




类别都市 恋爱










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类别都市 恋爱 少女










内容简介:男朋友出轨之后简介:男朋友出轨,我睡了他兄弟各位书友要是觉得《男朋友出轨之后》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!您要是觉得《男朋友出轨之后》还不错的话请不要忘记向您Q Q群和微博微信里的朋友推荐哦!h31w0-38227 >>


内容简介:在盘龙中摸索法则真谛,在型月里探求魔法极限。在飘邈中领略修真风情,在九鼎中学习武道精髓。在天龙中打造高武玄幻,在仙葫中传播修真阳神,在蜀山中丰富修行体系。在诛仙中探索成仙前路,在西游中 缔造五仙妙道。在太浩中验证混元道路,在遮天中建立不同体系。……穿越在漫漫诸天,寻求不同体系碰撞所产生的变化。各位书友要是觉得《诸天大道图》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w12758-30626 >>


内容简介:她上辈子一定欠了龙祁钰很多银子,这辈子才为他拼命还债。她女扮男装助他夺得皇位,谋得天下,她助他指点江山,娶得三宫六院,她将最美的年华统统给了他,在他大婚的晚上,她终是脱下丞相的官服,拜 倒在他面前:“臣,请求辞官。”1w0-96800 >>


内容简介:怒拳为谁握?护国安邦惩奸恶!热血因何燃?斩妖除魔卫民安!破最诡的案,斗最凶之徒,杀最狂之敌!这是一本属于真正的男人的书!QQ福利群:129038134,每天不定时发放各种福利哦,拿到你 手软!1w0-60003 >>


内容简介:破碎虚空,前路何在?寰宇之外又有大千,那便叫这无尽枷锁于煌煌剑威下彻底粉碎!剑铸吾身,身临百战,跨越无数战场而不败。血火为锷,白骨为锋,斩尽诸界最强之存在。无尽世界瑰丽雄奇,无边宇宙苍 茫浩淼,以剑神之名,打出一条通向不朽之路!老群被封,新群:2259116651w0-2411 >>




内容简介:“在我面前没有病。”“有病的只要我扎一针”“在我面前没有伤。”“有伤给你贴个膏药。”“在我面前没有美女……”“美女,来,进被窝……”张申正直洒脱,虽初出世面,却从小受教于师傅讲授的为人 处世之法,分得清人情冷暖,虽然很多事情都不在意,其实有自己的规矩。可就是那一天,还没有出师的他被师傅赶下山,开始了他在都市的风云生涯本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《绝品都市医圣》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-80448 >>


内容简介:  【1V1,宠爽】初见路甜。傅司帧:一般后来见路甜。傅司帧:我-下-贱。面对鲜肉学霸情敌时:“她不爱学习,别打扰她睡觉,你们不是一路人。”“她不学无术,不喜欢豪门礼仪,你们不合适。” “她什么都不会,风吹两阵就倒了,吃饭要我喂,你养不起。”后来,路甜考了全省第一,攻了他家防火墙,一人单挑三十人战绩让人闻风丧胆。成为知名作词作曲人,让网文圈各大佬膜拜,国外钢琴家连夜回国拜她为师……爆出两人绯闻的时候,路甜澄清:只可远瞻,不可亵玩焉。傅司帧微博回复:何需远瞻,容你亵玩。路甜缓缓打出一个问号:“……?”1w0-2141 >>


内容简介:天相奇观,五星连珠,这么重要的日子,萧七竟然被戴了绿帽子。意外的手机一响:七仙女邀请痞仙加入仙宫红包群。“咦,我捡了个七星葫芦丹。”“我靠,手气最佳,三十万功德币,赶紧闪。”“财神爷, 跟我拜把子吧。”“织女妹子,叫声痞子哥,你的仙籍,哥早晚给你要来。”这是情场失意,人生得意么?航大四大花旦,我萧七来了……1w0-27828 >>


内容简介:《快穿男主的黑化值又爆了》简介:秦亿依靠自己的十个梦境写了十本书之后爆红,赚了个盆满体钵的她打算出个国旅游一下,带着世界那么大,她还没去看过的美好期望登上飞机的时候。然而她怎么都没想到 好端端的飞机居然整了一个事故出来失去意识后,她本以为自己就这么完了。但是没想到她一醒来就到了一个黑漆漆的空间里。空间里有一个小人儿,他告诉她,他叫系统,是维持小说世界的系统,而她写的那十个小说世界全崩了。一脸懵的她看着这十个世界统统变成了修罗场,男主黑化成了极度狡诈残忍的人,女主要么和男配来搞死男主,要么窜动原本的大反派来搞死男主看完了这一团糟的剧情的秦亿:为了不让这十个世界崩掉,她只能去各个世界阻止女主的阴谋,保护男主,换女主。俗话说,就是亲自上线把自己书的剧情改了!于是她兢兢业业把十个剧情全部改完的时候,却发现男主黑化得更严重了1V1,男主都是同一个人,放心磕糖,又爽又甜,微虐修罗场。1w0-72715 >>


