






简介这个勇者自称“老子明明很强”,却谨慎过头漫画 ,超慎重的勇者&二流女神组合的新异世界救济谈








类别都市 恋爱 霸总












简介“当真正的富二代拿出资源解决问题的时候,你想象不到那是一种什么样的力量!!!” 于守仁,一位突然决定进入高中做一位“平凡”老师的绝对富二代,在面对一群“问题儿童”的时候,在别人议论他特殊敏感的身份的时候,要如何面对呢?!






内容简介:简介:十五岁的我,一直活得很简单。直到一次意外,我看见校草和我们班的班主任亲了。一切就从那天开始脱轨了。我终于开始意识到,身为一个Beta,我跟Alpha和Omega是不同的。———— —一个Beta漫长的青春期,从性别意识觉醒开始。—————“江老师,我没有味道,你闻不到的。”宋迟被江袭城压着。“没有气味,那就一辈子标记。”低哑的声音伴随着暴雨呢喃。—————“你喜欢姓江的就跟他啊?我不喜欢别人碰过的东西。”魏秦对宋迟恶狠狠地说。后来。魏秦开着轿跑一路撵他。“呜呜我技术比他好。求求你跟我吧!”1w0-29078 >>

混蛋神风流史《第1卷——第十卷 第八章》

内容简介:正文天降神龙我突然「醒」了过来,这是在什么地方?我又是谁?我并没有立刻睁开眼睛,因为大脑还处于一片混乱当中。不知过了多久,我才完全清醒过来。我知道我是谁了,我就是无所不能的宇宙主宰—— 混沌之主,只不过我现在的身份是流浪魔法师「维尔。兰迪」,为了阻止神魔第四次战争而化身来到这个世界。当然我是不会干无偿的义务劳动的,小创(「创世神」是我的结义小弟,我常叫他小创的。那小子答应我有无数的金钱、无数的美女,好诱人的条件,实在是令人难以抗拒啊。先来试试我无敌的能力是否受到影响,要不然自己先挂掉了岂不是没得玩了,小创还不笑掉下巴?我可是宇宙的主宰——混沌之主呃,怎么可能挂掉?不过谨慎行事一向是我做事的原则,小心一点是必要的。我使自己平静下来,用精神与元素交流感受元素的存在,慢慢开始吸收周围的元素,我感到能量旋涡的无限深远,被我吸收的元素就象小溪流进大海,一点感觉不到,我越吸越多,越吸越快。。。。》1w0-106358 >>


内容简介:某次在化妆间接受访谈记者:“常常有粉丝夸你体贴绅士,这与从小的家教有关吗?”苏木白微微歪头想了想:“大概因为从小有个小尾巴总跟着我,习惯了。”记者:“是你那个青梅竹马的编剧连星吗?”他 默认。1w0-27261 >>


内容简介:  秦家找回秦翡的时候,秦翡正在乡下种地,于是,京城多了很多传言。  传言,秦翡很穷,丑陋粗鄙,上不得台面。  秦翡好友纷纷表示赞同。  旗下无数酒店老板表示,秦翡很穷,睡完就走。   华国第一律师表示,秦翡很穷,从没给过律师费。  京城高级会所的老总表示,秦翡很穷,玩完不给钱。  京城中心医院院长表示,秦翡很穷,打人之后不管医疗费。  秦翡表示她不过离开京城几天,回去才发现,自己的房子被人卖了……  于是,秦翡失眠了,经过三天三夜的挣扎,秦翡决定——回家。  京城人都觉得秦翡飞上枝头变凤凰。  秦翡的好友觉得秦家不配。  而秦翡却千方百计的想回家。  于是,所有人看着,秦翡为了一栋房,抱上了齐衍的大腿。  ……  直到后来人们才知道,当初秦翡种地的那个地方叫古训药邸——世界上最大的私人珍贵药材基地。  喜欢一个人是什么样子的?  秦翡说,我有的都给他,我没有的,拼了命也给他抢来。  对此,齐衍有不同见地。  他说,喜欢一个人就是连死都拖着她,一起去死。1w0-1891 >>


