


























类别悬疑 恐怖






内容简介:一万年前,断脉少年,被人围杀屈辱身亡。一万年后,绝世少年,携逆天神物惊艳重生当年仇人,已是大陆巅峰武圣,一统十六国,四方朝拜,万人敬仰。但那又如何看我一脚踩之踩武神灭武圣踏巅峰书友交流 群1745418351w0-78686 >>


内容简介:三元四劫渡天威,生死轮回九道关。涅槃重生显化圣,帝尊九转终成神。我叫星不凡,我不是天骄啊,他们都叫我大叔。秘境?副本?我喜欢截胡,不一样的玄幻小说。《元武之我叫星不凡》为作者星期八的星 创作,目前连载中,搜小说为你第一时间提供星期八的星精心编写原创元武之我叫星不凡最新章节及无弹窗广告、TXT电子书下载等服务。1w0-64190 >>


内容简介:苏明阳一夜之间重生回到了他当列车员的九十年代,面对汹涌的改革大潮,面对铁路跨越式发展的时代,他积极投身改革洪流,搏击风浪,利用先知先觉的记忆不断修正人生的方向,弥补前世的遗憾,走出一条 全新之路。且看一个小小列车员的职场奋斗升迁之路!1w0-2390 >>


内容简介:沐莹、少华与武先生出了紫禁城,向东郊跑去。刚到北京城边,就听到后边有人马追上来,三人赶紧拐进胡同。三人到了城根下,正要上城,城根有一队骑兵跑过去,三人机警,又躲入胡同口里,等那队骑兵过 去,才出了胡同口,飞身上墙。巡城的戍卒看见,急跑来,等他们跑到跟前,沐莹等已经下城,如飞而去。1w0-74285 >>


内容简介:  孟渐晚在圈子里挺出名的,放着好好的千金小姐不当,非要当一个样样精通的大姐大。  大姐大勾唇一笑:“别爱我,没结果,除非赢过我。”  宋少发表爱情宣言:“我觉得,爱一个人呢,就是要给 她买跑车,一辆不行就两辆,实在不行再加一架私人飞机,或者豪华游艇!”  孟渐晚:“OK,我可以考虑一下。”  *  婚前,宋遇就知道孟渐晚是惹不起的小祖宗,婚后更甚。  宋遇正忙着呢,秘书火急火燎跑来:“宋总,夫人她在酒吧把程家小少爷给揍了,人已经进医院了。”  宋遇习以为常:“她连我都打,打别人有什么好惊讶的。”  秘书:“……其实这事儿不怪夫人,程家小少爷刚留学回来,不认识夫人,把她当成未出嫁的小姑娘调戏了,听说是摸她的脸。”  宋遇签字的手一顿,挑起眼梢:“程家小少爷手断了没有?”  “那倒没有。”  “我去把他打断。”  “……”  自此,宋总放出话来:“友情提醒,宋家夫人不好惹,见了她最好绕道走。”  吃瓜群众:“她这么放肆,还不是您惯的,别墅都改造成养鸡场了,就因为小夫人爱养咕咕鸡、爱捡鸡蛋。”  *  宋总即兴rap:“以为她是孟德瑞拉,实际是朵霸王花,只好连盆端回家,免得祸害到大家。哟哟哟!”  孟渐晚:“你完了:)”1w0-4243 >>




内容简介:  世如棋,人如子。庙堂尔虞我诈,江湖爱恨情仇,市井喜怒哀乐,无非是一颗颗棋子,在棋盘上串联交织,迸发出的点点火光。昭鸿年间,坊间盛传有藩王窥伺金殿上那张龙椅,皇帝召各路藩王世子入京求 学,实为质子。许不令身为肃王世子,天子脚下,本该谨言慎行‘藏拙自污’。结果……群众:“许世子德才兼备,实乃‘不鸣则已,一鸣惊人’。”许不令:“我不是,别瞎说。”群众:“许世子算无遗策,有平天下之大才。”许不令:“我没有,闭嘴。”群众:“许世子文韬武略,乃治世之能臣,乱世之……”许不令:“你们TM……”————PS:完本人品保证,更新暴力,能宰直接宰吧!闲聊吹水群:940890538(满)667413480(空)1w0-1520 >>


内容简介:玄之又玄,魔术欺诈穿越前,冰凝是魔术界最耀眼的新星。各种表演神乎其技,引亿万人追捧。穿越后,惊觉魔术原理都被恶人用来欺诈百姓。江湖上神鬼骗术横行,骗师各个本领高超,贪婪凶残。专捉骗术师 的治泉司便应运而生。凭借高超的魔术技巧,冰凝当上了皇城司麾下治泉司最强捕手。但这毕竟是古代,女子在官场饱受歧视,何况她只是不在编的临1w0-90206 >>


内容简介:李文杰重生了,1992年,那个火热的年代。震惊世界的工程,经济和资本的苏醒。睁眼就是机会,遍地都有黄金。还有那场股灾,那些意外。忘却已久的温情,和深入骨髓的痛楚,历历在目。李文杰拍了拍 脑袋,他感觉自己清醒了很多。这一世,不想再受委屈了。既然上天给我这样一个机会,这个时代,必将由我掌握!1w0-27390 >>


