
























简介一对婚前男女的生活故事,有趣,有理,幽默,光明。一点小坏,一点温情;一点保守,一点前卫;一点小资,一点草根;一点孩子气,一点大人腔……虽酸甜苦辣咸五味俱全,但整体上搭配得口味清淡宜口,且还有些营养。转载请到苦笑的QQ空间http://79043708.qzone.qq.com/出版约稿采访等请联系邮箱[email protected]




简介【每周五、周日更新】 我们的女主角是一位超能力少女,但她的超能力并不是像电影漫画里那样,她的超能是只要穿裙子就会传送一些让人羞耻的物品......






内容简介:人人都知道大历的睿王殿下摸不得、碰不得、更惹不得。 偏偏年幼无知的阿筠不仅摸了、碰了、还……亲了。 睿王殿下邪魅一笑:“就你了。” 被负责的阿筠被打包送到了睿王府 阿筠无语望天,说好的 我爹是国公我想欺负谁就欺负谁呢? 阿筠泪眼汪汪,讨厌,人家不想让熊孩子喂奶。1w0-2706 >>


内容简介:变身妹子,却是邪道妖女,被迫勾引男人怎么办修行媚术,却是炉鼎体质,还要被人觊觎怎么办难道真如老妖婆所说,只要你采补技术过强,就没有人能采得了你在采人和被采之间,纯情的钢铁直男表示,他特 么的一个都不想选于是,他嫁人了……【封侵删】1w0-79758 >>


内容简介:嫁入豪门77天后简介:嫁入豪门77天后,意外身亡的老公又活着回来了,还表示对她这个老婆很满意!!!云开:o⊙﹏⊙o重生回到十九岁,云开强势逆袭,打脸虐渣。她是原创天后,是叱咤风云的歌唱 天才,她用自己的才华登顶娱乐圈巅峰。只是一不小心,招惹了一位权势滔天的大魔王。等等…这大魔王居然是她那早死的老公?!!传言中相貌丑陋,凶残暴戾的男人,实际上俊美腹黑,智商超群。人前正儿八经、高冷孤傲,人后撩话连篇、宠妻狂魔。云开:“车归你、房归你、钱归你、而你离婚!”霍庭州:“车归你、房归你、钱归你、而你归我!”《嫁入豪门77天后》是绛美人精心创作的青春都市小说,小兵实时更新嫁入豪门77天后最新章节无弹窗广告版,书友所发表的嫁入豪门77天后评论,并不代表小兵赞同或者支持嫁入豪门77天后读者的观点。关键词:嫁入豪门77天后最新章节绛美人嫁入豪门77天后无弹窗嫁入豪门77天后全文阅读1w0-66396 >>


内容简介:修真界,有一家神奇的铁匠铺,它的每件作品,都能引起全世界的追逐……修士们长年累月的等候在外,只求铁匠铺下次丢垃圾的时候能砸到他们头上……“哈哈,排队十年,他总算答应给我打造法宝啦!”某 道门老祖喜极而疯,裸奔全修真界……“放下铁匠铺,立地成佛陀!”某佛门大能在发展教徒时如此说道……作者:时间海藻所写的《神奇铁匠铺》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。推荐地址:1w0-34049 >>


内容简介:蜗牛的最新上架小说《重生后,我被关进了小黑屋(追夫、双重生、1v1)》最新章节由网友提供,《重生后,我被关进了小黑屋(追夫、双重生、1v1)》情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱 佳的网络小说,小兵免费提供重生后,我被关进了小黑屋(追夫、双重生、1v1)最新清爽干净的文字章节免费在线阅读。1w0-96584 >>


内容简介:如果穿越到古代该怎么办?如果穿越到古代当上了县令该怎么办?如果穿越到古代当上了县令并且被一群女人盯上了又该怎么办?楚门懵了。神啊,救救我吧!“叮!”“是否绑定无敌县令系统?”本站提示: 各位书友要是觉得《县令的悠哉生活》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-82431 >>


内容简介:江小龙用捡来的钥匙偷偷打开了女上司的房门,结果却误打误撞,赶走了图谋不轨的邪恶老总,他也因此被赏识提拔。一次绝佳的机会,他凭借聪慧的头脑筹办了最强服装秀,一举击溃了美女上司的竞争对手。 升职加薪自然不在话…1w0-66614 >>


内容简介:重生回到与地球相似的平行世界。他以小说“坏蛋是怎样练成的”,开创了小白文热潮。他写的聊斋志异,更是碾压当今所有灵异写手。他写的后羿射日,精卫填海,愚公移山更是成为了家喻户晓的神话故事。 偶尔,他也写一写这个世界没有的歌曲,在希望的田野上,童年,外婆的澎湖湾……一不小心,这些歌曲,成了华国人人会唱的校园民谣。他闲着无聊拍的八佰,斗牛,战狼,美人鱼,赌神……则成为了华国最为之称赞的电影。而他无意中收的小弟,同样迷恋上了写作,取了个笔名叫纯银耳坠。投资了一笔钱,发展了一个网站,叫中文在线。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《重生之我是网文大佬》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-76579 >>


内容简介:特种兵陈天生,魂穿亮剑世界,练民兵,组建县大队。不知不觉间,成长为独立团最强战力。李家坡之战;赵刚:“老李,山崎大队全军覆没了!”正排兵布阵的李云龙一脸懵逼:“什么?老子们还没开始进攻 ,山崎大队就没了?谁干的?”平安格勒战役;刑副团长一脸担忧对李云龙道:“团长,鬼子多股增援部队正在赶来……”李云龙丝毫不慌,大手一挥道:“不要紧,命令陈天生率领县大队,先给老子灭了敌人的1w0-33447 >>

说好要杀我的人都看上我了[快穿] .




Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-Chan

The story is about Kusakabe Sakura, a second-year junior high student who, in the future, discovers the power of immortality. An angel named Dokuro is sent to kill him before he does so. However, Dokuro thinks Sakura can be spared from this sad fate, thus, she keeps him. Another angel named Sabato is later sent to finish Dokuro's dirty job. Pipiru piru piru pipiru pi! From Baka-Updates: From AnimeWaves: Pi piru piru piru pi piru pi~ Along with this mysterious melody, an 'angel' comes to Kusakabe Sakura-kun's house and beats him to death. Her name is... Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan!? From now on, the everyday fantasies of Sakura-kun's life will be replaced by events more strange and interesting than he could ever imagine... -------- In the future, a man named Sakura is destined to create the technology for eternal life, which (due to Sakura's lolicon tendencies) freezes all women's aging once they turn twelve. God refuses to allow this, so he sends his angels to the past to kill Sakura before he can do this. But one angel, Dokuro-chan, decides to try to change the future without killing him. Problem is, Dokuro is very temperamental, and is constantly killing Sakura (and lots of other people too) in incredibly bloody ways with her giant spiked club. Good thing she can bring people back to life - if only to grusomely kill them again the next time she loses her temper.

Papa I Love You

Kaoru has a little problem (two to be exact) he's suddenly got two bundles of joy dropped on his doorsteps thanks to his slacker brother. Despite their rough start it really does look like they can all become a family but it sees like one of them might not just be thinking of him as 'papa' but as something more... another funny story by Mishima Kazuhiko that's a must read for any Yaoi fan The businessman Mayama Kaoru's life changes drastically when his two nephews show up on his doorstep. Keigo (16) and Akio (5) were abandoned by their father and driven out of their apartment. Despite the fact Kaoru has had no contact with their family, he’s too kind-hearted to say no and takes them in. Soon the three of them start leading a warm, happy family life. However, Keigo suddenly kisses him one day. Was it a sign of family affection or something more?


High school freshman Himeno has begun a new life with her father and new stepmother, but her world is more of a nightmare than a fairytale. That is, until she is crowned the Prétear by a group of handsome knights. But this is not a story of a damsel in distress! This princess is strong, stubborn, and she has a world to save!

Koibito Wa Hatsujouki

1- A Devil In School Sugita is your average high school professor, but one of his students Toudou has been going out of his way to hate him or is it something else... 2- Home Tutors Cannot Fall In Love After a shocking confession from Natsuki, desperate Akimasa sets the condition, 'If you score full marks on your next exam, then I'll go out with you!' 3- Masturbating Together Nao is a student who whenever hes on trains gets horny and so does his friend Shinichi so they decide to help each other. 4- Fondling Together Sequel to Masturbating Together 5- Super-sized Juliet He misses being short and cute, being taken care of like a princess... He misses the attention he used to receive when Mashiba used to protect him... 6- My Lover In Heat (Koibito wa Hatsujouki) Kiyoharu, friendless and without a family, owns a single dog, Jirou. The dog, which miraculously turned into a human six months ago, went into heat and ravaged his master~ 'Jiro, I love you very much - but it troubles me to have you make love to me so deeply.' As Kiyoharu becomes deeply troubled, Jirou goes into heat yet again! 7- The Real Man One night Yuusuke decides to drown his sorrows and get drunk because he cant find a good guy, when suddenly his cat Chuck transforms into a human and decides to train Yuusuke or did he... 8- The Weekend Of A Man Without A Boyfriend A boy is home alone and decides to masturbate when Kurosuke his dog comes in and he starts fantasizing about having sex with Kurosuke as a human. 9- Bride Of The Red Dragon He has everything he needs to be content, a good job, a nice fiance... Yet, he can't help but be drawn to this beautiful ruby ring and the stranger who offers it to him. Descriptions for 2, 5, 6, & 9 are by Blissful Sin Descriptions for 1, 3, 4, 7 & 8 are by user: oGaga

Hush: A Thriller

Hush: A Thriller summary: Hush: A Thriller summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Hush: A Thriller. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Darwiniana; Essays and Reviews Pertaining to Darwinism

Darwiniana; Essays and Reviews Pertaining to Darwinism summary: Darwiniana; Essays and Reviews Pertaining to Darwinism summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Darwiniana; Essays and Reviews Pertaining to Darwinism. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Greville Memoirs

The Greville Memoirs summary: The Greville Memoirs summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Greville Memoirs. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Chicks - Chicks 'N Chained Males

Chicks - Chicks 'N Chained Males summary: Chicks - Chicks 'N Chained Males summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Chicks - Chicks 'N Chained Males. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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