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内容简介:惨遭所有人背叛,没想到一纸婚约将她宠上天!想要什么买买买,不够就垄断一个牌子,再不够就垄断整个行业!她虐渣渣,他就派人陪她一起虐,十人不够来百人,百人不够叫千人!场子砸了有他收拾,天塌 了有他撑着!身体不舒服却坚持上班,高冷总裁强制全公司一起放假,在家煲汤陪床不离不弃!“你为什么对我这么好?”“对自己的老婆好,天经地义。”1w0-2587 >>


内容简介:  崇祯七年三月,山西陕西大旱,赤地千里,民大饥。四月,李自成入河南,与张献忠合兵攻取澄城。七月,后金军进围宣府,兵掠大同,沿边城堡多失守。  大明内忧外患,风雨飘摇!  这年的七月, 王斗意外来到大明,成为宣府镇保安州舜乡堡一普通小兵……  ……  新书《续南明》已发布,大家可以点作者信息,或是下面的隆重推荐找到观看。  1w0-454 >>


内容简介:论绿茶的一千种钓鱼技巧是一节藕创作的经典的小说作品论绿茶的一千种钓鱼技巧小兵提供论绿茶的一千种钓鱼技巧最新章节全文免费阅读,论绿茶的一千种钓鱼技巧下载,论绿茶的一千种钓鱼技巧全文字更新 ,论绿茶的一千种钓鱼技巧无弹窗!请关注论绿茶的一千种钓鱼技巧吧,本站最新最快更新论绿茶的一千种钓鱼技巧的最新章节。1w0-83694 >>


内容简介:叶晨八岁那年,算命老道说:你十八岁那年将黄袍加身,天天山珍海味为伴!我信你个鬼你这糟老头子!外卖员的黄颜色工作服也是黄袍加身?结果叶晨果真成了黄袍加身鱼肉为伴的外卖员,不过……他的外卖 能够联通万界!动漫,武侠,玄幻,电影,神话世界中都有他送外卖的身影,客户回馈给叶晨的报酬也都是溜到不行!给武则天送了一份黄焖鸡,龙颜大悦,赐予了叶晨一片江山!给炎帝送了一份变态辣烧烤,给予叶晨了一团易火!给骨傲天送了一份过桥米线,给叶晨全属性+999999!给如来佛祖送了一份佛跳墙,直接送了叶晨如来神掌!……纵横万界,玩转都市,他就是全宇宙第一的万界外卖员!1w0-2291 >>




内容简介:任氏兄弟俩的两根大鸡吧就都掌握在了阿娇和杨钰莹这两位女星的手里了,两位女星对于给男人舔鸡巴这种事都是驾轻就熟了,分别伸出丁香小舌绕着肉棒游走。杨钰莹舔得还是那么温柔,香舌在任江海的大鸡 吧上来回缠绕,舌尖不时扫过龟头,轻柔细致,非常有温柔人妻取悦丈夫时的那种如沐春风的意思。而阿娇则是完全不同的风格,她的香舌灵动无比,从任江山大腿内侧舔起,一路游移向上,先舔过睾丸,然后是棒身,最后在龟头和龟棱上来回舔噬,这让对她憧憬已久的任江山爽翻了,鼻子里呼着粗气,感受着阿娇如火的热情1w8649-96424 >>


内容简介:“诸天援助公会?都二零二一年了,还有这种助人为乐的金手指?”……二星级任务:《破坏之王》传承者。协助鬼王达寻找古拳法传承者。二星级任务:《天行九歌》白虹贯日。协助公子韩非掌控韩国。三星 级任务:《地狱之歌》雾都入黄昏。协助塞拉斯维多利亚,击溃最后的大队。四星级任务:《虹猫蓝兔七侠传》气吞万里如虎。协助虹猫少侠守护武林和平。五星级任务:《倩女幽魂》谁说女子不如男?协助聂小倩在聊斋世界完成黑山娱乐城1w0-49535 >>




内容简介:  警察同志,如果我说这是一款休闲治愈系游戏,你们信吗?1w0-2022


内容简介:  活了三世。 庸庸碌碌过一世! 风光威武过一世! 这一世,他只想平平静静的生活,不求大福大贵,只求一家平安。 …… “大佬,听说你是隐士高人?” “不是!我只是个种田的! ” “大佬,听说你是炼丹宗师?” “不是不是!我只是个种田的!” “大佬,听说天下第一神兵是你打造的?” “都说了,不是了!什么天下第一神兵,老子什么都不知道。” “爹爹,那剑不好玩,我想玩弓箭!” “没问题,老子制造天下第一,现在爹就给你打造天下第一的弓箭!” 吃瓜群众纷纷掉下巴,“说好的,你只是种田的?!能别瞬间真香吗?” 没错,这是一个异界大帝走上种田,宠妻,养娃的故事。1w0-33 >>

