




简介这是一个剑道的时代,这是一个剑的世界! 热衷剑道,喜爱与强者对战,且为人有点小坏的青风将怎样从众多剑道热爱者里面脱颖而出!
















虽然体质不幸却过着平凡生活的勇木优太。最近总是做有人在哭泣的不可思议的梦… 有一天,转学生间崎礼突然出现在优太面前。对初次见面却不知为何距离感过近的礼感到奇怪时,优太被礼告知其前世是异世界的勇者。而礼则是魔王,甚至是他的恋人…!? 美丽的帅哥魔王×不幸体质的前勇者的现代转生爱情故事!










简介从我的身体里分裂出来的女孩子,天哪怎么会这样?我们该怎么相处?!更加坑爹的是我的青梅竹马的哥们死党也分裂出了一个。淡淡的基情,浓浓的逆伦理。。 。。这是怎样的坑爹生活啊。


内容简介:  第八次看《士兵突击》电视剧……书友群号:8279126281w0-2116






内容简介:“没有人一开始就站在天上。”“不管是火影或者忍界之神。”“但这天之王座的空窗期已经太久了。”“从今日起,我将立于天上。”木叶上空,漩涡鸣人的发胶手在垂下的刘海上一抹,露出凌厉的双眸。沸 腾的蓝光自黑夜降下,牵引着漩涡鸣人自天上而去。下方的木叶各位书友要是觉得《木叶:被蓝染教导的鸣人》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-98782 >>

与狐说 (1v1 h)





内容简介:  俗话说“死了张屠户,不吃带毛猪。”余塘县欺行霸市的张屠户被狐狸精榨干身子而死,百姓正高兴之际,却发现对方死而复生,变得更凶更霸道,还学会了法术,从此,看着他翻江倒海,横行天下…这里 有剑客长啸,古道西风,这里有书生赶考,荒村破庙,这里有妖邪肆虐,荒山大泽,这里有练气全真,上古秘境…本书又名《天罡地煞108变》、《猛人大帝》、《大威天龙?尝俺脚底板》…1w0-1809 >>


内容简介:  陆哲,国宝级电子竞技大师,电竞圈世界第一人,怀着对妻子的愧疚,重生回到5年前。正当他准备这一世戒掉游戏,安心做个好老公时,老婆却一头扎进了电竞圈……1w0-2159


内容简介:他是让人闻风丧胆的铁血总裁,狠厉嗜血,她是被他抚养长大的孤儿。遇到霍霆琛,顾瑶才知道什么是宠到极致,要星星摘星星,要月亮摘月亮,天塌下来有他顶着。顾瑶:“霍叔我要当影后”霍霆琛:“我来 陪你对戏,先从床戏开始怎么样?”大叔有三好,成熟1w54008-75083 >>


内容简介:千门家有个九岁太医-千玖,因遭人陷害医死王妃,最终被毒打身亡。 一朝诈尸,21世纪女特工名叫千亿,穿越异世在九岁小太医身上。 阴谋、仇恨,她将整个朝政搞的天翻地覆,后宫人仰马翻! 帝君 要问罪,她却卖起了萌:“不是窝”,还配合的挤几滴眼泪。 君王问罪,她一怒之下将人称烈焰国战神门牙打掉,奶声奶气的说:“呜呜,你居然欺负小盆友。” 可在转身瞬间,她却露出愤恨的神情。 一路与人斗智斗勇,手撕王爷马甲,别看她个小,最后什么世子、相侯,皇子各个争着抢! 君墨邪将众人挡在面前,傲娇的说道:“九千岁是我的小祖宗,你们都滚远点! 1w0-2847 >>


