




简介醉酒的年小小从好友那里得知男友出轨,冲入酒店决定寻找渣男,偶遇被对手下药的男主。失身?重遇?面对霸道总裁年小小该如何应对?! 每周二、周四、周六连更三天




























内容简介:“罗峰,你要不要试试我新研究出来的武器?看着老乡的份上只收你一万亿混元单位哦。”一个清秀的少年露出了营业化的笑容对着大名鼎鼎的刀河王说道。“林大哥,这次你又打算做什么实验?上次你开发的 那个武器我没用多久就炸了!差点废了我一个分身。”罗峰一脸无奈地说道。“这话说的,你要杀的那个敌人不是被炸死了吗?”林清宇笑着说道,“而且你人最后也没出事啊。”“这一次不一样,我要去宇宙秘境,我需要的是足够稳定的装备,可不会当你的武器测试仪。”罗峰坚定地说道。“这不巧了吗,我这个武器的可靠性可是超乎寻常,正是知道了你要去秘境,所以我才特意开发的这款武器,别看它普通,这东西的特殊功能可不少……”……三小时后,林清宇看着罗峰离开的背影,望着账户当中多出来的一万五千亿混元单位,露出了开心的笑容。————————————————————————————ps1吞噬文,但是包含部分雪鹰领主的设定,会涉及起源大陆和浑源空间。ps2新人新书,请多支持,谢谢1w0-97745 >>


内容简介:  酷爱探险的主角,被一只跑错地方的蚂蚁咬伤,徘徊在生与死之间。穿越以后“如果上天能够给我一个再来一次的机会,我会选择自挂东南枝。”“既然有外挂,早死早超生。”1w0-3477




内容简介:秦袅袅穿进了一本民国小说书里男主霍三爷名满沪上,有钱有颜有娇妻只不过这娇妻嫌霍三”功夫“不行,红杏出墙,结局凄惨好巧不巧,秦袅袅穿成了霍三的小娇妻作为一梦想就跟纸片人恋爱的秦袅袅,晚上 抱着被子美滋滋入梦挺好挺好,她穿来一定会安分守己,听听小曲儿,跳跳舞,乖乖花着霍三的钱,做霍家豪门太太……但等等,为什么她认识的男主跟书里的不一样?下本开这个,小可爱们戳专栏收一下哦《骨感美人》【姐弟恋】“——你本无意穿堂风偏偏孤倨引山洪”沈川泽第一次见到宋慈时她在他家楼下被她男友按在灯柱上亲吻那截无意被风吹起来衣服下摆露出的小蛮腰成了困扰沈川泽五六年的执念后来他将那截小蛮腰按在了自己床上……PS:好看极liao的消防队长X骨感美人家教老师1w0-95621 >>






内容简介:靳木桐接手“品古斋”之前,只是芸芸众生中最普通的一类人,直到那天,她接触了一张神秘的古画。从此,她听到了别人无法听到的声音。那天之后……某一流修复师:“修复到这种程度已经可以了,没有人 能挖到真实的历史细节。完美还原,绝不可能!”某古董砖家:“这个瓷器绝对出生于明代,我鉴定这么多年,怎么可能有假!”某卫视:“我们很遗憾,这项技艺永远消失在了历史长河之中,当年的传承,就此断代。”而在靳木桐这里,听到的是完全不同的声音。被一流修复师修复的古董:“嘤嘤嘤,小姐姐,他把我修的好丑,我原本长的比这好看多了,我给你讲我长的怎么样,你帮我调整调整好不好?”被鉴定的瓷瓶,“卧槽,我这个清朝仿品竟然以假乱真了,牛逼牛逼666,那个老头要知道了,得高兴的从地底下蹦出来吧。”某被判定永远失传的文物,“友人,你愿意跟我学习,将这份技艺继续传承下去吗?”不知不觉中,靳木桐经历了她从未敢想的人生,听到了无数沉淀在历史长河中,令人感动的故事。直到最后,她看向改变她一生的古画,“你选择的人,为什么是我?”古画沉默片刻,淡笑,“因为,只能是你。”1w0-4301 >>


