
































内容简介:杜宇是重生者,有着二十年后世记忆的他,先是抢占前世威震天下的镇国帝印,后又在进入三国世界的第一时间利用卡BUG的方式击杀100级世界BOSS,越级首杀奖励大爆特爆!无数的宝物,历史名将 ,历史军师,倾国倾城的历史美女这一世全都无法逃离杜宇的手掌心。醒掌天下权,醉卧美人膝,这一世杜宇要做最强的帝王!各位书友要是觉得《三国之最强帝王》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!各位书友要是觉得火到没朋友最新小说作品《三国之最强帝王》还不错的话可以通过下面网址复制分享给您的朋友哦!无弹窗阅读地址收藏:1w0-109596 >>


内容简介:简芷颜仗势欺人,纵横跋扈,娇蛮狠毒的小三名声远扬京城内外。她爷爷为守住简家的声誉,随便就找了个人将她嫁了。她气急败坏,而在见到那个俊美如神祗,浑身贵气的充斥着上位者气息,据说‘出身贫寒 ’的男人时,她懵了。男人深不可测的眼眸瞥了她一眼,“嫁我,委屈你了?”她想哭:“不,不委屈……”很快的她也发现这个男人不仅仅有一张祸国殃民的脸,手腕过人的他还以迅雷不及掩耳之势成为了在商场上叱咤风云的新贵,惹得无数大人物和名门淑女趋之若鹜。于是,不断有女人跑来戳着她鼻子骂她,”你这种恶毒的女人,凭什么嫁给他?!你配得上他吗?!”“……”她哭笑不得,很想说这个男人是她爷爷随便给她找的。可现在看来,这随便还真的是够不随便的啊!!1w0-2358 >>




内容简介:《欧·亨利短篇小说集》作者是欧·亨利,译者是牛振华。欧·亨利(1862年9月11日1910年6月5日),原名威廉·西德尼·波特(WilliamSydneyPorter),美国著名批判现 实主义作家,与莫泊桑,契诃夫共称世界三大短篇小说大师,曾被评论界誉为“曼哈顿桂冠散文作家”和“美国现代短篇小说之父”。他的一生富于传奇性,当过药房学徒、牧牛人、会计员、土地局办事员、新闻记者、银行出纳员,甚至坐过监狱,并由此开始了他的写作生涯。他的作品构思新颖,语言诙谐,以出人意料的结尾闻名,美国文学界称之为“欧·亨利式的结尾”;又因描写了众多的人物,富于生活情趣,被誉为“美国生活的幽默百科全书”。本站提示:如果觉得《欧亨利短篇小说集》还不错,请不要忘记向您朋友推荐哦!1w0-80901 >>


内容简介:文案一:魂穿女扮男装的抑郁症小可怜,全能女艺人乔雨本以为自己手握娱乐圈升级流的剧本,接下来的人生就该是迷妹环绕,左拥右抱,没想到却被三个大佬围追堵截,甩都甩不掉。未来版税过亿的天才小说 家目光柔软:“你想要什么角色,我都可以写给你。”红透半边天的男团c位话里有话:“他们粉丝说我们很有cp感欸。”身家百亿的集团太子爷大胆试探:“小遇,你要资源不要?”乔遇本遇:“大家duck不必。”文案二:上辈子的乔雨长相不够实力来凑,这辈子的小可怜乔遇却有着天赐神颜,美貌与实力并存。都说娱乐圈流量大战多年,乔遇的出现终于统一饭圈。她是无所不能的宝藏爱豆。她是出道即巅峰的顶级流量。她是人人为之疯狂的玫瑰少年。Q:关于连续三年被评为饭圈女孩最想睡的男艺人,您有什么看法?乔遇:少吃菜多喝酒,梦里什么都有。各位书友要是觉得《成为男神后我掰弯了三个大佬》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-97702 >>


内容简介:系统:你想成为掌控全球的男人吗?陆离:我不想!系统:不,你想!新手任务一:请宿主精通上百种各国语言!新手任务二:音乐,厨艺,电脑,飞机等100种技能达到大师级!新手任务三:掌握一座百万 级人口城市所有人的秘密!新手任务四:让一万个80分美女爱上你!新手任务五:分手一万次!……陆离:系统,你还是让我去死吧!系统:请宿主尽快完成任务,若任务完成不了,宿主将永远活在七月七日当天,不死不灭!一个风和日丽的早晨,陆离泪流满面的跪在地上:一千年了,老子终于解脱了!都市言情类型的优秀作品真的很多,比较出彩的作品,我们可以一起来读读《我被迫掌控全球》这本吧。这是一本在一株青竹笔下洋洋洒洒的努力了多少个时日才完工的小说,你可以感觉到什么叫才华横溢、什么叫文笔流畅,作者灵感源源不绝,处处精彩不断。好书一本啊!洋洋洒洒的埋头疾书续写中收藏,关注,点赞必须的哟!小兵及时更新为您奉上最好的服务。一株青竹无抄袭纯原创力作之我被迫掌控全球最新章节、我被迫掌控全球无弹窗广告全文阅读连载、我被迫掌控全球TXT电子书下载最好的服务给最好的您。最好的阅读平台您我他她共同创!各位书友要是觉得《我被迫掌控全球》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!魁星阁《我被迫掌控全球》章节列表目录地址:请复制后分享给您的好友!好看的都市言情小说排行榜推荐1w0-81816 >>




