
































内容简介:推预收:《国木田小姐又被骗了》本文文案:五条奈奈子,一个毫无咒力的普通人,在不普通地穿越之后,被迫打开了新世界的大门。别人祓除咒灵的时候:“人间失格!”“黑闪——”“领域,XXXX。” 轮到她:别急,等姐姐我先画个符再说。成年那天,五条奈奈子突然被告知自己有一个超有钱的老爸,是隔壁海岛国的首富5t5。研究符文化出身的首富大人是个超讨厌的封建大家长,五条奈奈子所有的反抗不满在他的眼里都是“小孩子脾气”。所以她带着自己的宝贝cos服离家出走去了横滨,却没想到这一去,就是两个世界的相隔。不、她没死,就是赶上了穿越的潮流。穿越到了一个充满着她只在书本上看见的【咒灵】的高危世界。重要的是,她长着一张和某个最强一看就关系很大的脸,并且毫无咒力,根本看不见那鬼玩意儿。五条奈奈子:可喜可贺,可喜可贺——个鬼啊!!(呜呜呜)tvt阅读指南:1时间线魔改,世界观融合,有私设多多多多2有系统,cos元素——预收收——《国木田小姐又被骗了》:超“单纯”老被男朋友骗的御姐国木田老师×丧甜系心思深沉首领切片宰↑文案放一个:国木田小姐又双叒叕被骗了。在经历男朋友只想谈身不想谈心的、天p1w0-82092 >>


内容简介:我刚进群,就抢了个大红包,结果还让我和美女做…… 因为抢红包,全班都被卷入一场无法停止的血腥游戏,在它的规则里,游戏没有对错,只有输赢,赢的是命,输的也是命! 所有人都变得尔虞我诈, 互相残杀,私欲的弱点,人性的诡暗,一点点被它完全逼迫出来。 为了活着,我必须赢得游戏! —————————————— 唯一公众号:ningcaichen1000 读者交流1群:671503892(速进) 读者交流2群:783054005 新开个人微博:作者宁采臣1w0-1231 >>


内容简介:(小可爱们,7月9号的稿子晚上11点以后更新哟)金丝雀小软萌的富家千金安娴一朝穿越,顶冒原主陈国公主美貌贤淑的名头,将自己暴躁的小性子藏的很深很深,齐国太子齐荀,一方霸主冷漠骄傲,也将 自己的小心眼藏的很深很深。两人互相被对方的完美表象所吸引,看对了眼,和亲了!成亲之后:齐荀瞧着跟前手撕他后宫,披头散发的女人,额头青筋直跳:“你的温柔贤淑呢?”1w0-79395 >>


内容简介:  重生前,傅夜寒视她如珠宝,爱她如命,可惜她心瞎眼盲,识人不清,受人挑拨,作天作地要与他离婚,最终落得个众叛亲离,尸骨无存的下场。重生后,她痛改前非,作风大改,手刃仇人。对于一直深爱 着她的英俊冷峻的傅夜寒,她势必不再推开他,更不可能会与他离婚。今生,她不再负他。她会紧紧缠着他,使劲撩他,撩他,再撩他,倾尽全力爱他,守护他,与他厮守终生,不离不弃。“老公,这一世,换我来爱你,还你一世深情。”她深情许诺,再不让人伤他分毫。1w0-3036 >>


内容简介:你们可能不知道,第一卷就登场的美少女,与主角产生命运般的邂逅,而且还是个自带标题杀的轻小说作家是什么概念。我们通常用两个字形容这种人:正宫!我常说一句话,天降美少女,自带标题杀,后期再 加一个重逢系青梅竹马的属性,党争无敌!本书又名《轻小说作家绝对不会输的恋爱喜剧》读者群:11067115591w42546-72445 >>


