
































内容简介:李墨夺舍了魔道祖师李长生,李长生有七个了不得的徒弟,各个都是正道恨不得除之而后快的大魔头。大徒弟魔教长生教教主燕长空:“只要师父活着,我永无出头之日。”三徒弟楚国皇帝李弘:“来人呐,把 朕的妃子们叫来,让朕的师尊随便挑。”五徒弟百花宫宫主叶红衣:“总有一天,我一定要把师父娶进门。”一群孽徒,居心叵测,李墨感觉自己随时都会狗带。这群孽徒该怎么调教?不求让他们当个好人,起码让他们当个人。跪求调教1w43697-75404 >>


内容简介:  末世,不只有丧尸,还有龙!  硬科幻末世文。1w0-3596


内容简介:二十一世纪的解放军战士刘振华穿越到了民国年间,成为军统北平分局的一名特工,在1935年华北巨变的时代,刘振华依靠自己过人的身手和超出一个时代的眼光,以为国效力,荡平日寇为己任,对日本侵 略者进行各种打击,在斗争的过程中终于找到了组织,在军统地下党日为特工三重身份伪装下,为祖国四万万五千万同胞,为中华民族的解放事业,奉献出自己的一切,默念着只解沙场为国死,何须马革裹尸还开启了自己的抗战生涯!1w0-32203 >>




内容简介:如果穿越到古代该怎么办?如果穿越到古代当上了县令该怎么办?如果穿越到古代当上了县令并且被一群女人盯上了又该怎么办?楚门懵了。神啊,救救我吧!“叮!”“是否绑定无敌县令系统?”本站提示: 各位书友要是觉得《县令的悠哉生活》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-82431 >>


内容简介:(无敌文,幕后黑手文,绝对暴爽!)穿越玄幻世界,开局便是仙王巨头,帝族之祖,不朽之王。左手持戟,右手持剑,仙古纪元覆灭九天十地的主宰之一。“哪怕背负天渊,需一手托原始帝城,我苍仙一样无 敌世间!”“赤锋戟,不朽剑,斩尽仙王灭九天!”“仙之巅,傲世间,有我苍仙便有天!”他俯瞰万亿生灵,屹立在无尽仙巅:“吾乃帝族之族,不朽之王,诵我真名者,轮回中得见永生!”本故事及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-65495 >>


内容简介:唐迁七年前被人陷害,背井离乡远走海外。七年后,已是地下世界超级强者的唐迁回归,却被迫与美女总裁试婚一年。都市红尘美女如云,古武高手、异能觉醒者、还有那强大的修士纷至沓来,且看迁哥如何一 路披荆斩棘,所向披靡!各位书友要是觉得《女总裁的第一高手》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w19148-25244 >>




内容简介:搜小说免费提供作者鱼玄机的经典小说:《我受不了了,顾教授他好会!》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说“请问顾山海学长有女朋友吗?”季星禾脸上笑容灿烂璀璨,一双桃 花眼中所藏万千星辰。顾山海愣了片刻,眼神柔和,笑容浅淡:“没有,不知道这位同学还有没有什么问题?”她看着他:“那学长,喜欢什么类型的女生。”顾山海突然凑近,一手撑在榕树上,白衬衫衣领敞开些许,颇有几分斯文败类,恍惚间耳边听得一声低笑,随即是他饶有兴味的话语:“喜欢好看又眼瞎的。”1w0-75008 >>


内容简介:八百年前,明帝之子张若尘,被他的未婚妻池瑶公主杀死,一代天骄,就此陨落。八百年后,张若尘重新活了过来,却发现曾经杀死他的未婚妻,已经统一昆仑界,开辟出第一中央帝国,号称“池瑶女皇”。池 瑶女皇——统御天下,威临八方;青春永驻,不死不灭。张若尘站在诸皇祠堂外,望着池瑶女皇的神像,心中燃烧起熊熊的仇恨烈焰,“待我重修十三年,敢叫女皇下黄泉”。1w61-4790 >>


内容简介:本书简介:没钱不可怕,没钱还倒霉就悲催了。家道中落,云映桥和父亲背井离乡上京讨生活。靠着摆摊卖字,进侯府帮工,日子步上正轨,眼看就要脱贫致富,奔小康。结果却因为招惹了不该招惹的人,人生 发生了翻天覆地的变化。“主人,我对嫁您没兴趣,求放过!”1w0-76088 >>