内容简介:皇子(愤怒):“父皇,他们居然让我去挑大粪浇菜!”皇帝(冷笑):“你浇的菜地,是老子当年平整出来的。有意见吗?”郡主(气恼):“老爸,我被派去养猪了!”侯爷(担忧):“那就好好养!听话 ,别闹,小黑屋可不是人呆的地方!”青年(高兴):“爹,我当班长了!什么皇子、郡主都归我管,可牛了!”农夫(悲伤):“儿啊,珍惜机会!你说的那些人,他们的爹当年都是我的校友!可惜爹被淘汰了!”大国梦,始于小小军校。1w0-74426 >>


内容简介:龙珠之最强老师龙珠之最强老师小说阅读其他类型类型小说龙珠之最强老师由作家灵山岛主创作【龙珠全时空,全宇宙卷】在龙珠世界,有这么一颗星球,星球上主人是全时空全宇宙最强的老师——罗修。罗修 每天都在重复同样的问题。“系统,什么时候才有人来拜师?”“快了,你知道芭朵斯吗?她是第六宇宙天使……”“呃,芭朵斯,做我的女人……学生吧?”最强老师,横空出世,众神震惊。小兵提供龙珠之最强老师最新章节龙珠之最强老师最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-73182 >>


内容简介:“六年前那个晚上,是你指使人掳了我对不对。”男人怒目而视,语气冰冷如斯。“证据呢?”女子娇俏戏谑,毫不畏惧。他长手一捞,便把近处的小痞帅给拎到了跟前:“他,不就是最好的证据吗?”女子挑 了挑眉,肆意的狡黠在眼底盘旋不去:“儿子,你觉得他能有你这么帅的宝宝?”小家伙嫌弃的翻了个白眼,一脸的傲娇:“这位大叔,你真的没有那么强大的基因。”他瞬间的黑脸,二话不说的将女子直接壁咚到了墙上,目光挑衅的睨视着两人:“很好,我很快就会向你们证明我有没有那么强大的基因。”1w0-3992 >>


内容简介: 父母失踪,为得到能力找到他们,我迫不得已要当十年哑巴。 却在这档口被点名做了上门女婿,虽然老婆绝美倾城,但从未给过我一天好脸色,说我是个窝囊废! 而今天,十年限制结束! 我将把一切,重新翻盘…… 新书火爆来袭,阅读的朋友别忘记点击收藏! 【每天更新时间凌晨保底连更三章】 老书《老子是神龙》链接 http://www.heiyan.com/book/89742 老书《无敌修仙在校园》链接 http://www.heiyan.com/book/78207 1w0-1241 >>


内容简介:订婚三年,无数个缠绵日夜。可他却在事后,边穿衣服,边告诉她:“我要结婚了,和别的女人。”他叫她滚,有多远,滚多远,再也不要出来碍眼。怀孕了?那就打掉!为什么,因为你活该……他一次次惨然 的伤害她,从不顾虑,从无怜悯。直到她掉下悬崖,真的再也不会出现……1w0-25386 >>

