












简介一个强大的外星类人形生物入侵地球,军方将其杀死后从其体内找到了使其实力强大的基因,而这种基因在人类变态者身上也有, 因此军方计划抓住前一百名最变态者,提取他们的基因进行研发...




















内容简介:【下本沙雕爽文预收《穿进虐文后我拿了性转剧本》求收藏】xA木若瑶上辈子是个暴躁女诗人,怼天怼地怼朝廷,却因为用词粗俗被文人圈子所诟病。xA死后她被安排进了穿书系统,穿成了替身文里的白月 光替身。xAxA原主刚进娱乐圈没多久,就被大佬男主程宴庭看中,折磨了半年就一命呜呼了。xA木若瑶愤慨的表示:天下竟有如此不公之事?看我怼他!xAxA于是——xA初入娱乐圈的她很快在酒会上被秃顶油腻投资人看中:“众里寻他千百度……”xA木若瑶:“蓦然回首,那人却在地中海深处?”xAxA某个私生男饭在酒店楼下挡住她的去路:“问世间情为何物……”xA木若瑶鸭舌帽一戴:“只教人见你就吐?”xAxA某金牌经纪人想挖木若瑶墙角:“终于让我逮到你了……”xA木若瑶:“擒贼先擒王,骂人先骂娘?不好意思老子是你擒不住的西楚小霸王。”xA经纪人满眼惊喜,递给她一张女团rapper邀请函:“就你了!”xA木若瑶:???xAxAxA彼时与程宴庭再次相遇,木若瑶早已是红遍大江南北的女团C位。xA纸醉金迷的酒会上,程宴庭目光贪恋地停留在她身上。xA木若瑶咂舌:“商女不知亡国恨……”xA程宴庭:“隔江犹唱双节棍?”xA木若瑶:???狗男人想抢我C位?xAxA【【高亮排雷:1、这真的只是一篇沙雕文,为了搞笑而搞笑,请学识渊博对本文看不上的读者大大静悄悄的离开吧,万分感谢】】xA【【2、文案从来没有说女主是个rapper,只是经纪人希望她去参加女团rap位置的比赛而已。文案中女主说的话也只是为了怼坏人的沙雕梗,并不是rap。】】xA【【3、拒绝只看文案就长篇大论】】xAxAxA下本沙雕爽文预收《穿进虐文后我拿了性转剧本》求收藏xAxA宋优死后才知道自己是一篇狗血虐文里的女主。xA渣男主不但与白莲花女二和绿茶女三纠缠不清,还为了救女二的命割掉了她的肾。xA在她死后渣男主也没有得到好下场,公司破产被反派反杀,最终凄惨死去。xAxA再睁眼时,她回到了学生时代与渣男初遇的那一天。xA只是坐在豪车里的是她,骑着破烂单车上学的是渣男。xA一切都互换了。xAxA她成了拥有男主人设的霸道女总裁,原本的渣男主却拿了女主的惨虐剧本。xAxA出手阔绰的豪门老爸打算送刚刚升入高中的女儿一样礼物,豪气地问她:“你想要什么,爸爸都能给你弄到手!”xA宋优指了指车窗外路过的渣男:“就要他的肾吧。”xA老爸:???xAxA拿到性转剧本的宋优发现书中所有人都性转了:xA白莲花女二变成了帅气的摇滚乐队男主唱,在星光璀璨的舞台上对宋优表白:“这首歌送给我最爱的优优。”xA绿茶女三变成了听话乖巧的小奶狗:“我不会打扰姐姐的生活的,我只想要 >>


内容简介:搜小说免费提供作者剑狂燕飞的经典小说:《剑上之臣》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说一声巨响,整个唐家堡似都在颤抖,许多无辜的唐家门人就不幸遭了殃。有人双手一抖 ,毒药配错了,一股悲剧的气息迎面而来。有人两脚一颤,暗器扔岔了,一阵惨烈的哀号不绝于耳。有人身子一晃,机关碰倒了,一众被压的工匠扑了满地。“新火药看来效果不错,下回可以再接再厉!”衣着精致的秀丽少女眯着狡黠的眸子,满意地审视试验结果。她,正是唐门唐二小姐,唐倾墨,与1w0-80995 >>


