






简介一枚老实巴交的大二男生,竟被人活生生变做了36D的金发美女?到底是谁下的毒手?还会有更倒霉的事情在等着他/她吗?一切尽在本期 走进科学!4群群号 334546964













类别恋爱 霸总


美貌出众头脑清醒的朝鲜暗行御史”李梦龙”。 根据国王的命令充满自信地派遣的第一个地区就是…变态贪官污吏卞使道所在的臭名昭著的南原. 新手暗行御史梦龙面临被强制收听的危机,这时身材壮实的吏房映入梦龙的眼帘. 既然这样就享受吧.反正要被男人上的话还不如跟了这个吏房. ”负责!是你把我弄成这样的.”










内容简介:穿越到自己写的小说中,并且还成了新手村反派?最悲催的是,这是本无脑爽文。主角扮猪吃老虎,天生无敌,还是仙帝转世,随手就能打爆星空。林羿看似慌的一匹,内心却无比兴奋。男主无敌就算了,女主 怎么也个个美若天仙?他不由得露出痴汉笑。叮,发现一枚正在觉醒的曹贼,正在绑定曹贼系统!林羿的笑容越发猖狂。主角?谁爱当谁当!1w0-63085 >>




内容简介:本是小屠夫一枚,却身逢明末乱世,不得已放下杀猪刀,拿起斧头,挣扎着,艰辛着,上进着,一步步走上了征战天下的道路,避免了神州陆沉、衣冠沦丧……群号:775307992。欢迎加入,期待交流 。1w0-32928 >>


内容简介:  江舟被一卷鬼神图录带到大稷,用手机里的半集西游记,将一个凶残的妖女忽悠瘸了,以灵台方寸山,斜月三星洞传人的身份,开始走上了一条通天路……妖魔乱世,红尘有仙。古箓一卷,造化自得。敕赏 诛鬼,封灵请神。白骨梳妆图,金人迎亲图,白骨老佛极乐夜宴图,山鬼相思图,钟馗醉酒嚼鬼图,伏魔大帝斩妖图……百日化龙草,太乙五烟罗,金刚掌……急急如律令,齐天大圣现真身! (幼苗稚嫩,急需灌溉。书荒可移步两百万字精品老书《诸天普渡》)1w0-2782 >>


内容简介:更新时间:中午12点;频率:不算加更的话是隔日更《信长协奏曲》中的三郎在穿越到战国完成了身为织田信长的一生后,于本能寺之变后被时空管理人员拉去本丸当审神者。曾经作为织田信长与刀剑们结下 的【缘】,于此再次结缘。“不好了!主殿又穿越了!”“这次会遇到新撰组!加州清光和大和守安定不准跟过去!”“信长公!知道自己灵魂不稳定就不要靠近空间裂缝啊!”“糟糕……主上这次见到明智光秀了!大家小心点不要说错话。”………………………………三郎:“小光看起来过的还不错,但是归蝶……唉,要是小光和归蝶能一起回本丸就好了——”众:……为什么织田信长会对明智光秀这么真情实感啊?!大概就是全本丸(非恋爱意味)单箭头审神者的争宠修罗场,然而三郎是个一心想着归蝶夫人和自己基友的直男这样一个鸡飞狗跳的故事吧(。ps:科普一下《信长协奏曲》,三郎穿越战国前是个高中生,历史不是一般的垃圾连本能寺谁杀的他都不知道。性格天然又爽朗没什么心机,却总是被过度解读成深不可测……竟然就这么一路天然地完成了信长的一生……服气。强推漫画,次推动画,日剧电影改编太一言难尽不推荐。1w0-78755 >>


内容简介:男友劈腿闺蜜,她转身搭上全国最尊贵的男人。爬了他的床,夺了他的身,撩了他的心。从此以后,她再也无法从他身边逃脱。人前他是尊贵高傲的帝国贵少,人后他是随时随地都要推倒她的饿狼。“老婆,你 喜欢桌子、地板、阳台还是沙发?”小心眼的霸道老公太可怕!“你你你、再不节制就离婚!”帝少瞄了一眼她的肚子:“揣着我的小包子,还想逃出我的手掌心?”小娇妻1w0-28367 >>


