
































内容简介:重生到九十年代末期的何薇,才适应了俩月的生活,就被未婚夫退了婚。是嫌弃她长相丑品位低还是觉得她是软柿子?本姑娘岂容尔等等闲之辈可以任意践踏?看她如何虐渣打脸,华丽变身!重生一世,她只想 弥补前世遗憾,各位书友要是觉得《重生逆袭之头号军婚》还不错的话请不要忘记向您qq群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w50036-99176 >>




内容简介:每个人都是一本书,每一段经历都是一个剧情。人死后会成为一本书,书里的内容就是死者的生平,有人成了名著,有人成了禁书。整个世界就是一座图书馆,剧情和现实在互相影响着。而我,就是图书的谱写 者。(友情提示:本书轻微烧脑。)书友群:719845746作者qq:853304679本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《我从恐怖世界来》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-71400 >>


内容简介:阴差阳错,误入大唐。这里有丰神如玉的李淳风,这里有腹黑闷骚的袁天罡。这里有婉媚无双的小高阳,这里有豆蔻十三的武媚娘。既来之,则安之,且看他一恩一仇、一情一梦、一信一诺间,如何嬉闹贞观, 玩转大唐!1w0-1017 >>


内容简介:上一世,云卿暗恋了段南川十年,对方却连她的名字都不知。后来云卿家道中落,彼时,对方已经成了数一数二的精英权贵,竟提出要圈养她。请看书小说网怀着十年的小私心,云卿答应了。半年后,她为救段 南川而死,到死也没有等到一句喜欢。再醒来,云卿回到了十六岁,高一。暗恋太苦,她不想再尝试,于是收起所有心思,避开段南川,将这段无果的恋情扼杀在摇篮,全心全意挽回家族公司,改写人生。不听,不看。他走南,自己便向北。久而久之,人人都说,云卿和段南川不对付。可越是有意避开,却越是容易遇到。走廊,校园,酒吧……少年却一把将她从舞池中抓出来,红着眼睛呵斥:“你要是再敢来这种地方,我打断你的腿!”云卿湿了眼眶。少年却被吓得手足无措,笨拙地拍着她的背。“别哭,我吓唬你呢。”各位书友要是觉得《偏执狂暗恋我十年》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-67086 >>


内容简介:  谷小白不想当歌神,他只想当大物理学家。但系统不同意。没关系,还可以两开花。(学霸+音乐,偏专业向,非抄歌流,一切情节围绕音乐展开,基本不涉足其他娱乐或商业领域。)群:8520910 1w0-1572 >>


内容简介:我和我的朋友作文300字三年级作文我的朋友叫李昕雨。她不胖不瘦,有着乌黑发亮的头发,平时扎着马尾辫,还有一双水汪汪的大眼睛,一个高挺的鼻子,一张说起话来就滔滔不绝的嘴巴,一对听力不错的 耳朵。春天,是万物复苏的时节。下课后,我们一起看小燕子在空中飞舞,听泉水流动的哗哗声,心就像一只放飞的小鸟。夏天,太阳毫不留情地烤着大地。这时作文ht1w33060-84519 >>




内容简介:  电影发布会。  记者A:王导,听说你有帮派背景,请问有这回事吗?  王敌:对不起,我们这是部仙侠剧,不是黑帮电影。  记者B:但纵观你的崛起之路,公司领导突然重病,盗版犯莫名发疯, 数百黑粉半夜惨叫,枪版网站屡遭黑手,某知名艺人夜夜噩梦……这一切的背后,究竟是……  王敌:停停!这里是电影发布会,请问一些和电影有关的话题。  记者C:哇!好阔怕!额要回家!额还不想死啊!  ………………  记者D:您这次的女主又选了个公认没演技的花瓶,请问您还能像以前一样,把她也调教好吗?  记者E:有影迷去到您的拍摄基地,发现一条寸宽、千米长、深不见底、如刀削般的裂缝,请问是怎么办到的?  记者F:你这部电影号称是有史以来特效最好的仙侠电影,光特效费就花了一亿,但据我所知,你这部电影的后期只花了一个月,那么请问,你是否是在吃回扣、拍烂片?  唰唰唰!  众人惊恐目光一下都集中在了她那张冷若冰霜的俏脸上。  王敌却一脸温柔:我会用电影质量说话!1w0-3434 >>


内容简介:  姜七姑娘生的花容月貌,倾国倾城,择婿当日,世家子弟悉数到场,严阵以待。  靖安王世子躲的远远的,喝着小酒,嗑着瓜子,听人八卦哪个倒霉蛋会躲不开河间王府抛出来的绣球,然后一颗绣球破窗 朝他后脑勺砸来……1w0-1958 >>


