and control human history. He loves Ashray, but how long can he keep protecting Ashray from the consequences of his violent temper? And if it should become known across heaven that Ashray might be part demon? (For some reason, halfway into the 2nd volume there still is no mention of the northern prince.)

Tonight Or Never

Tonight Or Never summary: Tonight Or Never summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Tonight Or Never. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

I became the Villainess's Brother

I became the Villainess's Brother summary: Having wandered the borders of life and death because my younger sister lost control of her magic, I remembered that this world was the otome game 「Sparkle like a Jewel」. And I, Langlease Jackberry, am the villainess’ brother. I want to evade the destiny of destruction that I remembered. I’ll watch over my cute younger sister so that she’ll become an ordinary girl instead of a villainess, and at the very least avert her death if ruin so unluckily falls. The BAD END routes for the villainess are split into three general types. 1) Destruction Route As a villainess, my sister brought about the Prince’s displeasure when incidents of her bullying the Heroine came to light. With his impropriety exposed and his peerage revoked, Father was exiled out of the country. 2) Suicide Route My sister, who had truly loved the Prince, shocked that the Prince had announced the cancellation of their engagement at the party, committed suicide. In this route, it is only my sister that dies, and my family and I are not condemned. 3) Jewel Route The END that could be said to be the centerpiece of the game. My sister, having displeased the Prince, was sentenced to be turned to a jewel with magic. She had been turned into a jewel the same color as her eyes. She was shattered to pieces in front of everyone. With pink jewels dancing in the midst, the still of the smiling Prince and Heroine was beautiful. However, it was my sister’s life that was smashed. I will absolutely never permit that kind of future for her. Presently, perhaps owing to her young age, her personality did not resemble in the slightest that of the template domineering, ill-tempered villainess in the game. She was kind and with a deep compa.s.sion, to the point where she was loved completely by the servants. Naturally I also thought of her as someone precious. Though I want to avoid the BAD END completely, I’ll work so that I can avoid at the worst the second and third routes where my sister dies and provide a viable lifestyle even after ruin. To continue living with my sister and my family.

Nine Star Burden

Nine Star Burden summary: It is a parallel world that is full of Star Power. Star Maps, Star Techniques, Star Pets, and the Awakened are rampant. Jiang Xiao, whose soul travelled to this world, has a special internal Star Map within his body and goes on to become a Medical Awakened. He initially wants to become a happy healer who can help his team members, but he ends up being labeled as a burden to the team. The entire...

Ascendance Of A Scummy Hero

Ascendance Of A Scummy Hero summary: Ascendance Of A Scummy Hero summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Ascendance Of A Scummy Hero. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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