
































内容简介:婉凝为了能在这杀人不眨眼的乱世中活下去,刚穿越来,就选择了和眼前这位病娇太子合作,成为他的太子妃。两人携手智斗奸臣,铲除奸妃,还南梁朝一片太平。可惜,他之前对她有多宠,之后就有多狠心。 一次次的欺骗与利用,只不过为了逼问她黑域的下落。多年后,当她终于成为黑域的主人,面对他的前来寻找,也只是凉凉一笑。“上官楚,我现在是黑域的主人,整个江湖尽在我手中,你那什么破太子妃的位置,我才不稀罕!”1w0-106780 >>


内容简介:强取豪夺的霸道基地头,有一天,他穿越了。然后他被各种强取豪夺了。~﹡~﹡~﹡~﹡~﹡~﹡~﹡~〖~﹡~﹡~﹡~﹡~﹡~﹡~﹡~1、主角是个渣,渣2、穿越后苏苏苏,万人迷,一切逻辑以剧情 为主3、第一个故事修好了,故事没有变,就是改了些描写,有意见可以提,蠢作者争取慢慢进步,么么哒,爱你们~﹡~﹡~﹡~﹡~﹡~﹡~﹡~〖~﹡~﹡~﹡~﹡~﹡~﹡~﹡~1w0-38204 >>

潮湿(1V1 H)

内容简介:请到ΧìаǒSんцǒ。Uk获取小说最新链接驺虞的初吻发生在初中四下无人的教室里,窗外正值雨季,连对方的呼吸都是潮湿的檀香。后来她拥有了很多“情人”,也吮过很多双嘴唇,可兜兜转转甘霖还是 成了她的合法丈夫。甘霖:今日不宜上床。驺虞:那时过午夜呢1w0-75578 >>


内容简介:(无敌爽文,开局就无敌了!!!)三无青年林轩,因为意外事故,重生穿越到了斗破苍穹的世界里,成为了古帝洞府的帝品雏丹,虽然是小孩子的状态,但激活了一个签到系统,开局获得了十连抽,从此以后 ,便在斗破苍穹的世界里,抢尽萧炎一切的机缘……叮,十连抽已启动,恭喜宿主抽到洪荒世界里的神火大礼包!”“恭喜宿主抽到万丹典,一本包含了所有丹方的书籍。”“恭喜宿主抽到不灭金身,从此不死不灭。”“恭喜宿主抽到天道级的肾……本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《从斗破签到之开局十连抽》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-72665 >>


内容简介:这是一本主角在世界末日中依靠一款名为亡者系统的升级系统闯荡地球的故事。这里有长达万米的变异蛟龙,而它的前身则是一条不到一米的小蛇。这里有十层楼那么高的巨大蛮牛,而它的前身则是一头田里耕 地的普通水牛。这里有成群结队,个头比普通成年人还大的蚂蚁,而在变异之前,它们只有芝麻那么大。这里有拥有智慧的丧尸,它们建立城市,自立为王,妄图统治地球。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《亡者系统》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-77853 >>


内容简介:那一天,是整个世界湮灭的开端。那场灾难席卷了整个人类,不管你原来是高官,还是巨富,名流、精英、或者军人、警察、公务员,或者民工、蚁族,这些都不重要了。重要的是,即使你侥幸活下来,也不代 表你能活下…1w0-83845 >>


内容简介:  穿越仙侠世界,陈沉得到最强追踪系统,从此能追踪万物。陈沉:“系统,我缺钱了。”“两米之外,床底下藏着你爹的私房钱,五米之外,地下半米有一枚生锈的铜钱。”“前方草丛里有掉落的碎银子。 ”陈沉:“系统,我缺点机缘。”“猪圈前那坨屎其实并不普通。”“今夜子时前往二十里外的黑锋崖跳崖。”“某处地方隐藏着仙人洞府,请宿主自行探索。”书友群号:749558172,欢迎来吹牛比!vip全订群:8059583801w0-184 >>


内容简介:沧澜大陆,武者为尊!少年陈帆身怀七曜灵脉,本是天纵奇才,却遭奸人所害,被抽灵脉,毁丹田,沦为一介废人!所幸于危难之中得到造化神火,得以逆天改命!再战八荒!且看少年如何步步逆天,登顶武道 巅峰!留下不朽传说!!1w0-63234 >>


内容简介:神龙特战小队队长龙飞百战归来,成为龙城医院一名实习医生,因为救了一位美女病人,被卷入了一场商业竞争的漩涡。龙飞凭借超强的身手,过人的智慧挫败了对手一次次的攻击,在此过程中,龙飞开工厂, 办公司,俘获美人心。最终龙飞不但成为一代名医,更是成为一代商业巨子,让蒙羞的龙氏家族,再次屹立到了世界之林!各位书友要是觉得《医武高手闯天下》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w15964-25795 >>


内容简介:地师之后,拥有一把名为月牙之刃,闯荡江湖。特种兵之子,看他如何再写传奇,创造辉煌。地师不过承祖易技,他所拥有的不只是地师这个词,地师?特种兵?超级打工族?请锁上门……关上手机……打开电 脑……不要让任何人打扰你!静静地点击阅读这本小说,否则,你可能失去一次彻底改变命运,拥有美女,拥有一辈子财运的机会!这将是你生命中最重要的时刻!它可能影响您的一生,让您拥有万千的美女与财富,你的事业和人生将会出现魔术般的转变……已完本一本百万小说,人品保证。1w0-28926 >>


内容简介:常清晗是个漫画家,她第一眼瞅见苏玖的时候就知道,这个男人得跟自己有故事。于是她十分主动的摸了他的腰,亲了他的嘴。常清晗抬头透过青白色的烟,从他眉角看起,然后是鼻子,薄唇,下巴,喉结,锁 骨她啧了一声,各位书友要是觉得《我只撩汉不负责!》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-85892 >>


