


事情发生在土木堡事变之后,讲述的是当时历史事件中人物的孩子们的成长故事。全篇是轻松搞笑的校园生活中伴随着朝廷的明争暗斗,讲述着孩子们之间的羁绊、矛盾及智慧。 小御使们如侦探般,解开公主失踪之谜、用计深入位高权重的大太监的府邸,探查整个事件背后的主使……








简介《绝地天通》系列之《绝地天通 黄》:本篇讲述了附身于神秘男子摩泰坤身上的黄神为保护世界而继续战斗的故事!(每周二、周六更新)另,《绝地天通》漫画宇宙其它联动漫画——灰/黑/初/狐,剧情相对独立,偶有关联,无观看顺序,任意食用!欢迎加入官方交流QQ群:563351294





















内容简介:地下界第一大佬楚狂魂穿修真大陆,成为仙武玄宗一名不入流的外门弟子。本以为人生彻底无戏之际,却是突然激活《诸天反派之首系统》。了解到系统作用以后,楚狂不经一阵发呆,从未见过如此邪恶的系统 。叮【外门第一反派秦笙,将于一天内上门寻求您的帮助,届时从秦笙手中获得的好处越大,完成任务之后,系统所给的奖励越丰厚!】自此,无论楚狂去到哪里,基本都会有反派找上门来寻求帮助。这是一个真正的反派系统,专门帮助各路反派,碾压、虐杀他们招惹不起的主角。慢慢的,楚狂也喜欢上这种碾压、虐杀、欺凌主角的快感。从此,在反派之首这条路上越走越远…本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《开局成为反派之首》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-82643 >>


内容简介:作者:夏夜无眠所写的《龙魂武神》为转载作品龙魂武神最新章节由网友上传发布小兵提供龙魂武神全文免费阅读。如果您觉得龙魂武神不错,请分享给您的朋友:重生天旋大陆,两世为人!携至尊武魂,掌巫 尊传承,修逆天之力!从此一飞冲天,化身为龙,闯九天十地,战万古魔窟,成为一代龙魂武神!1w0-28323 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:西游:我,说书人!开局给人族传道!】姜玄穿入西游世界,绑定最强教化系统,系统内有诸天万界一切法门、学说、流派。此时西游路未开,姜玄化身说书人,誓要整改三界,点 化众生,将人族从漫天神佛的摆布中解救出来,使人族成为真正顶天立地的存在。很快,经过他的教化点拨:唐僧化身花和尚,吃肉喝酒,三拳打死白骨精:“呸!酒肉穿肠过,有仇当场报。”孙悟空挣脱金箍,叛出佛门:“一万年太久,只争朝夕,紫霞,你在哪儿?”通天教主手持诛仙剑捅穿如来金钵:“天地不仁,以万物当刍,去你娘的众生平等,有教无类才是王道。”红孩儿半夜偷走观世音菩萨的玉净瓶,沿街叫卖:“大罗仙器大甩卖,价值两个子,夜壶良选之物。”姜玄笑飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-57214 >>




内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:综漫:从鬼灭开始的无限剑制】在鬼灭之刃中掌握呼吸之法,在fate中钻研魔术的奥秘,在弑神者中对弈诸天神佛,在re0中感受魔女的余香,在恶魔高校中与最强之龙对峙 ……这一切,都要从折原临也获得『无限剑制』开始。从鬼灭之刃启程,折原临也在无限的次元中不断变强、升华……飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢综漫:从鬼灭开始的无限剑制,别忘记分享给朋友综漫:从鬼灭开始的无限剑制TXT下载1w0-68148 >>




内容简介:【本文将于周四零点()入V,届时会有肥章掉落,请各位小天使多多支持】生来便毫无目标,善恶不分,对任何事物提不起兴趣的男子高中生黑川深人,港口Mafia浑噩度日的普通成员之一,在某天被天 降而来的【恶人系统】绑定了。面对立场完全混沌的黑川深人,本职是培养恶人的系统仿佛看到唐僧肉般的循循善诱。“无事可做的话不如来搅乱世界,建立新秩序?”本身就没什么目标的黑川深人很轻易的接受了系统抛来的橄各位书友要是觉得《明明是恶人的我成了救世主》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-106538 >>


内容简介:身世神秘的刘飞大学毕业之后,由于性格嚣张,不得不一而再再而三的面临着重重危机,受到了来自各方面的全方位打压,且看刘飞如何在一路横冲直闯碾压各路对手,如何弄清身世横扫各大势力,登顶人生巅 峰! 1w0-4208 >>




内容简介:出生于四大顶级灵修世家的顾玥是个废物,十六岁的她修为停滞在初识阶段就算了,储蓄灵力的灵丹也迟迟未曾修炼出来。她以为一辈子也就只能在长辈的失望目光中度过,一次外出游历,认识了那个人。自此 她不愿归家,四处游历,那是的她想的很简单:若有一人白首,一辈子碌碌无为又何妨?(这是一则懵懂的女主在游历中成长蜕变的故事)1w0-91115 >>


内容简介:【2019最好看精灵游戏文】一年后,《精灵世纪》将会与现实融合,实现数据化,人类历史从此翻篇,迈进精灵与人类共生的崭新时代。“可是…说好的一年后呢?”洛白看着眼前正对着他龇牙咧嘴的绿毛 虫,属实有点懵。他貌似,提前一年登录了…一年后…当人们蜂拥加入《精灵世纪》,摩拳擦掌,准备大干一番的时候,洛白朝裂空座抛出的大师球刚好停止了晃动。“叮!世界公告,恭喜华夏区玩家洛白收服神兽裂空座!”瞬间,世界安静了…标签:宠物小精灵,神奇宝贝,精灵宝可梦,口袋妖怪。书友群:9832678301w0-83969 >>



