















斩!赤红之瞳 零

简介最新话熟肉已经上市,每月25号左右更新! o(*≧▽≦)ツ 一个腐朽黑暗的帝国,七名选拔出来的精英杀手,无数悲惨消逝的生命。在混乱时代的漩涡之中,个人的命运如同草芥,是拼死抗争还是等待灭亡,名为赤瞳的少女将做出怎样的选择?






简介即将面临职场挑战的大学实习生,竟然收到了一个神秘初中生的告白威胁?! “不做我的女朋友,就滚出这家公司!” 好不容易获得了梦寐以求的工作,难道会以这种因垂死听方式被终结?小鬼的告白到底是认真的还是另有目的? 虽然年龄相差,思想相差无限!2017年最搞笑的姐弟恋故事即将上演!









内容简介:  突然有一天,萧瑟发现自己珍藏的手办以及部分幻想人物全部都活了,并且降临在自己家中的时候——消炎:为什么每次都让我到绝境才能爆种啊,土豆在哪儿?!叶凡:兄弟我支持你去干他,玛德这圣墟 又断章,带我一个。尼禄:呜姆呜姆,奏者要倾听余的歌喉吗?宇智波斑:黑绝,不对岸本老贼,老夫要去十一区。阿尔托利亚:带我一个,唯有那个叫奈绪蘑菇的男人不能原谅啊!天使彦:还好我不用去十一区,我砍死萨拉雷就好了......看着正在努力商量着要去砍死那群作者的小人,萧瑟无语,首先,你们能变成正常人大小吗?喂喂喂,那边那个弃天帝还有齐天大圣,别处去瞎跑,外面世界的蚊子和虫子超级恐怖的当有一天,幻想人物提刀降临萧瑟的家之后,现实世界的作者们战栗了!  群号:8 6 9 9 3 4 1 5 91w0-908 >>


内容简介:  虚拟梦境设备?这是什么鬼?“用来做白日梦的?没兴趣。”“什么,百分百虚拟现实?一个晚上能当半年用,还能从现实中复制一个角色?嗯,真香。”“第一个梦境,当世界其他所有人都消失,只剩下 我一个?”PS:群,696714917本书改编漫画已经上线,下载个腾讯动漫APP,搜本书书名即可找到,欢迎大家去看漫画版。1w0-4082 >>


内容简介:主角是杨雨欣老周的小说又叫纯纯昧动、老爸与女儿等,讲述杨雨欣今年十八岁,自从初中毕业后,就辍学在家跟着父亲务农,处于青春期的她,对于异性的身体,是非常好奇的,雨欣虽然不是老周亲生的,但 从小养到大,也算是自己闺女,当看到那丰满的部位时,他还是没忍住多看了两眼。1w28608-86045 >>


内容简介:顾阳穿越到一个高武世界,在一个小村苟了两年,总算攒够了第一桶金,激活了系统,人生模拟器。花费一定金钱,即可进行一次模拟。模拟结束后,可以保留境界,武技,人生智慧三选一。【你当了五年账房 先生,攒到钱买了一本功法,十年苦修,成功成为九品武者,遇到敌人,卒!】【你一出山,就是九品,当了某个家族的护院,苦修二十年,突破到第八品,最终,老死于一个小镇。】【你一出山,就是八品,得到一个世家的赏识,被传授高各位书友要是觉得《我的人生可以无限模拟》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-76363 >>


内容简介:斗罗大陆之倾城绝色是作家灭世法神的小说本站提供斗罗大陆之倾城绝色全文免费阅读,斗罗大陆之倾城绝色最新章节全文免费阅读,全集完整版无弹窗无广告,斗罗大陆之倾城绝色最佳阅读体验就在小兵。1 w7907-97597 >>




