












类别热血 少女 其他




















内容简介:  钟离重生了,重生到了十年之前,那并不美好的学生时代。那时诸神未临,百王未醒,地球还未沦为宇宙杀戮的战场,尘封于远古遗迹之中的武道众圣也未复苏。而他,却回来了,带着未来科技的完美结晶 ,承载人族武道传承的武神智脑,回到了这大世将启的十年之前。在百慕大三角力搏深海巨兽在撒拉哈沙漠探寻古神遗迹在法老金字塔灭杀远古亡灵在浩瀚宇宙中决战星空诸神……扶大厦之将倾,挽狂澜于即倒。这一世,不留遗憾,只手擎天!1w0-3795 >>


内容简介:女主姜玫,本土非重生非穿越良家小女一枚,善良但有原则,简单但有底线,懂得感恩与满足,不求一生一世一双人,但求问心无愧真心无悔。男主太子守距冷淡,心怀江山,有正妻侧室,由只是把女主当玩意 儿的偏宠,到重视保护,到意识到爱之一字,到足够有能力相爱相护相守1w0-87448 >>


内容简介:  苏晓穿越成了职业战队替补上单,意外激活奇葩系统,在比赛中死亡竟然有金钱奖励,苏晓:“不好意思系统,我能送到你破产。”  比赛前,苏晓:“教练,我上单亚索贼溜!”  教练:“卧槽,亚 索上单都能拿五杀,这就是传说中的天才吗?”  比赛中,苏晓:“对面要来四包一了,这波我必死!”  解说:“我去,这波越塔怎么失误了,苏晓在塔下换了四个。”  比赛后,苏晓:“我摊牌了,真不是什么天才上单,是对面太菜。”  粉丝们:“苏晓人帅技术好,关键还谦虚,爱了爱了!”  若干年后,已经成为人生赢家的苏晓还念念不忘道:“当年只有黑铁水平的我,一开始只想当个演员捞一笔就跑。”1w0-1661 >>


内容简介:盛弋从十六岁时开始喜欢许行霁,整整七年,没勇气和他说过一句话她只是默默的追随他,和他报一样的大学,偷偷看他,然后在别人攻击许行霁的时候坚定地说:他是天才就算天才藏起了翅膀,收敛了锋芒, 他也是天才大学毕业那年,盛弋阴差阳错的被家里安排嫁给了许行霁商圈的人都知道,许家那三公子许行霁是许家的私生子,不受重视,纨绔子弟,爱玩风流……没人想嫁他,但于盛弋而言,是如愿以偿无论多少人看不起许行霁,但他是自己的梦想只是在那场盛大的联姻婚礼上,新郎甚至都没有出席盛弋成了一个独自完成婚礼的新娘,也成了圈内的笑柄直到第二天,许行霁才特意从国外飞回来,递给她一份离婚协议“都是互相搪塞家里人的。”坐在餐桌对面的男人一身低调的黑色西装,漂亮的眉眼张扬肆意,看着盛弋的目光是毫无温度的冷:“两年为期,然后结束。”盛弋知道自己没有资格拒绝这份协议,她只问了一个问题:“你婚礼那天不出现,是为了故意羞辱我吗?”许行霁:“是。”盛弋直到这个时候才愿意承认,现在的他已经不是自己多年前一见倾心的惊艳少年了以前的许行霁苍白漂亮,才华横溢,所思所想所创造的都是不世出的惊艳之作,现在……1w0-96988 >>


内容简介:大家儿童节快乐今天2300将有三更掉落(也许有四更?五更?)温馨提醒:从47章到58章是倒V,看过的就不用买啦谢谢大家的支持,爱你们么么哒╯3╰作为娱乐圈第一鉴渣师,渣男渣女在景悠眼里 ,通通无处遁藏一朝不幸,景悠被“虐渣系统”选中,还被强行绑定了一个只有耽美剧本的系统250号。景宇直的内心是拒绝的。为了生存,景悠只能重操旧业,从此便开始了一段愉快的鉴渣虐渣之旅。我们1w0-75995 >>




