
































内容简介:故事简介玉皇,他是史上最强的异能者,拥有最诡异的非自然系异能——剥夺,可以将别人的生命、记忆,以及能力都占为己有,不过,他却因遭背叛,穿越到异界。身怀异能穿越异界,那会掀起一场什么腥风 血雨?这里没有绚烂的魔法,也没有强大的斗气。但这里却有比魔法更加绚烂,比斗气更加强大的武学秘典。“我很喜欢你的内力,开个价吧!”从此之后,主角就开始了他的BUG生涯。新书秘籍等级制度:天书(日、月、星),地书(XXX),人书(XXX)。恳请各位看官,看完之后,请顺手丢上几张推荐票吧,烽火谢谢!!(显得有些底气不足。)PS:【三组出品,本本精品】完本过小说:《重生之华丽人生》新书求推荐:《校花的极品高手》本书绝不TJ,大家放心阅读。1w0-68700 >>


内容简介:    简介:师门突然遭遇灭顶之灾,她莫名变成了清河崔氏嫡次女,不光要手忙脚乱的应付着多如牛毛的规矩,还要解开围绕在身边的种种谜团……  (陈年老坑恢复更新,日更不断,有事会请假)1w 0-1877 >>


内容简介:修炼奇效杀人杀怪等级狂飙!抽奖功能神技神兵拿到手软!副职系统神丹圣符轻松炼制……宅男辰申带着无敌系统穿越而来,打怪爆秘籍,杀人爆装备,左手降龙百二十八掌,右手诸天乾坤大挪移,威压三界, 终成无敌至尊!1w0-4022 >>


内容简介:先生,何为修仙?无外乎升格。升格……可得大逍遥否?否也,升格,直面大恐怖。(书友群1041692026)既如此,诸生灵为何修仙?下者治人,中者求活,上者斩道。何为斩道?夫子轻揉青衣童儿 ,淡淡扫了眼仙气缭绕的四周,在青衣小童看不到的境地里,这方世界遍布着模糊的血肉与戾煞,耳边怪诞的嘶吼无时无刻不在摧残着神魂,天穹的隙间里,外魔探出了杂乱无章不成形状的指爪。他嘴角抽了抽,福生特么了个天尊,望着头顶不可名状的数万尊仙神,特别是正中间最吓人的那三位,头都要炸了。我叫张清和,这个见鬼的假修仙世界里唯一的真修,我为自己抬棺……本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《不可名状的道尊》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-61077 >>




内容简介:青山镇小佣兵被天外陨石砸中,被蓝星人魂穿,丹田变成了一座九层宝塔,吸收魔核就可以获得斗技,灵魂力都有属性,一层对应一种属性,九层全部点亮,可成混沌大帝。看他如何收异火,斗各族,集万道, 陪红颜······1w0-89852 >>




内容简介:长宁公主大婚前夜被驸马一剑穿心,再次醒来竟成了国公府的傻小姐。为复仇,她精心谋划,步步为营,誓要让背叛她的人血债血偿。听说驸马思她成疾,每晚都要守着她的棺材才能入睡。而她当年随手捡回的 少年,竟成了当朝第一权宦。东厂督公江潋心里住着一个人,为了她甘愿堕入地狱,做一只吃人的恶鬼。人人避他如蛇蝎,唯有国公府的傻小姐整日纠缠于他。江潋忍无可忍,扬言要杀了她。不料,那位小姐却将招亲的绣球抛进了他怀里……1w0-78276 >>


内容简介:关于强行染指:哥哥去世后,夏明月辗转被生父接回。可她万万没想到,那个多出来的兄长,居然会是数日前在男厕中逼迫她口ampampgt弹去指间的灰烬,顾城兴味的凝视着面前的女孩。他也没想到, 当日在是父亲口中的“亲戚”。“妹妹?每晚躺在我身下的妹妹吗?”【男主遇到女主后从一而终……此文过程1强男弱女(暗黑系虐身)】本文伪兄妹,戳我吧戳我吧,箭头往下看猫头★新坑★★完结★继往昔,此文依旧走【暗黑】强取豪夺风,男主是你想象不到的渣,女主是你想象不到的弱,如果是只看女强,或者对弱女主反感的姑娘,就不要进来找膈应了,(没办法,某商就好这口)另外此文是虐文,鉴于虐心太高级,不会写,所以此文:【虐身】。1w0-29065 >>


内容简介:【穿越种田签到甜宠】一朝穿越,竟穿越成一个好吃懒做的恶毒女人?还有一个傻子相公?以及没米下锅、没棉做衣?不怕,我有签到系统。生根粉、加速化肥、塑料大棚,只有沈珂想不到,没有系统给不了。 看沈珂如何变成签到大佬,带领村民走向县城、走向京都、走向全世界!最后,傻子相公坐在龙椅上微微一笑:“皇后,这边入座”1w19116-25323 >>


