










简介身怀绝技的少年白云飞初闯江湖,仗义英雄救美就讨了个没趣--美女爱上了强掠他的挫富丑,但也因此结识了韩涛并义结金兰。二人名声渐响,熟知云飞神秘身世的势力也开始尾随而至:脱线白富美蕙兰,归隐山贼贾超,精怪乞儿西门… 究竟是肝胆相照抑或笑里藏刀?命运的长线串起多年前埋下注定的生死离合,少年的江湖又该何去何从?








简介这个勇者自称“老子明明很强”,却谨慎过头漫画 ,超慎重的勇者&二流女神组合的新异世界救济谈








简介现代特工姬轩穿越到架空古代变成太子,却被送到别国作为人质。最怕麻烦的他,本以为穿越到古代,可以做个小透明,等待机会回到现代,却没想到惹来了三个大“麻烦”—— 同为质子却不可一世的秦国太子;温文尔雅的圣子;互看不顺眼的赵国太子。而随着与他们的接触,姬轩的真实身份也被揭晓…… 每周五更新!~






内容简介:《随机捕捉一个气运之子》隐世多年的强者为何突然失踪;宗门宝库为何频频失窃;王室血裔为何频频惨遭黑手;这一切的背后究竟是人性的扭曲,还是道德的沦丧。……“消耗一品气运值,随机捕捉开始。” 这一天开始,夏阳走上了到处攫气运的道路。也是这一天开始,老夏家走上了蹭气运的道路。龙门神湖、幽冥地窟……世界的面纱一步步的掀开。你以为我们是主角升级流,实际上我们是家族流。你以为我们是家族流,实际上我们还建立了一个国家。你以为我们建立了一个1w0-84470 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:重生:除了钱,我一无所有!】苏灿这个倒霉蛋重生到了2010年,携带着系统奖励的100亿RMB!截胡即将上线的“微聊!”聘请站在月亮下的那个男人做自己的员工。做 拼夕夕背后的大老板……打造出一个堪称365无死角的商业帝国!成为福布斯财富排行榜上各行大佬们都只能够仰望的存在。《时代》——“苏灿,这是一个贡献了全球50GDP的年轻人。”……飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-72097 >>


内容简介:从小练武的姜真武突然得到了能穿梭到另一个世界的能力,从此,他走上了两界强者的道路!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《两界真武》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-80 474 >>


内容简介:小欢喜:我是乔英豪小欢喜:我是乔英豪小说阅读类型小说小欢喜:我是乔英豪由作家英雄豪杰创作【日更万字】乔英豪,春风中学著名学渣。和妹妹乔英子形成了强烈的对比。正在所有人对他的成绩已经失望 的时候,却发现他居然隐藏了多种身份(简介无力,请看正文。)本故事及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。【收起】小兵提供小欢喜:我是乔英豪最新章节小欢喜:我是乔英豪最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-72165 >>


内容简介:红枣终于如愿进了城,就是进城的方式有些尴尬——她成了谢家的童养媳。从此她多出一双爹娘不算,还有了一个小丈夫谢尚。谢尚连中六元之后,红枣跟着进了京,成了京里罕有的大脚命妇,引来无数侧目。 1w0-3961 >>


内容简介:末日来临,你是想拯救世界,还是想安稳而自私的活下去?不一样的末日,不一样的对抗,看罗大炮怎么带着一群美女在末日里坑蒙拐骗的。罗氏口号:抢粮,抢金子,抢女人,骗财,骗色,骗感情。求点击, 求推荐,求收藏!亡灵天灾以后会补全,第一本书必然不能太监了,只是开头没开好思路枯竭而已。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《末日暴徒》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-86561 >>


内容简介:一场阴谋,继母想要偷梁换柱,让她替继妹出嫁。但房间里的男人究竟是谁?五年后携萌宝归来,开启复仇计划,白莲绿茶她一手一个!却遇上了一个极为难缠的男人……男人眉眼和她的一双宝贝极为相似,战 少勾唇邪魅一笑:“既然连孩子都偷偷生了,那就做我的女人,想要什么唾手可得。”黎末笙:“谁比谁厉害,还说不定呢!”直到萌宝们将她的各种证书马甲摆出来,战少咬牙切齿:“女人,你究竟还瞒了我多少事情?!1w16169-28092 >>


内容简介:明朝末年,西班牙和日本逐渐限制白银流出,明朝自十六世纪初以来的资本流入已经逆转,明朝并存的商品经济与小农经济同时遭受到通货紧缩的冲击。叠加小冰河的影响,一个一个乱世的骨牌不断倒下。崇祯 六年十一月,流寇渑池南渡,势如疮疽溃裂而出,席卷中原大地。崇祯七年,肆虐北方十余年的后金军横扫宣大,如入无人之境。立国近三百年的大明王朝风雨飘摇。主人公于此时到来,成为南直隶桐城县一名小小皂隶,故事就从一只腾空而起的死老鼠开始。1w0-2207 >>


