


























类别都市 恋爱 少女






内容简介:这是一个高度发达的全民玄幻世界,这里的人们,通过登录网游世界,进行猎取武魂,获得魂技,用来抵御强大的末日军团。重生者叶枫醒来的时候,发现自己正赶上一款全新网游《洪荒神话》横空出世,凭借 着重生记忆,上来叶枫就降临天庭,成了玉皇大帝的儿子,纵横跋扈的仙二代,并拿到了最强武魂昊天武魂,拥有了逆天魂技!【昊天武魂】:乃三界之主玉皇大帝之武魂传承,拥有此武魂者,攻击速度提升300,移动速度提升300,全属性提升300。1级可解封【魂技】:【撼天掌】10级可解封【魂技】:【大帝之息】20级可解封【魂技】:【封天印】……90级可解封【魂技】:【昊天塔】100级可解封【魂技】:【东皇钟】然而,这仅仅只是一个叶枫的一个武魂而已,他还有其他的很多SSS级武魂!1w0-75745 >>


内容简介:傅明娴无比纠结的看着那人群中众星捧月的大奸臣。样貌堂堂,身材凛凛,位高权重,一表人才……可惜为什么要是督主呢呢呢…………霸气型简介:大太监何宦无妻!!!……每日更新,质量保证,欢迎入坑 ,欢迎打包带走小衡衡зゝ∠……某浪微博:周自衡本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《何宦无妻》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-84573 >>


内容简介:万贯家财的地产商意外重生1994,在这个激昂年代里,熊白洲崛起草莽之间,阅遍世间芳华,千帆过尽,俱留枭雄本色。群号:601246758柳岸花又明鼎力大作,必看都市小说。1w0-8136 7 >>


内容简介:原名:至强龙尊。 叶辰是所有人都瞧不起的上门女婿,但没有人知道他的真实身份却是顶尖家族的大少爷,那些瞧不起他的人,终究要跪在他的面前,诚惶诚恐的叫他一声爷! 1w3463-2413


内容简介:他是权势滔天财力雄厚的帝王。她是千金公主落入乡间的灰姑娘。“易枫珞,我脚酸。”她喊。他蹲下尊重的身子拍拍背:“我背你!”“易枫珞,打雷了我好怕怕。”她哭。他顶着被雷劈的危险开车来陪她: “有我在!”她以为他们是日久深情的爱情。她却不知道,在很久很久之前,久到,从她出生的那一刻!他就对她一见钟情!十八年后再次机遇,他一眼就能认得她。她处处被计算陷害,天天被欺负。他默默的帮着她,宠着她,为她保驾1w79893-99102 >>






内容简介:《重返1985》为作者元月月半创作,作品重返1985章章动人,为你第一时间提供元月月半精心编写原创重返1985及无弹窗重返1985最新章节,重返1985全文免费阅读。各位书友要是觉得《 重返1985》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-71181 >>


内容简介:【玄学选秀团宠】玄学大佬温婉,意外穿成娱乐圈黑红女星。为了混口饭吃,被迫参加选秀节目,靠着美丽清冷的外表火遍全网,谁成想内里却是沙雕喜剧人。出道夜,黑粉:温婉,你这个花瓶不配出道!温婉 挑了挑眉:是吗?我掐指一算,你印堂发黑,最近必有血光之灾。当晚黑粉就出了车祸,温婉神算子的名声传遍全网。风水大师哭着喊着要拜她为师,影后死活要认她当干妹妹。商业巨鳄捧着钞票跪着求她算风水。更没想到1w0-60839 >>


内容简介:别人升级才能加属性。我有钱就可以加属性!只要钱够多,属性就可以无限加!重甲骑士:“这家伙一定是全属性点力量了,我全体质加点,他居然把我直接秒了!”狂战士:“这家伙一定全属性点体质了,我 全力加点,一个大招砍他身上,连防都破不了!”魔导士:“这家伙一定全属性点精神了,我全智加点,一招禁术砸他脸上,他居然毫发未损!”圣职者:“这家伙一定全属性点智力了,我全精神加点,他TND一个小火球就把我砸死了!”1w0-72534 >>


内容简介:【一句话简介】:本来打算以普通人的身份和你们相处,可换来的却是疏远,不装了,我是文娱教父,我摊牌了!【定场诗简介】:三十而立,为了梦想拍网剧。太过难顶,车和房都抵出去。江边喝闷酒,半醉 救人溺毙。回首这一生,好似场凄凉戏。却无愧这最后——救人一命!【正经简介】:为救落水儿童,溺亡在江中。当李想再次醒来,重新回到了十八岁那年的盛夏。身怀文娱教父系统的他,一头扎进了这个文娱鼎盛的平行世界!谁也没有料到,引发这场文娱世界大地震的起因,只是因为一句——【你行你上啊!】这头倔驴随即回怼了那句被历史铭记的话语——【我上就我上!】他可不虚!毕竟他的背后站着另一个世界整整五千年的文明!“是你说的,那我可真上了!”李想撸起衣袖,并指如刀——文娱如蛋糕,先拿网文开刀!键来!1w0-9958 >>


内容简介:《末世重生gl》是早知精心创作的都市言情,小兵实时更新末世重生gl最新章节并且提供无弹窗阅读,书友所发表的末世重生gl评论,并不代表小兵赞同或者支持末世重生gl读者的观点。1w0-10 5662 >>

Sareki Oukoku

A kingdom in the middle of the desert is the last city of humans that were against the Sand People. However, their next king, Kirameki, didn't want to fulfil the throne. The Sand People took the chance and kidnapped the Prince and replaced him with an imposter, Kirameki's half-brother, Saga, who is a half-human, half Sand Person. Kirameki was made to do hard labour then, but he came back on the day of the Water Festival to get back his Kingdom with Serafita (the Water Goddess)'s help.


