








类别都市 恋爱 霸总
























内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:大秦疯太子,三千大雪龙骑踏咸阳】“公子长青!嗜血好杀,所行无度,犯下弥天大罪!即日起剥夺其皇子身份,发配边疆!”这一日,朝堂惊变!二皇子嬴长青,当众屠灭赵高府 ,诛公子胡亥,杀尽方术士,血气萦绕咸阳数月不减。消息一出,始皇震怒,举国哗然!嬴长青毫不在意。兴正起,豪情正发。君子不行陌路,管他咫尺与天涯。闲事莫提,待我先砍了他丫!【诛杀赵高!大秦国运上升,奖励天子望气术】【诛杀胡亥!大秦国运上升,奖励三千大雪龙骑】【诛杀徐福!大秦国运上升,奖励凤血……】……一夜之间,疯太子之名传遍天下。屠灭匈奴,杀穿百越,百家,六国余孽在他脚下瑟瑟发抖……大秦国运井喷式提升,没有二世而亡,没有始皇死而地分。帝国人人如龙,一世永昌!飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢大秦疯太子,三千大雪龙骑踏咸阳,别忘记分享给朋友大秦疯太子,三千大雪龙骑踏咸阳TXT下载1w0-76636 >>


内容简介:  加入三界红包群,改变了我的人生!  仙鬼妖魔,红包不断!  如意猴毛,天庭狗粮,神器仙丹,可爱仙女……都到碗里来!1w0-602


内容简介:  她本是实力强悍,医术超群的世家家主。  一朝穿越成将军府的废柴嫡小姐,成为第一位被退婚的太子妃,人人嘲讽!  选秀宴上,她被赐嫁给鼎鼎有名的残废王爷。  众人笑:瞎子配残废,天生是 一对。  却不知她手握失传丹方,能练绝顶丹药;家养神级萌宠,天下独一无二!  更可怕的是她家残废王爷——  一肚子的腹黑坏水,外加逆天修炼体质,秒杀一众天才。  白天坐轮椅,晚上却缠着她要亲亲、抱抱、举高高……1w0-76 >>


内容简介:  (新书《云天帝》已经上传)绝世强者、一代丹帝凌寒为追求成神之路而殒落,万年后携《不灭天经》重生于同名少年,从此风云涌动,与当世无数天才争锋,重启传奇之路,万古诸天我最强!1w0-4 19 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:我能复制凶兽基因】陈昊一顿乱摸之后,发现自己的外形巨爪,章鱼头,巨人身,背上蝙蝠翅膀。陈昊怎么有点像邪神克苏鲁?小白龙被陈昊摸了下屁股,激灵化作美女:流氓!禽 兽!我要杀了你!陈昊转身化作一头狮鹫禽兽,展翅就跑,禽兽不如!……这个世界,人变成凶兽,凶兽幻成人,究竟谁是人?谁是兽?飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢我能复制凶兽基因,别忘记分享给朋友作者:巨萌熊猫所写的《我能复制凶兽基因》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-82512 >>


内容简介:战冰是威风凛凛的战场修罗,大舜的唯一女将军,为了将有颜又有才的未婚夫追到手,整日厚颜无耻地赖着颜非谨,四处查案。一个小小的匠人失踪案,牵扯出前朝颠覆天下的阴谋,她守护的江山终在风雨中飘 摇,国家安危迫使她不得不放弃……1w0-96681 >>


内容简介:【团宠苏爽高甜】这是一个顶级大佬重生回,收获7个世界顶级大佬哥哥的故事!世界顶级组织的大佬凤迟晚身陨10年后,在一座破烂的公寓里睁开了眼睛。自认为穷困潦倒的凤迟晚看着突然冒出来的七个男 人傻眼!什么?她的大哥是华国最大集团的总裁!二哥无双影帝!三哥妙手神医!四哥神秘特工!五哥天才黑客!六哥……1w0-89538 >>


内容简介:人死之前,会不会有什么异常征兆?答案是肯定的!不管你信不信,死亡征兆确实存在,而且,生死有命,就算你发现了,也千万不要妄自破解,不然我因为无意间破解了一次死亡凶兆,从而被卷入了一个凶险 诡异的世界,死人血泪、鳞尸噬心、鼠送钱,狗刨坟,毒虫拜母,万蛇朝宗,几经生死我才明白,这个世界,并没有我们所看到的那么简单!新书求支持:诡行记》已完本:狠人狠事》1w29738-34803 >>


内容简介:听闻,烈阳国公主除了美貌一无是处,欺男霸女骄纵蛮横,棒打鸳鸯恬不知耻利用权力逼迫丞相府大公子娶了她。重生醒来,沐云初决心洗心革面,做个韬武略样样精通流芳百世的好公主。听说,丞相府大公子 想复合,结果被顾家那位冷面武器、百战不殆的少将军打了一顿。听说,当初瞧不起公主的那位大才子追求公主,结果被顾家那位冷面无情、百战不殆的少将军打了一顿。听说,天下第一杀手想给公主当侍卫,结果又……1w4944-106620 >>


