










简介初次见面就不小心求婚? 搞笑而荒唐的恋爱过程现在开始!










简介小木乃伊到我家漫画 ,远从埃及而来的木乃伊,小小一只又超会卖萌!什么都吃,还会帮忙做家事!?男高中生跟小木乃伊的疗愈生活点滴。












内容简介:一个小屁民得到了未来科技,却一点也没有要赚大钱的觉悟。他以医药起家,各种神药让人眼花缭乱。正当所有人以为他是医药大鳄时,却突然发现,这厮竟然是一头披着羊皮的狼。当有人逼他露出獠牙后,他 就会用层出不穷的1w0-81126 >>






内容简介:诛仙世界里的道士笔趣阁,诛仙世界里的道士sodu,诛仙世界里的道士小说,诛仙世界里的道士顶点,诛仙世界里的道士南无庸,方今之世,正道大昌,邪魔退避。中原大地山灵水秀,人气鼎盛,物产丰富 ,为正派诸家牢牢占据。看着面前青云缭绕的山门和身旁那两道俊朗刚毅身影。林子楠不由得陷入了沉思:“然这世间哪有什么岁月静好,只是有人替你负重前行罢了。”11w0-106442 >>


内容简介:《邪气儿》旧时候,土匪绺子里四梁八柱的第二梁叫“顶天梁”,是绺子当中武功最好,枪法最准的悍匪。因为顶天梁身上纹龙,也叫卷山龙。真正的卷山龙,不止做阳间的买卖,就连死人的东西都能抢过来, 凭着一把刀就敢跟大仙争山头,与鬼神抢地盘,从死人手里往出抠钱。江湖上有句话叫:“白龙卷山,寸草不生,宁下阎罗殿,别见龙卷山。”我爷就是当时赫赫有名的顶天大梁,卷山龙。他传给我一把能斩邪杀鬼的刀。1w0-82941 >>




内容简介:【1v1,甜宠文】棠绯是世间极具危险的存在。因自身携带毁灭性的力量,威胁性过高被派去三千世界,轮回渡化。从此,她遇到了他,永远渡不过的情劫。他似低语般呢喃:“绯绯,我疼……”他似心软般 轻哄:“绯绯,别走……”他似魅惑般浅笑:“绯绯,快过来……”见状,棠绯默默的眨着眸子,并不为之所动。内心暗暗腹诽:演技真好,可她是不会上当的。但是,他为什么说说话要亲她?1w0-73268 >>


内容简介:《秦时影帝成长日志》是作者我劝你要善良创作《秦时影帝成长日志》是一本情节与文笔俱佳的,笔趣阁免费提供秦时影帝成长日志最新章节以及秦时影帝成长日志免费在线全文阅读,秦时影帝成长日志最新章 节由笔趣阁网友上传分享。笔趣阁首发秦时影帝成长日志最新章节,全文免费无弹窗1w0-85003 >>


内容简介:无尽的平行世界,无数都市怪谈隐藏在人类社会之下,它们暗地里影响着世界的走向,人类的命运,默默操纵一切。然而那一天,这家叫幻夜的秘所迎来了一位特殊的实习雇员——给怪谈打诈骗电话,教鹦鹉法 术,帮助怪谈出道成为偶像……这一天起,那些躲在幕后的存在们,第一次感觉到有一只无形的黑手,正在暗中把水搅混。1w0-29447 >>


内容简介:才五岁的粉团子被村里人说成是丧门星,逼得她献祭河神才能保住全村的命。啥?敢动我妹妹!溺水没气儿的沈大哥顿时复活,手握七十二家商铺,“谁敢碰六六,我送他去和阎王叙旧!”人称傻子沈二哥,拿 着刚研究的最新植株,“全村都吃饱就不封建迷信了,六六不怕。”被乡亲误认为战死沙场的沈三哥戎装归来,“想要打六六的主意,先问问我背后大刀同不同意。”病秧子沈四哥,轻松拿下进士,“功名在身,六六便是官家的人,劝你1w0-63916 >>


内容简介:主角顾南笙陆北城宋怡君顾南笙清清楚楚的记着,自己已经死了,并且还是被自己最深爱的男人以及最好的姐妹陷害设计。不过好在老天有眼,让顾南笙重新回到了什么都没有发生的七年前,而这一世的顾南笙 只想亲手改变自己的…1w35971-70718 >>