内容简介:1尽量日更2打开作者有话说配合食用更佳,wb空硬硬艾朗人如其名,爱浪,爱撩。新学期睡了一个颜好身材棒,一见他就会亮着星星眼并红了脸的乖学弟,艾朗的人生目标也从“挣大钱”变成现在的“挣了 大钱才养得起乖宝宝”。学弟疑惑地问:“……乖宝宝?”艾朗半开玩笑半认真:“我觉得,像你这样的乖宝宝就挺好的。”学弟红了耳廓,唇边若隐若现的小梨涡藏着未说完的话:像我这样,可不太好哦。甜宠指数★★★★☆Tags主受互宠年下学弟攻Gay里Gay气「一句话:一朵娇花变成一朵家花的成长史」受爱浪(理论强悍,缺乏实战)攻爱装(装乖装纯,有点偏执)★作者是文案废,请见谅★系列完结文《恶毒继妹的男神要撩我怎么破》★封面自绘想看大图的宝贝儿欢迎移步微博空硬硬■谢绝扒榜仙女们记得收藏作者专栏哦Mua1w0-96188 >>



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High-school student Wakamori Asako has always been watching Sakura from the athletic department after she comes home from school. One day, however, Asako comes across a snail...who can talk! The snail is actually her schoolmate Kajiwara Atsushi, an omnipotent athlete with excellent grades whom the girls treat like a celebrity. However, stress causes Atsushi to turn into a snail. Asako becomes a 'snail helper' to aid Atsushi while he is in this form, but she might cause Sakura to misunderstand...

[Switch] Artbook

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Heureka is a manga set in antiquity, during the Second Punic War between the small city state of Syracuse and the Roman Empire. The comic is based around the life and times of the famous mathematician Archimedes. Archimedes was not only a gifted mathematician but also an engineer of repute. During the conflict with the Romans, Archimedes was supposedly responsible for creating a number of war machines that devastated the Roman legions before they eventually got the upper hand. The exact nature and use of these devices is controversial, and exists more in the realm of legend than actual historical fact.

Taishou Mugen Kitan

From Storm in Heaven:Taisho Mugen Kitan is a collection of 4 short stories, loosely based around historical/supernatural themes.Taisho Dream Stories – Yin & Yang: In the Taisho Era (1912-1926 CE), a young noble called Sakuya is traumatised by a recurring dream in which she is strangled by ivy. Is this a prophecy? Or a vision of the past? Driven to despair, the young girl turns for help to a brilliant Noh dancer who somehow shares an enigmatic connection to the spiritual world. Yet the unravelling of this mystery is more complicated than anyone could imagine, entwining vengeful spirits, lost love, tragic devotion, a silent guardian, and an unbreakable bond which may yet save Sakuya…at the price of the ultimate sacrifice.Taisho Dream Stories – The Killing Stone: This continues the story of Akira Hanawaka, an unusually gifted Noh dancer who crosses the barrier between the physical and spiritual realms. But what lies at the heart of his powers? And how is his world changed by an unexpected confrontation with his younger brother? Secrets are revealed when the demons of Akira's past ominously threaten another's future.Beloved Princess: A young exorcist at court during the Heian Era (794-1192 CE) is confronted with a series of bizarre incidents involving the occult. But nothing is as it seems, and a greater mystery remains to be solved: the tragic tale of Princess Hashi.Evil One: Sometime in the not too distant future, civilization has been decimated by a biological weapon known only as Evil One, stolen from the laboratory of a brilliant scientist and unleashed upon the world by an enigmatic group of terrorists. In this shattered world, a young prostitute called Agata struggles to survive. His life goes by unnoticed until one day, after a particularly brutal encounter, Agata is rescued by a mysterious stranger who appears to know more than anyone should about the dark secrets of Agata's past. Who is this man? What does he want? And, most importantly, what is Agata's connection to the Evil One?

To Be A Power In The Shadows!

To Be A Power In The Shadows! summary: Just like how everyone adored heroes in their childhood, a certain young man adored those powers hidden in shadows. After hiding his strength and living the mediocre life of a mob character by day while undergoing frenzied training by night, he finally reincarnates into a different world and gains ultimate power. The young man who is only playing at being a power in the shadows, his misunderstanding subordinates, and a giant organization in the shadows that gets trampled&h.e.l.lip;.. This is the story of a young boy who had adored powers in shadows possibly eventually reigning over the world of shadows in another world.

Eternal Sacred King

Eternal Sacred King summary: He is a young man without a spirit root. It is believed that this denies him the chance at cultivation. However, a mysterious lady imparts a Supreme Demon Cla.s.sic to him and from then on, he starts his path of cultivation.
He undergoes a total transformation to emerge as the most fearsome and powerful fiendish demon in his era, that even immortals and fiends are fearful of him, and saints are at his beck and call.
Mastering the Supreme Demon Cla.s.sic is the turning point in his life. He is able to unleash his immense and divine power from within, illuminating the entire universe!

Songs from Vagabondia

Songs from Vagabondia summary: Songs from Vagabondia summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Songs from Vagabondia. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

I and My Chimney

I and My Chimney summary: I and My Chimney summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of I and My Chimney. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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