






简介【每周五、七更新】处心积虑接近他,却发现我才是被套路的小可怜 ; 为什么每一个男人都让我为难——温柔又阴险的美男上司,和我青梅竹马的毒舌男科大夫,还有白送的傲娇学霸弟弟……我要找我妈和我弟,你们快闪开!


























内容简介:(独家小剧场每日在公众号更新,微信搜索《美少女妖妖之心》)亲爹和小三合伙害死母亲,还卖给人渣你要怎么办?关键时刻,高富帅带着一纸合约从天而降。辛晴怒视眼前的男人。原本以为是白马王子,结 果是个恶魔。“不许走,你只能嫁给我!”他恶狠狠的对想要离开的女人说。辛晴冷笑:“你不是为了祖训才留下我的吗?我只是你的工具。”“谁说的?”男人满眼深情:“你是我孩子的妈!”粉丝群:青丘妖族(296305651普通)(373440391VIP)VIP群只接受在网站订阅正版及手机上(如移动和阅读)付费用户。妖妖露着大腿期待大家光临~\(≧▽≦)/~1w0-3740 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:短视频:开局仙鸣战佩恩】李昊穿越到这个娱乐非常发达的深蓝星,并且获得了综漫短视频系统!!!可以在指定的世界里面投放自己制作好的视频,并且强制所有人都必须观看! 只要震撼值达到要求,就可以获得能力反馈到现实世界!自此,世界乱套了。火影世界的所有人都知道什么叫做下忍打架,要离的远远的。海贼世界的人知道有一个人绝对不能打,不然海贼女帝会暴走的。死神世界里的人也知道有一个叫做井上的女人不能碰。一拳世界里的人也知道了一个名叫琦玉的大魔王实力有多恐怖。龙珠世界所有人都知道了赛亚人的恐怖战斗力天道佩恩:我tm要是知道会这样,我就不会手贱去碰那个白内障!飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-80179 >>




内容简介:三百年前的天界,斗战胜佛踏平了雷音寺,二郎真君劈开了凌霄殿。三百年后的蓝星,五好青年周拯本来一直过着做五休二、朝九晚五的‘螺丝钉’日常,只是最近几天,他的日常出现了一点小状况。【PS: 已完结《我师兄实在太稳健了》、《这个人仙太过正经》、《地球第一剑》,强推严肃向小科幻《余光》!本书普群:1098711961、398929196。进群暗号:重铸天庭荣光,我辈义不容辞!】各位书友要是觉得《天庭最后一个大佬》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-94131 >>


内容简介:与黑莲花魔尊HE了是由堇色蝉所写的穿越架空类小说,本站提供与黑莲花魔尊HE了最新章节阅读与黑莲花魔尊HE了全文阅读与黑莲花魔尊HE了免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现与黑莲花魔尊HE了更新 慢了请第一时间联系小兵。1w0-75329 >>


内容简介:她是被戳瞎双眼,砍断四肢后重生的庶女,逼迫给姐姐替嫁给权势滔天的东厂厂公,他是大殷朝性格最暴虐,最有权势的公公,为报国仇甘愿成为假太监,谄媚讨好。一对伪夫妻,一个把持朝政,一个搅动后宫 ,成为人人得而诛之的奸佞,是小皇帝最害怕的仇敌。私下她问:“为什么你要如此宠溺我,不容别人说我分毫?”他嗜血冷笑:“不过是不允许我有半分污名罢了。”轻描淡写,毫无波澜。她伤心欲绝却依旧笑脸相迎,不管你是真太监还是假太监,前世我负了你,今生必定要焐热你的心!!!1w0-84592 >>


内容简介:【飞卢中文网A级签约作品玄幻之创世游戏】一觉醒来,叶辰穿越到一个游戏科技发达的平行世界,还绑定了一个系统。玄幻创世系统只要收集生灵对‘玄幻’的信仰,就能获得信仰之力,创造万物、创造世界 。因为这世界,人人都有游戏头盔,叶辰选择了一条游戏创世的道路。都市传说听说有一款玄幻游戏,在里面获得的力量能同步到现实。新闻头条昨夜、双月同天,时空错乱,演员“吕小布”觉醒前世吕布的神力,大战服部半藏,强拆大厦,震惊世界。震撼!五行山,有一只猿猴成精,不但口吐人言,还能飞天遁地!一个个震撼的信息,让世人惊醒,也让世人狂热。看着他们磕破脑袋地想进入玄幻游戏,叶辰笑了。本故事及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。各位书友要是觉得《玄幻之创世游戏》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-81747 >>




