






类别都市 恋爱 后宫










类别都市 总裁 宠婚 新妻




简介一枚老实巴交的大二男生,竟被人活生生变做了36D的金发美女?到底是谁下的毒手?还会有更倒霉的事情在等着他/她吗?一切尽在本期 走进科学!4群群号 334546964








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内容简介:【不坑,放心入】文案废,将就看。文案:乖戾顽劣,桀骜不驯的陆家小少爷的前女友回国了,还成了他的经纪人。当年无故被甩,陆择野咽不下这口气,高冷男神的逼装得十分到位。但陆择野发现桑烟看他的 眼神却越来越不对劲,撩他、逗他,还对他笑,甚至暗戳戳地给他塞房卡!贵圈都好奇小少爷跟前女友怎么样了,陆择野得意地抿着酒,笑着炫耀,“桑烟想跟我复合,我没搭理她。”桑烟气质高贵冷艳,一身旗袍风情万种,圈内顶尖1w0-90905 >>


内容简介:【反派偏传统升级爽文】穿越玄幻世界,人生18年碌碌无为看下自己的信息。【姓名】:宁拓【命格】:血光之灾、平平无奇【人生剧本】:《废柴逆袭传》小炮灰再看路边的乞丐小女孩。【姓名】:叶清歌 【命格】:女帝转世、天命之女、旺夫【人生剧本】:《天命女帝》主角【近期机缘】:三个月后洗尽铅华,紫气东来三万里,觉醒前世无上神资好在觉醒金手指系统后,我可以看穿他人的人生剧1w88975-92441 >>


内容简介:“不要叫我后妈,我没你那么大的儿子!”艾天晴一直以为自己要嫁的人是一个快六十的老头,直到某天晚上那个邪魅冷血的男人将她抵在了门上,从此她的日子就……各位书友要是觉得《宠你一世又何妨艾天 晴》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-40385 >>




内容简介:陆惊宴第一次遇见盛羡,脑海里冒出一个念头:想让这个男人哭。后来,陆惊宴哭了。陆惊宴第一次遇见盛羡是在酒吧里,她手机没信号,找他借网,问他手机热点WiFi是什么?他说:你生日。陆惊宴还没 来得及输入密码就被朋友喊走了。她觉得盛羡用自己的生日做密码,一定是喜欢她的,就是闷骚了点,她明里暗里勾搭了盛羡大半年,她才发现盛羡的WiFi密码是:nishengri明艳千金大小姐X法学院最年轻教授甜文。1V11w0-71311 >>


内容简介:自带角色扮演系统穿越异界,林奇告诉大家:变强是要靠演技的。鹰眼:林奇是我见过最强的剑士。红脚哲夫:林奇是我见过最好的厨师。耶稣布:林奇是我见过最厉害的狙击手。林奇:其实我是一个优秀的演 员作者自定义标签孤儿轻松位面无限流本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《海贼王之角色扮演》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-5298 >>


内容简介:  这是一个读书人掌握天地之力的世界。  才气在身,诗可杀敌,词能灭军,文章安天下。  秀才提笔,纸上谈兵;举人杀敌,出口成章;进士一怒,唇枪舌剑。  圣人驾临,口诛笔伐,可诛人,可判 天子无道,以一敌国。  此时,圣院把持文位,国君掌官位,十国相争,蛮族虎视,群妖作乱。  此时,无唐诗大兴,无宋词鼎盛,无创新文章,百年无新圣。  一个默默无闻的寒门子弟,被人砸破头后,挟传世诗词,书惊圣文章,踏上至圣之路。  感谢阅文官方书评团提供书评支持!1w0-550 >>


内容简介:《龙婿叶凡》是叶凡唐若雪精心创作的都市小说,小兵实时更新龙婿叶凡最新章节并且提供无弹窗阅读,书友所发表的龙婿叶凡评论,并不代表小兵赞同或者支持龙婿叶凡读者的观点。1w1340-6934 8 >>


内容简介:落地一把AWM,一枪爆掉了小鬼子陆军大将的脑袋。第二枪打爆小鬼子的王八壳子!三发入魂,小鬼子的炮兵阵地炸了。呼叫人工轰炸区,小鬼子被成功灭队。至此以后,太行山下出现了一位神枪手,钢枪王 ,铁甲人,人形的怪兽,杀戮的代名词。小鬼子海陆军三军统帅:你们谁能杀得此人,我的位置便让给你们坐。下一秒,三军统帅被大菠萝打成了筛子!李云龙哈哈大笑:你小子真特娘的是个天才!(谨以此文献给在抗日战争中1w0-77663 >>


内容简介:她,是身怀异宝,医术无双的神农后裔,他,是俊美无铸,却离奇失明,腹黑的战神王爷。异世穿越,她成了一个六岁大的小废物。逆天召唤、禁忌魔法,她一朝崛起,锋芒乍现,睥睨诸强。当轻狂撞上腹黑, 天才杠上妖孽,那一刻,世界,为之战栗!大芙子新新书《神医弃女:鬼帝的驭兽狂妃》火热连载中,比神医狂妃和天才魔妃更好看,快来支持吧!大芙子的官方粉丝群:304625216,2号群302202775,新浪微博:大元气妞MS芙子1w0-80910 >>


内容简介:前世,云七念太作,直接把自己给作死了!重活一次,看着眼前帅得让人神魂颠倒的老公,她只想喊:宠他!宠他!宠他!老公喜欢什么?买!老公被人欺负?打!老公要她亲亲抱抱举高高?没问题!老公说要 再生个猴子,云七念:……???什么叫再?直到有一天,一个q版的软萌小包子出现在她面前,她才明白一切。从此以后,誓要更加宠他,爱他,珍惜他!1w3626-4603 >>