内容简介:《重生军婚,首长宠妻甜如蜜》为作者妖画画创作,作品重生军婚,首长宠妻甜如蜜章章动人,小兵为你第一时间提供妖画画精心编写原创重生军婚,首长宠妻甜如蜜及无弹窗重生军婚,首长宠妻甜如蜜全文免 费阅读、TXT下载。简介关于重生军婚,首长宠妻甜如蜜:【1V1双洁,重生军婚文】“首长,你看咱俩都不是自愿的,这事就当没发生过吧。”他冷笑,“怎么,睡了不认账?”上辈子,夏初一婚前失贞,被家里人唾骂为淫娃荡妇,逼她嫁给跛足的老鳏夫。舅舅、母亲接连因她而死。只身逃到南方打工,辛苦半生,最后惨死渣男之手。重活一回,她定要保护爱她的和她爱的人,改写天命。陷害她的,她要让她自食其果;逼迫她的,她要让他跪地求饶;杀害她的,他要让他生不如死!顺便,前面那位长腿面瘫解放军叔叔,看你长得帅人专一技术好的份上,我就勉为其难嫁给你了吧。1w52201-78704 >>


内容简介:他是轩辕一族的少主,年纪轻轻,便将轩辕一族的轩辕决练至一千年内年无人练到的第六层;他身怀时间,空间,光明三大异能,出世时无人能与其争锋;他是麒麟之主,肩负着守护华夏的使命,与天斗与地斗 ,只为华夏君临天下1w0-96742 >>


内容简介:东倭首相:纳尼?我们在外汇市场一天之内就损失了六千亿?查,一定要查清楚那笔钱哪里去了!财相:不用查,用屁股都能想到那笔钱已经转到华夏政府手里,他们可以狂造航母了!八嘎!!!华夏海军航空 兵:下面的吕宋猴子听着,你们已经侵入我国领海,限你们三秒钟之内离开,否则将会被击沉!吕宋海军上校:说白了,你他妈的就是想要我的命!三秒1w0-108058 >>




内容简介:道不尽的人生坎坷,写不尽的官场风流。一代天骄张一凡,放弃了显赫的家庭背景,只身来到一叶小镇,成了历史上最年轻的镇长。斗贪官,平黑道,整治安,求发展,且看他如何从一介小小的镇长,平步青云 ,直达天听。都说官场坎坷,人生渺渺,凭什么他可以醉卧美人膝,笑看风云起?情场得意,官场风流?把酒风含笑!1w63982-116453 >>


内容简介:萧维景与棠柚订婚四年,从未正眼看过自己这位未婚妻一眼。漂亮得一无是处,温柔得乏善可陈。直到正式退婚那日,明艳可人的棠柚出现在他面前。红裙雪肤乌发,倾倒众生。他才懂,什么叫做人间绝色。三 月后,萧维景在某个烂醉的夜后红着眼睛发消息给她——[柚柚,在做什么?]手机另一端,矜贵优雅的男人刚刚哄睡了疲倦的棠柚,懒懒散散,代她回复。[坐月子]-为了成功让萧维景退掉商业联姻,棠柚兢兢业业扮演四年多恶心死他不偿命的白莲花。恰逢萧维景的小叔叔萧则行归国暂居,而棠柚最怕的就是这位尊贵的大人物。无欲无求,严谨端正。眼睛似能看透所有伪装。无人知晓,萧则行最好三样——细腰、娇柔、小骄纵。不曾注意到他目光的棠柚,仍旧为退婚努力。扮演好花瓶,裙子束的腰肢盈盈不堪一握;装作小白花,温温柔柔来萧家刷长辈好感度;提高萧维景厌恶值,骄纵地“欺负”他心上人。直到某晚—男人坐在暗红色沙发上,手指苍白修长,亲自为她倒一盏温茶,声线温醇:“我想娶你。”1w0-4042 >>


