








简介由玉皇朝代理出版的港版日本漫画《花样男子》。日文原名《花より男子》(Hana-yori Danshi),是日本漫画家神尾叶子的长篇少女漫画,1992年至2004年在集英社出版。












保密漫画 ,「保密」——对我而言就是「单相思」。












内容简介:叶笑穿越了!这是一个人人都有投资系统的世界!可唯独只有叶笑知道历史!元朝末年投资谁?投资朱重八!一路发发发!隋朝末年投资谁?投资李二!一路冲冲冲!别人亏地血本无归,叶笑赚地钵满盆满!叶 笑当之无愧的投资之王!各位书友要是觉得《全民投资:开局投资朱元璋!》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-84294 >>


内容简介:小说监狱大佬们的小公主是由马晓样连载中的一本非常难得的情节与文笔俱佳的好书,监狱大佬们的小公主情节跌宕起伏,扣人心弦。小兵免费提供监狱大佬们的小公主最新章节无弹窗无广告阅读体验。1w0 -67172 >>


内容简介:颜清穿书而来,意外成了BE文中那个拆散男女主角,无恶不作的恶毒反派。为了避免原文中原主的命运,她一心与渣男划清界限,为此不惜包养了一个小白脸。脸。可这小白脸,怎么越看越不对劲了呢……颜 清穿书而来,意外成了BE文中那个拆散男女主角,无恶不作的恶毒反派。为了避免原文中原主的命运,她一心与渣男划清界限,为此不惜包养了一个小白脸。可这小白脸,怎么越看越不对劲了呢……各位书友要是觉得《穿成BE文里的反派恶毒女配》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-97248 >>


内容简介:文案:生病请假回家那天,我撞破了我哥调教奴隶,高考之后,我跪在了我哥脚边。萌雷自鉴:堂兄弟,骨科,年上,主奴文,攻之前有过感情经历,1V1,HE更新频率:尽力做到隔日更新,有特殊情况会 提前说明过往完结文txt下载群:687934389微博:白色硫酸铜《跪在哥哥脚边》小说推荐:卿卿一笑百媚生、和偏执霸道少年谈恋爱穿书、大师穿成掉包豪门千金、隐衷、权贵的五指山、在下考场MVP、再苏就炸了、星光甜不过她娱乐圈、我们这里不准刷脸快穿、思春期、在你眉梢点花灯、老魃的讨饭棍、穿越七十年代之农家好女、完美先生与差不多小姐、大国师,大骗子、截胡、重生之纨绔逆袭修仙、攻略那个起点男主!!第二部、我的衣柜通向星际、末世吃货生存手札1w0-95857 >>



暗场(NPH 人妻出轨)

内容简介:人妻霍柔迷迷糊糊被各种男人利用、侵犯、鄙夷、蹂躏、玩弄的日子,最终堕落为暗场中的娼妓。白切黑女主。虐女主,但女主很爽。一场捕食,五个男人和一个玩物。是狩猎场,是修罗场,也是屠宰场。霍柔 跟随直觉的纯真者她不说话,她行动;她不顺从,她放纵。方时宇(丈夫)难以捉摸的控制者“柔柔,我是你的丈夫,我爱你,我爱你——但你真的在乎你的丈夫吗?”李边泰(上司)无法餮足的性瘾者“霍柔,你应该知道我们之间的关系很有趣的关系,我很好奇你的丈夫会怎么想。”江玄(老师)亦正亦邪的协助者“你该做的唯一一件事就是去1w0-118831 >>