内容简介:心脏病突发昏迷醒来后,耿瑶穿成了《娇妻太妖娆》里那个反派大佬私生子的亲妈。才刚过18岁的耿瑶还没来得及高考,先体验了一把身怀六甲的感觉。只是原书里,这个倒霉的炮灰女被心狠手辣的反派大佬 去母留子,还没见到自己的孩子,先死在了手术台上。耿瑶穿过来后知道了自己的结局,哭得眼睛都肿了,怯怯地拉着大佬的衣摆。“哥哥,我不想死。”大佬掐着耿瑶的纤腰,狠狠地将她按在了床上。“谁让你死了?”·放飞自我狗血苏爽文·大家和平讨论剧情,请勿上升作者么么哒。·微博:长翅膀的木甜接档幻言《穿成男主死去的白月光》江筱语一觉醒来,发现自己穿成了小说《娇气包逃婚99次》里,那个男主已经死去的白月光。小说里,这白月光好是好,只可惜从小体弱多病,年纪轻轻就得病去了。现在换成了江筱语,她健健康康的,一点病痛都没有,自然要过不一样的人生。男主:我不许你跑。接档都市《小心动》十四中的池叶是全校皆知的小霸王,武力超群、嘴炮满分。隔壁班有男生欺负女生,池叶冲过去,一脚踹翻了对方的桌子。“我警告你,以后……”坐在后面的易淳懒洋洋地揪住了她的校服衣摆。“同学,你把我的奶茶打翻了。”人人都说,易淳就是个妖孽,连霸王花见了也要化成绕指柔。实际上只有两个人才知道,池叶才是那个妖孽。“池池,你过来让我亲一下。”更多文请专栏里淘1w0-64112 >>


内容简介:公元219年11月,东吴大将吕蒙白衣渡江,袭取荆州。此刻,关羽正在樊城与曹军大将徐晃交战。而主角却赶巧不巧地穿越到关羽庶子关索的身上。“连系统都没有当真就不能让我早几天穿越吗?”刀法九 流,性格顽劣,胸无大志,不喜军旅,长得和女人一般俊,张飞表示二哥你这儿子确定不是被调包了?就是这么一个纨绔子弟,决定在三国乱世逆转乾坤,名扬天下算了,还是先想想怎么救关羽吧。PS:本文以《三国志》为主,《三国演义》为辅,并穿插一些野史人物。现已将关索设定为关羽第二子。各位书友要是觉得《三国之白马关郎》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-27905 >>


内容简介:“神级系统找到宿主!”“宿主乃是一缕魂魄,不可附体,进行人物身份更换!”“扫描附近可容纳魂魄之躯,叮前方三丈处有一只蚊子,可容纳宿主的魂魄!”这时一股吸力同时朝着魂魄跟远处的一只蚊子笼 罩而去!一只蚊子,一个神级系统,故事从这里启程!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《神级蚊子》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-76384 >>




内容简介:【原书名:《我被读者诅咒成了美少女》】至于吗?我不就是写了几本变身、伪娘小说把你们掰弯了么?一个个干嘛要诅咒我变身成萌妹?只是……当站着尿尿成为了过去,当每个月那几天折磨的我死去活来, 当每天被文胸勒的难受……坑爹呢!变身萌妹这种诅咒竟然也能成真?!61616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161616161没有穿越,不做文抄;逗比搞笑,吐槽卖萌。这是一个可怜小写手被诅咒变身成萌妹,然后为了报复用尽办法掰弯所有人的故事。已完结:《今天开始女生》、《男校的雌孔雀》、《伪娘》等。读者群:52962539,真的没有女装福利!各位书友要是觉得《变身之我被诅咒成萌妹》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-69529 >>


内容简介:【空间种田逃荒】末世大佬白梧桐带着空间穿到古代,还没等高兴,就发现自己身处逃荒大乱世!杀人抢劫,谋财害命,坐地起价比比皆是。上来,她就干掉两个人。好心救个人,还被讹上了,死缠烂打,非要 跟着她。既然如此,那就别怪她见色起意了。好不容易安定下来,却被分配边疆开荒。天高皇帝远,快活塞神仙,白梧桐求之不得。过了几年。白梧桐一不小心就带领前朝首富,丞相,暗卫营指挥使,当代大儒,女圣人,神医……将蛮荒之地变成了人人趋之如骛的富贵乡。皇帝带着大臣慕名而来,定眼一看,傻眼了。白梧桐身边端茶倒水的男人,不正是自己死了好几年的大儿子吗?各位书友要是觉得《农门逃荒:末世大佬有空间》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-64974 >>

Milk To Vitamin

Milk is a young and childish girl living with her aunt in Orange Town. One day, she is told that a guest is coming over to stay with them for a while. Milk's aunt had said that the guest is cute and pretty. Milk, excited about her new friend goes to meet the guest at the fountain. Milk's childhood friend Vitamin and others accompany her at this time. Through an unforseen event, Milk arrives late at the fountain with the guest nowhere to be seen. They did however, find a handsome young boy asking for directions to Orange Town.