内容简介:老师奸污女老师(一)莉莉说:「威少,我不想再去夜总会坐台了,你叫过另一位吧!」我随手掴了莉莉一巴掌,并骂她:「你不坐台,哪有钱还给我?!你要趁着现在客人喜欢学生妹,就赚多两转钱。」这时 ,一高佻女子出现,瓜子脸,长发披肩,穿着一套紫色连身裙,只可看到她的白晰小腿;但从她约十寸半的高度估计,她一定拥有一双美腿。我再望向她的胸部,揣测她有36C的尺寸。从她的面容看来,约莫廿三、四岁。这女子向我喝道:「你干吗打我学生!」虽然她向我大声说话,但她的声线很好听,我。。。1w0-80707 >>


内容简介:为兄弟,他两肋插刀,为女人,他怒为红颜,为国家,他誓死如归。一代军刀重归都市,凭着一双铁拳再战天下,一声怒喝,世界皆震,且看军中王者洛天如何携美俯众生,霸气凌天下。1w1317-480 0 >>


内容简介:一场意外,姜卿卿失身救了C国首富御爷,逃跑后却因假千金的身份被逼替嫁给传言中毁容重病的他。婚后,她在他身边扮温顺乖巧,本以为只是一场有名无实的夫妻关系。御司廷突然缠上身,霸道的将她禁锢 在怀,“你是我的女人,你的身体和心都是属于我的。”直到一张验孕单出现,姜卿卿仓惶逃跑。御司廷布下天罗地网追捕她,“老婆,我错了,我来接你和儿子女儿回家。”1w0-66464 >>


内容简介:沦为养女,姐姐设计,未婚夫背叛。她借酒浇愁,他走错房间,三个神秘酷宝横空出世。虐渣男,踩绿茶,踏豪门,只为查明身世真相。却无意惹上嗜血禁欲的腹黑总裁。妻控总裁卑微求宠:老婆,跟我回家, 钱跟命都给你!三宝:妈咪虽爱钱,但娶她,我们说了算!更有妹控亲哥们轮番上阵。商业巨亨大哥:妹,快回来继承家产天才医生二哥:敢动我妹,一刀让你开膛破肚政界大佬三哥:哥有权有势,整个帝都任你横着走顶级名厨四哥:全球名菜系,哥都给你做劣迹斑斑的废女,撕开层层伪装:赛车、钢琴、中医、舞蹈、翻译、惊艳众人:大佬,求抱大腿!1w0-80072 >>


