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内容简介:主角重生洪荒,开局就遇到盘古身化万物。觉醒神级选择系统,选择就变强!“选择一:夺舍太清老子,奖励混沌至宝混沌珠,盘古精血九滴!”“选择二:夺舍玉清元始天尊,奖励至尊功法《九转混沌决》, 盘古精血九滴!”“选择三:夺舍上清通天,奖励至尊剑典《斩天剑典》,盘古精血九滴!”开局就夺舍太清老子!在龙汉量劫之中崛起,纵横巫妖量劫,主宰封神,霍乱西游!超脱天地大道!……不一样的老子,不一样的三清,不一样的洪荒,同样的精彩!【简介无力!请看正文!】1w0-78400 >>


内容简介:【魔幻、搞笑、无敌、迪化、系统、穿越】“我把你当系统,你竟然骗了我一百年,原来我不是小辣鸡!”终于有一天,林奇发现他根本不是弱者之后,泪流满面。于是,在‘沙雕四人组’的带领下,他出山了 。但很快,林奇逐渐发现了不对劲。嗯?啥?我只是想要搞点钱,吃个猪脚饭,我竟然去打仗去了?什么?我要统治世界?我怎么不知道?咦?这个世界有神!“各位神明大大听我解释,我没想把你们拉下神位啊!”1w40640-55725 >>


内容简介:雾霾中出了车祸,楚阳重生到平行位面,净化神豪系统降临。【叮!正在扫描当前范围内物资,请稍后……】本以为只是个收垃圾的,却没想到,系统回收的垃圾,既能换成金钱,还能净化这恶劣的环境。从此 ,楚阳一边回收各种物资,一边当神豪。没事做,就与美女们谈谈心,鼓鼓掌,做些爱做的事。无聊的时候,就从系统商城里买点黑科技,震惊世界!1w0-78453 >>


内容简介:穿越家暴现场,反杀爆揍渣男,巧计和离再嫁,又是一窝虎豹,韩巧抡起棍棒打豺狼。她开铺子、买田地、置办宅子,鼓励猎户相公奋进向上,三个闺女养的举国上下人人赞。荣华富贵在手,夫妻恩爱两不疑, 这般人生谁不夸句好!各位书友要是觉得《猎户悍妻:带崽种田猛如虎》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-84959 >>




内容简介:重生前,谢无月一家遭戮,灵堂被休,终气愤而死。重生后,她是天之娇女,翻云覆雨,手握重权。只是,为何偏偏又再遇到那个负心人?她憎恨前夫,一心要权势,却慢慢发现灭门惨案另有内情,而自己的身 份也一点点暴露在前夫眼前。她欲除他而后快,他却发现她的秘密,锲而不舍扒她的马甲。当一个又一个身份暴露在他面前……苏涉:“夫人,你得给我一个说法。”她拧住他耳朵:“走,回家……慢慢说!”1w0-66235 >>


内容简介:  重生八零年代,徐静思觉得是老天眷顾自己,才让她白捡了一世,只是开局有点糟!  一睁眼就是原主留给她烂摊子,好吃懒做,邋遢无貌,还偷东西被人追上了门。  面对他人嫌弃鄙夷的目光,原身 大学生丈夫更是厌恶到要离婚。  她一个靠自己挣出锦绣前程的人,还能栽在八十年代?  困境之下,卖掉头发换来二十元,卖粽子,开快餐店,搞投资,靠美食发家致富。还找了个铁血硬汉会疼人的帅老公。  有人在闻霆钧耳边叫嚣,那是离过婚的女人,配不上他!  再婚又怎样?闻霆钧看着那个耀眼自信的女人的目光,温柔静好。  只要他喜欢,就是最好!1w0-1617 >>




内容简介:叶南风怔怔的看着银行卡上的余额,耳边不断回荡那空灵悦耳的声音:花不完这一百万亿,你就不配娶我!苹果老总怒吼:难道有钱就可以为所欲为吗?叶南风斜睥他一眼,淡淡的说道:对不起,有钱就是可以 为所欲为。如果您喜欢百万亿神豪,别忘记分享给朋友作者:叶南风所写的《百万亿神豪》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-77635 >>




内容简介:《博物学家,专业暴富综名著》为作者山海十八创作,作品博物学家,专业暴富综名著章章动人,小兵为你第一时间提供山海十八精心编写原创博物学家,专业暴富综名著及无弹窗博物学家,专业暴富综名著最 新章节,博物学家,专业暴富综名著全文免费阅读。1w0-127606 >>


内容简介:林清韵是一位人见人爱花见花开的小美女,她学习成绩优异,待人谦和,却没有人知道她从小就有一项异于常人的能力。她的运气比一般人要好10,隔一段时间,她就会莫名的捡到好东西,哪怕地上的钱,只 要林清韵不捡,第二天也会神奇出现在林清韵的口袋。所以,一般她都捡了起来。直到这天她捡到了一封来自霍格沃茨寄宿学院的录取通知书。就这样林清韵穿越了,成为了美丽的女主角赫敏。【选项1:苟到大结局,奖励(青春永驻)】【选项2:收伏地魔当小弟,奖励(永生不死)】宁静小说【选项3:穿越漫威,两个世界来回当救世主,奖励(回家一次)】为了回家一次,林清韵毅然决然的选择了选项3,不为别的,就因为选项3还有一个附加奖励(无敌属性1)各位书友要是觉得《我赫敏,穿越漫威当救世主》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-82706 >>