Honey Vs

Go Nagai's classic sexy heroine Cutey Honey has returned! In this new manga series drawn by Masaki Segawa (author of Basilisk and Y+M), Honey meets other classic Go Nagai characters as she battles the evil forces of Panther Claw.Related:> Cutey Honey ( http://www.batoto.net/comic/_/comics/cutey-honey-r8764 )> Cutie Honey a Go Go! ( http://www.batoto.net/comic/_/comics/cutie-honey-a-go-go-r9711 )

Thousand Years Romance

A collection of three stories. Summary of story 1 from Selene Scans: A light-hearted shoujo that is beautifully presented by a Taiwanese mangaka named Huang Jia Li. The manga is divided into three episodes: The Myth of the Laurel Tree, The Eden Garden Fantasia, and Midsummer Night's Fantasy. The Myth of the Laurel Tree: The story makes references to the story between Apollo and a nymph he met in Greek mythology, although this information is not required to enjoy the it. Laurel (*hint, hint) and her younger sister are supposed to go to Egypt for another one of her 'stone-collecting' vacations. However, things take an unexpected turn as soon as she meets a young man named Apollo (*hint, hint) who, in many girls eyes, may be too beautiful for words. For example, instead of being on a plane to Egypt, as she originally planned, the plane is hijacked by two odd terrorists to change course to Greece--even though that is already the intended destination! To makes things even weirder, the two hijackers' names are Cupid and Pan. What's going on?

Rabu Kare - Gokujou Men Dokuhon!

From Evil Flowers: A compilation of 6 sweet stories about finding love and learning how to keep it. 1) Karada no Iinari by SAKOU Watari Uika Tonoda and Kuniyoshi Hazama are very experienced when it comes to sex….in theory at least. They know every theoretical term about sex, pheromones and all sorts of things related, yet either of them has never experienced it for itself. What will happen when these 2 will meet? Will they be able to leave the talk aside and finally take action? 2) Oni Kare by TSUKISHIMA Haru Wakaba Endou only wishes to finish her driving lessons soon so she can get a driver's license. Although she thought it will be easy at first, nothing is easy when the one who's teaching you is instructor Kenzaki. He complains about every small mistake that she does and won't give her any points in her lessons unless she does them perfect. Wakaba always complains about the fact that he's so strict, but at least he's good looking... 3) Himitsu no Kinchan! by IWASHITA Keiko What would you say if you knew that objects can fall in love? Kin-chan is the most popular mannequin in a clothing shop. Everyone wants to wear the clothes she's showing and even though she's just a plastic doll one day Haruto saved her from falling on the floor when she was pushed by the many enthusiastic customers. Even since then Kin-chan is not like the other mannequins because she has fallen in love with a human. What will she do when Moai-sama will grant her the power to be a human for 3 days? 4) Shuuren by MONOU Yuki Nishimura Inori (17 years old) has given up on being girly after enrolling into an all-girls school. Since they barely get to see any boys, she and her classmates are so to called 'boy hungry”. Yet still, they kinda gave up on the idea. They end up going to a very boring school trip to Nara and are pleased to discover that in the neighborhood inn, there is another class renting the place at the same time, from an all-boy school. So, this is it, the girls last chance to seek love before going back to school. 5) Rabu + Kuro Love&Clothes by TADA Manami Matsumi Katou is a normal 25 years old housewife. Lately her husband has stopped complimenting her and she's spending most of the time taking care of her child and never to take care of herself. When she hears that she'll need to go to a party together with her husband she realizes that she's got nothing more formal to wear. In her search for a piece of cloth that will fit her she ends up at Aoi's shop, a manager who puts the happiness of the client before the job to sell any cloth to anyone. Will Aoi manage to make Matsumi look beautiful for the party? 6) Himikoi ~ Time Limit by Robiko It's her last semester of high-school and Mako realizes she hasn't done anything memorable in all her time spent here. So she starts skipping classes together with Yoshi and ends up spying on other couples instead of leaving her own love story. But love comes in many forms and even tough Yoshi doesn't seem to take an interest in her she's still determined to have her high-school romance memories, even if that means forcing him to date her.

Pocket Monster Zensho

From Bulbapedia: (Japanese:まんが版 ポケットモンスター全書), is a shōnen Pokémon manga directly based on the Pokémon games. It follows the plot of Pokémon Red and Blue closer than any other Pokémon manga. Many details not included in other manga or the anime, such as the hunt for Safari Zone Warden's dentures, are covered. It ends with the defeat of the Elite Four.

Woman in Science

Woman in Science summary: Woman in Science summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Woman in Science. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Community Civics and Rural Life

Community Civics and Rural Life summary: Community Civics and Rural Life summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Community Civics and Rural Life. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Night Strangers

The Night Strangers summary: The Night Strangers summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Night Strangers. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Starlight Has No Past

Starlight Has No Past summary: When Ye Qiao received the award for best actress, they asked her about her husband during the interview. Q: When was the first time that you noticed him? A: In an old rental apartment. The couple next door was doing special exercises and I happened to overhear it. Q: When did you officially meet him? A: I was bitten by his dog and got 6 rabies shots for it. Q: Why him? Maybe because she had been lonely and helpless in the past. She had been hidden herself in the darkness. The only ray of sunlight in her life was from him A story about Ye Qianxi’s cousin from The Most Majestic You, though the story is mostly unrelated. This story was published before The Most Majestic You and is somewhat more serious

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