内容简介:专栏求收藏,更新时间为晚上八点半预收文鬼才信你的邪,每天做梦戏还这么多求收藏啦为了获取星际能量,皓玉滚进上层世界与nc们一起搞事情,本想乖乖巧巧带着炮灰身份走南闯北,却总被举报欺负人。 小剧场系统当我们在遇上主角的时候,要温柔。敲黑板jg第二天传来主角挂掉的举报消息。系统嗯系统这个世界的丧尸王很强啊,我们绕道走。第二天传来了丧尸王恋爱的举报消息。系统这个,这个情况有点复杂,你先给我穿好衣服明明走得一手好剧情假的却总被系统吐槽的皓玉你好凶假装乖巧时忠犬时流氓每天拿错剧本大佬攻x每天装乖巧装可怜傲娇起来六亲不认树妖受正在更新世界问青梅竹马变成丧尸还要跟我过和谐生活怎么办丧尸们结婚结婚全部世界1贵胄古代复国忠犬敌国将军x亡国傲娇太子已完成2末世青梅竹马沙系丧尸王x治愈系植物异能者3同门现代玄幻灵异闷骚大师兄x诱受小师弟4五味古代美食恶毒的美食品论家王爷x傲娇小厨师5猫妖现代玄幻高冷腹黑总裁x小白兔草系校草6暖冬古代abo年下宅斗富人家的傲娇小少爷x商人家的落魄嫡子正在不断思考脑洞1苏苏苏,甜甜甜,1v1,he没毛病。2受前期武力值实打实负分,一般不怂,但怂起来一定是认真的。品种自带技能,治愈能力。3新人新文,文笔逻辑正在努力摸爬打滚,求打包带走哼唧下放每天做梦戏还那么多文案腹黑精分流量大神攻x貌美淡定无形撩宠物博主受某天,舔屏成瘾的“菌菇”们发现,他们的沈大神回国了还拍了新电影真是喜闻乐见在电影的首映礼上天呐站在大神身边的小哥哥叫什么名字啊长得好好看舔屏舔屏咦小哥哥怀里抱着的好像是最近超火的那只网红狗哎等等,小哥哥的声音怎么这么像某个知名宠物博主啊在漫长的反射弧下,菇凉们大声哭喊求实锤啊啊啊啊啊一阵时间后,某宠物博主直播间因为之前求石锤而入坑的“菌菇”们吸狗g。等等,那只刚刚从镜头里跑过去的柯基不是他们沈大神家的镇家之宝吗隔壁小孩都被捶哭了当然这还不够,影后的蜜袋鼯,隔壁流量小生的布偶猫,还有还有歌神家的宝贝水獭这是动物园吗腹黑精分流量大神攻x貌美淡定无形撩宠物博主受一场意外车祸,影帝重生到平行世界的十七岁,不过这副看上去是得了抑郁症第二天就要写遗书的模样是给谁看啊这是一个求生欲极强的影帝重生再战娱乐圈顺便在梦里勾引大神的故事,梦里亲亲抱抱,现实双向暗恋。11v1,he,主娱乐圈,可能会有几对其他西皮2只要攻受一方睡前在潜意识里想到对方,就可以在梦中见到彼此,但双方并不知情。推荐家里仙女的耽美论拎回老攻的正确姿势by夏珩想跑对不起,抓住你了被八个主角联名举报以后by三串葡萄走上了一条培养反派的不归路魔尊今天也在攻略徒弟by凤箫吹断师尊很骚气推荐家里仙女的 >>

Tales Of Vesperia - Furen Seinaru Hakugin No Kishi

A side story for Tales of Vesperia that focuses on a Knight of the Empire, Flynn Scifo.

Demonic Sky Chronicles [Duplicate]

-------- Duplicate ----------------

Maniac Road

Three sisters, Isuzu, Aoba, and Haruna, inherit an electronics store in Akihabara from their dead father, but their business is not doing well. Creditors have threatened to seize their shop if they cannot pay their bills. They find a heart-broken otaku named Takezou Muto on the doorstep of their shop, and he is able to save the day and the shop with his quick thinking. He is hired on permanently, and Haruna, the motherly sister, asks him to transform their store into a money-making enterprise. Takezou dreams of it becoming an otaku paradise, much to the delight of Isuzu and much to the consternation of Aoba.

