
















为了拯救误入死亡游戏而消失的青梅竹马,叶凡苦心孤诣找到了进入游戏的大门,再次参加了这场逃亡游戏。 为了救你,我愿意放弃整个世界。
















内容简介:你忙吧我吃柠檬是什么梗几天不刷微博,就会出现了很多不了解的梗,比如最近,看到大家都在说:“你忙吧,我吃柠檬”,一开始总以为别人真的去吃柠檬了。还以为说话很客气。其实真相并不是这样的。1 w9646-75349 >>


内容简介:容紫陌是在男人的婚床上醒来的。嫁的男人是个猎户,带两个拖油瓶,家贫落魄克妻,一连死四个老婆。“这个姿势不对,换个姿势……”“轻一点,轻一点,不要停……”“姿势终于对了,我家小宁儿终于睡 了!”“按了一夜,阿郎的头终于不疼了。”容紫陌终于要喘口气的时候,某男扑上来,“娘子,还有我……”替夫养娃三年,见不得光的毒舌男人变成了权震天下的摄政王。得容家嫡女得天下,谣言还是命数?男人回来是为了天下还是为了她?1w54980-78422 >>


内容简介:退休勇者陈艾,在帝国边陲开起了一家小酒店。原以为会风平浪静地度过一生。没想到酒店刚开,就遭遇人生强敌!“敢在我对面开酒店,你的店想活几个月?”出现在勇者眼前的,是一名绝美的精灵少女,和 她无敌的五星级酒店…1w0-75287 >>


内容简介:此文重口味,不喜请绕道!!!他是只手遮天英俊帅气的龙氏集团总裁,商界的神。他是冷血无情残酷异常的黑帮帮主,黑暗的王。他们都是她的双胞胎哥哥,从小对她宠溺有加,只在她面前展现仅有的温柔。 17岁的那一年,一场酒醉导演了两个哥哥把美味的她吞进肚里,失了身。面对两个有着血缘的亲哥哥,她开始害怕,逃避,躲葳。可是原来有一种情叫日久生情,她慢慢的发现,她不仅失了身,也开始失心。当真相气揭晓的时候,她应该如何选择龙菲月:拥有绝色的容颜,却是一个犹如冰山雪莲高贵的女人。龙浩天:他不知何时爱上自己的妹妹,似乎是从第一眼就已经注定。龙霸天:他只知道他的出生就只是为了爱那个女孩,直到死亡。李建煌:他似乎一直都生活在虚构的世界里,直到遇见她,才知道心动紧需要一个瞬间。李亚洲:他从来不相信所谓的爱情,可是偏偏老天让他中了丘比特之箭。1w0-61384 >>




内容简介:【编辑强力推荐!】作为一个懒到极致的废柴,范仁穿越了!鸿钧是他师傅!三清佛祖都是他师弟!就连昊天上帝都得叫他小老爷!道祖:“徒儿啊,你啥帮我来管理一下天道啊?”太上老君:“大师兄,您慢 点修炼,给我们这些师弟仰望背影的机会吧!”女娲:“大师兄,帮我造造小人吧?”黄龙真人:“师父,能讲讲您老人家随手灭了龙凤两族的故事吗?”……范仁曰“都给我滚蛋,我只想偷个懒啊!”小说网提醒:本1w0-60753 >>


内容简介:那一年,唐三还没有出生。那一年,比比东的肚子刚刚大起来。那一年,千寻疾还没有喝下那碗砒霜。那一年,玉小刚在无数个夜晚买醉。伤不起啊,真的伤不起~~我想你想你想你想的昏天黑地~~进来玩呀 !来了,老弟!书名又为《我开局被比比东生了下来》,《斗罗之yanmu》。啊,哈哈哈哈花蛤。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《斗罗之开局成为比比东之子》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-69300 >>


内容简介:【飞卢中文网A级签约作品都市之欺骗万界】苏烈获得谎言之书后,四处打打闹闹,挑事搞事,掀翻全世界,将科学世界掰弯成玄幻,编织上古神话。陈青帝,天下第一公子,大魔谢飞神,环保大帝弃总,邪心 魔佛一页书。。。。他马甲遍及诸天万界。quot活了三十年,我才知道原来我特么的生在一个玄幻世界,老子不演戏了,老子要修仙。”邓钞大逗比看着前边,苏烈化身的老爷爷收徒之后腾云驾雾离去的景象,恨恨的发誓。搞事!搞事!搞事!屋顶苏烈叉腰嚣张的地方喊着口号!本故事及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。各位书友要是觉得《都市之欺骗万界》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-70316 >>


