































内容简介:《第一仙门系统》文预计3月23号V2660章属于倒V看过的亲不要重复购买哦吹逼版:萧羽接了个任务,身带游戏系统在仙侠异世开山立派,收徒弟招妹子,拳打当世豪杰,脚踩豪门世家。足下乾坤风云 动,一人登高万民拥。创立新时代修道之路的标杆。现实版:呵呵呵呵呵,这破烂糟心的世界,趁早毁灭吧,赶紧的!重心:人物剧情、成长升级流长长长长长1、主角对灵气无感应,出手全是游戏技能,技能全胡扯,反正只要帅就够1w0-28475 >>


内容简介:鬼舞辻无惨?不,你要恐惧的,并非贫弱的它,阔诺dio哒!当恶人的救世主,罪恶的正义——迪奥·布兰度莅临这鬼物横行的世界。“永远都活在不醒梦之中吧,因为你们的黎明不会再到来。”依靠吸食鬼 物的血液,再度勇猛精进,在生死砥砺中不断成长。“承太郎!你的白金之星最没用啦!”屹立在世界顶点之人,即是克服所有恐惧之人!————ps:真dio,智商全员在线,有部分对于原作中模糊设定1w0-77575 >>


内容简介:  猪脚是明光宗第六子,他觉得不能让未来的崇祯皇帝朱由检做皇帝,于是,他在紫禁城里大喊了一声:我要做皇帝!  公布三个群号:  景仁宫:983546750(普)  乾清宫:177745 561(普)  官笙vip群:985519799(须2000粉丝验证)。  欢迎大家加入。1w0-493 >>


内容简介:  既然能穿越,自然可以带个系统,韩东淡然接受了这一切。不过,所在的世界有点高级,可穿越的世界太低级,没关系,系统在手,天下我有!以吞噬星空为基础,黄飞鸿,李元霸,葫芦兄弟,滕青山,洪 易……韩东一步一个脚印,在系统的帮助下,站在了诸天之上!1w0-3816 >>


内容简介:在无数个美丽又恐怖的噩梦中,她恍惚间可以得见一堆发光的球体,又或者是一堆腐臭的血肉,那些或圣洁或下贱的黏液温柔地将她包裹,倾诉着来自另一个纬度的梦幻童话。祂说:“我是你的父亲,也是你的 爱人。我是你,你也是我。”可是一觉醒来,只有空荡荡的天花板和躲在墙角尖叫的母亲,咒骂着她这个怪物,不应诞生于世的——神的女儿。1w0-121491 >>




内容简介:木叶历三十五年登场,从九尾之乱开始。火影世界里,走血继融合之路,登至顶峰。达成一个个非凡的成就,超脱诸多世界。关键词:火影,系统,影帝,稳健,诸天。本书关键词:其他类型《从木叶开始超脱 》小说推荐:前方动漫有高能、异世之虫族无敌、梦幻西游:我能看见收益、大唐:开局炸了太极殿、奸臣、星际之亡灵帝国、灵气复苏:开局获得麒麟臂、狼王梦、斗罗之武魂殿主、都市之创造万界、望族嫡女、大唐:开局被长孙皇后跪求假冒李二、快穿:她养的黑化大佬是神明、职场小白升职记、至尊强婿、从斗罗开始俘获比比东、综英美从蝙蝠家开始的DC全员乙女向发展、塌房少女重生记、从大树开始的进化、独占成婚、足球:史上最强中锋、荒唐岁月、逍遥兵王洛天最新章节、从林正英世界开始修道、猎狮Ⅱ、尸妻难缠、苏爽世界崩坏中综、鬼灭之刃:神级选择、受何苦为难受(GL)、掰夫是个技术活[快穿1w0-80770 >>


内容简介:探春录(古言集)是由美人乔所写的高辣浓情类小说,本站提供探春录(古言集)最新章节阅读探春录(古言集)全文阅读探春录(古言集)免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现探春录(古言集)更新慢了请第一 时间联系小兵。1w0-72603 >>


内容简介:手机阅读《我真没想和天后结婚》无弹窗纯文字全文免费阅读宋子墨是个过气导演,他想通过拍电影还债,但苦于没钱。沈清雪是个过气天后,她想制造一波舆论,炒一次热度,试图翻红!于是乎。两个走背字 的人,共同策划了一起假结婚。宋子墨要钱,沈清雪要名!后来。依靠份子钱的宋子墨,呕心沥血的把前世经典之作搬运了过来后,他火的发紫!至于沈清雪,依旧不温不火。再后来。一年之约已到。宋子墨履行条约,准备离婚时。沈清雪一脸平静的道:“老公,什么条约?你是不是工作太累,糊涂了啊?”宋子墨:“??????”【本书又名】【最开始我只是想骗点礼金,用来拍戏!】【好家伙,我被天后赖上了!】【不是说好假结婚吗?你拉我进房间干什么?】【什么假结婚?老公,你累糊涂了!】【我沈清雪看中的男人,谁也别想抢走!】1w0-95114 >>