内容简介:程青青原本只是想找个人嫁了,摆脱继父的诡计,未曾想一不小心嫁给了全城最最矜贵无双的男人。原以为只是一纸契约婚姻,逢场作戏,但他却宠她如命,爱她进髓,不仅如此,还帮她虐继妹,斗渣爹、撕极 品……程青青表示:“韩先生,宠妻请低调……”一脸傲娇的韩少:“抱歉,不会写这两个字……”(1v1双处,甜宠无极限)1w0-80124 >>




内容简介:洛在《星空幻想》游戏中攻略一个超恶心的私人副本时,获得了一枚超强神话装备“神圣命运之晶”,属性逆天,强度爆炸。但很遗憾的是只能规定女性角色使用为了不让欧气白流,神装浪费,洛无奈之下为神 装起了一个奶妈小号。然而不幸的是,在洛穿戴神装的时候,他莫名其妙穿越到了游戏异世界。圣光辉映,剑锋夺命,奶妈也疯狂!小号奶妈又如何?老玩家心气傲于天,看不起任何NPC,奶妈模板一样能再用剑砍遍世界神神魔魔!1w0-33833 >>


From Fushichou: When Masachika Ebisu arrives to stay for the first time in a dorm at a remote boarding school in the mountains, his attendant Shibazaki calls on the roommate Wataru Tamon to take care of master Masachika-sama. It's a burden Tamon did not want, but one that he reluctantly embraces even as he realizes he is not acting like himself by doing so. Ebisu is a spoiled cheeky brat, totally inept and a liar, all of which angers and frustrates Tamon to no end. But, there is also a naïve vulnerability to the boy whose only friend up to now has been his servant, Shibazaki. From his fear of thunder that has him crawling into Tamon's bed to his never-ending mentioning of Shibazaki's name, Tamon grows angrier and colder towards the source of his frustration. But, Ebisu wants Tamon to pay attention to him; he wants to get along with his roommate and become best friends. It's so easy for Ebisu to express his feelings freely, unlike Tamon who keeps his growing infatuation for his roommate a secret. But keeping his emotions to himself leads to misunderstandings and hurt feelings. Can the two of them find the courage to tell each other their true feelings before it's too late?

Pick Up

Man in a bar gets picked up by a gorgeous teen. But it’s not all it’s cracked up to be…

Rinjin Wa Chou

Collection of 4 short stories including: 1. Rinjin wa Chou Chouhana, a 20-year-old college student, is a freely flying butterfly and has never been captured. She always fools around with men and everything seems to be under her control. However, her life changes when she met her neighbor, a 33-year-old man… 2. Suki de Tamaru ka! 3. Datte, Yueni, Hatsukoichuu... 4. Iki wo Kirashite Ai ni Kite

Furue Tsumore Shiawase No Hana

1-4) Furue Tsumore Shiawase no Hana Yuuri has always been attached to his childhood friend and neighborhood Onii-san; Aki. With a certain fondness for his friend, he enrolls in the same college where Aki is working as a lecturer. Yuuri immediately falls into the position of Aki's personal caretaker and not before long, he comes to realize that there is more to their relationship than he understands. Furue Tsumore Shiawase no Hana is a story of the delicate balance between friendship and love. 5 & 8) The Trembling Flower of Happiness Aki and Yuuri is trying to come to terms with their relationship and where to draw their lines. Not scanlated. 6) Shake Continuation of chapter 5 of Koi no Shizuku. Not scanlated. 7) Extra The academics go on an onsen trip. Not scanlated.

Alice's Adventures Under Ground

Alice's Adventures Under Ground summary: Alice's Adventures Under Ground summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Alice's Adventures Under Ground. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Lavengro summary: Lavengro summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Lavengro. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Watched by Wild Animals

Watched by Wild Animals summary: Watched by Wild Animals summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Watched by Wild Animals. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Sekai ga Death Game ni Natta no de Tanoshii desu

Sekai ga Death Game ni Natta no de Tanoshii desu summary: The game is at fault!
And that’s what adults says, those who started the questionnaire.
『Can you revive a dead person?』
That type of questionnaire.
30% of primary school students answered with an affirmative.
When adults received that type of results they banned games.
Saying that, thanks to the games, the values of the children against life have been turned.
And it’s true, excluding the exception; the majority of these games have a rule where the dead can be resuscitated.
I think that just because the outcome of that questionnaire, banning all games is, a little, overbearing.
Actually, ambiguity of death is because the medical science is overdue and the geographical factor such as the cold.
Or because the globe fish poison and the others that the person who died resuscitated, and that had become the reality.
And that’s maybe why, the people who saw people resurrecting, created monsters, demons such as zombies and vampires.
But, still…
Compared with reality, the death on a game is always near one self and is a simple thing so there is no doubt about it.
A little girl had bitten a boy’s shoulder.
From both legs and right arm of the girl, a large amount of blood had been ejected.
A fatal wound.
No, she is already dead.
Although she is dead, she keeps moving.
A moving corpse is.
The girl who was biting the boy’s shoulder, after swallowing the meat, talked.
「…Don’t… …g……ooo…」
Circular drips were falling from her eyes, falling in large quant.i.ties.
The boy, who was bitten on the shoulder, saying nothing, embraced the girl.
Again, the girl sank her teeth on the boy’s shoulder.
He thought, what I’m going to do?
He thought, whether he should revive this girl or not.
Because, if he had one million yen, he could revive this girl.
Because, the world has now turned into a game.
A person’s life is worth a million yen.
In this world that had turned into a game, that’s what is worth a life.
The price is high or cheap?
In the end, although the world had turned into a game, perhaps, the value of a life has not changed.

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