内容简介:花妩于三皇子周璟有恩,她挟恩求报,周璟答应来日若登基为帝,必然立她为皇后,让她成为大兴最尊贵的女人,两人成了亲,花妩把周璟看作未来的金大腿,周璟把花妩当作白月光替身,各取所需。相敬如冰 好几年,周璟终于顺利做了皇帝,然而就在他下旨立花妩为后的各位书友要是觉得《立后前一天狗皇帝失忆了》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-96142 >>

New Life Project

Now, an entirely new kind of lifestyle has been created.

Nekomimi Smock

Nekomimi Smock is a short oneshot in which a 4 year old girl, who is wearing nekomimi, teaches a 17 year old hikikomori about life.

Shoujo Holic

A girl's father is relocated by his job. She's recently found the 'boy of her dreams' and decides that she's staying no matter where her parents move to! She's sent to live with her grandmother and enters the same high school her mother attended. It's a religious school run by nuns. She meets a very strange girl who thinks she’s cute and shows quite an interest in her.


Ever since he was a young kid, Sora Aoi had constantly traded words of 'I love you' with his captivating older sister Aki. As he comes of age, he finds it much more difficult to trade such comforts as they did in those times. Sora finds himself questioning his feelings for his sister, when Aki presents her feelings toward him to rise above a sister's love. Understanding their fondness for one another, they consummate their love-in secret. In a culture that will never comprehend, they must keep their love a secret from everyone else and their family they know. Nevertheless, Sora soon finds himself investigating many kinds of love with different types of girls he met that isn't accepted by society so questioning his feelings for his sister. Character Sora Aoi Sora is the protagonist of the story. His given name is created as ?? in kanji. He studies in exactly the same high school as Nami, Aki and his sisters. Unlike his sisters, he's not bad at house work and cooking. As he falls unconscious by ingesting even somewhat sake, Sora has a reduced alcohol tolerance. As a result of questionably difficult relationships together with his sisters, along with his breeding with no father or any male figure in the family, Sora grew up with almost no maleness of all kinds. Nearly all of idiosyncrasies, conduct, and his bearings are those normally expected from a self-conscious girl. His effeminate look makes him an ideal prospect for crossdressing, which he finds himself participating in involuntarily because of the opinion of Runa and Nami's fetish which he loves it. He's quite timid and very much a pushover, and totally lacks the will to stand-up for himself against women, which further enables him to be made to crossdress and sexually approached. Really very much every woman around him is instantly privileged using the possibility to rape him, which some of them did or tried to undeterred by protests and his suffering. He's profoundly in love with Aki, and does not resist her the second-time she attempts to have intercourse with him, but he does issue himself at times because they've no future in a relationship, whether their incest taboo should be continued. Though with the latter two he was pushed he's also had sexual relationships with others, like Kana, Runa and Nami. After being raped if anything in regards to the sexual assault should actually be taken to to light by Nami, who subsequently threatened Sora with emasculation and departure, he became terrified of her, but promised that he will not despise her. They ultimately rekindle their connection when consensual intercourse was questioned for by Nami, and had since then became more near. With Aki, Sora completely accepts his connection in the last chapters, even defending it against their dad. When their dad takes away Aki, Sora is alone and desires to see her again. After Aki decides to disappear therefore that their love wouldn't hurts Sora, Sora is heart-broken and understands that Aki is really loved by him and needs to be with her. At their mom's grave, they fulfill in the last chapter.

Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology

Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology summary: Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Pennyles Pilgrimage

The Pennyles Pilgrimage summary: The Pennyles Pilgrimage summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Pennyles Pilgrimage. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Philip Winwood

Philip Winwood summary: Philip Winwood summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Philip Winwood. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Detailed Minutiae of Soldier life in the Army of Northern Virginia, 1861-1865

Detailed Minutiae of Soldier life in the Army of Northern Virginia, 1861-1865 summary: Detailed Minutiae of Soldier life in the Army of Northern Virginia, 1861-1865 summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Detailed Minutiae of Soldier life in the Army of Northern Virginia, 1861-1865. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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