内容简介:温然穿进了一本书,死后竟又在书中复生。然而,她玩过的游戏变成了现实。她那把令无数人眼红的全服第一武器黄金锤,在现实里威力不减,能敲爆一个山头。女主绞尽脑汁和boss周旋,她一锤解决。女 主拼尽全力和反派相杀,她一锤解决。女主辛苦筹划却无法扳倒的恶毒女配,她一锤解决。开局就无敌怎么办QAQ要优雅,不能狂。温然收起黄金锤,伪装成花瓶女配,老老实实上学,过着被女主打脸的平静校园生活。不料有一天,有个视频在网上火了。画面里,弱小可怜又无助的花瓶温然正扛着黄金锤,追着SSS级危险boss满地跑。吃瓜网友:???(自以为温柔甜软实则扮猪吃老虎的佛系大佬x秒天秒地无所不能的反派oss)——1,每天三更,定时在每晚21:002,据说这是本满足强强现代校园扮猪吃老虎女扮男装直播灵异狗血各种元素的沙雕文,画风清奇,作者君已经彻底放飞自我3,女主很强,吊打剧情的那种强,男主无敌,秒天秒地的那种无敌,甜爽路线以上,口味一致的话可以翻我专栏,更多完结文供你挑选!推基友文:《冒牌愿望店》by腊七小雪各位书友要是觉得我很高产最新小说作品《伪装花瓶女配失败以后》还不错的话可以通过下面网址复制分享给您的朋友哦!无弹窗阅读地址收藏:1w0-75170 >>




内容简介:貌似是一对一的简介:他是红三代中的太子,是黑白两道通杀的帝王,是女人恨不得贴上去死死扒住的金龟婿,可于她,他就是个想啃她这颗嫩草的怪蜀黍。她是豪门私生女,明里天真可爱,背里烧杀抢夺,毁 人三观,还要人有苦说不出有恨肚里咽的腹黑小萝莉。他有钱。她嗜酒。第一次见面:“告诉我你来这儿…”他蹲在她面前,就像个诱拐小萝莉的怪蜀黍。“杀人。”她眨巴着大眼,咕噜咕噜的喝着背里的酒。“杀谁?”“夜寒焰。”“你知道他是哪个吗?”“你。”因为心情好,所以小萝莉决定放过怪蜀黍,可是接下去几天却连续有人下订单要她去找这大叔,订单内容却不是杀人,而是要她去陪大叔喝酒!为了他家那一箱好酒,她只好勉为其难的收了定金加余额屁颠屁颠的跑人家里去喝酒,一次两次三次…某天,她突然晕乎乎的抬起头,唇角还带着诱人的白1w0-75160 >>






内容简介:《怪物公寓》为作者雨夜下的猫创作,作品怪物公寓章章动人,小兵为你第一时间提供雨夜下的猫精心编写原创怪物公寓及无弹窗怪物公寓全文免费阅读、TXT下载。简介关于怪物公寓:“咦,是新来的房客 ,这里好久没有新人到来了呢”“这里环境这么好,为什么没人搬进来住?”“嗯,葬先生好像解释过,他说能住在怪物公寓的只能是怪物——你是怪物吗?”“哈哈,怎么可能,我顶多是患了严重幻视和精神分裂的精神病人罢了”1w0-28442 >>


内容简介:天杀的剧组宋咿祁淮全文免费阅读由小兵提供。《天杀的剧组宋咿祁淮》宋咿祁淮著情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的热门小说,在本站您可以免费阅读天杀的剧组宋咿祁淮全文内容。1w0 -75557 >>






内容简介:刚毕业不久的企业中层管理人员穿越到1934年的中国,建立保安团,开设大公司,设抗战布局,许鸣经历了从浮躁到坚毅的性格转变,从朦胧幻想到热血果敢的铁血征程。北平烽火、南京救援、芜湖突袭、 明光闪击、安庆辉煌看许鸣如何改变那段惨烈而悲壮的历史。让我们的对手…本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《抗战雄军》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-76984 >>

Kedamono Nanbiki?