内容简介:今年是大唐贞观十四年,自己的父亲,秦琼秦叔宝,那是名人啊,而且还是两大门神之一。可是他在贞观十二年死后,府上的日子是一年不如一年,而且父亲死的时候,自己只不过刚刚14岁。自己作为秦琼的 长子,本来是袭爵翼国公的,但是3月前自己刚刚加冠,袭爵不到2个月,就因为崇贤馆一栋房子起火,也不知道谁说是自己放火烧的。李世民一怒,让自己本来可以世袭的国公,变成了一个开国县公。1w198-99978 >>


内容简介:一代兵王,为替兄弟复仇越境入狱,五年后回归都市……大哥做了上门女婿,被连连欺辱!自己因为入狱的身份,被所有人鄙夷!却不想……自己的亲生父母竟然是赫赫有名的京都豪门太子……1w9182- 106488 >>


内容简介:【甜宠文】“陆先生,你好冷!”他哪里冷?明明滚烫的能烫死人。“老婆,你好暖!”她哪里暖?明明冷的都成冰块了!她根本不想嫁给陆景澜——那个俊美无俦,背景神秘的尊贵男人。理由是,他表里不一 ,还有病!婚后某天,二人关系被曝光,有记者挑衅,问她:“盛总,听说你和你前夫取消婚约,是因为你在床上完全不能满足他,所以他才会出轨你妹妹,是吗?”她还没开口,就被一个霸道的男人护在怀里,“老婆,我怎么不知道我被离婚了?”1w0-109431 >>



Mijuku Na Kareshi

1. Aimai na Kankei (Ambiguous Relationship) Satoru, a single businessman, had lived alone since high school. One rainy night, Satoru picks up a high-school male stranger and give him shelter. Little does Satoru know that this high-school boy might be his dream filled escapade. After all... 2. Yasashiku Toraete (Capture Gently) In this sequel to Aimai na Kankei businessman Satoru is living with his highschool lover, Reiji. Reiji's brother is trying to convince him to come home. Will Satoru be able to hold onto him, or is letting him go the right thing to do? 3. Itsuwari no Daishou (False Compensation) When teenager Mahito sees his father and his father's secretary Kazaoka having sex, Kazaoka is sure that Mahito hates him. But then Mahito's father dies and he takes over the company and Kazaoka! 4. Man On Oono will do anything to get Nagumo by his side. 5. Kodomo Ijou Otona Miman (More than a Kid, Less than an Adult) 15 year old Kotarou still goes to his childhood pediatrician when he's sick. Or does he have another motive? 6) Sweet Restraint Atsushi's father's company is in trouble and Fukami will help, but only if he gets Atsushi. 7. Miracles Don't Happen When Oosuga's internship is up the salary man Andou who Oosuga's been lusting after invites him to his place for the night. Oosuga's in heaven, but then Andou gives him money?! 8. Mijuku na Kareshi (Inexperienced Boyfriend) Continuation of Miracles Don't Happen.

Nekogami Yaoyorozu

Even in this day and age of the 21st century, many gods live amongst humanity. Mayu is a cat god who is the master at finding lost objects, but she is very lazy and all she does all day is eat, sleep, and play video games. Mayu lives with her caretaker, Yuzu, who operates a pottery store while at the same time doing everything for Mayu. The pair meets other gods in their daily lives and have exciting adventures.


The year is 2718 by the Imperial Calendar, and ZIPANG (Japan) has crumbled in a huge battle against Majinki, terrors from the sky that are half beast and half machine. Hurting each other, warping their morals, unable to see a future, the people strive hard to survive each day. The war wiped out 70% of the human race, but amidst the darkness arose the seven members of the XILE Tribe to bring salvation to the race. But now, 500 years later in 3218, the wicked shadows of the Majinki have once again crept up upon them. This is the story of EXAMURAI, that of the XILE Tribe, who will fight to the death to protect their love, dreams and happiness. Having survived for 500 years since the events of 2718, the final battle of the seven members of the XILE Tribe begins under this azure blue sky... Based on the members of popular Japanese band, EXILE: Hiro, Atsushi, Takahiro, Makidai, Matsu, Usa and Akira.

[email protected] Dearly Stars: Splash Red

Ai, wishing to become an idol as famous as her mother once was, has been participating in tests at various talent agencies, but she has failed every single one of them. Her inability to even begin to follow into her mother's footsteps becomes a complex to her. As Ai bursts into tears, alone in a public park, she is approached by 765 Production idol Haruka Amami, who was a special judge at one of the tests Ai has taken. Having sensed something special about Ai's singing, Haruka comforts her and introduces her to 876 Production's president Ishikawa. The president is very quick to invite Ai into 876, as she believes that her mother's name alone should be enough to propel Ai to the top. Ai protests, stating that she wants to become an idol using only her own strength. She is then given one chance to prove herself, at a rookie idol audition.

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Legends Rise

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The Complete Bachelor

The Complete Bachelor summary: The Complete Bachelor summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Complete Bachelor. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Arte of English Poesie

The Arte of English Poesie summary: The Arte of English Poesie summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Arte of English Poesie. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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