
































内容简介:群号154911460不上架,全文免费,放心收藏1991年,西伯利亚黑天鹅港外,一个男人在大雪中苏醒。带着三个被选中的孩子,李雾月辗转成为了蛇岐八家的大家长。然而这个在东瀛逐渐一手遮天 的男人,却始终想着退休谈恋爱。“今天去了浅草寺求签,霧の月哥哥最好了!”——上杉家主如此说道。“他算是我亦兄亦父的人吧,只是喜欢装嫩和撂挑子,很让人头疼!”——代理大家长源稚生如此回答到。“李雾月你个坑货!我xxx你个xxx!”作为路姓少年,有人提出了不同意见。大家长要退休最新章节地址:1w0-71133 >>


内容简介:凤凰岛凤影山庄庄主之女风霓华奉父命比武招亲,却招来了个丑八怪为夫,为退婚她参与武林大会,途中认识了神秘人袁公子,阴差阳错下还险些成了他的妻子。当她渐渐对袁公子产生情绪,却发现袁公子接近 她是另有目的……1w0-76143 >>


内容简介:  林薇:我要上清华。江宿:我就不一样了。江宿:我除了要上清华,还要……你。…誓要上清华的学霸女主VS伪学霸真桀骜的男主…我这样的人不值得你喜欢。喜欢你我说了算。…【无论过去多少年,江 宿和林薇都不会忘记那一天,那是他和她见面的第一天。】1w0-2399 >>


内容简介:小兵提供哟是二哈大神最新作品《全球降临:百倍增幅》最新章节列表,全球降临:百倍增幅全文阅读,全球降临:百倍增幅无弹窗,请关注全球降临:百倍增幅吧,本站最新最快更新全球降临:百倍增幅的最 新章节。1w0-83408 >>


内容简介:一场精心设计的豪门盛宴,未婚夫为了得到心爱的女人,把她送到了他小叔的床上。记者扑门而入。“请问,陆总,你们是什么关系?”陆沐擎优雅的搂住她的肩膀,温润而笑,反问:“我们睡了,你说是什么 关系?”“请问炎小姐,陆先生不是你未婚夫的小叔吗?你们怎么会睡在一起。”炎景熙靠在陆沐擎的怀中,笑容妍妍:“未婚夫短小快,我劈腿了,没看出来吗?”记者们离开后,她和他击掌为盟,她说:“谢谢你帮我虐渣渣。”他把戒指套在她的手上,确定的说道:“以后一起虐渣渣。”1w82832-82891 >>


内容简介:东华国宰相嫡女,貌丑无盐,性格懦弱,所有人眼中的笑柄,慕家的耻辱。东华国战场阎王,封号为“炎”,手握重兵,功高盖主,却在一场战斗中身中剧毒,双腿残废。皇上把她赐婚太子,她主动退回定亲信 物。赐婚残王,本以为是最大笑话,却不想面纱之下,露出的是惊世容颜……1w15926-25342 >>


内容简介:苏律好不容易鼓足勇气跟他女神告白了,只是对他来说犹如晴天霹雳的是女神喜欢他们学校的学霸兼校草秦于然,正当他伤心难过之际,居然在某公园看到此男神正在和一个男人热吻。将这一切都告诉了他的腐 女妹妹,结果拖他老妹的误导下,让他以揭露男神是同志的丑恶脸嘴为目的公然去追男神。但是,那日男神的热吻只不过是一个完完全全的误会以及刚好,所以男神可是个百分百的大直男啊!于是这是一篇直男追直男,两人互相掰弯的闹剧。某苏:你是直男早说啊!芷央读者群号码:4536543361w0-75711 >>


内容简介:宗派弟子燕云辰得到了一枚神秘的空间戒指,戒指中躲藏着一个神界遇难,坠落凡界的圣女。为了讨好主人燕云辰,高贵的圣女不得不拿出一件件神界功法,还有诸般绝世宝贝。燕云辰自此走向巅峰,傲笑天地 。横行霸道,败尽天下英雄,成就了一段绝世武圣的热血传奇。什么?燕云辰表示还要趁人之危,对圣女图谋不轨!圣女当即脸色一白。1w0-4401 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:三国:开局貂蝉带着女儿找上门】韩毅穿越三国,经过四年努力,当上了泰山郡郡守。可令韩毅没有想到的是!刚穿越时,与他情投意合的貂蝉,竟然带着个三岁的女儿,找上门来 。从此,韩毅变成了护娃宠妻狂魔!曹操:“谁能想到,韩毅突然进攻东郡,是因为女儿想吃这里产的鱼?”袁绍:“靠!因为女儿一句话,就派兵攻打我?”韩毅:“女儿要富养,她想要什么,我都会给!”颖宝:“爹,我喜欢吃雪糕!”韩毅:“好!爹给你做!”幂宝:“爹,我要去风筝!”韩毅:“没问题!”飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-72585 >>


内容简介:  同样是《热血传奇》的故事,不同的另一个传说,总是在老哥身后的小胖子是如何成就自己的传奇?  从落魄的待业大学生到成功的网络职业高手,且看小胖子堂弟林旋如何在家庭的不理解和年轻人的困 惑中逐渐成长和铸造属于自己的传奇!  本文是《法师传奇》的姐妹篇,告诉你一些可能就在你身边的游戏玩家的真实故事。  玩游戏,也是需要天份的!1w0-2303 >>




内容简介:海贼世界,忍术万法,有我无敌。穿越到海贼世界,舒冥渊获得了只要杀死邪恶的海贼,就能够无限兑换各种忍术,体术,幻术,仙术的超级无敌系统。千鸟,螺旋丸,通灵术,八门遁甲,写轮眼,轮回眼,地 爆天星,尾兽……“赤犬,我一眼看下去,你的岩浆可能会被我的天照给烧没了。”“海贼征服大海成为海贼王,而我的梦想则是站在那世界之巅”——舒冥渊语录萌动江湖书友群561362210本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《最强海贼猎人》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-78843 >>


