




简介玩世不恭的少年在“偶然”的死亡后结识了神秘的少女,为了复活许下了看似简单的条件,但是未知的险恶早已悄然所致…… 每周6更新 群:180521019 154130913 290666479


简介【每周三&每周五】更新! 这位温润出尘的绝色美男,不仅治好了我的怪病,还要收我为徒?一日为师,终生为夫,小女子无以为报,唯有调戏扑倒!“师父,要抱抱~!”哎,你别跑呀! 官方QQ群:662055933,586311476
















类别玄幻 恋爱 后宫










内容简介:神名深见作为咸鱼的代言人,对于绑定自己的马甲系统是拒绝的。马甲系统:积分可以转变金钱!还可以抢购限量游戏、美食和道具!神名深见:好的!没问题!——但它给的实在太多了。于是神名深见走上了 披着马甲搞事的道路。[盘星教]被[万世极乐教]取而代之,高居于莲座倾听信徒苦难的教祖有一双非人的绚丽彩眸;港口Mafia的首领获得一把锋利的刀,他是来自地狱的死神,而横滨的贫民窟里,出现了一位擅长剑术的青年,1w0-88897 >>




内容简介:以身祭天后,叶婉汐意外穿回现代。从此,娱乐圈有名的绿茶作精,成了各界大佬保驾护航的第一团宠。房地产大佬:“预留现房百套,小师妹想住哪套住哪套。”金融巨鳄:“我的钱就是小师妹的钱,随便花 ,别客气。”知名大导:“从今往后,我的戏女主都是小师妹!”电脑天才:“敢黑我小师妹,都给我小心点哦。”吃瓜路人&黑粉:这背后肯定有什么见不得人的py交易!封·首富·大师兄:“……”我看你们是欠收拾了!1w0-29530 >>


内容简介:前世,温諾以为自己不过是傅谨言手中的一个玩物,千方百计逃离直到她被绑架,生死关头那个男人居然不顾安危冲了到了大火之中,将她护在身下,那一刻温婼才知道这个男人爱惨了自己。重生后,她要手撕 渣男贱女,让前世他们欠的债百倍偿还。至于那个爱惨她的男人,温婼开启三十六追夫计,一顿操作猛如虎,只是追夫前路堪比取经这个男人怎么不按套路出牌?1w0-31323 >>


内容简介:接档文《肆意撩拨》古穿今、穿书,酒吧风情万种四面玲珑旗袍女老板vs傻吊萌霸道不讲理小皇帝。小姑娘身子柔软,胆小如鼠,最拿手的把戏就是能把腰对半折起。长公主夜夜就看着练习下腰的动作,然后 哭得眼睛通红。她抬手擦掉她的眼泪:“你自己要做的,哭什么。”明姝累得眼泪往下掉,哭着抓着长公主的襟口:“我、我不想练了。”长公主无动《养大的娃重生了》小说推荐:暖婚100天、重生八零:媳妇有点辣、重生成年代文反派他亲闺女、医定终身:秦爷,扎个针、少夫人今天又败家了、重生暖婚:顾少,碗里来、快穿法则:腹黑男神,强势宠、每天被迫和大佬谈恋爱、全能大佬她马甲多又多、病娇王爷深深宠、天价鲜妻:爷,别撩了!、快穿:宿主每天都在被攻略、重生暖婚:大财阀的小甜妻、江少吻过火:替身娇妻入怀宠、喜上眉头、黑少,你老婆又在装傻、天价宠妻:霍总请接招、隐婚:邢二少宠妻要翻车、少夫人今天又作妖了、重生八八年代:农媳有点甜1w0-67586 >>


内容简介:  天才少年叶麟,因为一场意外,回到了过去,一个他完全陌生的年代,看叶麟……  已有两本完本精品,质量有保障,请大家放心收藏。  为方便大家交流讨论,可进书友群:292724802(无 要求)!VIP群:135356857(两千粉丝值,需验证)1w0-164 >>


内容简介:文案一最近,沈卫民注意到两个事情一是六队赵老四家的三姑娘赵琪是越长越水灵,看着比村里其他姑娘都好看。二是这个好看的姑娘好像看上他了。不过想想自己的风评,沈三柱决定忽视第二条。然后,整个 村子里的1w0-96302 >>




内容简介:  (本书纯属虚构,纯属虚构,纯属虚构,重要的事情说三遍)“咔嚓”一道闪电劈下,平安哥诞生了,黑科技爆发时代开启了。没有最黑的科技,只有更黑的科技。什么,你不服!你尽管蹦跶,黑不死你算 我输。PS:平行世界,请勿较真。1w0-4110 >>


内容简介:胡言穿越到了玄幻世界,不过却是一个将死的大反派——狐仙。不过,幸好还还有一个奸商后悔值系统,索性可以编写自己的过往。于是胡言就可是了自己反派的洗白之路。死亡禁区。他看着倒在自己怀里的狠 人魔帝,忍痛斩下自己的仙人骨,“师尊,天道弃你于不顾,我来渡你。”九幽之下。一袭僧袍的他捧着一颗白莲子,将其种在了自己的眉心。“菩萨,你渡了我,却为何没有渡自己呢?”魔渊之中。他只身一人,杀入魔宫,为世间免除多少的杀戮。九天之上。他与仙人对弈,胜仙半子,避免三界众生成为香火之奴。直至最后他化凡为仙。所做一切,尽皆为了庇护所爱之人,为了保护整个世间。然而却被世人误解。1w0-96315 >>




