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内容简介:受到世界意志惩罚,李东的身体每时每刻都在变年轻。别以为这是好事,如果放任不管,二十个小时就会变成一枚卵,一天后连个渣都不剩。好在,世界上能导致衰老的东西不少。他上网查了查,大概有三种类 型:化学损伤,物理损伤,生物损伤。从此他开启了自己的反补之路。但你以为这样就完了?【绑定新宿主,人生导航竭诚为您服务。】【开始导航,目的地‘世界霸主’,距离万公里,大约耗时112年,前方右拐。】1w0-72464 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:都市:我嬴政,开局复苏杀神】穿越到一个历史复苏的世界。在这个世界,每个时代的历史人物都会因为传说而重新化为英灵降临。当嬴政自沉睡中醒来之后却发现。这个世界的华 夏历史出现断层,大康之前无历史?嬴政自始皇陵中醒来看着当年被自己封印的无数历史英豪。就这?杀神白起血杀十万里,一戟镇八方。儒圣孔子妙笔生花,一言敕封天地。强汉盛唐富宋,铁骨铮铮大明朝,无数英豪横空出世。十一区:大大夏为何如此强大,八岐大蛇竟然被那个姓刘的小混混一剑斩了所有头颅。米国:诸位那个自称大魔导师的刘秀谁能把他拉走,他太秀了我们太难了。北极熊:你们那算个屁,我们境内出现了魏蜀吴三个国家,飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-80114 >>


内容简介:浅情人不知。爱情这种东西,只有用情深的人才会明白其中的幸福和痛苦。宁教授语录:“我不懂女人的爱情,但我自信会做得很好。”“……”本文也可以叫做《他的爱情浅》,《你的一生一定会遇到一个很 帅的教授》,《我和宁教授不得不说的故事》文谢绝扒榜!进来点击文名下收藏此文章的朋友,一个月内会发生好事哦信则灵。浅缘深系列文推荐时间哒:我若在你心上情敌三千也无妨难得爱浓请专注泡我一个,么么哒作者:师小札所写的《浅情人不知》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。推荐地址:1w0-60475 >>


内容简介:对四要不起的《辅助长得好看有什么用电竞》小说全文免费阅读,最新章节由网友分享提供,更新最全最快,欢迎点击《辅助长得好看有什么用电竞》小说阅读,全文免费阅读《辅助长得好看有什么用电竞》无 弹窗。1w0-83204 >>


内容简介:  生来便是仙种,养出满腹怪谋。最爱行侠抱不平,名声好处全有!  仙门亦有龌龊,老怪妖魔小丑。惹我心里不痛快,屠神便如屠狗!  ——牛头村方贵,到仙界一游!  【黑山老鬼(heisha nlaogui99】  【读者群:193466328】1w0-205 >>


内容简介:推荐预收文《熊猫美人风靡星际》苏白一觉醒来,才知道他所在的世界是一本书。在这个传统的玛丽苏文里,女主一夜之间变成万人迷新星,人见人爱花见花开,受到全民追捧。书中的男主则格外狠辣,封杀明 星撞死影帝,干了无数丧尽天良的事,成功以坏男人的形象在一种追求者里脱颖而出,最终抱得美人归。不幸的是,苏白就是这位男主。苏白:“这变态绝对不是他!”年度颁奖典礼上,女主特意在停在苏白座位前面,风情万种的撩头发。网友们和各路明星:女神太美了!苏白你怎么还不喜欢她?苏白:“这位女士的发际线可能有点秃。”女主当场气哭。在女主孜孜不倦的追求下,苏白被烦得要命。终于有一天,他发现一向清冷低调的影帝居然不受女主的光环影响!他兴冲冲的接了跟陆闻宗合拍的耽美电影,大帅哥长得帅性格也好,就是偶尔眼神有点吓人。陆闻宗做了一个无比清晰的梦。梦境从现实延伸,就在半年后,他被人恶意开车撞死。这时他才知道他所在的世界只是一本书,苏白是男主,杀掉他只因为一件事。女主是他粉丝。他的死亡,在书里是促成男女主相爱相杀的引子。因为这个可笑的理由,一辈子的殚精竭虑,一辈子的谋划毁于一旦,刻骨的恨意充斥着脑海。梦醒后只余下满心荒唐。接下来一切如梦里剧情发展,女主成了全民偶像。他暗中布置,看着男女主在他面前相遇,眼神一点一点变冷。然而男主不但在他面前气哭了女主,还转头接下了与他合拍的耽美电影,绽放的笑容如深渊玫瑰般炽烈。前期攻想杀受,后期真香大型追妻火葬场。表面清冷实则黑心肝全民男神攻X没心没肺小玫瑰漂亮受各位书友要是觉得《穿成玛丽苏文男主后我弯了》还不错的话请不要忘记向您微信群和微信里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-74295 >>