内容简介:简介:前世,她戎马半生却惨遭算计。痴心错付,却落得个双腿被砍,金殿自刎的下场。今生她含恨归来,撕渣妹,斗渣男,不亦乐乎。却被太子殿下堵在墙角:“你三番两次兴风作浪,到底有何居心?”“嫁 给你算不算……”“扶你称王算不算……”太子殿下:“嫁我……意欲何为?”“听闻太子殿下风流倜傥,英俊卓绝……小女子仰慕已久,遂使点心眼,妄图得到恩宠。“作者:升明月所写的《江轻尘靳长涯》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。推荐地址:1w0-128032 >>

Kataomoi No Mukougawa

Compilation of short stories: • Kataomoi no Mukougawa Azusa knew the boy in the library was already in love... So what can she do when she starts to fall for him? - Which Scanlations • Ano Kado o Magareba It’s summertime, and Kako is sick of the heat. She is feeling restless, and she wants to find a guy to fall in love with. Kako is actually desperate enough that she tells herself that she will try to fall for the next guy to walk through a nearby doorway. Fortunately, the guy who appears is really cute! Kako doesn’t know him. Can she fall for this guy? But already, her heart is pounding… • Tenshi ga Kuretamono Miyuki is working at a convenience store. One day, on Christmas Eve, an interesting guy comes in and asks for job at the store. They do, but the hours are really bad (evening shift). That-disappointed-guy then talks to Miyuki and knows she's single. The guy suddenly asks her to go out with him! She feels she can't go out with a stranger, no matter how cute he is, and no matter how persistent he is, because this stranger is just a 2nd year in High Schoo! • Bitou na Koi Chiaki is a tomboyish girl. Really though, Chiaki is everyone’s friend, and is treated by the guys in her class as “just one of the guys.” Until now, Chiaki has been fine with this, but she is starting to fall for one of her classmates. Will he ever see her as a girl, or is she doomed to be totally not his type? - Aerandria Scans • Kimi to Natsu no Aizu Hyori was forced to be a manager in the baseball club during the summer by her father who is the coach. She doesn't want this, but her friend Yoshimura is on the team, so at least she can see him. Yoshimura introduces her to the pitcher of the team, Sumida-senpai. As they get to know each other, they really hit it off. But this doesn't make Yoshimura happy...


Ever since he was a young kid, Sora Aoi had constantly traded words of 'I love you' with his captivating older sister Aki. As he comes of age, he finds it much more difficult to trade such comforts as they did in those times. Sora finds himself questioning his feelings for his sister, when Aki presents her feelings toward him to rise above a sister's love. Understanding their fondness for one another, they consummate their love-in secret. In a culture that will never comprehend, they must keep their love a secret from everyone else and their family they know. Nevertheless, Sora soon finds himself investigating many kinds of love with different types of girls he met that isn't accepted by society so questioning his feelings for his sister. Character Sora Aoi Sora is the protagonist of the story. His given name is created as ?? in kanji. He studies in exactly the same high school as Nami, Aki and his sisters. Unlike his sisters, he's not bad at house work and cooking. As he falls unconscious by ingesting even somewhat sake, Sora has a reduced alcohol tolerance. As a result of questionably difficult relationships together with his sisters, along with his breeding with no father or any male figure in the family, Sora grew up with almost no maleness of all kinds. Nearly all of idiosyncrasies, conduct, and his bearings are those normally expected from a self-conscious girl. His effeminate look makes him an ideal prospect for crossdressing, which he finds himself participating in involuntarily because of the opinion of Runa and Nami's fetish which he loves it. He's quite timid and very much a pushover, and totally lacks the will to stand-up for himself against women, which further enables him to be made to crossdress and sexually approached. Really very much every woman around him is instantly privileged using the possibility to rape him, which some of them did or tried to undeterred by protests and his suffering. He's profoundly in love with Aki, and does not resist her the second-time she attempts to have intercourse with him, but he does issue himself at times because they've no future in a relationship, whether their incest taboo should be continued. Though with the latter two he was pushed he's also had sexual relationships with others, like Kana, Runa and Nami. After being raped if anything in regards to the sexual assault should actually be taken to to light by Nami, who subsequently threatened Sora with emasculation and departure, he became terrified of her, but promised that he will not despise her. They ultimately rekindle their connection when consensual intercourse was questioned for by Nami, and had since then became more near. With Aki, Sora completely accepts his connection in the last chapters, even defending it against their dad. When their dad takes away Aki, Sora is alone and desires to see her again. After Aki decides to disappear therefore that their love wouldn't hurts Sora, Sora is heart-broken and understands that Aki is really loved by him and needs to be with her. At their mom's grave, they fulfill in the last chapter.

Are You Alice? Anthology

The collection of anthology from Are You Alice? by various authors. Part 1) The Mad Hatter's Magnificent Holiday by Inui Miku

Shitsuji Wa Daitanfuteki Ni Uso O Tsuku

Shitsuji wa Daitanfuteki ni Uso o Tsuku summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Shitsuji wa Daitanfuteki ni Uso o Tsuku. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Queen Hortense: A Life Picture of the Napoleonic Era

Queen Hortense: A Life Picture of the Napoleonic Era summary: Queen Hortense: A Life Picture of the Napoleonic Era summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Queen Hortense: A Life Picture of the Napoleonic Era. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Night Huntress - Reckoning

Night Huntress - Reckoning summary: Night Huntress - Reckoning summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Night Huntress - Reckoning. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Small Village Tridente

Small Village Tridente summary: Small Village Tridente summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Small Village Tridente. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Mammals of Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado

Mammals of Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado summary: Mammals of Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Mammals of Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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