内容简介:手机电子书:《堕落的青春》全集jar电子书格式内附全文TXT版文本文档方便阅读书籍类别:玄幻作者:徐三《堕落的青春》内容简介:序他曾是天纵其材,意气风发笑谈清华北大!他曾经热血汹汹,誓 为中华之奋起而刻苦读书!大学校园本是英才栋梁之摇篮,不曾想竟也孕育着滔天之罪恶!理想与现实的巨大落差,深深地刺痛着他!世态的炎凉人情的淡薄,渐渐地改变着他!社会的残酷生活的黑暗,沉沉地愤怒了他!终于……有一天,他堕落了!清纯的学生时代已经远离他而去,摆在他面前的是一条血腥而又污秽的崎岖之路!刻骨铭心的恋情、恩怨纠葛的结义兄弟、不共戴天的生死仇人、以及心中那份深沉的难以割舍的赤子情怀……几分迷惘、几分悲愤、几分无奈、几分黯然,他踏上了一条不归之路、越行越远……徐三:本书乃玄幻戏作,纯属虚构!如有雷同纯属巧合!堕落的青春主要人物列表:堕落的青春已经写了将近二十万字了,基本的脉络已经逐渐清晰了,也该是向大家介绍一下目前出场的主要人物的时候了。徐三:身高185cm,体重85Kg,身强体壮,冷峻阴沉,面目藜黑,形容俊朗!一双单眼皮让他的眼神看上去格外忧伤,对女性具有致命的吸引力。喜欢运动、美女以及暗杀民族败类!是XX(尚未想好名字)集团的幕后老板!张东:身高170cm,体重95Kg,外貌憨厚,一团和气!XX集团总裁,徐三生死兄弟之一!其在经营方面有着得天独厚的天赋,帮助徐三由麻将厅、电脑游戏厅、网吧、星级宾馆一路干起,直至成立庞大的XX集团公司,集休闲娱乐影视于一体的恐怖集团。蓝迪:身高175cm,体重75Kg,白净俊美,温文尔雅!XX集团广告策划部总经理!徐三生死兄弟之一!在策划方面颇有心得,为徐三扳倒几个强大的对手出谋划策,且每每奏效,是个周公谨式的人物。夜鸟:XX集团总务部部长!原长沙市海沙帮大当家,出于某种神秘的原因,投入徐三麾下,成为其黑道势力的代言人,是徐三最忠心的属下!龙逸云:长沙市公安局重案组刑侦队队长,为长沙市公安系统中后起之秀,由于湘江连环案而与徐三激烈交锋,既生死相博又惺惺相惜,更因其妹之故与徐三有着难以言喻的牵连纠葛……辛如风:身高168cm,体重55Kg,三围(由大家来定),第一个让徐三尝试到爱情的甜密的女人,伊不仅容颜靓丽,举止大方得体富有贵族气息,更给创业之始的徐三以莫大的帮助,以其超人一等的公关能力成为徐三生命中最重要的女人。冷艳:身高165cm,体重51Kg,三围???,徐三亦姐亦妻的地下情人。曾经有过一段不幸的爱情,并因此而终日冰冷对人,徐三的出现填补了她心灵上的空虚,使之成为一名幸福快乐的女人。其娇俏温柔的性格是徐三最好的避风港,唯一的缺 >>


内容简介:神秘高手龙潜花都,与冰山美女总裁签订婚约,但无奈被嫌弃。可怜的沈浪,只得外出觅食。不料一个个美女接踵而至,沈浪陷入各种桃运漩涡。当然,最主要的还是征服冰山女总裁。老婆大人霸道嚣张?我有 法宝还不快快臣服在我的西装裤下。1w0-4983 >>

Oukoku No Ko

{Paradise Love Scanlations} One country‘s cruel custom: “leading the life of a stand-in……“. Away from the center of the city in a theater, an actor, a boy called Robert, is asked to become the stand-in of Elisabeth who has the right of succeeding to the throne. “I will definitely survive and come back-“. Is Robert to be swallowed by the things to come as the wheel of fortune starts to spin? Deceit, traps, hatred. The long-awaited 1st volume that portrays human relationships tainted with greed.