内容简介:  重生幼时,她只想好好守着家人。  可他说,我愿我余生来守护你,我愿将我的余生给你,让你以‘我’活着。  还有一个他说,我曾以为我是最有资格和你一起守着的,但是没想到,世事无常,你成 了我的心头砂。  有一个他什么都没有说,只手拎着外套,背覆一生宠爱和静好安稳强行住进了她家。1w0-4370 >>




内容简介:炎黄大陆,有一个神秘又奇怪的宗门。这个宗门很小,可它的规矩,却奇葩得令人发指。连神品资质的天之骄子前来拜师,都会被拒之门外。某天。那位极具逼格的宗主,突然对外宣布:“缺个打杂的,有谁愿 意来?”“我我我!”为了这个打杂的名额,一群超级强者争得面红耳赤。…………这是一个温馨欢乐,又有点逗比的宗门养成故事。郑重提示:本故事纯属虚构,如有雷同,算我抄你各位书友要是觉得《最强无敌宗门》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-27253 >>


内容简介:数百万年前,一场战乱席卷苍穹大陆,无数武神陨落,珍贵战技,战器被毁,武道崩断,再无人能成为武神。数百万年后,经过无数大能推算,世代完善,创造出法术法器替代失落的战技战器,完善了武道,但 仍无人能成为武神,自此武神成为一个传说……一个被亲人夺走圣体的少年,机缘下得到葬有‘神’的大墓,他将成为揭开‘武神绝迹’的关键。神级功法,天级法术,至高法器……妖孽般的领悟力,坚韧的心性,不屈的意志……这就是洛尘。等级设定:凝气,蝉凡,腾空,金丹,破窍,周天,化神,武神之境……1w0-4177 >>


内容简介:苦逼的王宇穿越了。紧接着便发现这个世界居然没有荒野,没有求生,更没有荒野直播。于是当他绑定系统之后,便大声的向全世界宣告:“凡人们,宇爷来了!”“天啊,妈妈问我为什么跪着看直播!”“快 看,这人连蚂蟥都不放过!”王宇:“不要慌,问题不大!”1w0-29746 >>


内容简介:黑将灬的新书《来自阴间的新娘》属于同人网游邻居结婚的当天晚上,新娘却因我而死黑将灬的小说作品来自阴间的新娘无弹窗阅读和来自阴间的新娘最新章节。来自阴间的新娘免费在线阅读1w21000- 29474 >>