内容简介:《我卡在金丹期五千年》离开地球五百年,叶萧回来了。他也想低调,可是条件不允许。仙人了不起?对不起,最近那个飞升的就是他徒弟。遗迹有宝贝?不好意思,那是他当年挖剩下的。上古宗门的传承?实 在抱歉,这个宗门是他不小心灭掉的。他是叶萧,华夏国五千年,没有他的名字。但是到处都有他的影子。1w0-73962 >>


内容简介:“你是我的宝,谁碰一下,都是抢。”他偏执入骨,所以上辈子陆凤璇不顾一切地逃离,直到临死,她才幡然悔悟。重生后,她抱紧老公的金大腿,一手虐渣一手虐狗两不耽误。敢说她蠢笨、刁蛮、自私又贪婪 ?御爷大手一挥:给我通通扔到海里喂鲨鱼!说她目无尊长,欺压小辈?御爷抱起他家小孩,笑容无比宠溺:“我惯的,谁有意见?”御爷以为他家小孩只是生育能力惊人,直到他心腹不小心扒出她的马甲——妙手回春的国医传人;称霸世界的超级黑客;天赋极佳的天才漫画家;她还是——华国第一权门真千金,上头有九个哥哥,个个都是宠妹狂魔!渣渣们颤抖:夫妻双大佬,惹不起惹不起……1w0-28923 >>




内容简介:如愿成为那人的续弦,她尽心教养子女,照管后宅;哪知丈夫成就大业后,骂她为毒妇,并妻妾位置互换。重生后,吃一堑长一智,她再不敢肖想她人丈夫。最终嫁给恶毒阴险的他。他道:你太过良善,怎斗得 过那些毒妇们。所以后宅无一姬妾。果是小恶见大恶,方显出自己的良善来。————————-重生女VS穿越重生女,其实就是恶毒女配男配大翻身的故事!各位书友要是觉得《毒妇从良记》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-81123 >>


内容简介:小皇“叔”全文阅读全本在线免费阅读(无弹窗广告),一朝穿越,她不仅“返老还童”,还成了大齐中年皇上的皇“弟”,从此荣华富贵环绕周身,锦衣玉食伸手即来,满朝文武以1w20274-8348 3 >>




内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:重生:除了钱,我一无所有!】苏灿这个倒霉蛋重生到了2010年,携带着系统奖励的100亿RMB!截胡即将上线的“微聊!”聘请站在月亮下的那个男人做自己的员工。做 拼夕夕背后的大老板……打造出一个堪称365无死角的商业帝国!成为福布斯财富排行榜上各行大佬们都只能够仰望的存在。《时代》——“苏灿,这是一个贡献了全球50GDP的年轻人。”……飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-72097 >>

Love X Ero

Volume 1: Nozomi has a childhood friend who is 7 years older than him, Mitsuru. Mitsuru not only teaches him how to study and play, but also teaches him how to kiss and masturbate! Nozomi wants to lose his virginity by having sex with a girl, but the only thing he can think of is doing it with Mitsuru. On top of that, he was harassed by an idol named Yuuma, while he himself uncontrollably harasses Jin who is younger than him. How will this continuously complicated love end? Volume 2: “We’re at an age when sexual curiosity is high! My name is Nozomi and I’ve always wanted to date the one I love. Not just going out for an evening stroll, but to do the things I love with him.” Although this is in Nozomi’s mind, he still can’t bring himself to say it. When will my dreams come true!? My heart is overflowed with hope, and I can’t live without a man... whose fault is that!?