内容简介:杨东带着军需仓库“穿”到了明朝.下决定要带着汉人走到世界最高点。什么八一九五式自动步枪,什么火炮火箭炮,什么坦克直升机突然出现,可以想像冷兵器对战下会是什么场面 。汉人就应该站在这个世界的巅峰上,以吾为尊。且看六少爷杨晨东如何一步步让汉人成为这个世界的主宰,成为真正的最尊贵人类。1w0-3201 >>


The four girls of the Kameido High School tennis club play and don't play tennis in their side-splittingly funny daily lives. The new club member, Yuri Oshimoto, is forced to be the straightman to her idiotic upperclassmen. Then there's Kanae Shinjou, the stupidity-machine who can't play tennis even though she's in the tennis club; Marimo Bandou, the unpredictable super-pervert from Kansai; and Nasuno Takamiya, the air-headed, mysterious rich girl who tries to solve everything with money. Today, tomorrow, and the day after, regardless if they're all there or not, it's a tennis manga you can't help but roar in laughter at!? And in the fall of 2012, you might get caught up in the “Teekyuu” whirlwind even further!?

The Three Times

From Webtoon Live: Hina, a Japanese foreign student. Junho, sufferer of Elite OCD. Won, a girl with her own way of seeing the world. A campus life story of these three people. Deals with the issues of Japanese, Korean and global society. The author, Yellow Goo Mi, was born in Japan, but since her parents are Korean, the Japanese government will not give her a Japanese citizenship (which is considered a problem in some aspects; these people are slightly alienated by the 'real' Japanese people in society, despite their extremely Japanese upbringing). As a person with a Japanese and Korean heritage, she writes about the problems in modern Japanese and Korean society, plus the global society in more recent chapters. The first part of the webtoon focuses on Hina and the Japanese society, an example being the more increasing problems with Japanese bullying (ijimae). The second part of the webtoon focuses on Jun Ho and the Korean society, an example being the flaws of Korean education system. Currently, the webtoon now focuses on the global society.


Tsutomu Nihei returns with another addictive manga (see BLAME!), set in the not-so-distant future (3005 A.D.). It follows a character by the name of Kanoe Zouichi and the mysterious Kanoe Fuyu whose luminous form is integrated into the system of his bike. They are agents sent by a powerful organization to retrieve the human with the ability to resist and transmute the NS5 infection that is spreading across the world, named Yion/Ion Green. However, their mission is delayed by the reckless actions of the Public Health Department's taskforce and the kidnapping of Yion/Ion Green. Will they complete their mission? Where has Yion/Ion Green been taken? These questions will only be answered as more volumes are released. The art in BioMega is similar to BLAME!, with its complicated concrete sprawl and ludicrously wide, empty spaces. However, things seem to happen at a more reasonable pace. In this manga, there is emphasis on the swiftness of the attacks made by Zouichi, such as the gun being sheathed just before the enemies fall to the ground. Speed is crucial in this manga, unlike in BLAME!, and the plot develops just as quickly. An interesting read, especially if one has enjoyed BLAME!

Straight No Chaser

Shuuhei is an endlessly enthusiastic pizza deliveryman with almost no ambitions or skills, and he's determined to date Hitomi, a high school girl who made the mistake of kissing him once. Her disinterest can't stop him from loving her, though! When he asks her what she likes in a man, one of the things she mentions was the ability to play a musical instrument. In response, he decides to learn to play the trumpet. But learning about the trumpet and jazz music is going to change his life in more ways than he imagined...

I'm Pregnant With The Villain's Child

I'm Pregnant With The Villain's Child summary: I'm Pregnant With The Villain's Child summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of I'm Pregnant With The Villain's Child. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Lions Of Lucerne

The Lions Of Lucerne summary: The Lions Of Lucerne summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Lions Of Lucerne. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Analyzing Character

Analyzing Character summary: Analyzing Character summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Analyzing Character. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Sword And Love

Sword And Love summary: This was a land full of martial energies. Everybody possessed a special martial spirit that was woken up at eight by the body owner. Seven levels of the spirits were marked with the colors of rainbow, and only those spirits above red (level three) could be cultivated. A time long ago, on an ancient battlefield between Evil and Good, Xuanqingzi, the top martial G.o.d of the most highest heavens, fought with Chengtian, the king of the devils. Though Chengtian failed and died, he heavily injured Xuanqingzi and smashed his martial spirits into pieces. Only one piece of Xuanqingzi was left alive and it fell to Earth, where it turned into a normal person. But this guy was almost worthless because the martial spirit in him was incomplete. Could he fight again?

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