




























简介弱小的大太刀高等学校相扑部加入了一名个子不高的新部员——潮 火之丸。在这项以“壮”、“重”为优势的竞技中,小个子的火之丸却说出了以大相扑最高等级“横纲”为目标的豪言。白热的高中相扑,开幕!






内容简介:女主版文案:末世大佬穿成婚礼上饿晕过去的新娘子。在原主的记忆里,这是个缺衣少食的年代,父母偏心,把最小的女儿送下乡去当知青,丈夫对前妻念念不忘,继子视她为洪水猛兽,公婆不讲理,小叔子是 混混……杨盼盼正准备撸起袖子,该怼的怼,该虐的虐,挣工分,搞粮食,但却发现有人抢了她的活儿。男主版文案:程溪没想过自己只是吐糟男主前期太渣,就穿成了这个跟他同名同姓的工具人男主。阅读指南:①男女主双穿越②文中的小说世界为平行时空,男主并非穿到过去③作者受评论影响大,所以开文期间不看评论推荐新文:在年代文里当影帝九零正在故宫拍戏的顾升穿书了,穿成了一本年代文里的极品——跟男主同父异母的对照组弟弟。男主勤奋刻苦,他好吃懒做男主手不释卷,他不学无术男主自强不息,他想吃软饭男主在女主清贫时施以援手,他在女主发达后追着吃软饭……面对小学毕业的学历,一贫如洗的口袋,干啥啥不行的名声,顾升果断拍拍屁股去做了群演,这辈子还是要靠演技吃饭1w0-31795 >>




内容简介:可爱的小侄女作文500字六年级作文六岁时,我就晋级当上了姑姑。因为表哥和嫂子为我添了一个可爱的小侄女。我第一眼看到小侄女,就觉得她真可爱啊!浓浓的眉毛,大大的眼睛,小小的鼻子和嘴巴,圆 嘟嘟的脸蛋。心都被萌化了!每个来看她的亲戚都忍不住去捏捏她的小脸蛋。一转眼,小侄女就五岁啦!中秋节那天,我正悠闲地躺在沙发上吃着零食,看着电视,过着美1w0-66804 >>


内容简介:宁天来到天玄世界,睁眼竟然是女子的闺房?等等,这是什么情况?身为废物的他,绝美至极的女帝竟要在今晚和他成亲?!震惊!系统激活!震惊他人就能获得奖励!?开局震惊女帝,踏出人生大事第一步, 完成举世震惊!宁天看向无数天骄圣子:“不是吧……我就随随便便修炼一下,都能让你们如此震惊?”1w0-4298 >>


内容简介:相师分九品,一品一重天风水有境界,明理,养气,修身,问道。二十一世纪的一位普通青年偶获诸葛亮生前的玄学传承,没有大志向的秦宇,只想守着老婆孩子热炕头,却机缘巧合一步步走上相师之巅,成就 超品之尊,相地,相人,相红颜六爻算尽天下事,八字测遍世间人!关注九灯微信:jiudengheshan或者公众号搜寻:九灯和善各位书友要是觉得《超品相师》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-4964 >>




内容简介:  市二中的金牌老师孙默落水后,来到了中州唐国,成了一个刚毕业的实习老师,竟然有了一个白富美的未婚妻,未婚妻竟然还是一所名校的校长,不过这名校衰败了,即将摘牌除名,进行废校处理…… 孙默的开局,就是要帮助未婚妻坐稳校长之位,让学校重回豪门之列。 孙默得到绝代名师系统后,点废成金,把一个个废物变成了天才,在孙默的指导下,学渣们一年学霸,三年学帝,五年学神,很快可以变成王者级的大BOSS! 竟敢说我这名师徒有虚名?剑豪、枪圣,刀魔,圣女,无双国士,一代魔帝,两大圣人,三大至尊,统统都是我教出来的,就问你怕不怕? 我最喜欢把青铜杂鱼带成王者BOSS,孙默如是说!1w0-316 >>


内容简介:网游工作室巨头天问之死,让相依为命的弟弟天乐自此孑然;凶杀现场疑点重重!带着哥哥留下的电子笔记,天乐以新人的身份涉足《血天大陆》,以复仇之名展开行动。各位书友要是觉得《帝皇剑印》还不错 的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《帝皇剑印》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-68826 >>




内容简介:一名芯片推销员偶然间带着各种基因芯片,穿越到巫师世界。伴随着身体素质的提升,所有的基因芯片都会一一解锁。且看兰斯如何从一名碌碌无为的贵族次子,蜕变成令敌人闻风丧胆的爆头巫师!……主芯片 功能:扫描储存,计算,建模。一切事物皆可洞悉。辅助芯片功能:精确锁定目标。请叫我爆头专家。状态芯片功能:短时间内强化部分肌肉。巫师也能胸口碎大石!控制芯片功能:对目标实施精神控制。……新书求点推收!求包养!!!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《爆头巫师》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-79393 >>


内容简介:  待到秋来九月八,我花开后百花杀;冲天香阵透长安,满城尽带黄金甲。黄巢振臂,昔日震烁古今的大唐王朝走向覆灭,五代十国乱世开启,金戈铁马寻常事,是非成败转头空。在汹涌浪潮的末尾和高潮, 后周北宋之间那些年,史从云早知道周世宗雄才伟略,赵匡胤君临天下,听说过南唐大小周后,知道后蜀花蕊夫人。中原群雄割据,北方契丹虎视眈眈。风云际会,天翻地覆之际,史从云跟着只长肌肉不长脑的大爹,该如何在乱世中谋存。一步步从胸无大志,只想苟全性命于乱世的小人物成长为气吞天下的雄主......(主角比较不守规矩,卫道士误入)1w0-3053 >>