Takuhai Cupid

Delivery Cupid is a collection of six short stories. The title story is a romantic comedy about Tsubasa, who is half-human and half-cupid. In order to become a full cupid, he must successfully unite a couple. However, the target is an evil man named Norimasa who shows no love for anyone. When Tsubasa accidentally ends up as Norimasa's match, the trouble begins. Are Tsubasa and Norimasa attracted because of cupid magic, or is it true love? Contents: 1) Delivery Cupid (Takuhai Cupid) 2) Love♥Beam!- a student is given a magical gift that will make anyone fall in love with him. Should he use it on his handsome classmate? 3) Cinderfella: A Fairy Tale- poor paper delivery boy has always had a crush on the young master of the house. When he gets one night to be with his beloved will it be enough? 4) With You Forever (Forever With You)- a young boy in a hospital begins a friendship/romance with a death angel. 5) Ai Scream (Ice Scream)-A hot, hot summer has an ice cream vendor fantasizing about his cute customer. 6) Under the Star Light (Ooki na Yozora no Shita de) - A waiter is fired from his job in a fancy restaurant, and ends up spending an evening with a bum on the streets. 7) Delivery Cupid, Afterward- Does Tsubasa deserve a second chance? 8) Afterword *As listed in the American publication released in July 2007 by Boysenberry Books.* **The ones in bold have been scanlated!**

Shuuseki Kairo No Himawari

A cyber-punkish collection of stories revolving around the theme of the 'DOLL.' 1. Keep Those Condoms Away From Our Kids The tale of boys and girls who have lost their sexual desire. Mihara Mitsukazu's debut work. 2. The Iron Maiden The tale of the strain a girl experiences from having grown up in a home without love. 3. The Sunflower Quality Of An Integrated Circuit Vanilla is a robot made by the SG Company. She's loaded with all the latest functions and completely subserviant to humans. And you even have the separate option of upgrading her to a lover robot. One Vanilla is a maidroid in the home of an elderly master and his younger wife. The atmosphere in the house is cold and stiff because the wife is having an affair with a younger man. The lonely master comes to look upon Vanilla as his own dear child. He suggests that when the sunflowers bloom, they go outside together to watch them. 'Is that a command, sir?' asks Vanilla. 'It is not a command,' he replies. 'It is a promise.' And so forms the piercing and painful integrated circuit--the alternating current of intercourse--between a lonely old man and the emotionless Vanilla. 4. The Other Side of the Rose Wire What was the thing a girl like an angel endlessly carried? 5. Fish Out of Water A girl who lost her memories when she was dragged into a llake with her suicidal mother... awakens from her dream. 6. Mister Mineral Inside the body of a cute girl who's just like a doll... are internal organs, and blood, and... 7. Alive The sad tale of a human and a clone who pass right by each other.

Koisuru Kyuukyuubako

From Dreaming Scanlation Momo never cared about guys. She was always a jock with a spectacular throwing/catching arm. One day, however, at the start of a new term, she meets a guy who throws her off her feet. He's part of the baseball team and to get close to him, she joins the cheerleading team in hopes of cheering him on at his baseball games. After a series of event she wants to join the female baseball team but she's stuck with the cheerleading team. Who knew the cheerleading team was full of surprises.....

Favorite Dishes

Favorite Dishes summary: Favorite Dishes summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Favorite Dishes. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Primal Elements

Primal Elements summary: Primal Elements summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Primal Elements. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Waterhouse And Zailer: The Carrier

Waterhouse And Zailer: The Carrier summary: Waterhouse And Zailer: The Carrier summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Waterhouse And Zailer: The Carrier. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Bee Hunting

Bee Hunting summary: Bee Hunting summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Bee Hunting. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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