内容简介:微博晋江君汐若最近时空司新添了一个任务部门,组里虽然只有一个人,却是主神费尽心血亲自创造出来的精英。而这个被命名为“被攻略组”的部门的任务只有一个,那就是——扮演位面原著人物,不惜一切 代价,务必将即将脱离控制的VIP金牌攻略者留在这个世界受自带被攻略系统,扮演原著人物金牌攻略者自带各种攻略系统,根据任务攻略原著人物大概就是个攻略者准备攻略受扮演的原著人物时,却在攻略途中无法自拔地沦陷,最后任务完成甘愿留在这个世界的感人故事(?),嗯。……至于受?当然是坐等攻略者们来想方设法攻略自己啦≧▽≦结论主神在下很大一盘棋就是这么丧心病狂,依旧要写这种被攻略的无脑苏文hhho ̄▽ ̄ブ【酷爱去吃药本文将于日18时准时入V,感谢一直陪伴我走过来的你们,真的很爱泥萌~么么啾!推荐自己和基友的文《初恋逆转系统快穿》by君汐若男神总在被攻略《鲛人男神娱乐圈》by君汐若今天男神的马甲掉了吗没有《我只想做个普通人(穿书)》by梦千航但是这个世界不让。排雷指南:1本文苏白雷,人设苏苏苏,文笔小白,不适者还请绕路2“将攻略者留在这个世界”这句话就是表面意思,攻略者一般任务完成后会被强行离开,想留下只有脱离时空司变成普通人,也就是只有这一世不会再穿越了。3结局1v1,正攻由每个攻略对象被回收的一部分灵魂组成。1w0-29418 >>




内容简介:武道盛世,天才辈出!一代天骄林羽,自末法时代横空而至,横推天下无敌手,剑道绝顶称至尊!妖魔外道,见我之剑,必将匍匐颤抖,万界强者,见我之剑,必将俯首称尊,在这个弱肉强食的疯狂世界,就让 我以浩荡不灭之三尺青锋,成就万世不朽之无上剑帝!1w2298-4635 >>


内容简介:慕雪依是24世纪的冷血杀手,杀伐果断,薄凉无情,一朝穿越,竟然成了女尊国的摄政王。权位中周旋自如,权与位要不要只在她一念之间,她玩转江湖与朝廷,成为江湖邪殿之主,却不小心惹下一堆桃花, 且看她如何笑傲天下!1w37366-55083 >>


内容简介:免费提供作者老草吃嫩牛的经典小说:《重生夜话》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说赵学军回去了,回到了七十年代。他不求什么,只求这辈子,身边的人都要疼好了,爱好了 。在此我想说一句,文中万林市,是我生活的城市与故乡结合的一个虚幻的城市。请不要把它归类,因为这是那个时代乃至整个时代的一个代表缩影!ps于是,牛嫂悄悄开坑了,这文是临时起意的,早就想写重生了。不然每天看着别人写,自己总想着,要我写,会如何?就这样,哗啦啦……………………我跟风了!哈哈!1w0-57694 >>


内容简介:搜小说免费提供作者且思的经典小说:《炽爱游戏:高冷娇妻太难撩》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说陆易城是个禽兽,这一点只有顾染心知肚明。人前,南城陆少衣冠楚楚, 翻手为云覆手为雨;人后,陆禽兽只喜欢抓着某女翻云覆雨。“陆易城,今晚不许碰我!”某女怒目而视。陆禽兽邪肆挑眉,一口答应:“好啊。”某女惊疑不定,怎么突然这么好说话?果然,某男开始慢条斯理脱衣服,笑得一脸无耻。“我不碰你,那就换你碰我吧!”顾染卒,她果然还是天真了……【有甜有虐结局he,本文非小白,偏红袖霸总风】1w0-64644 >>

The Soul Chaser

Paris, XIXth Century. A little girl disappears under strange circumstances while playing with her doll at her home's garden. The police start searching for her, with no success; they just find her doll, stained with blood. Some time later, Fabrice, a young Parisian from a good family, decides to give his fiancee, Sophie, a doll he's found on an antique shop. Though reluctantly at first, she ends up accepting his gift. Later , that night, the young lady is woken up by some strange noises she can't find out where they come from. She convinces herself they're just her imagination, so she goes back to bed. But she's not alone in her room anymore... Everything points to her disappearing like that little girl. The police, once again, can't find a single clue on Sophie's whereabouts, so Fabrice, desperated, is determined to search for her by himself. His search will not only reveal that under Sophie's disappearance there are powerful supernatural forces lurking, but will imperil his life as well. But Fabrice will not be alone: on his search, he will have the help of such peculiar characters as Adriel, hidden under the appearance of a nice bookseller; Ruby, his enigmatic assistant; and The Master of Ceremonies, a mysterious and disconcerting being, who can only be found on the famous Parisian cemetery of Pere-Lachaise... (Published by www.MangaMagazine.net)