Furachi Na Otoko Tachi

1)Outrageous Men Mari and younger Eiji work for the same company, and they are secretly in love. Mari feels happy with him, because he is gentle, dependent on her, and cute. When she visits him at home for the first time, she is shocked to know that he is a brother of her former boyfriend Yuichi…! In her college days, she couldn’t get along with Yuichi because he was too pushy. Therefore, she chose to part with him, but... 2) Love Communication Tanabe Sumire has trouble dealing with her client Haga Takahiko...but when her mom pushes her to go for a match-making session her partner is none other than Takahiko and after a pretending to date him she realized she is falling for him. Will love communication help in solving her problems...? 3) Marriage Pink Yamashita Riko and Hayashi Ryoji are lovey-dovey couple about to get married. But after her first time staying with Ryoji, Riko realizes that sex with Ryoji is so violent that it drains her out. Worried she might not be able to get wedding preprations done she started avoiding Ryoji's invitations...Is this another case of wedding blues or rather wedding pinks in case of Riko...? 4) Can't Take Away My Treasures Kondou Miyuki is a host of show 'Cooking in 10 Minutes' but a lousy cleaner because she can't throw anything away. The next show that requested herappearance is a Live Broacast called 'let's go people's Home!'.Panicked Miyuki decides to clean her room. Luckily she runs into Hasegawa Nozomu a pharmaceutical consumer researcher while purchasing cleaning items whom she asks to prove the products use by cleaning her apartment. What will become of her messed-up house and her Live Broadcast...? 5) Calling For Love Kitou Kazuki after becoming jobless, homeless, and divoced ends up at Shibata Kouichi's place. Kazuki always sees Kouichi as her junior from high school but that changes when he declares his love for her. Will Kazuki respond to his call of love...?

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Juusha To Oresama

[from Fantasy Shrine:] 1-4)Being the willful, extravagant 3rd prince, Philnaldo frequently graces the cover of tabloids with his scandalous affairs with women. This annoys his personal attendant, Ralph, to no end! Then Philnaldo propositioned him unexpectedly; in exchange for dropping all his women, Ralph would take their place… in his bed! A royal love story of a prince and his servant, where both refuse to face the true feelings of their hearts… but what happens when a crisis occurs!? 5) The Garden in the Past- Ichika is in elementary school when his father dies. His mother takes him to live with Yuu, a mysterious young man who has a connection to Ichika's father. As his mother becomes more unstable, Ichika grows more dependent on Yuu... 6)Darling 2002- Nishihara is odd-ball president of the puppet club, (yes, that's right, puppet club) and desperate to keep it from being shut down. What he needs is a new member but grabbing the person next to you isn't a good idea when you're standing by Moriya Koyo, the scariest guy in school. Moriya tells Nishihara off, but entranced by his beautiful voice, Nishihara becomes determined to win Moriya over to the puppet club! Stalking, badgering, and chasing, nothing is off limits for Nishihara.

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Oneshot.Midori and Takeru are childhood friends, Midori wants to always stay childhood friends with Take. Midori thinks she knows everything about Take, but what she dosent know are his feelings for her...How will these childhood friends end up?

When I Woke Up, I Got The Strongest Equipment And A Spaceship, So I Went And Became A Mercenary In Order To Live As I Please While Aiming For A Detached House

When I Woke Up, I Got The Strongest Equipment And A Spaceship, So I Went And Became A Mercenary In Order To Live As I Please While Aiming For A Detached House summary: When I Woke Up, I Got The Strongest Equipment And A Spaceship, So I Went And Became A Mercenary In Order To Live As I Please While Aiming For A Detached House summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of When I Woke Up, I Got The Strongest Equipment And A Spaceship, So I Went And Became A Mercenary In Order To Live As I Please While Aiming For A Detached House. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Forsaken Immortals

Forsaken Immortals summary: Finding an ancient treasure was not as fortunate as one might expect. As soon as Bai Rouyun had left the grave, countless sects and hidden families set out to kill her for the sake of obtaining her treasure for themselves.
After months of killing, and leaving a trail of numerous corpses, Bai Rouyun finally could not continue. Unwilling to succ.u.mb, she gave up, throwing herself off the mountain top, taking the treasure with her to the eternal grave in the clouds.
However, the treasure she had picked up was anything but ordinary. Soon she woke up in the body of a mute, deaf, and mentally challenged woman who... had just gotten married?
Trying to get used to her new life, swearing to gain vengeance while juggling her newlywed husband, was a task that genuinely required all her wits.

The Fatal Cord

The Fatal Cord summary: The Fatal Cord summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Fatal Cord. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Arabesque - A Taste Of Morocco, Turkey, And Lebanon

Arabesque - A Taste Of Morocco, Turkey, And Lebanon summary: Arabesque - A Taste Of Morocco, Turkey, And Lebanon summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Arabesque - A Taste Of Morocco, Turkey, And Lebanon. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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