内容简介:  话说一代宗师张三丰从小随身佩带一块太级形的玉石,他只知道此物在他记事的时候就带在身上,却不知道这玉石就是上古十大神器之一的‘太级魂石’。太级魂石可令修炼者事半功倍,且百邪不侵,原本 是原始天尊随身所配之宝,不慎失落凡间。当张三丰太级神功大成之后,身上外泄的真气刺激太级魂石发出神光,被原始天尊所察觉。原始天尊欣喜之下用法术收回了太级魂石,不料同时也把带着太级魂石的张三丰招到了跟前,原始天尊不惊反喜,看到张三丰资质惊人便收做关门弟子。  1w0-735 >>


内容简介:彼世之地,虚无荒凉。宗谷芳明误入其中,侥幸逃出生天,而那些非人之物总想抓他回去。人世流浪,被女高中生收留,被巫女盯上,被实际年龄为四位数的青梅贴身监视……他只想离那个普通人看不见的世界 远一点,再远一点。然而……【“反抗命运,亦为命运一环。”】总是事与愿违。【“宗谷,过来让我摸摸。”】【“律己乃是正身之道。”】【“……”】想抓住他的,还有她们呢。1w0-66490 >>


内容简介:  你终于回来,在我还没孤独终老的时候。  ————  后来,林莫臣已是坐拥百亿资产的集团董事长,国内商界最年轻的大佬之一。  有人问他:“她究竟有哪里好,让你这么多年也忘不掉?”   林莫臣答:“曾经我也以为,自己值得更好的。可这世上,谁能及我爱的女人好?”1w0-694 >>






内容简介:【字数比预计的多了,战略性停更一天,明天继续。】文案:秋芜是毓芳殿的掌事宫女,人人见她都得尊称一句“秋姑姑”。只因她侍奉的九皇子深受太子关照。隔三差五,太子便要召她至东宫,询问九皇子的 日常起居,令无数人感慨羡慕。没人知道,每次入东宫,秋芜都是在榻上经受“询问”的。这位冷情果决的太子殿下私底下的肆意妄为,她看得一清二楚。……秋芜也萌生过不该有的情愫。同卧榻上,喁喁私语时,太子赞她的各位书友要是觉得《画屏美人》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-77948 >>




内容简介:手机电子书:《钢之魔法师》全集jar电子书格式内附全文TXT版文本文档方便阅读书籍类别:玄幻魔法作者:鱼丸《钢之魔法师》内容简介:一个多神系的世界中,某位意外的访客,以使徒的身份现临于 这个混乱的世界。背负史上最弱使徒的名声,以最弱的能力,展现最强的特质。你不明白我说什么吗?呃……好吧我承认,掌管着谎言与阴谋的卑微使徒,是不太容易说清楚……总之反正可以这么说,他是最弱的,也是最强的……1w0-82843 >>

Love Sick

From Houkago Scanlations: Shiki threw everything away for the sake of revenge. But at the new school where she disguises herself as a male, she meets 4 popular rich guys... Haru (spring) the prince, Natsu (summer) the bishounen, Aki (autumn) the womanizer, and Fuyu (winter) the cold-hearted genius. What awaits Shiki? And will she get her revenge...?