Brigit's Supper

By the author of ever-popular manga, Blade of the Immortal. A story taking place in Germany, Brigit gets separated from her brother and is taken to an auction where she is sold. Her expected buyer's task is explained to her. She soon becomes close with the new person she meets. -- Manga Updates


Guided by visions of La Pucelle (the name given to Joan by followers), Emil seeks to unite France under the divine rule of the King. In her quest, Emil goes to the same places Joan had traveled through, and gains her own followers in the process. However, Emil is opposed by the dauphin Louis, a brute enforcer who fears no divine power and wishes to make his own bid to rule the country. Joan is ComicsOne's first all color comic book. The publisher recommends this book for readers over 15 years old.

Mahou Ga Toketa Asa Ni

Carrie Richards has stepped into the glittering life of Greek billionaire Alexeis Nicolaides. Luxurious hotels, designer clothes and rare jewels are all hers.and what they share in the bedroom is explosive. But the consequences of one night lead to a shocking end to Carrie's fairy tale. She discovers Alexeis is not her Prince Charming - he's a man who'll make her his, no matter what the cost!

There's No Textbook For Love

There's No Textbook for Love summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of There's No Textbook for Love. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Jewish Immigration to the United States from 1881 to 1910

Jewish Immigration to the United States from 1881 to 1910 summary: Jewish Immigration to the United States from 1881 to 1910 summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Jewish Immigration to the United States from 1881 to 1910. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Beautiful Bastard

Beautiful Bastard summary: An ambitious intern. A perfectionist executive. And a whole lot of name calling. Whip-smart, hardworking, and on her way to an MBA, Chloe Mills has only one problem: her boss, Bennett Ryan. He 's exacting, blunt, inconsiderate—and completely irresistible. A Beautiful b.a.s.t.a.r.d.Bennett has returned to Chicago from France to take a vital role in his family 's ma.s.sive media business. He never expected that the a.s.sistant who 'd been helping him from abroad was the gorgeous, innocently provocative—completely infuriating—creature he now has to see every day. Despite the rumors, he 's never been one for a workplace hookup. But Chloe 's so tempting he 's willing to bend the rules—or outright smash them—if it means he can have her. All over the office. As their appet.i.tes for one another increase to a breaking point, Bennett and Chloe must decide exactly what they 're willing to lose in order to win each other.Originally only available online as The Office by tby789—and garnering over 2 million reads on fanfiction sites—Beautiful b.a.s.t.a.r.d has been extensively updated for re-release.

Eastern Palace

Eastern Palace summary: She is the much loved and spoilt ninth princess of Xi Liang country. She embarked on the road to Central Plains (Zhongyuan) for an arranged marriage. He is the almighty and powerful crown prince. Because of a political marriage, he is forced to marry a foreign princess. He has his own beloved concubine, Zhao Liang Di. She has her own life, escaping from the palace to ride horse, disguising as a young man, chasing thieves, sending lost children home and drinking wine. Initially, their lives are like two parallel lines, never intersecting. However, the fight for power and position in the eastern palace, endless gossip, and hidden murderous intentions lead her to get involved step-by-step.
After surviving a near death experience, she suddenly recalled what happened three years ago:
His blind date with her ​​in the desert,
He beheaded the white-eyed wolf king in Tian Gen mountain for her sake.
They held a grand wedding on the prairie.
However, he also brought her disaster, a b.l.o.o.d.y genocide …
River of Forgetfulness, to forget a love.
When her memory returned, how should she choose?
(Credits: this part is translated by peanuts on bookshushengbar.)

Maou ~ Sou da, Yuusha wo Yome ni shiyou ~

Maou ~ Sou da, Yuusha wo Yome ni shiyou ~ summary: In this world, there existed a demon king. Inside one of the two major nations, the king of the Athena Empire invited a hero to go subjugate the demon king. Sensing the movement of the hero’s party, the demon king got a little angry. Even though I’m diligently managing my country, why do I have to be subjugated? I don’t understand the reasoning. And also I got a question for the Hero and his party. Why is the hero the commander for the Athena royal army? Why didn’t the top bra.s.s come? And also why is everyone, other than the hero, female? is it a harem? – So absurd. And so, the demon king made a decision. If the hero comes, I’m going to hara.s.s the heck out of him – For the gallant hero headed to subjugate the demon king, and the dissatisfied demon king who lied in wait for the hero, soon their fated (love) will begin.

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