














类别玄幻 古风










类别热血 玄幻 古风







内容简介:  一白发老者哭丧着脸:“医生,我中了衰老术只有一年好活了,我才20啊,还有救吗?”  吴斯摆摆手:“别慌,只是脱水、酪氨酸酶活性降低、激素水平下降而已,验个血然后去补液,再做个机体活 性化治疗就好了。下一个!”  “Ruaaaaa!!呃……”张着血盆大口的幽冥狼刚冲进来,就被吴斯扼住脖子捏成了渣渣。  拍拍手,他有些不满:“保安怎么做事的,狗子都放进来了。”  “吴医生,这病人快不行啦!中了女妖尖啸,现在室颤了!”护士高呼。  “除颤仪接上,备300毫克胺碘酮!再把咱的同频脑电干涉仪给他戴上,我这就来。”吴斯身影瞬间消失,甚至留了个在开医嘱的残像……1w0-3428 >>


内容简介:表面和善,性格孤僻谨慎的老头,意外得到财富系统。因为年轻时与人和善,却让他失去一切,这次他立志要在死前花光自己的钱,绝对不留一毛钱给自己的吸血鬼一样的亲人。可惜五十岁后的他,喘口气都在 赚钱,财富越积越多。为钱所困的老头该何去何从?1w25443-94682 >>


内容简介:乱云飞渡是由作者风景画所著的一部超级精彩的现代都市小说,小说乱云飞渡全文讲述了主角出生在一个很偏僻的小山村里,他父亲为了改变祖祖辈辈面朝黄土背朝天的命运,而让他们外出读书,当他遇到了在 B市人称“风月俏佳人”的婶婶柳淑月会有怎样的际遇呢1w0-74452 >>


内容简介:一剑霜寒简介:轻松架空,古耽推理悬疑【简介】全国百姓都在传,萧王季燕然武功高强,风流倜傥。如此天潢贵胄,将来要娶的那个人,定然也是琴棋书画、煮饭烹茶样样精通。寻常人家羡慕不来,羡慕不来 。萧王府内。这日,季燕然偶感风寒,卧床不起。云倚风亲自下厨,淘米摘菜,炖鸡汤。片刻之后,萧王殿下抱病赶来,头晕眼花关切道:“下人都说你在厨房炼蛊,云儿可是又要杀谁?”————————每晚8点日更中,请多多支持啦。《一剑霜寒》是语笑阑珊精心创作的青春都市小说,小兵实时更新一剑霜寒最新章节无弹窗广告版,书友所发表的一剑霜寒评论,并不代表小兵赞同或者支持一剑霜寒读者的观点。关键词:一剑霜寒最新章节语笑阑珊一剑霜寒无弹窗一剑霜寒全文阅读1w0-34350 >>


内容简介:还走吗?男人逼问。乔慧只得求饶,不走了不走了上辈子她眼盲心瞎,毁容流产断了腿,被渣男毁了一生,更害得那个恨不得把心掏给她的男人与她死在了一起。一睁眼,重回八十年代,正是她与这男人大婚之 日。她发誓此生定要好好待他!可她忘了,这男人是十里八村令人闻风丧胆的恶霸!又硬又横不说,就连她这媳妇都是被坑来的!急,在线等,如何驯服恶霸老公?!1w111990-129804 >>


内容简介:“帝师大人,听说您娘子倾心于您,只因贪恋您的权势和美色?”赫连冥烨:“不,她贪恋我身中奇毒无人能解。”“小宝少爷,听说帝师娘子收养了您,是因为您是前朝遗孤?”小宝:“走开,我是我娘亲生 的!”闲言碎语传入叶灵汐的耳中,第二天,那些乱传谣言的人全部毒发晕倒。这一定是叶灵汐的报复!众人纷纷把黑状告到帝师大人面前:“帝师大人,你娘子太毒了!”赫连冥烨连眼皮儿都没抬,“我宠的,你有意见?”1w0-27369 >>


内容简介:秦云,在神界被一个小人暗害,转生凡人界,却得天地造化,发誓重回神界,定要他们千万倍的偿还可是,当修为的不断提高,一支巨大的无形之手悄然的伸向了他世界之大,谁主沉浮,本少秦云,横跨寰宇, 成就一世之王,有谁不服,定让尔等化星辰!1w0-71285 >>


内容简介:尘海枯竭,万世成空,雷电咆哮,古道悲鸣!巨头镇压当世,古帝隔岸观火,先天生灵身伴大道而生,谁敢称尊?……“大道枯竭,世间不允许你这样的剑道至尊横空出世。”少年太子被封葬剑冢内,本以为碌 碌一生,谁知竟觉醒满级悟性。观看始祖佩剑,顿悟上古剑术!观看日出日暮,顿悟先天之气,自创内景大世界,媲美先天极道生灵!当世人都忘记了这位曾经惊艳一世的剑道至尊时,一个号称为古神寻找继承人的组织来到了葬剑冢。“真武,你的时代到了。”本书又名:【老祖,我已是真武大帝,不能继承你的地府传承了】【禁足葬剑冢,一剑斩落世间仙】【刚继承真武名号,老祖又送来满级大号】ps:简介无能,请看正文。1w96164-98639 >>


内容简介:  本书交流群:977893956。(运朝流,征战万界流。)重生汉献帝刘协,董卓霸权,诸侯动荡,危急时得帝皇系统认主,且看刘协如何得系统辅助诛逆臣,重掌皇权,掌大汉,诛异族,展大汉天威 。再以三国世界为本,建运朝,修帝道,征战万界,一步步成为万界至尊。穿梭功能:拥气运便穿梭诸天万界,大汉铁蹄踏足,万界臣服。武侠世界...科幻,仙侠....封神,玄幻,洪荒,一步步征战征服!本书交流群:977893956。1w0-806 >>