Ushio And Tora

Ushio and Tora Manga facilities across conflicts and the journeys of Ushio Aotsuki, who assisted and is always being stalked by a massive, sometimes imperceptible, and unnatural tiger-like creature named Tora. Ushio inadvertently unsealed the cavern Tora was immobilized in. The show centers around their relationship, interspersed with conflicts against foes that are mythological, and with the efforts to grapple with modern life of Tora. Main characters in Ushio and Tora Manga The narrative also contains the relationships of Ushio with two girls: the female Mayuko Inoue as well as the tomboyish Asako Nakamura. The protagonist of the show, he's the son of a temple priest as well as overcome the superb y and a woman shaman, destined to wield the Beast Spearukai Hakumen no Mono. He's really kind hearted and considerably values camaraderie and all life. With his ideals, he manages to unite yukai against Hakumen and the forces of humanity with Tora through his case of his fighting partnership. Ushio cares a lot for Mayuko and adores Asako, and can quickly may actually save them from yukai strikes. Tora An early tiger-like yukai when Ushio pulled off the Beast Spear, who had been released. Prior to being trapped in the cellar of the temple of Ushio, he was known as Nagatobimaru, magnificently worried for his absolute strength and powers of lightning among the yukai community. Being trapped in the cellar for 500 years, he's great interest over gadgets and modern lifestyle. His favourite food is burgers, when they meet, which Mayuko consistently supplies. He says that he's every intent to eat Mayuko and Ushio, so is not going to let them be taken away by other yukai. In exactly the same time, Tora looks to love their firm, and he's said that he'll not make a move as low as wanting to eat Ushio in his slumber, suggesting he'd favor fight that is honest. He also describes the reason why he shields Ushio despite saying he will eat him is that he interest around him. Tora cares greatly about him which he really attempts to deny Ushio and Tora manga transform to Anime Characters in Ushio and Tora Manga Asako Nakamura The hotheaded, tomboyish childhood pal of Mayuko and Ushio. A ramen restaurant is owned by her family. Mayuko Inoue Asako and Ushio 's companion. She's womanly and more pleasant. She has feelings for Tora, whom she easily purchases burgers for and cares for Ushio. Afterwards, she took as her stepbrother in Kirio. Additionally it is disclosed that she belongs to the lineage of strong woman shamans. So, Mayuko can produce psychic barriers strong enough to hold Hakumen back. Ushio's dad, custodian of the temple he along with his son live in. His secret identity is being one of a particular Buddhist sect named Kouhamei of most powerful priest. An orphaned girl who goes to exactly the same school as Mayuko, Asako and Ushio. Her dad was quite overprotective of her, and he became an oni, causing risk to any sons who took the merest fantasy of her when he died. She was distressed by this greatly, and she attempted to commit suicide many times. Ushio eventually got his mistakes are realized by her dad, and he left for the afterworld. Then, Reiko could lead an ordinary life, and became good buddies with Mayuko, Asako and Ushio. Hyou A strong Chinese exorcist, exceptionally proficient in geomancy, use of flying spears and seals. Socket now could be a charming blue crystal ball used to save his life. Hyu Initially believes Tora is the one who killed his family, but Ushio convinces him is not guilty, and Hyu After calms down a little, being a treasured ally. Jie Mei She's the sister of Giryu, who lost her life to make the blade of the spear. She reincarnated as Yuki, the very first of the lineage of woman shamans that are strong one has the exact same appearance as her. Jie Mei is capable freely materialize everywhere desired, and seemed to help prevent Ushio with his spirit completely absorbed by the spear from transforming into a Creature. Giryu An extremely skilled blacksmith who goes mad from being not able to prevent her forfeit, the brother of Jie Mei. Filled with remorse, rage and sorrow, he beaten on his body to the shaft of the spear. However, he's pledged his devotion to Ushio. Yu Hiyama The dad of a young girl whose caused a flying devil, by Fusuma. She attributed her daddy's longtime pal Atsuzawa for the event, but she learns the truth and forgives Atsuzawa after helping Fusuma to be defeated by Ushio. She's shy and simply intimidated, apologizing profusely when the other is at fault. As the backlash of energy would ruin her, initially she's unwilling to let Ushio ruin the obstacle imprisoning Omamori, when Tora determines to deflect the backlash, but she relents. In the wake, she tells Ushio of her choice to become more powerful like him, and becomes fitter and more sociable. Strangely, her hair begins turning brown too, possibly symbolizing the conclusion of her 'occupation'. Like her mom Akiyo Takatori Ushio to Tora manga  Shinji Tokuno A former yakuza who left the company when he was identified as having cancer, and instinctively chose to go back to his home village. He gives himself to seal the mist spirit, Shimuna and keep it from ruining his hamlet. In the chapters later, Ushio wears the overcoat in memory of his sacrifice of Shinji. Reiko's childhood and classmate buddy. They became after the passing of the dad of Reiko, but made up after he with her and Ushio defeat the Oni that was the dad of Reiko. Kyuji Atsuzawa Hiyama's dad. He saw his buddy is killed by the Fusuma and when Ushio and Tora killed the heavens devil, Yu For blaming him for her dad's passing, apologized. Ushio's until a Youkai told Ushio that she is living and despised by all Youkai Mom who had been presumed dead. She is the third in a line of woman shamans that's kept from ruining Japan Hakumen no Mono imprisoned to stop it. Jie Mei enabled her to leave her place for a couple of years, which had before being made to go back to the seal, Ushio and enabled her to meet with Shigure Tokyo Ghoul Manga Lueduo Diren De Xin Manga

Scudder - Eight Million Ways To Die

Scudder - Eight Million Ways To Die summary: Scudder - Eight Million Ways To Die summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Scudder - Eight Million Ways To Die. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The 3rd King

The 3rd King summary: These are just some ideas i 've had and just like that there is a place to put them down

Fantasy Simulator

Fantasy Simulator summary: After dying, Chen Heng finds that he has transmigrated to an alternate reality: everything is the same, except the world is now a Wuxia world heavily influenced by martial arts! Not only this, he discovers that he has a Fantasy Simulator, from which he obtains rewards that make him incredibly powerful in his new reality as well. Martial arts, immortal cultivation, and overpowered abilities–all of this begins from a single simulation!

A History of the French Novel

A History of the French Novel summary: A History of the French Novel summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A History of the French Novel. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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