Bitter - Nakechau Koi Monogatari

Story 1: N Island is a small island where all the kids know each other, and they're excited to meet the new transfer student from Tokyo. Fifth grader Kanta doesn't want it to be a girl, because his classmate Kyo is the only icky girl the island needs. In a way that makes Kyo happy -- because she's always known she wants to live out her life on the island as Kanta's wife someday. But the transfer student, Ritsuka, is a girl, and a shy one with a mother who's shunned by the island. So Kyo makes it her mission of good faith to assimilate Ritsuka, but then Kanta starts acting more interested in Ritsuka than in Kyo... When the main cloud splits into a butterfly cloud, which girl will be the one to separate from the rest...? Story 2: Racing Queen, by IZUMI Kaneyoshi When it comes to being a racing queen (it's like being a cheerleader for Nascar), you're either a bitch or a lost puppy. Ei learns this lesson the hard way from Akane, the reigning racing queen of the famous Meitoh Team, when Ei joins the team to put herself through college. It's only by doing harm to others that you succeed, and once you've succeeded, everyone wants to do harm to you. Ei's dream was to be the top racing queen, but once she gets there, it turns into her worst nightmare... Story 3: English Garden, by SAKURAKOUJI Kanoko Hayato is moving to England in one month, so he approaches Fumio and tells her to date him -- almost like a command. He's dominating, stubborn, and selfish, and Fumio really can't say no. But Hayato isn't without his charm; he has a talent for making things grow, and he designed a gorgeous English garden. Now he wants to spend his last month in Japan building a garden with Fumio. As the garden grows and changes, so do its gardeners... and as time becomes strained, so do their emotions... Story 4: Pure White Anniversary, by AYASE Riu: Just by selecting her, and saying her name, she became the class´ representative, and after time, trusted by teachers and students. That always maked her excited about working hard and being better. But, not all is white, not all is pure, when she was in trouble, A guy suddenly appears to help! Who is this guy? Why is he helping her? And, why does Sakura feels scared whenever she is with him? Well... we sure want to know. Story 5: The Coffee Shop that Ends Unrequited Love, by ADACHI Keiko This story is about a gilr called Rui. She's always too late on dates. But when she met Shiyouta she fell in love with him an want to be not late anymore... Story 6: Great Waiters?, by WASHIO Mie At 175 cm, Eisei (real name Haruyo) never thought she would ever find a boyfriend because of her height and her rather tomboyish looks and demeanour. Under her friends' recommendation, however, a visit to the renowned 'Hot Cafe' caused her to fall for a charming waiter named Kono... who promptly dragged her to fill the vacancy -- as a male waiter?! Having a chance to get closer to him is one thing, but has Kono also accidentally mistaken her for a boy?! How is Eisei supposed to express her feeling for him now? With a cafe filled with handsome waiters and the pretty girls who swoon over them, this 'pretty boy' has work cut out for her!

Isekai Craft Gurashi Jiyu Kimamana Seisan Shoku No Honobono Slow Life

Isekai Craft Gurashi Jiyu Kimamana Seisan Shoku No Honobono Slow Life , Miyabi always had dreams of being an architect, creating buildings that would inspire awe in others. And in the MMORPG Yume Sekai, he was finally able to achieve that dream even if his constructions were used entirely to house marriage proposals.One day, Miyabi received a message from the admins of the game as his architecture was so good for couples, they are gifting him with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to go to a new world. Assuming they mean a private server, Miyabi accepts and quickly gets transported to another world.After confirming that he was spirited away, Miyabi discovers that all of his crafting skills from the game are intact here. No longer tethered to his job in the real world, Miyabi now has a real goal: to build his own house and family.

Nandemo Arisa

Arisa is a former 'yankee' (delinquent) who changes her ways to gain the attention of Ren, a studious boy. Her efforts finally pay off when Ren asks her out. She's supposed to be really happy now that she has a boyfriend, but for some reason she can't stop thinking about Issei, her next-door neighbor. What happens when Issei forces Arisa to be the lead vocalist for his band? Arisa has to decide: who does she really belong with?

I Will Seduce The Northern Duke

Read manhwa I Will Seduce the Northern Duke / 'Pretend to be my lover and join the social circle.' Selina, the top star that had the entire world's attention, was suddenly warped to Northern Duke's land during an accident while filming. Kalcion, the Northern Duke that saved her from the infernal beasts, offers Selina a chance to go back home in return for collecting information in various social circles by pretending to be his lover. Selina quickly accepts Kalcion's offer, but 'Why in the world can't you do this!?' 'Don't you think that the answer to that should be obvious to you, the actress, not to me, the duke?' There was a critical problem. The Northern Duke's acting skills are horrible! 'Let's change the plan. I'll seduce you instead.' And thus the contractual relationship between the two started. Will Kalcion's acting skill improve first, or will he start to have true feelings for Selina instead?

The Exiles of Florida

The Exiles of Florida summary: The Exiles of Florida summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Exiles of Florida. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Across the Zodiac

Across the Zodiac summary: Across the Zodiac summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Across the Zodiac. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Surviving The Evacuation: Harvest

Surviving The Evacuation: Harvest summary: Surviving The Evacuation: Harvest summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Surviving The Evacuation: Harvest. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Reminiscences of Charles Bradlaugh

Reminiscences of Charles Bradlaugh summary: Reminiscences of Charles Bradlaugh summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Reminiscences of Charles Bradlaugh. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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