The World God Only Knows

Read The World God Only Knows Manga Keima Katsuragi, a second year high school pupil, is an enthusiastic player of gal games (video games that require interactions with anime-styled pretty girls). Yet, in his school life that was real, Keima is called a derogatory portmanteau of the two words megane and otaku, otamega. At the start of show, Keima receives an e-mail offering him a contract to 'conquer' girls and, believing it's an invitation into a game challenge, he takes. In response, a cunning devil from Hell named Elsie appears: a Spirit Hunter. Elsie proposes the only real solution to drive the evil spirits outside is by 'conquering' the girls' hearts, making them fall in love with him and filling up the gaps that the at large evil spirits conceal in, where she is then in a position to get them. Interested only in gaming girls, nevertheless, as he's no intimate real life experiences whatsoever Keima is appalled by the thought, and refuses the duty. However, together with the contract already consented, Keima has no choice however to help Elsie no matter what, as they're going to be beheaded through an invisible (to others) purple collar around their necks when they neglect. Each sister is inactive in the center of a girl among those they've previously helped, so Keima beat their hearts and must find them a second time. This time however, they recall the meetings he's had with them as a result of goddesses inside them, as he attempts to beat the girls concurrently causing endless potential failure and high tension. Nevertheless, his time is restricted as a rebel devil faction called 'Vintage' is about to get the goddesses and take on the planet. Keima begins seeing visions of a kid who's somewhat familiar to him, after Vintage's plans are thwarted. The goddesses send Elsie and Keima to days gone by of assisting her together with the job. Upon arriving, they team up using a mysterious girl who seemingly has some link with Dokuro, Elsie's first-class in the underworld, and Keima finds that several incidents before are distinct from what he recalls, resulting in a terrible chain of events which he should avert to make sure that the present remains unaltered, along with another devil faction which releases giant humanoid creatures. As Keima finishes his final assignment, he has the capacity to make up with this and finds the truth about among the giants. Although Elsie decides to stay with him, he could be alleviated in the collar and returns to his regular life in real life. Then he professes his love for Chihiro Kosaka, among the girls who has enjoyed him from the start. Along with Keima's romantic comedy experiences, the show parodies and makes fun of common, and popular platitudes about dating sims, anime character stereotypes, and pop culture. The World God Only Knows Manga is composed and illustrated by Tamiki Wakaki, serialized since April 9, 2008 in the Japanese manga magazine Weekly Shonen Sunday. Kami-sama!!' . Haksan Culture Company licenses in South Korea the collection, as well as the initial two volumes of the chain has been concurrently released with limited edition addendum for each on August 2009. Other miscellaneous information is contained. The manga series that was official has ended as of April 16, 2014, with chapters that were 268. Other manga: + Kuroko no Basket Manga + Soul Eater manga

Family-Like Xx

Being a famous celebrity isn’t easy, especially when you have no family to share your success with. After her mom’s death, A-list actress Han Nana is left all alone and in a total career slump. In comes Yoo Sungwoo, a high school senior and orphan who used to be close to Nana before her big break. Although Nana takes him in as a sort of younger brother, the longer they live together, the more apparent it becomes that Sungwoo doesn’t just think of her as an older sister. Meanwhile, Nana’s career starts looking up when she’s given a lead role in an upcoming romance drama. The only problem is that her counterpart is Lee Han, the famous actor who was once the root of Nana’s despair, though he doesn’t seem so cold to her this time around…

The Rain Leaves A Scar

Jefferey Ryan had had a troubled childhood: he never knew his father, and his mother died when he was seven. Years later, Fate made up to him with a loving wife and a beautiful daughter, and he was happy at last. But the rain that was falling that night when Jeffrey discovered his mother's bloody corpse seemed to never stop, and haunted him still.... Original webcomic: http://www.u17.com/comic/14550.html

My Beautiful Lady. Nelly Dale

My Beautiful Lady. Nelly Dale summary: My Beautiful Lady. Nelly Dale summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of My Beautiful Lady. Nelly Dale. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Moral Philosophy: Ethics, Deontology and Natural Law

Moral Philosophy: Ethics, Deontology and Natural Law summary: Moral Philosophy: Ethics, Deontology and Natural Law summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Moral Philosophy: Ethics, Deontology and Natural Law. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Knight.

The Knight. summary: The Knight. summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Knight.. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Rouse Up O Young Men Of The New Age

Rouse Up O Young Men Of The New Age summary: Rouse Up O Young Men Of The New Age summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Rouse Up O Young Men Of The New Age. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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