内容简介:忍界旁白所有人让我闭嘴剧情开始,突然出现的旁白让“原著”从这一刻向不可控制的方向发展。〖小樱外表虽然表现的一脸和善的笑容,实际上内心狂喜,这个井野也有今天,实在是让人值得庆祝〗小樱1w 0-79454 >>


内容简介:  这个世界的格局东强西弱。华夏文化制霸全球。全世界都在学华夏话。华夏金牛奖成为全世界影响力最大的电影奖项。全世界的歌手都以登上华夏音乐的排名榜单为毕生目标。最时尚的时装周、最浓郁的体 育文化、最美的风景、最好吃的食物……都在这里了。……上辈子在一条不归路跑到死的关琛,到了这里,打算给自己好好放个长假。————欢迎大家进群交流:5794837581w0-1937 >>


内容简介:  这是一个人类与灵宠并存的世界。契约灵宠,指挥灵宠战斗,与灵宠建立羁绊,这就是御妖师。李长生服用造化果,获得灵魂感应能力,这是一项可以范围性洞察灵宠、灵宠蛋和宝物的能力。陆地之王黄金 比蒙尘世巨蟒耶梦加得毁天灭地的百臂巨人化身烈日的三足金乌穿梭时间与空间的时光龙睁眼白昼、闭眼黑夜的烛龙PS:致敬《口袋妖怪》、《宠魅》……交流群:9455120861w0-778 >>




内容简介:柯学马甲文,后续是酒厂卧底窝新卧底,灰原哀单女主,高甜,日综日剧推理作为一个欺诈师,罗修在魂穿重生以后就开始苟着经营多个身份和马甲。他既是乐坛巨星,也是崭露头角的大文豪,同时也是让警视 厅头疼的侠盗。而当他只身一人来到日本东京且莫名卷入事件,才惊觉这里居然是《名侦探柯南》的世界。并且他一早就邂逅且一见钟情的人竟就是宫野志保。但再次重逢,那个心心念念的她却已经成了灰原哀……这段感情是放下?还是换个1w0-89772 >>


内容简介:气海境三重。曾经的天才,三年前变成废物。有一个寄居在家族的青梅竹马。有一个被大宗门收为亲传弟子的未婚妻!还有一枚母亲留下的戒指!好熟悉的主角模板——但。青梅竹马怎么是白莲花,还有一堆好 哥哥!而未婚妻不但不嫌弃他变成废物,还矢志不渝爱着他!更因为他被白莲花害死而黑化变成大反派!……姜炎本以为自己穿越成气运之子,结果却是穿越到一本差点把他毒死的女频小说里成为舔狗男配。1w84700-104341 >>

Sora To Kimi To.

From Chibi Manga: Ten and Rio are friends from the old days. they will become a high school students starting from this spring, Ten stills carries a certain memories in his hearts....?