Chiko No Negai

[From ShoujoMagic]: Story 1) Chiko's Wish - Chiko is a young female sparrow in love with a human boy named Shuu. One day, the Grim Reaper suddenly shows up at Shuu's house and shocks Chiko by announcing that he's come to collect Shuu's soul. What can one little sparrow do to save a human life...? Story 2) Crybaby Yukimushi. Akira was always a taunted for her crying. She promised her friend Kei that she wouldn't cry anymore. Now they are in the seventh grade. What it Akira going to do when someone says they want to confess to her beloved Kei. Story 3) Reverse Storm Warning. Kotone and Naoto have been dating for a long time. Nao isn't the most famous or most popular but she likes him. Kotone was talking to her friends but they find her relationship isn't porgressing well enough compared to other's relationships. Now Kotone wonders why Nao is even going out with her and why he's acting differently. Story 4) The Rainbow Fugue. There's a legend that if you see a rainbow at the waterfall in the park your love will come true. Miyabi and Hayate were great friends until they got to middle school. Then they went to seperate schools and almost never sees him. Mayabi wanted Hayate to love her so she goes to the waterfall and finds her beloved Hayate there playing a trumpet. Story 5) Spring Game. Izumi really wanted to play the game Chrono Spring but it was sold out. A guy tells her that he bought two copies and that she could have one. Before she knows it she's in playing the game and meets a guy named haru who saves her life and helps her get out the game. Story 6) Half Bitter Gift. Yukumi absloutly hates Kookie but is in love with his friend Asada. Kookie likes to peaster Yukumi and Yukumi's friend aya is always quiet on the side supporting Yukumi. It's around Valentine's day and Yukumi and Aya are making cookies. Yukumi is making her's for Asada but Aya says shedoesn't know who to give hers to but by what Kookie says there may be a different story to all of this.

Mangaka-Sensei To Zashiki Warashi

After moving into his new place, a mangaka is now pretending he can't see the Zashiki-warashi who was already living there.

Anye Fei Ying: Xin Zhi Shang

Border wars ravaged the water nation. In order to calm the war, the royal family was forced to send the king’s daughter amidst the fighting, but the storm continued… Meanwhile, there existed a struggle within the royalty, where fate hangs in the balance! The wheel of fate spins quietly….

Nae-Soong 9Th Grade Project

Who would have thought that Jung Areum, the beauty queen of school had a sister with no other hobby than stealing people's food?? Well thís girl is no other than Jung Daum, an unruly girl who eats and farts like no tomorrow and...her number one fan of hers is the popular school idol Jun-Ki!! And WHO would have imagined that Jung Daum is head over heels in love with him??!! But of course, things don't go that easy... cause cute and two-faced big sister likes him too!!

The Copper Princess

The Copper Princess summary: The Copper Princess summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Copper Princess. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Ruler Of Order And Chaos

Ruler Of Order And Chaos summary: Beneath the calmness of Chongqing City, madness was slowly brewing. Yang Lei, the eldest son of the Yang Clan Lord, had been poisoned with the nastiest poison ever- the Mind Eater Poison. With war threatening to break out between the Yang Clan and the other ruling clans of the city, Yang Lei, who fell into a coma, received the System of Order and Chaos. On that fateful day, the Ruler of Order and Chaos...

One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief’s Good Wife

One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief’s Good Wife summary: For a million worth of contract, she became a surrogate mother.
He was the chief executive of the Empire and she was of lowly birth. With her adoptive father’s business falling into crisis, she agrees to his contract.
She gave birth to twins: the older brother is healthy, while the younger brother didn’t breathe out. Fulfilling the contract with a huge monetary sum as the reward, she disappeared from his eyes.
Six years later – he was still the cold high-profile president, but when she is accidentally imprisoned in the cage of his golden birds he pressured her harder and harder: “Woman, do not think you can escape my hands!”
The old-fashioned man: “Mu Yazhe, you’d better leave her alone, this is the child’s mother!” The man becomes frightened, questioning the reason this child’s features bears such resemblance to…

Into the World of Medicine

Into the World of Medicine summary: Rong Qinyan, is a 21st century successor of a medicinal family, proficent in medical knowledge. But in the end, died in the hands of her relatives. Murong Qingyan is Sheng Hong Continent’s Murong family’s legitimate miss. But even though she is a legitimate daughter, she is the Murong family’s shame because her appearance is ugly and her meridians are blocked, making her a trash that cannot cultivate.
After she transmigrated, she became her.
When she reopened her eyes, the originally unable to cultivate trash let everyone fall in shock. Flipping over clouds, disobeying the heavens and changing fate, letting those that originally looked down on her regret it deeply.
Contracting divine beasts, concocting immortal pills. Meeting G.o.ds, killing G.o.ds; meeting Buddhas, killing Buddhas; swearing to let all those that looked down on her view her in a new light.
When the trash turned into a universally shocking prodigy, when the ugly appearance was shed off, she was no longer the original her. In the whole couese of events, whose heart did she actually steal?
Her ex-future husband regretted it deeply to no avail. The family that looked down on her is now immensly remorseful, yet they can’t change anything else.
When she stood at the peak of the world, he was always by her side protecting and guarding her. letting her be able to freely soar in the sky.
He said: “In my life, I have nothing else. I only wish to love you forever.”
She said: ”If it is what you desire.”

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