A series of one-shots consisting of boys with horns, priests, etc. Chapter 3 – Picnic part 2 (continued from ch2) - Despite everything, Kaname seems to have found a bit of happiness with Kenichirou. But Kaname’s father doesn’t want to let Kaname go and is doing everything he can to keep them apart. Chapter 4 – In God’s Hands - Masato used to be a delinquent that was so naughty he was called the 'Legendary evil.' However, he has reformed because of his love for Jouji, a priest. But pretty rich boy Kikunosuke has his eyes set on Jouji as well and isn’t about to let Masato have him! Chapter 5 – Dark Gray Heaven, Rainbow-colored Paradise - Kotegawa Hajime has an automata made that is a perfect replica of himself, and plans to have this automata take his place as heir to his father’s company. Unfortunately, just after telling his father’s secretary about his plan, Hajime loses his memories in an accident. Now no one, including Hajime himself, is quite sure which is the real Hajime and which is the automata.

Adeyaka Prince

A collection of short stories. Based on descriptions from Chibi Manga: 1. Adeyaka Prince Maki has just entered senior high school and all her friends are getting boyfriends. She longs to be loveydovey with a boy as well. One day she almost falls when walking on the street and is saved by a very handsome young man wearing a kimono... 2. Amai Akumu no Memai Her parents goes abroad and sends Saki to live in an old house that belongs to some of their friends. The handsome boy Yashiki already lives in the house; and he scares her with stories about ghosts living in the house. Saki loses weight and feels dizzy, is it because Yashiki is really a ghost that sucks her life force? 3. Omocha no Kuni ni Tsurete tte 4. Koi Majinai 5. Ai Koso Subete 6. Adeyaka Prince Bangaihen: Adeyaka Parfume

Koi Ni Oboreru Houkago

1) Addicted to Love After School- When his student moves in next door a sensei begins to feel his work and personal life getting mixed up, especially when the paper thin walls let the sensei hear his student's solo nighttime activities. 2) Addicted to Love After School 2 (Koi ni Oboreru Houkago) - One day, while alone in the student's apartment, the teacher finds a bag full of sex toys. Their relationshp becomes strained as the teacher keeps wondering when the student will be using them in their love-making. 3) Waiting for Your Kiss After School- The drunken sensei accidentally injures his lover/student's private area and is forced into celibacy. 4) Love of Beast (Kemono no Koi)- After his parent's death high school student Setsu is raised by his father's twin brother, Ryouichi. Even though Ryouichi is cold, Setsu can't help but cling to him. 5) As Pushy as It Gets- Kazuki runs a convenience shop, and often has to ask his younger step-brother Ryouta to help out as a 'pretend lover' for their female clients. Ryouta doesn't work for free however, and Kazuki must pay the price. 6) While Your're Still Out of Uncontrol (Midareru Mama ni) - Ryouta is requested so often by lady clients he thinks nothing of it. But when a male customer wants to spend time with Kazuki, is Ryouta being cautious or unreasonably jealous? 7) Wonderland in Bed- When Ryouta breaks an arm and leg Kazuki's work load doubles. Plus, Ryouta demands constant attention and care. Kazuki already spoils Ryouta, how much more can the sadistic younger brother want? 8) Newborn Love- Kazuki plans a surprise birthday celebration for Ryouta, but why is this birthday so special?

Zantei, Koibito

Contains 3 short stories :- Story 1 - They'd been drunk. Or more specifically, his boss had been drunk. So when Sakamoto jumped him, Kurahashi just went along with it. After all, it was just the alcohol...right? Wrong! At least, that's what his boss thinks...and said boss doesn't have a problem trying out a relationship with a colleague he thinks is in love with him. Unable to gainsay him, Kurahashi is dragged into a relationship he never asked for - and finds himself getting deeper than he ever imagined. Story 2 - Two childhood friends who abruptly drifted apart years ago are reunited. One of them is now a Buddhist monk...what does his friend feel about this? Story 3 - The shy, reclusive, bespectacled Egawa confessed to Aoki on high-school graduation day...and was politely turned down. The two unexpectedly re-unite in university; and to Aoki's surprise, Egawa has become a completely different person who is very popular with the girls! But why does this cause strange, conflicting emotions within Aoki?

I am the Newly Born Woman of Around Thirty

I am the Newly Born Woman of Around Thirty summary: Tiariela Norfolk realized that this world was inside the peach-colored ero ero harem story that topped the charts from her past life.
Cute like a small animal, the protagonist joins hands with ikemen of superior quality, and it was a story chock full of age 18 restricted scenes.
Since she was a side character, Tiariela welcomed the ero-oyaji inside of her and planned to peek in frequently.
Due to Tiariela’s behavior, the story begins to go amiss…
“I didn’t mean it this way! I just thought that I should study and observe the ecchi scenes (stealthily from nearby) for future reference!”

Best of Isaac Asimov

Best of Isaac Asimov summary: Best of Isaac Asimov summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Best of Isaac Asimov. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Scapegoat Sister Vs Second Prince

Scapegoat Sister Vs Second Prince summary: The second prince has come of age. To welcome the advent of such an occasion, among other things, the search for a suitable bride began. My younger sister was expected to go to the Royal Palace as a candidate. But despite this, she eloped the day before her departure. I, the older sister left behind, look almost exactly like the spitting image of my sister – so much that we’re often mistaken for twins.…… One month, right? For one month only, let’s be a subst.i.tute for my sister, shall we?

The Annals of the Poor

The Annals of the Poor summary: The Annals of the Poor summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Annals of the Poor. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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