内容简介:  今日是木牧乔登基娶那个人为后的时候,也是林娇苦守边境的第二十日。林娇孤身一人站在城楼之上看着下方的十万敌军握紧了手中的弓箭,即便她能够百步穿杨,却也不能以一敌众。就在这时,城内有兵 来把报“将军,翼城失守了,并无援军前来!”林娇身子一怔,翼城失守,那他们就腹背受敌了。眼下城中百姓虽然已经撤离半数,仅剩一万青军,但若是不端掉翼城的敌军,那他们一定会被围剿而死的,可若是她现在带兵去翼城,那边境势必失守,届时,京都危矣!这时林特走了上来“阿姐,我来做你的剑刃,你的援军!你放心去翼城吧,我来守边境!我绝不会让西伊的铁骑踏入我们大恒半步!”林娇虽然心中隐隐不安,但却也无可奈何“你只需守三日,三日我一定回来!”三日后,林娇如约归来,而林特却被掳入敌营。林娇终于崩溃了,她背着弓弩,孤身一人闯入敌营“弟弟,我来接你回家!”林特是被林娇接了回来,但林娇却身受重伤,危在旦夕。远在京城的新皇,终于坐不住了.....1w0-3148 >>

Mukashi No Hanashi

• White Room Angels exist in both black and white. The white angels have pleasant jobs, like making flowers bloom and warning people of danger. The black angels have ugly jobs, like making people sick. When she was a child, the black angel Lily admired the white angels, and now as an adult she's decided she wants to be one. • A Story of Long Ago Long ago, an angel born from a daughter and her mother's lover remembers back to when she was born. • The Dreamer A girl dreams the same dreary dream every night, and meets a blind man who describes a blue sky to her. She searches for the blue sky. • Imagination Envious of the boy who always places first in her art school, she snaps at him, only to realize how wrong she was to do so. • I Dreamt of a Delicious Little Finger Dreaming that in a dream, your body parts turned to bread...! • Cups A depressed girl, seeing that her kitten is pregnant, works so that she will have money to afford kittens, only to find tragedy. • The Edge of the Sky, to the Furthest Horizon A man searches for his true love.


Nitta Arata is a typical 21 year-old junior attending college of science and engineering at Toaru University. He is bright, he's in the engineering program after all, but he definitely is from a working class background. He has been working his way through college for the past 3 years without major incident, so being swept up in a warped experiment of an equally warped professor was the last thing he expected in the second half of his college days. One day, Arata received a letter asking him to meet someone whose initials were 'N.H.' at a relatively secluded location on campus. The letter looked suspiciously like a 'love letter', but Arata had his doubts. More likely it was a cruel practical joke perpetrated by one of his buddies, especially when the initials matched those belonging to 'Nogi Hatsune', also know as 'Miss Engineer', the reigning heartthrob of the engineering department. Why would somebody like her be interested in a nobody like himself? The short answer was that she would not be interested, but why take the chance of missing out? So there was Arata, in ultra-cynical mode, waiting at the appointed location when he was suddenly grabbed from behind! His last thoughts as world turned to black was that the gloved hands covering his mouth and nose reeked of ether... This manga is for an older teen audience.

Mashounen Bt

From Project Bite Me! Scanlations: The creator of Baoh and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure presents a manga about magic and mysteries! You'll meet him at 13:13 pm, on Friday the 13th. He'll do an uncanny intro where he plays a trick on you! And wherever he goes, trouble seems to always follows. Who is this person that creates such incidents? None other than Cool Shock BT!

Shinwa Ponchi

Aritake Deigo has decided to move out because he could not stand living with his family anymore and wants to find a place to live a miserly life of self-loathing. While talking to an apartment agent, he encounters a strange blue haired girl carrying a snake statue. He then starts hearing a voice from the statue and after touching it, he gets knocked out. Upon waking up, he finds out that he has been possessed by Lyssa, the Goddess of Madness. Now, if he can't be happy from the bottom of his heart, he will die.

The Legend of Futian

The Legend of Futian summary: In a time when the Divine Prefectures of the East Sea were in great disarray, Emperor Ye Qing and Donghuang the Great appeared to save the day. Under their rule, the prefectures united and all nations as well as their kings have been controlled. However, the legend of these two great heroes becomes altered when Emperor Ye Qing’s name is wiped from the history books after his sudden death. All statues and images of him were destroyed and his name a taboo. Only the legend of Donghuang the Great shall live on. 
Fifteen years later, a young man by the name of Ye Futian begins his journey in search for his true ident.i.ty. The legend of Futian was going to be one for the history books.

The Church of St. Bunco

The Church of St. Bunco summary: The Church of St. Bunco summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Church of St. Bunco. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Doings of the Fifteenth Infantry Brigade

The Doings of the Fifteenth Infantry Brigade summary: The Doings of the Fifteenth Infantry Brigade summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Doings of the Fifteenth Infantry Brigade. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Secret Nights In The Inner Palace

Secret Nights In The Inner Palace summary: Imperial prince of the Ka country Li Sekka is a beautiful, una.s.suming youth, but he holds an important secret. He possesses both genders. And as such he serves as a subst.i.tute for his late sister, who was to be the next empress. During this time, Ka country is invaded by the large army of the neighbouring Yoh country. Sekka ran away from the country dressed as the Imperial Princess, but was captured by the Emperor of Yoh country Ryuu Kishoh and had to enter the man’s harem as a princess. “If he learned that I am a man, I would be killed…” But just as he was feeling uneasy, he was ordered by Kishoh to spend a night with him…!?

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