
























简介符锦颜 穿越为五岁女童,被苏青云所救。本以为是徒弟与师傅相亲相爱的种田文模式,却突然一个神展开!?难道是要打怪升级???这和说好的剧本不一样啊~~~~~~








内容简介:秦宇穿越斗罗大陆,成为千仞雪未婚夫,需要在千仞雪成就九十九级绝世斗罗之时献祭。还好“神级选择系统”开启。只要选择并完成任务,就会获得丰厚奖励。第一个任务是……多年后,秦宇看着面前的倩影 ,问道:“东,让这个世界姓秦可以吗?”比比东点点头:“好。”1w0-126671 >>


内容简介:现代小青年唐问心穿越到“天启”世界之中,受到“诸天”“神启”两大系统爸爸之一的“诸天”所眷顾,做系统的执法者游走于诸天万界之中,并且身怀神秘的血脉可以让他切换各种形态模式,英姿飒爽的械 天使、霸气的死寂、萌萌哒的邪狐等,会有一个您喜欢的。1w0-27065 >>




内容简介:上辈子秦暖被抽干血后切了片儿,只因她是世间仅此一例的人形补药。秦暖有怨念,重生成农家小白菜,这一辈子她不打算当个好人。亲爹不爱,后娘不亲,继姐更是将她当成眼中钉肉中刺,在后娘打算将她送 去做人第六房妾室后,秦暖冷笑,既然都不让她好过,那就都别过了。自此,秦暖成了村里一道奇景,她拳打村东老流氓,脚踢村西熊孩子,日子过的风生水起。邻村恶霸眼冒金光,拍着秦暖的肩头笑,青虎帮,了解一下?这是一个我招你入帮,你却想当帮主,我还颠颠捧你的故事。其实都是家长里短。1w0-72329 >>


内容简介:重生逆袭有空间重生逆袭有空间小说阅读都市言情类型小说重生逆袭有空间由作家孟萱创作新书《穿书农女福运齐天》已上传。前世她愧疚了一辈子即使最后看着仇人得到报应了也无法平复她内心深处的伤痕。 重生总算她还有机会逆转一切。带着传承空间带着大量物质看她怎么在那个物质匮乏的年代弥补遗憾收获幸福美满的人生可是为什么前世那个她有过朦胧好感的冰山冷酷男还是那样妖孽那么快就无情的揭穿了她最大的秘密?新书《重生彪悍娇妻来袭》已经发布了哦。新书《重生牧少娇妻有空间》已小兵提供重生逆袭有空间最新章节重生逆袭有空间最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w99851-99854 >>


内容简介:【2019最好看精灵游戏文】一年后,《精灵世纪》将会与现实融合,实现数据化,人类历史从此翻篇,迈进精灵与人类共生的崭新时代。“可是…说好的一年后呢?”洛白看着眼前正对着他龇牙咧嘴的绿毛 虫,属实有点懵。他貌似,提前一年登录了…一年后…当人们蜂拥加入《精灵世纪》,摩拳擦掌,准备大干一番的时候,洛白朝裂空座抛出的大师球刚好停止了晃动。“叮!世界公告,恭喜华夏区玩家洛白收服神兽裂空座!”瞬间,世界安静了…标签:宠物小精灵,神奇宝贝,精灵宝可梦,口袋妖怪。书友群:9832678301w0-83969 >>


内容简介:他,是一个二流郊区医院的普通医生,而且还是妇产科的医生。他,医术精湛,为人低调,但是天下谁人不识君!他,群芳环绕,众香国度,奈何家有千年悍妖妻!对着强势热情表姐的逼婚,妖精美艳妻子的诱 惑,小白医生不得不得黯然的面对一场契约式的婚姻。白文静也由此拉开了他辉煌华丽的人生……1w0-78883 >>


内容简介:从今天开始,我们城管终于要杀出国门,杀出地球,杀到异世界去了!就算是神也要杀给你看在神秘的印第安部落与西班牙探险家交手,在欧洲的旷野上骑摩托车与骑士对攻!在苏格兰的荒野中迎战狼人和魔法 师,在宇宙中的轨道空间站里体验失重。总之,这只是一群兢兢业业的城管们,鏖战全球,穿梭时空,保卫正常商贸秩序,武力镇压各种怪兽和敌人,传播各种爱与正义的平淡日常生活记录,请不要抱有过多的期待。1w0-4901 >>