Nitta Arata is a typical 21 year-old junior attending college of science and engineering at Toaru University. He is bright, he's in the engineering program after all, but he definitely is from a working class background. He has been working his way through college for the past 3 years without major incident, so being swept up in a warped experiment of an equally warped professor was the last thing he expected in the second half of his college days. One day, Arata received a letter asking him to meet someone whose initials were 'N.H.' at a relatively secluded location on campus. The letter looked suspiciously like a 'love letter', but Arata had his doubts. More likely it was a cruel practical joke perpetrated by one of his buddies, especially when the initials matched those belonging to 'Nogi Hatsune', also know as 'Miss Engineer', the reigning heartthrob of the engineering department. Why would somebody like her be interested in a nobody like himself? The short answer was that she would not be interested, but why take the chance of missing out? So there was Arata, in ultra-cynical mode, waiting at the appointed location when he was suddenly grabbed from behind! His last thoughts as world turned to black was that the gloved hands covering his mouth and nose reeked of ether... This manga is for an older teen audience.

Seitokai No Otanoshimi

Ken is a 17 year old who has been invited to join the student council. Only after he's joined does he learn that they are all otaku's...

Angel Densetsu

The story is of Kitano Seiichirou, a very kind and pure-hearted young man, with a horrifying, monstrous face. People being what they are, they think he's a terrifying delinquent, and there are plenty of chance misunderstandings (coupled with Kitano's convenient inability to understand what's happening around him) that propel him into the position of 'school guardian', a.k.a. head thug on campus.

Ah! My Goddess

Keiichi Morisato is a good-natured, yet hapless and girlfriend-less college sophomore who is often imposed upon by his elder dorm-mates and brow-beaten into taking phone messages and doing other chores for them. One day, while alone in his dorm, he accidentally calls the Goddess Technical Help Line and a beautiful goddess named Belldandy materializes in his room. She tells him that her agency has received a system request from him, so she has been sent to grant him a single wish. Skeptical and thinking someone is playing a practical joke on him, he wishes that she stay with him forever. To his surprise, his wish is granted. Belldandy must stay with him, but as his dormitory is strictly male-only, they are both forced onto the street. They set off on his motorcycle to find alternative shelter, eventually seeking cover in an old Buddhist temple. In the morning, they are greeted by the temple's sole inhabitant, a young monk, who welcomes them and gives them permission to stay until they can find permanent lodging. He immediately puts them to work maintaining the temple grounds, but when he sees Belldandy use her powers to save Keiichi from injury, he begins to fear that she may be a demon or sorceress. He is eventually convinced of Belldandy's intrinsic goodness when he witnesses her solicitous care of the temple premises and her perfect meditation ritual. When he decides to go on a pilgrimage to India, the priest gives the couple permission to remain in the temple so long as they continue to maintain it.

Rebirth Of The Strongest Female Emperor

Rebirth Of The Strongest Female Emperor summary: Past life, her spirit root was dug out from her body. She had wholeheartedly dedicated herself to the just path, but she was sentenced as an evil demonic cultivator.
Returning back to her juvenile years, she turns the tide. Against natural order, she had been reborn. Those who had deceived and humiliated her, she would return it to them a hundredfold with additional thanks.
Studying her own blood vessels, she recasts the best quality spirit roots. She destroys those rascal clansmen and returned home with glory!
The rules of the world do not hold her down; this time around she kills through the righteous path.
He is the universally admired spirit emperor, high above others, cold, proud and aloof. But every night he sneaks into her room and takes liberties. “Little runt, won’t you think it over?”
“Do I have a choice?”
“You can choose from giving birth once or giving birth twice.”
“Why must I?!”
“Because you stole my heart.”

Fallout 4 Infinity

Fallout 4 Infinity summary: Fallout 4 Infinity summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Fallout 4 Infinity. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Victorian Literature

Victorian Literature summary: Victorian Literature summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Victorian Literature. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Admirals of the British Navy

Admirals of the British Navy summary: Admirals of the British Navy summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Admirals of the British Navy. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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