内容简介:  谁说没有丹药就不能精进?谁说不会炼器就没有神兵?谁说挫于制符就没有战斗力?  所谓一剑破万法,在于信心。。。当危险来临,你唯一的依靠只有剑,而不是其他。。。  全订群号--9642 27244,普通群号8533361181w0-306 >>


内容简介:难道一个小小的属性点,就能打破自己认为的力量巅峰?……吕布手中闪着金光的方天画戟遥指天际,凌厉的恐怖气息从身遭迸发开来。“并州铁骑,出来吧!”……曾经辉煌的并州铁骑,如同黑色的潮水,带 着一股肃杀之气冲入敌军阵营之中。……天下,无人能挡住并州铁骑的冲锋。1w0-29914 >>

Defense Devil

Adapted from the oneshot Akuma Bengoshi Kukabara, Mephisto Bart Kucabara is a devil lawyer. In order to return to the demon world that he was exiled from he needs to collect enough Dark Matter. To do so he creates a plan to claim the Dark Matter from the souls of sinners sentenced to hell. Prove the soul's innocence and the Dark Matter becomes his. But how can he gather enough Dark Matter when his kind personality causes him to continually use it up in order to defend the soul from the Shinigami that has come to take them to hell?


Second year high-school student Taeko fell in love with Kanno-sensei at first sight. She's finally mustered the courage to confess to her beloved sensei. Love-note in hand, Taeko overhears Kanno-sensei being congratulated on his wedding--and his already pregnant bride. Taeko is in shock; she shaped her whole world around Kanno-sensei and now it's all over! Her childhood friend Shin just seems happy to pour fuel on her fire. Taeko lurches from one disaster to another. And every time her plans are ruined Shin seems to be involved. She aches to tell sensei how she really feels. But will Kanno-sensei even care?

Porotto Koboreta

Rui and Saeki are like fire and oxygen, explosive when put together. But not even Rui can leave the bad tempered and broken hearted Saeki alone when he's too drunk to get home on his own. The question is what will happen AFTER Rui gets him home?

Dengenki Love Machine

Collection of crazy tales of love. 1) Electrical Shock Love Machine One of the most beautiful and popular girls in school, has zero interest in boys or romance. That is, until she meets Bansaku. He seems like a very average boy, unless one looks very closely... and Madoka does. She becomes so hypnotized by the little things about him that she loses her good senses, and when she regains them, she finds herself touching poor Bansaku, who has no idea what she's playing it! Madoka has spent her life dodging the unwelcome advances of desperate male love machines... Does Bansaku feel the same sort of disgust for Madoka's long-repressed, electrically-charged lust? 2) My Baby: Morimura Aki's handsome looks attract women by the thousands, but his violent manner keeps them all at arm's length. As an innocent bystander, Moe couldn't have cared less... until one of his outbursts led to her injury! Now revenge is a matter of pride. But when she exacts it, there's an unexpected result...? (No, really, you'll never guess if you don't read it!) 3) Like in Cinderella: When Chiyo lost her job and had to take on work picking weeds for the rich, she never expected to become like Cinderella. But when Yoshimune, the handsome young master of the Tokugawa Financial Empire, runs away from his 'castle' with her, that's what Chiyo is certain will happen. But there's no guarantee that these two will live happily ever after, because this fairy tale isn't Cinderella's -- it's Chiyo's! 4) Don't Get Me into It: None of Ichirou's home tutors ever come back after the first tutoring session, but Takigawa Megu can't imagine why -- he's so cute! And... tied down in his chair!? It turns out that Ichirou is a complete and utter brat! Megu makes it her mission to prove herself superior to him, and Ichirou is actually impressed? Now, every time he gives her an inch, he gets her a little more into it. Before long, Megu feels like tutoring Ichirou... in the ways of LOVE!

Tracks of a Rolling Stone

Tracks of a Rolling Stone summary: Tracks of a Rolling Stone summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Tracks of a Rolling Stone. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Homer and Classical Philology

Homer and Classical Philology summary: Homer and Classical Philology summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Homer and Classical Philology. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

A Rambler's lease

A Rambler's lease summary: A Rambler's lease summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Rambler's lease. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation

The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation summary: The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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