Chiko No Negai

[From ShoujoMagic]: Story 1) Chiko's Wish - Chiko is a young female sparrow in love with a human boy named Shuu. One day, the Grim Reaper suddenly shows up at Shuu's house and shocks Chiko by announcing that he's come to collect Shuu's soul. What can one little sparrow do to save a human life...? Story 2) Crybaby Yukimushi. Akira was always a taunted for her crying. She promised her friend Kei that she wouldn't cry anymore. Now they are in the seventh grade. What it Akira going to do when someone says they want to confess to her beloved Kei. Story 3) Reverse Storm Warning. Kotone and Naoto have been dating for a long time. Nao isn't the most famous or most popular but she likes him. Kotone was talking to her friends but they find her relationship isn't porgressing well enough compared to other's relationships. Now Kotone wonders why Nao is even going out with her and why he's acting differently. Story 4) The Rainbow Fugue. There's a legend that if you see a rainbow at the waterfall in the park your love will come true. Miyabi and Hayate were great friends until they got to middle school. Then they went to seperate schools and almost never sees him. Mayabi wanted Hayate to love her so she goes to the waterfall and finds her beloved Hayate there playing a trumpet. Story 5) Spring Game. Izumi really wanted to play the game Chrono Spring but it was sold out. A guy tells her that he bought two copies and that she could have one. Before she knows it she's in playing the game and meets a guy named haru who saves her life and helps her get out the game. Story 6) Half Bitter Gift. Yukumi absloutly hates Kookie but is in love with his friend Asada. Kookie likes to peaster Yukumi and Yukumi's friend aya is always quiet on the side supporting Yukumi. It's around Valentine's day and Yukumi and Aya are making cookies. Yukumi is making her's for Asada but Aya says shedoesn't know who to give hers to but by what Kookie says there may be a different story to all of this.

Innocent Blue

From Attractive Fascinante: Mizuhara Kana is staying together with his cousin, Shuuya. Kana has a weak heart and Shuuya has been taking care of him. Somehow, Kana felt like a bird locked in a cage and hoped to have some breathing space. A coincidental meeting with the transfer student, Aoi Rin, changed Kana’s life. He fell head over heels into this first love. The mysterious Aoi taught him about the freedom outside the cage, but the risk that came along with this freedom could cost Kana’s life. The love story of a bird flying out of the cage during the summer, will Shuuya rescue Kana in time?

Wizardy Zeo

Zeo, a mysterious young wizard with a giant sword, finds himself in the city of Monea. He has no interest in getting involved with other adventurers, but circumstances leave him no choice but to find himself a party. He is therefore dragged into a group of misfit adventurers led by the pretty priest Tia. Tia seems very interested in making him their ally, and he soon learns why. Tia is determined to hunt down the wizard and summoned demon that destroyed her town and family, and she intends to do this by first summoning the demon. However, demon summoning magic is forbidden, punishable by death. Tia needs to learn about the art of demon summoning, and she needs a wizard for the summoning itself. Little does she know, Zeo actually has his very own illegal summoned demon, which is why he was so insistent that he wanted to adventure alone. Will he be willing to help Tia with her quest, or will his secret lead to his execution?

After the Rain : how the West lost the East

After the Rain : how the West lost the East summary: After the Rain : how the West lost the East summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of After the Rain : how the West lost the East. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Play Dead

Play Dead summary: Play Dead summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Play Dead. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool

The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool 'Asley' summary: When he was young, he had failed at the Magic Academy and was looked down by others. However by chance, he discovered a mythological medicine, so he obtained an immortal body. In order to get revenge on the people who made fun of him, he began researching magic and magical artifacts different from the academy. After 5000 years of research, he has become an ancient magic user before he noticed.  The people he was seeking revenge were long gone, losing his purpose, Asley went on a journey to see the world after 5000 years with his familiar Pochi. With an unexpected turn of events after helping many humans, he is now living at the magic academy. A 5000 year old man with a young appearance Asley, how will he live his second life’s youth?

The Chief Legatee

The Chief Legatee summary: The Chief Legatee summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Chief Legatee. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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