The storyline starts when a junior-high student, Moritaka Mashiro, forgets his laptop computer in course. His classmate, Akito Takagi, requests him to turn into a manga artist to his tales and notes Mashiro's drawings inside. Mashiro fall, mentioning from overworking his late manga artist uncle, who perished. Takagi incites Mashiro and Miho Azuki, the puppy love of Mashiro to fulfill, and tells her the two strategy to become manga artists. In reaction, Azuki unveils her plans to be a voice actress. Mashiro proposes when Azuki becomes a voice actress for the anime version of the manga that they need to both wed. The 2 then begin creating their manga, assured of having serialized in Weekly Sh?nen Jump, beneath the pen-name Muto Ashirogi. After distributing several one-pictures to Shueisha, Ashirogi start Detective Trap, with their first printed collection in Weekly Sh?nen Jump, which will be eventually canceled because of the decreasing popularity, for over-working on the manga after Mashiro is hospitalized. Their next set is the gag manga Run, Daihatsu Tanto!, that they they offer up on, understanding it'll unpopular. After being challenged by the editor in chief of Jump to generate a manga that is top-notch with their opponent's, Ashirogi develops their present set Perfect Crime Party. It's met with substantial popularity but is unfit for an anime show. When Eiji Nizuma, their opponent, submits a-one-shot for serialization, Ashirogi competes by distributing Reversi which replaces Perfect Crime Party while the latter is transferred to the fictional monthly journal, Hisshou Jump of Shueisha. After she passes a community audition after several battles involving the voice actress selection and the graphic-novel revenue, Reversi is selected as the main performer for an anime version with Miho. The collection finishes with Mashiro formally proposing in the spot they made their assurance, accompanied by by their very first kiss to Miho after executing their wishes.

Kodoku No Kane Ga Naru

1) The Sound of a Lonely Bell Father Michael liked his best friend and was tormented by it. Viscount Hagen Ostendorf found out and took the opportunity to confess to Father Michael. Father Michael was shocked. Under Viscount’s courtship, would Father Michael accept him? 2) The Flower of Captivity As the powerless son of a rich family, Eugene is used to being manipulated for the good of the family name. But when he's captured by pirate Abram Roberts, his helplessness takes on a whole new dimension as the plaything of a ruthless buccaneer! 3) The Prince and I Hired as a Japanese tutor to Prince Syd Musafaru Baan, Mishima Kenichirou is shocked when the prince immediately asks him to be his lover! Can Mishima educate his troublesome student to the intricacies of the Japanese language and defend himself from the prince's devilishly charming sexual harassment? 4) Bubbly Night First Lieutenant Hirose has a reputation for purity, but his love for his seriously ill sister makes him thrown away his pride and be embraced by another man for money to support her medical care. Even though their relationship is monetary, Hirose can't help but notice how gently Harada holds him... 5) A Pure-Hearted Abortive Flower When Yakuza Akira is given a incredibly dangerous mission he's not expected to survive, his 'aniki' Kuga offers to treat him to something special to keep his spirits up. But Kuga doesn't expect Akira to say 'I want you...'! 6) The Place That You Desire After the war Masahito Takatou's family has lost the wealth and privilege that have insulated them for decades. But he has all he cares about, former servant and returned soldier Saeki Souji. Rescued as a child by the Takatou family, Souji's gratitude towards Masahito knows no bounds. Accepting that obligation has become painful for Masahito, who wants so much more from Souji than his 'duty'...

Attack No.1

From Wikipedia: The story is about Kozue Ayuhara, the new girl who transferred to Fujimi College, who tried out for the school volleyball team. Her friendship with Midori would develop, and her talents would impress coach Honga more and more each day. Though she showcased extraordinary volleyball skills, she would make enemies with Yoshimura, the star of the current team. Kozue would discover that being at the top would bring stress, incompatibilities and other dilemmas into her life. Her high expectations of becoming the best volleyball player in the school, Japan and eventually the world, would set the tone for the drama to follow.

Partners of the Out-Trail

Partners of the Out-Trail summary: Partners of the Out-Trail summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Partners of the Out-Trail. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

'A Comedy Of Errors' In Seven Acts

'A Comedy Of Errors' In Seven Acts summary: 'A Comedy Of Errors' In Seven Acts summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of 'A Comedy Of Errors' In Seven Acts. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Collected Novels Of Jose Saramago

The Collected Novels Of Jose Saramago summary: The Collected Novels Of Jose Saramago summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Collected Novels Of Jose Saramago. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Le Morvan, [A District of France,] Its Wild Sports, Vineyards and Forests; with Legends, Antiquities, Rural and Local Sketches

Le Morvan, [A District of France,] Its Wild Sports, Vineyards and Forests; with Legends, Antiquities, Rural and Local Sketches summary: Le Morvan, [A District of France,] Its Wild Sports, Vineyards and Forests; with Legends, Antiquities, Rural and Local Sketches summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Le Morvan, [A District of France,] Its Wild Sports, Vineyards and Forests; with Legends, Antiquities, Rural and Local Sketches. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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