内容简介:余秀华说:ldquo于我而言,只有在写诗歌的时候,我才是完整的,安静的,快乐的。其实我一直不是一个安静的人,我不甘心这样的命运,我也做不到逆来顺受,但是我所有的抗争都落空,我会泼妇骂街 ,当然我本身就是一1w0-80578 >>





Sirius No Kizuato

[From StudioRobb]: This is the story of a teenage boy named Takeru Tachibana and his struggle to recover his sister Sayoko from a 'cyborg dogfight circuit'. When Takeru was 10 years old, his town was bombed during an enemy air-raid in which his parents were killed and he was mortally wounded. Sayoko, cut deep with 'survivor's guilt' and a 'co-dependent' inability to deal with living alone, rashly sells her brain to the Albion Corporation run by a mysterious CEO named Véltare Marçeau in order to pay for a risky surgical operation that Takeru may or may not survive. Her brain is placed in a cybernetic body, the process of which essentially eliminates the brain's memories and heightens its aggression. Her new identity is The White 13, or 'The Ice Doll', and for the next five years she is placed on a dogfight circuit fighting other cyborgs in gladiator-style extravaganzas where she eventually becomes the grand champion and obtains the rank of 'sirius'... The story begins shortly after Takeru has liberated his sister from the dogfight circuit only to discover that, outside the cicuit, Sayoko's brain has a 'self-destruct' mechanism and that she is dying. Takeru has one week to find a way to cure his sister or return her to the circuit or she will die. Adding to the problem are the 'dogged' efforts of the Albion Corporation to recover 'their stolen property' as well as a cast of characters who all have their own scars of some sort...

Magic Insulator

From Odd Squad Scanlations: In the Kalan empire exists a prophecy that foretells the destruction of the world. Their hope for salvation rests in a young prince--but only if he manages to attain the rank of Archmage. A cruel twist of fate has cursed the sole prince of Kalan at birth, rendering him incapable of controlling the power of his spells. While growing up the mischievous prince's fascination for magic got him into all sorts of trouble. Now on a quest to remove this damnable curse he's stumbled into a world of dragons, elves, and ancient magics. Destiny awaits? Can he fulfill his destiny with no weapons, no spells, and two servants who can never agree to disagree?

Chocolat - Maid Cafe "curio"

This is the story of the workers in the Maid Cafe Curio, based on the video game. The current shop manager, Daisuke, is a young man standing in for his newly remarried and traveling father. He must deal with all the quirky young ladies who work at the maid cafe, including his newest hire, the runaway rich girl Misato, who doesn't know the first thing about working at a maid cafe. Other workers include Daisuke's new stepsister Suzu, the aggressive floor chief Midori, the clumsy chef Sayaka, the absent-minded waitress Imako, and the academic-minded Kanako.

Yuan Wei Cu Ji

Ai has always believed that her cooking is really good, despite not being able to taste anything. She enjoys school life with her two friends. So what will happen when the famous VJ, Daiwen, asks her out? And what will happen when she finds out how bad her cooking truly is? So what has Lansi really been eating...?> Spin-off of Mushroom College

The Travelling Companions

The Travelling Companions summary: The Travelling Companions summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Travelling Companions. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Heart Of Glass

Heart Of Glass summary: It was fated, him and him. Although, being fated didn’t always mean a happy ending for both of them. At least for himself, it was just one big…temptation. Compared to his own weak and frail body, he was more masculine and full of warmth. It wasn’t strange at all to find himself falling deeper and deeper…. But no matter what, he could never let him find out about his true feelings. Or else, they would never have become friends. c.r.a.p! He found out! Why did he have to get drunk and blurt out the truth?! He’s in deep trouble, with no other choice but to avoid him… He…he approached him, asking to be in a relationship with him? Was…was it a prank? He would leave after he was done playing with him… Was he right? Could the sunshine boy he fell in love with be so cruel?

A Forest Hearth: A Romance of Indiana in the Thirties

A Forest Hearth: A Romance of Indiana in the Thirties summary: A Forest Hearth: A Romance of Indiana in the Thirties summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Forest Hearth: A Romance of Indiana in the Thirties. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Chronicle and Romance

Chronicle and Romance summary: Chronicle and Romance summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Chronicle and Romance. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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