内容简介:  苏若汐,凤舞大陆,凤天国苏王府三小姐。天生废材,颜丑,人傻,从小就被欺凌,最后被两个姐姐下药之后推下山崖致死……再次醒来,灵魂交替,当强者之魂,进入弱者之躯,凤舞大陆将会掀起怎样的 波澜!修炼?她拥有逆天的体质,躺着睡觉都能吸收玄气!炼丹?带着宝宝随便在森林里逛了一圈,契约一只萌兽,吃了药草就能拉出丹药!炼器?在路上,随便救了个呆萌的路痴,竟然是炼器天才,萌萌的认他为主,只因她愿意为他带路……他,容貌妖孽,风流无双!表面上是凤天国冷酷的凤王,实际上则是神秘势力的背后主子……初见,她将他压在身下,当成了解药,却不曾看他一眼,只是顺走了他的钱,更不知他是谁?再见,她在他的赌坊,再次赢走了他的钱,等他赶到的时候,她已经人去钱空了……六年后她,掀开了神秘面纱,露出了倾城容颜……她,血洗了泱泱大国,绽放了万千风华……有个人,心伤成殇,为她三千墨发变成雪……有个人,默默守护,为她血染黄土身先死……女主强大、清冷、绝色、腹黑。不惹是非不是害怕是非,只是讨厌麻烦。你不犯我。我不犯你,你若犯我,斩草除根。男主腹黑、强大、冷漠。结局一对一。【苏晴儿唯一粉丝群:154856.】1w0-942 >>


内容简介:辛火火很倒霉,一不小心捡回来俩吃白饭的,还严重挑食。长得帅有毛线用!脸能刷卡吗?能手机pay吗?何况还招惹了一个阴险系,顺带着那一长串阿飘。腹黑爱财女逗各位书友要是觉得《我的手机能见鬼 》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-68393 >>


内容简介:手机阅读《超级教师》无弹窗纯文字全文免费阅读【网文圈有史以来最成功的教师题材小说,青春校园第一大神张君宝成名力作】模仿跟风者众,却从未被超越的神作,被乐视网改编成影视剧《stb超级教师 》,观众人次已突破5亿,百度搜索风云榜电视剧分类第5。我的口号是:“凡是叛徒,统统都应该下地狱;凡是我的学生,一定要成才!因为我是中海有史以来的超级教师。”风格:轻松、趣味、high到爽,正能量到爆!作者自定义标签老师热血1w0-29382 >>


内容简介:  【新书:《夫人她是祖传倒霉蛋》,9月21号开文,欢迎收藏】“暖暖……对不起,我、我……”他转身就看到她静静地站在他身后,那一瞬间,他的世界仿佛崩分离析。  “下次我来就行了,别脏了 你的手。”她走过去牵起他的手,冷冷清清的模样,偏生是他阴暗世界中的一抹光。  “他们说你坏话,我才这样的。”他潮了眼角,又变成了那副软软糯糯的模样,手紧紧地抓着她的衣角。  倒地不起的一群人:“……”呵呵,秀恩爱。  病娇竹马很能装,在她面前小白兔,转头就是个变态,偏偏清冷学神看不清,他们恨!太恨了!  ——白暖,你醒醒啊,那不是个好人!!!  ——噢,我宠的,有意见?  (甜宠,超甜,甜掉牙的那种甜)1w0-3807 >>

The Secret Life Of A Certain Count’S Lady

The Secret Life of a Certain Count's Lady manhwa, 'Lirian, the forces of evil are ravaging this world. We need a strong knight to destroy the spirit of evil that is approaching us. A righteous and strong knight! And the knight that's you, Lirian.'Wow, that's ridiculous.I just want to live a normal life. I have a dream to marry a handsome man. Then will enjoy life as a cottage like the house of a count. I never thought about doing justice or protecting world peace. But God chose me!Power? Sharp sword? Why give me? Why me!'Liri, would you like to come with me to the capital? Isn't it better to go with a guy like me compared to going alone?''umI was joking just now. It's a bit''Hmm, that makes sense. I'm Aheros Arman, the 3rd prince of the Arman Empire.''Wow, emperor, prince!'