内容简介:任务名称:平平无奇的日常助人为乐任务要求:鲨害目标迟迟不出现,凶手先生很苦恼,请宿主向前走两步。任务奖励:30点助人为乐积分。日向合理往前走了几步。走到第四步的时候,身后突然传来花瓶坠 落声,回头一看,一个花瓶刚好落在他刚刚走到第二步的地方。他:“?”鲨害目标竟是我自己?!系统:“?”说好了两步,你居然走第四步?!……这很柯学。——无女主,主角是酒。1w0-99344 >>



Minna Kirakira

Daddy, Mommy and Mika make up the perfect modern family. Mika is Daddy's little princess, and he won't hand her over to any one. But when handsome Atsushi-sensei at the daycare center becomes Mika's perfect prince, sparks fly. What ever will Daddy do?

Night Sky Kiss

Its pretty much a oneshot about a girl who just about to transfer schools but a guy kisses her thinking it was something to mess with her but was he truely messing with her that is the question, read on!! Oneshot about a girl, named Hitomi, who is transfering schools. But right before she leaves, her crush Matsunaga decides to play with her. So is he really just messing with her or is there a reason behind the jokes?

Ai Wa Karada De Kataru Mono

Collection of oneshots. Very steamy! 1) When violated by the perverted school doctor, Mizuru calls out the name of his best friend Natsura. But it's his best friend, he can't possibly be in love with him...right?! With Natsura being mute and Mizuru not being true to his real feelings, will these best friends have a happy (and smex-filled) ending? 2) Ibuki has known that he is different from other boys since he was 12, but he has been able to keep it a secret. However, his dad's new Italian apprentice (who wants to bathe together!) is about to shatter Ibuki's resolve! 3) Hachiya always felt Hozumi's eyes on him in high school, but never talked to him. Now they meet 8 years later in a gay pub but is it just coincidence? Or destiny? 4) Takashina has an imaginary friend name Michael...an imaginary sex friend that is! But he wishes to fall in love with a real man. Maybe his friend Toriumi could be of assistance? 5) Okabe is an artist who doesn't go out much. The first man he fell in love with is getting married soon, what is this difficult feeling? In comes Akiyo, a gay janitor who touched one of Okabe's sculptures. Can this straightforward and simple man show Okabe the world outside of his easel that he's been longing to see? 6) Our Sin 7) Lovesick Baby

Ojousama No Inu

A Collection of 5 Short Stories. Story 1 - Follows a boy named Shingo KANOU who gets a job working as a servant for a rich girl named Serene. Story 2 - Is a love triangle about 2 best friends who fall in love with the same boy. Story 3 - A story about a girl who has monolids and normally fakes double lids. She wanted to confess to her boyfriend about having monolids when she realized she won't be hated for it, but her boyfriend then reveals that he dislikes liars and people who hide things, which causes her to think twice and go to extremes to hide her secret of having single eyelids... Story 4 - About a shy and cute girl who is part of the drama club at her school. She has a crush on the lead actor who is playing a role in the production of Cinderella. And by accident finds herself playing Cinderella opposite the boy she loves. Story 5 - 'When I'm alone on Christmas Eve, he always by my side...'. Chise always believe in Santa Claus, so when Santa himself comes and asks her to succeed him as Santa Claus, she agree to do it. But then, tomorrow is her boyfriend's christmas party, can she still become santa?

Gunshot Road

Gunshot Road summary: Gunshot Road summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Gunshot Road. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Womanizing True Immortal

Womanizing True Immortal summary: Half-Immortal Yang Tian faced off against 9 Half-Immortals for his vengeance. While he succeeded, he sustained critical injuries and returned to Earth for his final resting place. However he managed to break through to True Immortal and his temperament returns to that of a young man. He just wants to have a lot of wives and live a quiet life. However, trouble always comes knocking.

Mahnu, Her Journey

Mahnu, Her Journey summary: Even though the G.o.d, Mahnu, helped end the war between G.o.d 's and humans, the land of Kralaide still has shadows. Trouble starts to rise over one of the towns and her journey changes from loneliness to near complete devastation. A tablet, a box and a chest is part of her journey but new emotions can still be felt even though she has been around a very long time. Is it a hero 's fate that she can hear thoughts and feel the sufferings of the people in Kralaide?...Or a cruel destiny?

King Solomon's Mines

King Solomon's Mines summary: King Solomon's Mines summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of King Solomon's Mines. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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