Hishoshitsu No Himitsu

1) For Tomorrow The Nagaoka General detective agency is on the verge of bankruptcy. Nori, the son’s owner, is doing everything he can while his father is away to keep the business afloat, despite his lack of experience with investigating. His biggest challenge? The lazy, perverted ex-cop, Aoi-chan, who is their best and only detective. It seems a waste of his talents to be with the agency, but he is determined to make Nori his. So, when Aoi’s childhood friend and rival, Miyasako Yukari, shows up to offer them both an investigative job worth more money than the agency has seen in a while, he reluctantly accepts. But, the job is almost too easy. And, it seems rather suspicious that Yukari would request both Nori and Aoi to work the case. What is his real reason for hiring Nori? What kind of unexpected danger is waiting? 2) For the Two of Us Nori and Aoi are struggling with their newfound love and have yet to complete that final step to consummate the relationship. On top of that, Yukari is keeping Aoi incredibly busy with troublesome jobs, which is the agency’s only source of steady income. Nori takes on a case to search for a missing father, and Aoi tells him to leave the job to him, but then suddenly leaves for an indefinite amount of time claiming the need to do some work for Yukari. Nori begins to feel guilty at his inability to effectively contribute to the agency and his fear of giving himself completely to his lover. But, when Yukari shows up the following day looking for Aoi, Nori learns that his lover has lied to him. Will Nori be able to solve the case of the missing father on his own? And what will happen between the couple if Nori is able to locate Aoi? 3) The Secret of a Secretary Usami is the manager of the secretaries for YM Company, run by Miyasako Yukari. He is constantly witness to Yukari’s immoral and perverted behavior with all of the secretaries. It is the secret of the secretary room that many of the young men within were transferred there for the sole reason of becoming Yukari’s sexual flavor of the week. What’s worse is how Yukari shamelessly uses them as a tool to blackmail ther companies. Usami respects his director, but can’t understand that side of him. Even more, he can’t understand why he has feelings for the man; why he wants to push the director down and dominate that proud guy. The very idea excites him. What will happen when he finally confesses these desires to Yukari? Will his dreams of topping the confident director be fulfilled? And why does he have the feeling that Yukari has his own agenda? 4) The Boss’s Secret Yukari hasn’t changed at all, much to Usami’s dismay. But when Yukari has sex with others, Usami rarely complains even though he is jealous. Usami’s desires to be seme are also strong, but he has not yet learned to fight for what he wants. Is Yukari teasing him too much? 5) The Devil & The Love Revolution Iwata Daichi is a newbie teacher, finally landing a job as a P.E. teacher. But, on his first day touring the school, he stumbles across another teacher, Yoshizawa, in a compromising situation with a student. In his efforts to question and scold Yoshizawa, Iwata is forced into his own compromising situation and taken advantage of by Yoshizawa, who threatens to use their encounter against the new teacher unless Iwata holds his tongue about what he saw. Iwata has always believed himself to be straight, but when starts to see things in a new light afterwards, and becomes a confidant for students in love. A series of misunderstandings shows both teachers how much they may have misjudged one another. Will Iwata realize his true self when Yoshizawa decides to be serious with him? 6) Their Position Kamio and Akagi work for the same company, having joined at the same time and being the same age. Time and time again, though, Akagi excels over Kamio. Whether it’d be by achievements, popularity with the ladies, or in school, Akagi is always ahead of Kamio. So, when Akagi’s business proposal is chosen, he wants Kamio to be his assistant, telling his coworker that ‘Kamio is enough’. Kamio believes it is to pick on him and treat him as an underling. But, what can Kamio believe when Akagi confesses the true reasons for choosing him as an assistant? Is it really just to make fun of him or does Akagi have deeper feelings for his contemporary? And what are the two of them to do when they are accidentally locked within their office building overnight?

Snow White's Secret

From Rayns&Lele Scans: A professional assassin with the codename of 'Red Wolf' suddenly receives a request— To kill Snow white. How cute... But wait! Just who is the real snow white?!

Wagamama Chie-Chan

Just before Saho Hanawa was about to matriculate into Seiran Middle School (her mother's alma mater), she meets a ghost girl, Chie, who's wearing the Seiran school uniform and standing in the rain. Saho assents when Chie asks to go to Saho's house, and they spend time talking and arguing with each other. Saho parents hear her talking to Chie and assume she must be talking on a cell phone - until they catch her talking to empty space in her room. Saho is forced to confess that she can see a ghost girl named Chie, which shocks her parents. They then reveal that Chie is the name of the stillborn baby that they had before Saho - Saho's dead older sister.

Man Eater

Man Eater summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Man Eater. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Young Berringtons

The Young Berringtons summary: The Young Berringtons summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Young Berringtons. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Tenth Circle_ A Novel

The Tenth Circle_ A Novel summary: The Tenth Circle_ A Novel summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Tenth Circle_ A Novel. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Coxswain's Bride

The Coxswain's Bride summary: The Coxswain's Bride summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Coxswain's Bride. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Grave Secrets_ A Novel

Grave Secrets_ A Novel summary: Grave Secrets_ A Novel summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Grave Secrets_ A Novel. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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