Aisubeki Dokusaisha

Summary: Chapters 1-3: Student council president Takamura Misugu calls his chilhood friend Manaka Shuwaji out from his classroom everytime... just for 'that'!! Though everytime Shuwaji tries to defend with all his might, but in the end would always go Mitsugu's way! But one day, the vice president gave Shuwaji a stack of photos, which are of Mitsugu and his H moments...! (from p-s) Chapter 4: Student council vice president Takeda (introduced in the first story) and Shibazaki, the young school doctor, are having an affair. Shibazaki knows Takeda is about to graduate and will probably leave him behind and go on with his life, so Shibazaki decides to break up with Takeda before that happens... Chapter 5: A doctor treats a sickly young boy who lives in a creepy old house. The boy's father recently passed away but it seems his spirit is not quite gone yet? The doctor is determined to help. Warning: tentacle rape. Chapter 6: The ad-lib sex a senior student who is excited by porno video of cat-ear and his junior student Chapter 7: Before wedding, hero's friend at school confesses 'his love after 7 year' to hero. Sequel: Tadashii Shujyukankei


On August 10 of 2019, humanity received a signal, which was verified for its integrity by hundreds of scientists, from an alien life form containing one message: let us meet on Mars on July 7, 2035. Thus began the creation of a space agency representing Earth as a whole named ST&RS. From there, things progressed quickly with man re-landing on the moon in 2022 and constructing many space stations orbiting Earth and the moon. The Space Academy was created to train the upcoming generation of ST&RS. The same August 10th that Earth received the message, Shirafune Maho spoke his first words and it was “Mars.” Since then, Maho has been an astronomy freak who has nothing but the universe on his mind. He decides he is going to apply for the Space Academy along with his childhood friend, Hoshihara Meguru, and recent transfer and super smart classmate, Amachi Wataru. The trio begins their almost impossible journey of being accepted into the school where only 1% of the applicants are allowed into the academy.

Kuchibiru Tameiki Sakurairo

Collection of 7 short stories revolving around an all-girl's school. From Lililicious: • Tomodachi ja Nakute mo (Even if We're Not Friends) - 'Even if We're not Friends,' is about two girls who were friends in junior high but end up going to different high schools. • Tengoku ni Ichiban Chikai Natsu (The Summer Closest to Heaven) - Tells the story of a ghost who accidentally possesses a girl, then takes advantage of the situation to interact with the woman she loves. • Kiss to Koi to Oujisama (A Kiss, Love, and a Prince) - Takes place in the same setting as 'Even if We're Not Friends,' but centers around different characters. The main character is kissed by her sempai, who is playing opposite her in the school play, and freaks out because she always imagined her first kiss would be with a boy, preferably a dashing prince. • Itsuka no Kono Koi (This Love from I Can't Remember When) - Tells the story of one girl's unrequited love. • Kuchibiru ni Cherries (Cherries For Your Lips) - Tells the story of a girl who's in love with her best friend. • Kusuriyubi ni Kiss Shitara (If I Kiss Her Ring Finger) - Nana wants to take things farther with Hitomi, but Hitomi doesn't seem interested. Meanwhile, Nana's failed her midterms, and she uses the make-up tests as an excuse to avoid Hitomi. • Honto no Kimochi (Real Love) - Michiru confesses her love to her sempai and asks her out.

'A Comedy Of Errors' In Seven Acts

'A Comedy Of Errors' In Seven Acts summary: 'A Comedy Of Errors' In Seven Acts summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of 'A Comedy Of Errors' In Seven Acts. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Hazel Squirrel and Other Stories

Hazel Squirrel and Other Stories summary: Hazel Squirrel and Other Stories summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Hazel Squirrel and Other Stories. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci

The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci summary: The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Boku to Kanojo no Game Sensou

Boku to Kanojo no Game Sensou summary: Kishimine Kengo, a boy who moved into a high school that was an all-girls school until several years ago. In spite of the so-called harem environment where he was surrounded only by girls, he wasn’t good at socialising and his sole hobby was immersing himself in reading. He lived a quiet life.
But, he decided to partic.i.p.ate in club activities that he hadn’t done until now, and so his high school life changed into something stormy and full of drama. He joined the one where he played modern games – in short, the game club. Kishimine was supported by the beautiful student council head and a perverted teacher, and he displayed unexpected talent. Now the curtain has been raised on the exciting gaming life of an ordinary boy.

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