Eru Arukon - Taka

El Halcon is a prequel series to Nanatsu no Umi Nanatsu no Sora. Set from 1581 to 1586 with flashbacks further into the past, this is the story of Tyrian Persimmon. Born to a Spanish mother with an English husband in this era of conflict between the two contries, Tyrian favors Spain. His father suspects that Tyrian is not his son because he doesn't look like the man at all, and regularly beats him. His mother's lover is discovered to be a Spanish spy and flees the country. Tyrian is determined to join the navy and eventually rejoin Geraldo. At the age of 19 he begins to make his ruthless way up the ranks of the English navy. (Translated Treasures)

Yes It's Me

A collection of short stories. 1) Love Dancing Beneath My Eyelids College student Numakami has known for a long time that his classmate Mahara is in love with him. But Mahara is pure, innocent - and still a virgin. For some inexplicable reason, this makes Numakami feel annoyed at being the object of his affections. 2) She's Missing Yanagi is in love with Kobayashi, who can't seem to stop talking about Adachi - a girl in their class. What will become of these three teenagers and their complex relationship? 3) Minun Musiikki A quiet pianist and an obnoxious, outspoken cellist often find themselves alone in the music room together... 4) Yes It's Me The story revolves around Toma, who is head-over-heels in love... with himself! However, so is everyone else around him; and he knows that his business partner and old friend, Enoki, is no exception. Toma doesn't blame him. After all, he is only the most brilliant, beautiful, and all-around perfect person to ever walk the face of the Earth! Who wouldn't fall for him? Weirdly enough, Enoki is convinced that Toma returns his feelings. But they should both know by now that there's no one he loves more than himself... right? 5) Yes It's You 6) Loathe! 7) Dreams Unfold at Night 8) Yes That's It

Cupid No Itazura Nijidama

A man who's still a virgin, has a very very rare disease that only allows him to have sex 7 times in his life. After he's used up all 7 of the chances, he'll never be able to have an erection and ejaculate, which means he will lose his ability to have sex for the rest of his life. So far, he has wasted 2 times while masturbating, so he's left with only 5 more chance to have sex. He has to save those precious bullets, but at the same time he desperately want to lose his virginity.

Defiled Hero

Defiled Hero summary: The strongest hero who saved the world, become the enemy of the world.
A 13-year old boy was summoned to a different world, and fought for 3 years as a hero. In the end, he was betrayed by his master, the person he trusted most. Five years later, the hero who was supposed to have died was summoned once again. Throwing away his past as the defiled hero, he registers with the guild as an adventurer. Concealing his background, he travels in this new, chaotic world.
Called a monster, the strongest hero…
Attacked by his former companions…
“I will become your enemy.”
To save the world, he will become the enemy of the world.

Battered Young Miss

Battered Young Miss summary: Zhang Mi is in a dire situation. Her boyfriend of over over six years cheated on her with his co-worker. Cheating scandal are very hard to overcome. Out of frustration she seeks out her childhood friend Lu Yi. This marks the start of a budding romance, while growing in her role as his lover.-----------------------The cover is not mine, all credits go to the creator

Discovering my Disciple Wants to Eat Me After Raising Him The Daily Task of Preventing My Disciple from Turning to the Dark Side

Discovering my Disciple Wants to Eat Me After Raising Him The Daily Task of Preventing My Disciple from Turning to the Dark Side summary: The number one pill concocter of the immortal world, Mu Chen, had always believed that it was because he had wholeheartedly concocted pills that had lead to him failing to pay sufficient attention to his disciple, causing him to become seduced by devil cultivation and going astray, later making the three realms to fall to disaster. After rebirthing, Mu Chen decided he must properly teach his disciple, give him the very best resources, earnestly love him, carry him close to his body, and don’t let him grow crooked. Sure enough, his disciple became more and more “intimate”, every day must crawl into his bed to rub his chest and hug his thigh. Only his expression isn’t exactly quite right……

Laos Folk-Lore of Farther India

Laos Folk-Lore of Farther India summary: Laos Folk-Lore of Farther India summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Laos Folk-Lore of Farther India. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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