Love Diver

From Nakama: A master chef and the owner of the bar where he is about to begin working at, is actually high-school classmates. In the past, they had shared a kiss, the scent of flowers still clings onto the owner's body... The master chef who thinks about the past, is carrying complex feeling everyday? Also, the owner is someone with his pheromones on high, and super popular with other men that one night, he was attacked by an unknown stalker! Decadent wine and love stories between adults...

Bambi And Her Pink Gun

The word is out on the streets: a reward of five million dollars to the opportunist that wastes the courier calling herself Bambi and returns her living cargo. Chainsaw swinging psychos, gold-toothed Elvises, Derringer-packing grannies and all the other scum in these badlands could care less whether Bambi is kidnapping this toddler she christened 'Pampi' or if she's snatching him back from his captors. With a pink gun in one hand, and a leashed Pampi in the other, can antihero Bambi's huge ego and formidable gun skills hold off an army?

My Young Cat And My Old Dog

Episodic Pet Stories Adorable, yet heart-breaking original webcomic

Master Of Time

Master Of Time summary: If you have the power to travel anywhere in time, armed with your knowledge, what would you do? Could you prevent wars, natural disasters and the economic crisis? Do you really want to? Wouldn 't you prefer to play G.o.d instead? Afterall, only G.o.d should have the power to control time.This is the story of my life. It is not for the faint of heart. I never wish for this power, yet I was granted it...

The CEO's Woman

The CEO's Woman summary: If she could use any three words to describe herself, Jiang Yue would say that she is rich, beautiful, and extremely smart. Unfortunately, she took these for granted in her past life, causing her downfall.
After reincarnating to her fifteen year old self, Jiang Yue wants only three things: to build an empire, spend more time with the people who love her and live a happy life.
In his past life, he was unable to express his love for Jiang Yue.
Now that he has reincarnated, all he wants to do is show Jiang Yue how much he loves her.
If she wants only three things, then he wants only three things: to build an empire for her, to spend more time with her, and live a happy life with her.
Mixed with a little hint of mind-boggling mysteries and secrets, what happens when two reincarnated individuals meet and fall in love?
'Do you believe in reincarnation?' Fu Jin's question instantly made Jiang Yue froze. She remembered how she was the one who asked this question when they first met.
'Of course I do.' She answered. She was the living proof that reincarnation existed. 'Why are you asking that?'
'Well... if I tell you that I reincarnated just to make you mine, would you believe me?' His question immediately gave Jiang Yue gooseb.u.mps.
She did not answer him, instead, she turned around so she could face him.
Their gazes met.
'Then if you were given a chance to reincarnate, would you find me again and make me yours?' She asked.
'Of course.' He answered, as he tucked a loose strand of her hair behind her ear. 'I would find you and wait for you Mrs. Fu. Even if it would have taken million years and million lifetimes.'
Fu Jin's answer instantly made Jiang Yue smile. However, this time, a mysterious light flashed in her eyes.
Maybe, Fu Jin's words were true.
Maybe, he also reincarnated just like her.
And maybe... just maybe, their souls were already connected, long before they reincarnated.
(NOTE: This is a double reincarnation story. Both FL and ML died in their previous lives and reincarnated.)

The White Sister

The White Sister summary: The White Sister summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The White Sister. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Invincible Kungfu Healer

Invincible Kungfu Healer summary: In his past lifetime, he was an exceptional prodigy who practiced both medicine and martial arts. In this lifetime, on earth, he used his superb medical expertise and extreme martial arts achievements from his past lifetime to excel in the medical field and the ancient martial arts world. He moved his way towards the pinnacle! A fine youngster, who had been frequently looked down upon due to his poverty, had gone through the cold and warmth of this world to lament laughingly that life was merely so. However, he accidentally awakened the memory of his past lifetime. Since then, for three incarnations, he enjoyed prosperity.

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