内容简介:假扮胖迪对象,参加女儿们的恋爱穿越平行世界,陆北成了热芭的青梅竹马。这一年《女儿们的恋爱》开始录制了。热芭聘请陆北当他的合约男朋友,为了钱,不,为了热芭的事业,陆北不得不牺牲色相。于是 。“陆1w0-82528 >>


内容简介:  冰冷与黑暗并存的宇宙深处,九具庞大的龙尸拉着一口青铜古棺,亘古长存。这是太空探测器在枯寂的宇宙中捕捉到的一幅极其震撼的画面。九龙拉棺,究竟是回到了上古,还是来到了星空的彼岸?一个浩 大的仙侠世界,光怪陆离,神秘无尽。热血似火山沸腾,激情若瀚海汹涌,欲望如深渊无止境……登天路,踏歌行,弹指遮天。1w0-708 >>


内容简介:我获得了一个世界权限,成为了一个色孽神选。不要误会,我只是被一个叫色孽的神选中了而已,此色孽非彼色孽。我将会根据自己的喜好穿越到一个个世界中去,使得一个个世界沉沦于淫乱与暴虐之中。而我 的第一个世界,也是我一直想写同人凌辱文却迟迟懒得动笔写的《斗罗大陆》。1w0-106815 >>

Mister Millionaire

In the Mister Millionaire series: V.1 - Kekkon no Kokoroe (Expecting the Boss's Baby) 'I love you, not as my boss but as a man.' It had been 2 months since Kate spent a night of passion with her boss, Michael, whom she secretly loves. But the next day, Michael cruelly tells her that their relationship must strictly be kept to business. Kate cannot forget about that night, and tells Michael how she feels... In fact, Michael grew up in an orphanage. He had a difficult childhood and now finds it impossible to love. Can Kate's love change Michael? V.2 - Kekkon nante Shitakunai Justin, a genius of the stock trading business is a real scrooge despite being a millionaire. He believes marriage only drains your bank account, and only contributes to charity to evade taxes. While investigating a charity, he meets a poor but charming girl named Amy. However their encounter is cut short when he suddenly coughs up blood and collapses. Amy rushes him to the hospital and while drifting between the borders of life and death, he had a dream: his friends standing at his bed side, sadly mumbling 'he only thought of money, money, money', 'he never learnt to love anyone'. Justin is suddenly swamped with a feeling of deep regret. He prays to God, 'please, just give me another chance!' V.3 - Anata no Kioku Alisa has always been with Dylan for as long as she can remember?she gave him her first kiss as a teenager and, later, her virginity. But when Alisa finds Dylan bedding another woman, his cruel betrayal devastates her and she brings a sad end to their long-term relationship. At her worst, an accident befalls her. When Alisa wakes up, she has lost every bit of memory related to Dylan! This is the final story of a high-profile miniseries, Million-Dollar Men, which depicts the romances of self-made millionaires.

Sanbanme No Tsuki

There is a planet where all the inhabitants have mysteriously disappeared. This planet was called 'Earth.' Four people (Shiki, Miyuki, Yoshimura, and Satou) are dispatched to investigate the planet, its remaining living things, and the remains of the culture that once thrived there. Together, they pass peaceful days on the quiet Earth.

Pig Bride

Lost in the mountains on a trip to summer camp, eight-year-old Si-Joon fears he’ll never make it out alive. When a strange girl in a pig mask appears before him, he follows her to a house deep in the woods, where he is told that he must marry the pig-faced girl to atone for the sins of their ancestors. Si-Joon’s not too keen on getting married, but that wedding feast looks so delicious! It’s only afterward that he realizes what he’s done and …wakes up. Now in high school, Si-Joon Lee has been dreaming about the pig bride for as long as he can remember. But it’s all just a dream, right? read from left to right ^_^

Lovely Complex Plus

The first two chapters are about before Koizumi Risa and Otani Atsushi met each other. The third chapter is about their first encounter and a little bit of what happens to them after the ending of Lovely Complex. This is actually a part of volume 17 with the final chapter of called Lovely Complex called Love Com Final.

The Woman Warrior_ Memoirs of a Girlhood

The Woman Warrior_ Memoirs of a Girlhood summary: The Woman Warrior_ Memoirs of a Girlhood summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Woman Warrior_ Memoirs of a Girlhood. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Coast of Bohemia

The Coast of Bohemia summary: The Coast of Bohemia summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Coast of Bohemia. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Adventure In A Foreign World - Legacy of The Chosen One

Adventure In A Foreign World - Legacy of The Chosen One summary: A man with complicated past who was working as a handyman for various odd jobs found himself being summoned to another world by a certain ent.i.ty. In that foreign world, he is chosen to be a hero of humanity and embark on a quest to slay a demon lord, or so he should. Instead, he wanders away with his newly found power and act as he sees fit. Follow his adventure as he explore the brand new world of wonders and magics.

The Colonists

The Colonists summary: The Colonists summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Colonists. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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