内容简介:我自己的预收:《玄学大佬在线续命》基友新文:《我真的不是大佬无限》基友已经肥肥的文:《地府直播间》我快完结的无限流:《在逃生游戏里做大佬》爆娇巨力少女x白切黑病系美青年文案:末世重生以 后,许桑榆发誓一定要成为强者,结果刚发完誓就捡到了个男人,漂亮,柔弱,双目失明。如果他不是谢繁就更好了。摔!谁知道上辈子唯一一个到达九级的丧尸王、真1w0-29371 >>

Ciao, My Darling

Anthology of 3 stories. 1) Ciao, My Darling - Shishimoto who makes his living as a computer wizard picks up down-on-his-luck Tomosaka and his cat Hana off the street. Shishimoto seems to really have it all together, while Tomosaka can't even hold down a job for any length of time -- but not all is well behind Shishimoto's gruff facade, and over time Tomosaka finds out what's wrong, and comes to care. But then he causes Shishimoto to lose a lot of work by pulling the computer plug at an inopportune time to save electricity (quibble: the mangaka doesn't understand computers). Shishimoto has to call in his female friend Mika to help, which pushes Tomosaka into confessing his love for Shishimoto. But Shishimoto doesn't react well to his confession.

Giri Koi

Mao has just graduated middle school, and due to where she lives, she has to go to a different school from all her friends. While trying to find her new classroom, Mao stumbles upon a boy being bullied. She gets the bullies to go away, only to find that the boy, Riku, wasn't being bullied at all. Nonetheless, Riku respects her now, and refers to her as 'Prince', for saving him. How will their relationship continue...? P.S. Major Spoliers!!

Boku Dake Ni Kiss Wo Shite

1) Please Kiss Me Why does Kei pick Setsu up everyday and then ignore him at school? Setsu wonders is he special or just a bother. 2) Rag Doll Honey It's been six months of dating why won't Kotori let Ryouta into his place? 3) Sweet Life Living together to save money is fine, but how long can one live under the same roof with the one they like without saying anything. 4) You Are All Of Me Matsumoto is always getting into fights and Kanehara the student council president is always reprimanding him. Who'd guess these two are going out. 5) Love, My Lover Kouki is always left alone at home when Yukiya goes off traveling for long periods of time. He starts to really question how serious Yukiya is about him and it only intensifies when Kouki finds a pair of womens earings. 6) He Is A Lovely Person Setsu and Kei have been dating for a month. Kei is always doing things for Setsu, it is now time for Kei to be selfish.

Majo No Koi Wa Kindan To Haitoku De Tsukurareru

The witch, Marika, was exiled from the spirit world for committing a taboo in order to save the human child, Ryou. She mustn't get involved with human beings so that she may return to her world. However, Marika falls in love with Ryou and plays 'make-believe' with him when night falls. Due to witch law, they are only able to go as far as touching each other's bodies. Which direction will this unforgivable and forbidden love take? MAL

The Cry of the Phoenix Which Reached the Ninth Heaven

The Cry of the Phoenix Which Reached the Ninth Heaven summary: {translated from source}
For the two-faced Emperor she gave her everything, yet she ended up with the fate of being gotten rid of once her usefulness ended and even lost her son’s life. Reborn as a human, she appears to be a fool, but meeting a G.o.d she’ll kill a G.o.d, meeting Buddha she’ll kill Buddha, pretending to be a pig in order to eat the tiger! She got rid of the malicious legitimate mother, slaughtered the snake-like legitimate elder sister, scared silly the heartless father, and angered the two-faced Emperor to death. Finally she can leave free and unfettered, but behind her followed a bunch of lovestruck pretty boys. So many tails, how to shake them off!
{from rosyfantasy}
Yao Mo Xin, the empress of Da Chu died in a cruel way a day after she gave birth at the hands of her husband the emperor, Ye Hong Yi, and her legitimate second sister, Yao Shu Ran. Ye Hong Yi got the throne because of the smartness of Yao Mo Xin, but he hated her because she made him feel like a useless person who needed a woman to become the emperor.
Her soul got in the body of her illegitimate third sister from the same mother Yao Mo Wan. Yao Mo Wan has the mentality of a child because the legitimate wife of her father fed poison to her mother while she was carrying Yao Mo Wan. Yao Mo Xin wants revenge for everything that happened to her, so she seduced the emperor and began her plan of taking everything away from him. She did that while pretending to still have the mentality of a child. She also wants to repay Ye Jun Qing back for everything he did for her while she was Yao Mo Xin. In the process of revenge, she met many people who will fall in love with her wit and intelligence.

Inside the Cave of Obscenity

Inside the Cave of Obscenity summary: A world where the [Demon King] was defeated by a [Hero] that came from another world. People carelessly forgot about their fear of the [Demon King] and of monsters, living in peace.
In a forgotten and run-down cave in the mountains, a new monster that should not have been born was given birth.
The monster’s name was the [Black Ooze]. It was nothing exceptional other than its black color, an ordinary slime.
However, this slime had the special characteristic of being able to take the abilities of the living things it swallowed. It preyed on an insect that had paralytic poison, as well as other animals. Following that, it attacked a human, obtaining his knowledge and [Desire].
Before long, the monster established its target as the female mage that came to explore the cave.
This world still wasn’t aware.
[A Monster Was Born]&h.e.l.lip;

Home Again, Home Again

Home Again, Home Again summary: Home Again, Home Again summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Home Again, Home Again. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Blood Brothers

Blood Brothers summary: Blood Brothers summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Blood Brothers. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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