Realated to Kibishiku Aishite 1) How Many Beast? How do you react when your lover gives you a sex manual after your first time together? Try harder, or give up completely? 2) Love Isn't Sickness It is flu season and the boys have a special way to get better... 3-4) Obedience Battle Yano has been invited to a group date and Inoue just happened to pass by when he agreed to the invitation! Will Inoue forgive him? Or will it just blow up in his face? 5) Moving Again An elite banker lost his cushy job because of the economic downturn, and now even his patron is downsizing and breaking up with him. 6) Don't Say That! A cute underclassman has just confessed to him but since he couldn't say yes, he did the next best thing he thought, pretend that the confession never took place. 7) Love Lock Yuta just moved into an apartment building for singles run by his aunt and uncle. His cousin, Mamoru, used to look so cute but now... 8) Extra 9) Afterword


This volume contains 4 separate but delightful short stories: 1) Bónd(z) - It isn’t unheard of to sleep with your friends after having too much to drink. However, when that friend happens to be a guy as well and you both happen to have girlfriends, things can get a little complicated. From the author of Our Everlasting, Loveholic and In the Walnut, comes a compilation of passion, obsession and love. 2) Situation - Yuu and Akira, two childhood best friends who deeply love one another and want to get married when they grow up. However, their teacher told them it was impossible and wrong for them to be together. Despite that, Akira grows up to accept his sexuality. You-chan, however, cannot stop hearing his teacher's words each time he thinks about Akira. Will they get their happy ending? 3) Kitan Garden (Fairy Garden) - Prince Fiona of the Roses Kingdom awakens each year at the season in which the Maiden Blush roses blossom. And his main motivation for waking up each year is to look at the smiling face of Daichi, a human whose garden Prince Fiona lives in. However, the prince's disappointment lies in the fact that he can never meet him face to face. But, with the help of a witch who wants to grant Fiona one request as his birthday present, he is finally able to stand next to Daichi till the end of the rose blooming season. 4) Sakura - Ayatsuji Yuichi, a poor salaryman, was ordered by the chairman of the company to live together with his grandchild for 1 month in order to let him experience the poor way of life. As unusual as the command was, Ayatsuji accepted and Asahina Ren, the future heir of the company, moved in with him. Ren, a 17 year old from a very rich family, has never done any house chores! So, Ayatsuji sets out to teach Ren how to cook, and clean and buy a train ticket (!!!) and in the process, the two fall in love with each other. However, as an heir to a prestigious family, Ren fears that he will be forced to stay away from Ayatsuji. (from Kawaisa)

Shaman King Man Ji En

This is the first character book for the Shaman King series. It is very text heavy, and focuses alot of the characters.

Monster Collection - Majuutsukai No Shoujo

From CMX: Kasche may have a talent for controlling beasts, but she's got a lot to learn about self-control before she can become a full-fledged summoner. When disaster strikes, her principal chooses her to avert it. Joined by an unusual crew of allies both human and not, Kasche must recapture the relic from an evil summoner before she can use it to unlock the ancient Encyclopedia Verum and call up the most powerful monsters ever seen!

Didn't Know General Was Female

Didn't Know General Was Female summary: After choking to death on a winter melon, Rong Jiahui thought that she would enter the netherworld and be reincarnated. But when she opened her eyes, she discovered – to her very horror – that she had returned twelve years into the past… Looking at the beautiful and awkward “little brother” that would be conferred the t.i.tle of Marshal in the future for outstanding military service, she almost let out a snort of laughter. She firmly decided to hug the thigh of this little brother, and climb to the top of her life! The plan was beautiful, but it had just one problem. Why had this little brother…suddenly turned into… Little sister…

The Inhabitants of the Philippines

The Inhabitants of the Philippines summary: The Inhabitants of the Philippines summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Inhabitants of the Philippines. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Man Who Knows the Sun Never

The Man Who Knows the Sun Never summary: In a forest deeper than the seas
A man who doesn’t know the Sun
No matter how hard he looks upwards
Only taciturn trees cast their shadows
Even if winter ends and spring comes
Even if summer withers and autumn blows
Inside the forest where seasons don’t reach
He just dreams of something unknown
O forest, open
Swayed by the wind
The blue of the heavens seen in dreams
A color you have yet to know
In a forest deeper than the seas
A man who doesn’t know the Sun
No matter how hard he looks upwards
Only taciturn trees cast their shadows

Please Sign: Your Runaway Wife Has Been Captured

Please Sign: Your Runaway Wife Has Been Captured summary: Zheng Xiaoguang always thought that she was freaking awesome in terms of playing games. Although she was not an RMB fighter, her big brother could protect her. As such, Zheng Xiaoguang always felt great during a mission. Unfortunately, her superiority ended until last week. In order to align with the Fame House, her unscrupulous big brother actually “sold” her to Bluegreen-Clad, the boss of another major gang called the League of Strong Families. Yes, he was the local lord who was crazily admired by female players in the whole region.

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