内容简介:这是一个悲凉的传奇。傅圣歆为了避免家族企业的破产,不得不依附于曾有宿怨的商界巨子易志维。他们在彼此的试探与挣扎里,慢慢陷入与对方的情感纠葛中。只是现实严酷,容不得她奢望爱情或是幸福。易 志维突然发现其弟易传东爱上了傅圣歆,骤然翻脸之后,圣歆几乎失去一切,心灰意懒之下,她答应了另一个青梅竹马、却是家族新仇人——简子俊的求婚。当易志维陷入困境时,傅圣歆不顾一切回到他身边,最后一次希翼得到爱情。谁知这爱情,竟是一场精心谋划的骗局。生活是一袭华丽的锦袍,她终究只是一朵锦上花,点缀在他姹紫嫣红的过往,静静凋谢了芳华。1w0-72520 >>




内容简介:  穿越真灵大陆,萧然成为一代女尊伶舟月的亲传弟子,绑定“最强孝心系统”的他,只要给师尊尽孝心就能变强。端茶送水,捶腿揉肩,他用美食仙酿腐蚀师尊的肉身,用小说漫画腐蚀她的灵魂,在师尊身 上没日没夜的薅羊毛!终于有一天,这位本想占徒弟便宜的漂亮女师尊,发现自己反被徒弟薅尽羊毛,红着脸骂他:“孽徒,你的孝心变质了!”【另类狗粮文,非舔;另有五千均完本老书《女大三千位列仙班》,无敌狗粮文,书荒可看。】1w0-1799 >>

Tobenai Tori

Aoi was abused by her teacher in middle school, a trauma she is still unable to overcome. One day, because of a family vacation, she is reunited with her first love, Kaoru: even though she has never forgotten him, she definitely doesn't want him to see how much she's changed...!

Shin Kidou Senki Gundam W: Battlefield Of Pacifists

After a generation of warfare, the Gundam boys finally brought peace between Earth and the colonies when they helped defeat the Oz and White Fang armies. Now, out of the rubble, the surviving soldiers are re-emerging and clustering together into new factions. Heero Yuy has become a vigilante pacifist, tracking down weapons stashes and destroying them, while Relena, former Queen of the Earth Sphere, is now trying to maintain the peace politically. But an unmanned weapons factory has been discovered somewhere near Mars, and now the Gundam boys are going to have to dust off their mechs for one more battle if peace is to stand a chance of lasting. Battlefield of Pacifists is one of the possible events that bridge the gap between the anime series and the OVA, Endless Waltz. Other manga that also present such possibilities are Blind Target and Ground Zero. Here are other titles that are related to this one: Shin Kidou Senki Gundam W (is the Main Story) Shin Kidou Senki Gundam W: Endless Waltz (is also the Main Story) Shin Kidou Senki Gundam W: Blind Target (is the Alternate Story) Shin Kidou Senki Gundam W: Ground Zero (is also the Alternate Story) ~ ming

Tomoyo After - Dear Shining Memories

The manga adaptation of Key's adult game Tomoyo After: It's a Wonderful Life. The manga is told from Tomoyo's point of view. There are four chapters.


Roan Summer is a 16-year old high school student who has been pretty unlucky when it comes to love. During his freshmen days, he fell in love with a girl from a different class whom he calls Miss Question Mark. Well, this is because he lacks the courage to ask her name, much less to confess his hidden feelings to her. Now, freshmen year is over and as he heads toward his sophomore year, he is wishing that by some miracle, he would finally belong to the class where his beloved crush is. Odds surprisingly favor Roan’s first day of school this time as he discovers that the vacant seat next to him is actually Miss Question Mark’s chair. However, one afternoon, a clumsy, pretty yet weird girl named Meory Winter ruins the moment as she comes rushing to the room where Roan is, causing the two to bump and to accidentally kiss one another. Pursuing his feelings for Miss Question Mark at one hand while trying to keep the “accident kiss” with Meory a secret on the other, together with his new, old and crazy friends, Roan Summer’s love story is now terribly tangled and twisted. Can Roan be able to escape this Love Rumble? Or rather is he willing to escape it to begin with? (L. Rumble!)

Primitive Love and Love-Stories

Primitive Love and Love-Stories summary: Primitive Love and Love-Stories summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Primitive Love and Love-Stories. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

A Voyage to Arcturus

A Voyage to Arcturus summary: A Voyage to Arcturus summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Voyage to Arcturus. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Henry the Second

Henry the Second summary: Henry the Second summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Henry the Second. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Regarding the Display of an Outrageous Skill Which Has Incredible Powers

Regarding the Display of an Outrageous Skill Which Has Incredible Powers summary: Dragged into another world — Mukouda Tsuyoshi.
Through the appraisal of our status, we can see that apart from mine, the other 3 people who were summoned had the job t.i.tle of [The Hero from a different world that finally came] while mine was [A person from a different world that was dragged here].
In this world, there exists the complete set of awesome skills such as the Holy Sword technique, Holy Spear technique and Holy Magic.
Despite that, I only have the unique skill called [Online Supermarket].
I who lacked combat skills was quickly regarded as trash.
Nevertheless, the king of the country that summoned us gave an excuse that was totally suspicious.
I often read light novels and comparing the light novels with the events that had occurred, I arrived at the conclusion that [This is no good. This is a hopeless type of cross world summoning story.]. Thus, on the very day that I was summoned, after convincing the king, I managed to escape the castle.

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