Fushigi Na Hito

1. Mysterious Person Ruka is a high-school girl who holds affections for her teacher, Tokio. But one day, a mysterious person shows up and claims that he has come from the past! Not to mention, he calls himself by the same name as her beloved teacher, Tokio. What’s more unbelievable is that both “Tokio” have the exact same scar engraved on their palm… 2. A Small Love Story Hashi is one of the two sole members of her school's literature club. The other one is the romance-novel-loving club president Madoka. By chance, he finds out that her deceased grandmother happens to be one of his favourite authors. When he asks her to provide him with some original material, it sparks a change in her disinterest in love stories and their relationship. 3. Cloe the Devil Chroe is a loner because she has a reputation of bad things happening around her, especially to people who piss her off. What her classmates don't know is that she's a demon who causes misfortune on whomever she beholds. One day, while being confronted by a group of girls, Kikuchi defends her, causing her to look at him in surprise, which in turn causes him bad luck. Chroe starts avoiding him, scared of accidentally causing him harm, but Kikuchi is relentless in his pursuit. Chroe finds herself being drawn to him, but how is a relationship possible when she can't even throw him a glance without something bad happening to him? 4. Alice in Wonderland Ruu's mother just committed suicide and everyone can't stop gossiping about it, except for her new boyfriend, Mitsu, who acts like everything is normal. With everything going on, Ruu wants to seek comfort from Mitsu, but since her mother's passing, he hasn't touched her. Does Mitsu want her to disappear, too? 5. Sugar-Coat Ako is a seventeen-year old who is in love with her cousin (who also happens to teach at her school), Shou. Shou is getting married in a month and Ako is acting out to get his attention, and to prove to herself, and to him, that he cares about her. Shou is getting increasingly worried by Ako's erratic behavior, which only started somewhat recently. Can Ako get over her feelings? Or will she lose herself in a path of self-destruction? 6. The Star and The Heart Mini and Mani are identical twins who are best friends, and do everything, and go everywhere together. To help people tell them apart, Mani wears star earrings and Mini wears heart earrings. Life is great, until Mini suddenly acts loopy and distracted. Mani discovers that Mini and Suga have fallen for each other, and Mani is jealous that despite being identical, someone likes Mini, and no one likes her. On another level, she also feels that Suga is taking her best friend away from her. To what lengths will she go to to keep her sister close?

Osoku Saku Hana

'What's going on? I just don't get it. Ever since I met Hashimoto, my heart's been filled with emotions I've never felt before...' Since meeting Hashimoto, whose personality is the complete opposite of his, which is flippant and cold to others, high school student, Makino, can no longer hide the changes within his heart.


Influenced by two of their friends, a pair of female high school students, Natsu and Kumiko, begin playing the popular MMORPG 'Apocalypse Online.' When they log in for the first time, they find they've been given a rare item, a pair of 'marriage rings,' which gives the two of them special bonuses when they are near each other. But while their 'relationship' is a funny quirk of the game to Natsu, Kumiko secretly longs for it to become a reality...

Sword Art Online

Sword Art Online summary: In the year 2022, gamers rejoice as Sword Art Online-a VRMMORPG (Virtual Reality Ma.s.sively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) like no other-opens its virtual doors, allowing players to take full advantage of the ultimate in gaming technology: NerveGear, a system that allows users to completely immerse themselves in the game world by manipulating their brain waves to create a wholly realistic gaming experience.
But when the game goes live, the elation of the players quickly turns to horror as they discover that, for all its amazing features, SAO is missing one of the most basic functions of any MMORPG-a log-out b.u.t.ton.
Now trapped in the virtual world of Aincrad, their bodies held captive by NerveGear in the real world, users are issued a chilling ultimatum: conquer all one hundred floors of Aincrad to regain your freedom. But in the warped world of SAO, “game over” means certain death-both virtual and real…

Children Of A Lesser God

Children Of A Lesser God summary: A giant tree popped up in the middle of the Atlantic ocean covering the world in a strange new radiation and because of it, people began to change.First, there are the Chosen. These super humans have only slight physical changes and yet can manifest incredible powers.Next, you have the Cursed. These humans have experienced large scale body changes which range from animal adaptations to simply...

Destined Marriage Of Shang Jun

Destined Marriage Of Shang Jun summary: Destined Marriage Of Shang Jun summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Destined Marriage Of Shang Jun. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Netorare Pilgrimage Of The Saint

Netorare Pilgrimage Of The Saint summary: NTR to protect peace. To this end, during a certain ceremony, the lover Tsubaki is ordered to be a s.e.x slave of the Demon Lord’s Army. Her mission would send her on a pilgrim to devote her body to each official of the army. Initially, the protagonists Trelle and Tsubaki want to resist, but after cuckolding and being cuckolded, they learned the pleasant feeling of being deprived of their lover. As they journey, their hearts and bodies change, loving each other even as they succ.u.mb to the Netorare play.

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