内容简介:【本作品来自互联网本人不做任何负责】内容版权归作者所有【内容简介】故事发生在一个名叫蓝天航空公司的公司里。空姐这个职业在一般人眼中是个很好的工作,但伴随着各种工作压力空姐的私生活是很不 规律的,尤其性生活是常人无法想象的Yin乱,而且由于上班都要穿着高跟鞋,在机舱里一站就是好几个小时,所以各个空姐的脚是臭得不得了,但是对于那些喜欢闻脚舔脚的男人来说那可都是极品啊,而这个蓝天航空公司里就是以汇集了众多Yin脚骚妇出名的,这全是因蓝天航的老总孙雨就是个恋足狂,美女的秀足,妖媚的臭Yin脚,形状秀美的嫩脚趾,涂着各色晶莹润泽的指甲油,他是喜欢的不得了,以下的故事就是发生在蓝天航空公司里这些Yin荡美脚空姐身上的Yin乱记录。上传者书籍介绍:发个全的给大家爽一下1w0-70574 >>







Moujuu Wa Ori No Naka

From Aerandria Scans: The kingdom of Gulba is racked by rebellion against its young prince. A special guard has been formed to protect the realm against the rebels. They are led by Captain Carla, the Beast Tamer. And her 'beast' is tall handsome Hazel, her aide and bodyguard--and the only one she trusts. Vowing to avenge her father's death at rebel hands, Carla rescues Hazel from a circus to raise and train herself. The rebels have stepped up their attacks, there's a traitor in the guard ranks, and now Hazel is acting strangely. Can she really trust him after all...?

Velvet Going Underground

A collection of short stories: Le théâtre de A 1.Oeufs D'ange - Tenshi no Tamago A man is asked by a young painter to be her model. 2. Velvet Going Underground A doll becomes a super idol. Hijinks ensue. 3. Childhood's End Alastair runs away and meets the Rabbit. 4. Bite Me Something Allistaire followed Mr. Rabbit all the way to Wonderland. Will he be able to find him among the crowd? 5. Long Along Alonging A girl asks a vampire to be his apprentice. But what is her motive? 6. Till Dawn In a dark tower, a caged voice is singing until a hunted man enters the darkness. 7. Leçon un Sequel to Long Along Alonging. 8. My Skin on My Back 9. Highland Walker Sequel to Leçon un. 10. Perfect World The story of a young wife whose husband is infected with a fatal disease called Flower-Blossomitis. 11. Perfect Lady Sequel to Perfect World and drawn especially for this book. 12-13. Looks Like a Teaspoon A boy named Allistaire is often teased at his all-boys school. One night he dresses like a girl and stumbles upon the boy who often bullies him, Simon. Allistaire runs off into a tower and as Simon runs after him, we see the sign 'Welcome to Wonderland' hanging by the tower's door. 14. The Pearl Blue Story Do you believe in mermaids? Coggy, a young boy finds a mysterious lady laying down near the shore of the beach. He brings her home to help her. 15. I Am a Piano A piano tells the story of her life and the people she encounters. 16. Parade Le théâtre de B 1. Noël A short story about a holiday romance. 2. Teddy Bear Satsujin Jiken (The Teddy Bear Murder Case) Four murders have taken place at an all girl school. Lying beside each of the victim was a teddy bear with one missing limb. 3. Yonshimai Satsujin Jiken 4. A is for Alice Alastair, a grown man, is off to follow the Rabbit once again to return to Wonderland. 5. Nedai no Musume Atelier no Musume (The Bedroom Girl, The Sculpture Room Girl) A story about a girl in her death bed finding another chance in life in the body of a doll. 6. B&W (Black&White) A story about a boy waiting for his sister. 7. Le Jardin du thé (The Tea Garden) A mysterious story about a poor young man who orders a kind of tea called Huan Ying – “The Illusion”. 8-9. Free Fitting for Her A priest and his captured vampire must save a naive and selfish young girl from the murderous desires of a Lolicon. But perhaps this girl isn't all that she seems. 10. Rose Dusk, Pale Moon 11. Hello, My Sister 12. The Happy Prince 13. Welcome to Wonderland Simon, Alastair's old classmate, is now a grown man who bumps into his childhood Wonderland traveller.

Utsukushiki Shitai - Sf & Mystery Hen

Collection of short stories.

Out Code

A string of high school students have all been mysteriously murdered by being burned to death upon where water was evidently present. Junior High student Shirogane, a PSI (Paranormal Special Investigator) officer, takes action to solve this bizarre phenomenon. Upon questioning possible suspect Kirisaki Kirio, she discovers that he has the ability of electrocution! What other things will Shirogane unravel while dealing with this case of murders?


Waste summary: Waste summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Waste. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Boy Allies on the Firing Line

The Boy Allies on the Firing Line summary: The Boy Allies on the Firing Line summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Boy Allies on the Firing Line. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

My C.E.O Wife

My C.E.O Wife summary: Mercenary King Qin Chuan returns back to the city and is arranged by his finance to work as a security guard in the super department store. Accidentally he is drawn into the struggle with the department store. What is mine don’t touch, what is not mine you also put it down for me! After three years continues the legend of the security guard. Watch how the little security guard dominate the city~ Temporary every day 9-11pm, morning 9 evening 5, weekends midnight.

Bintang Tertelan

Bintang Tertelan summary: Tahun 2056, di sebuah kota di area Yuan Jiang Su Jin. Di atas reruntuhan, Di atas apartemen perumahan enam lantai yang hancur berantakan, duduk seorang remaja dengan rompi tempur, celana militer, dan sepatu tempur campuran. Di punggungnya terdapat perisai heksagonal dan dilengkapi dengan pisau pertempuran darah-bayangan. Dia duduk diam di tepi atap. Pada saat itu, langit bersinar dan ada udara menyegarkan...

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