内容简介:迷迷糊糊穿越到了八零年,成了一本书里的恶毒女配,还多了个小萌娃。郁闷的是,这恶毒女配把男主给设计了,让男主娶了她也就算了,她的娃儿,竟不是男主的……然后,男主金蝉脱壳成功,却让女配成了 被村里人嘲讽的寡妇。继承了这一切一切的柳樱雪表示,这也太毒了点吧?冤冤相报何时了,让那对秀恩爱的男女猪幸福去吧,以后,她和他们互不干涉。有钱有萌娃有豪宅,风光无限当慈善家,才是我的人生梦想。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《八零娘亲是女配》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-76000 >>


内容简介:前世,她错信亲妹,错爱渣男,被虐得体无完肤,毁容,失贞!将真正爱她的人推开,给他下毒,害他终身残疾!重活一世,她有仇必报,有爱必回!她不再错信他人,只爱亲亲老公!闲来无事虐渣渣,有空没 空撩老公。从被保护的小软猫慢慢进化为神秘大佬!成不了武功大侠,那就做小侠咯,混混来一个打一个,来两个爆一双!成不了商界女强人,那就玩玩娱乐圈,一不小各位书友要是觉得《乔奈奈沈枭羽》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w82164-97086 >>


内容简介:他是让人闻风丧胆的铁血总裁,狠厉嗜血,她是被他抚养长大的孤儿。遇到霍霆琛,顾瑶才知道什么是宠到极致,要星星摘星星,要月亮摘月亮,天塌下来有他顶着。顾瑶:“霍叔我要当影后”霍霆琛:“我来 陪你对戏,先从床戏开始怎么样?”大叔有三好,成熟稳重易推倒。酥到爆,甜到齁,娱乐圈甜宠大叔文。1w0-27681 >>

Natsu No Kakera

A collection of 5 short stories: 1. Natsu no Kakera When Miyuki goes off to the countryside to visit her grandfather in the hospital, she accidentally enters Madoka’s room instead. Although she finds him rude at first, they end up seeing each other every day and get closer. But, Miyuki only has a limited amount of time in the countryside. As the summer passes, how will things turn out for them? 2. Yuki no Kakera Aya usually has the library to herself after school - that is, until she witnesses an incident that leads to her discovery of Tono’s feelings for her fellow librarian, Konno. The three end up spending time together, and Aya finds it odd that she can’t stop watching them. As winter goes on, the snow falls and builds up like the fragments of Tono’s emotions - fragments that slowly find their way into Aya’s heart. 3. Koi no Kakera What was initially sheer admiration for the club president, Kondo, spurred Konno into joining the Home Economics Club. Little did she know that these feelings of admiration would eventually grow into something bigger and she decides to knit him a scarf as an expression for her feelings. However, life is hard when the target of her affections is the harshest handicraft critic around. Would a scarf knitted with the her fragments of her emotions be enough to convey her feelings? 4. Harumichi Soushi 5. Akiiro Kimiiro Kanako had always dreamed of falling in love; and when she finally does, things don’t exactly go according to plan. Ihara is cold, aloof and rude – but despite that, she is relentless and refuses to give up. Vibrantly coloured by all the moments they had together, it was the autumn their lives changed forever.

Digimon Cross Wars

Taiki Kudo is an upbeat boy with a desire to help those in need, although he tends to overexert himself. One day, he hears the voice of a Digimon named Shoutmon who is on the verge of death. Wanting to help him, Taiki is given a Digivice known as a Xros Loader, and he and his friends Akari Hinomoto and Zenjiro Tsurugi are warped to the Digital World where they meet Shoutmon and his allies, Ballistamon, Starmon and the Pickmons. By using the power of the Xros Loader, Taiki can perform a DigiXros, which can fuse any of his allies together into different forms. Taiki and his friends use this ability to fight the forces of the Bagura Empire while crossing paths with teams Blue Flare and Twilight.

Hyakushou Kizoku

Before Arakawa Hiromu became a mangaka, she spent 7 years in Hokkaido working in the farming business. She raised cows, planted crops, was afraid of bears, and was constantly being turned around in circles by squirrels. There is no water to drink. Can’t you drink milk? That is because she is a “Noble Farmer”!! Here is Japan’s first manga to describe the facts about farming!

Tetsudou In, Love Letter

Poppoya: Satou Otomatsu is a lonely station master of a small station in Hokkaido, situated at the end of the line in a small village with an aging population. The station is due to close in the coming spring, and he will retire with it. One night in his last winter manning the station, an encounter with a young girl marks the beginning of the events that will see him reflect on his working life - performing his duty as a railroad man, whilst enduring the pain of its cost to his personal life. Love Letter: Goro just got out from jail, but a police officer wants to talk to him right away. He announces to him that Goro's wife is dead and that he has to go to Chiba and take her body. Goro has no recollection of having a wife, but then he remembers he married a Chinese woman a long time ago. He married her for her money, and had she married him because she needed a Japanese visa to work. In fact, she's a prostitute who came to Japan hoping to find better life. At first, Goro can't be bothered by this situation, but he goes to Chiba just because he can earn a lot of money. Later on, during his trip, Goro finds a letter she wrote him and through it he discovers the pure person that lies beneath this common prostitute. She is a woman of such kindness and love that Goro is moved to learn something about the woman he married. With those few words of love and tenderness, he understands her fears, her goals, and her hopes for the future -- a future that he knows will never come.

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Peter the Hermit

Peter the Hermit summary: Peter the Hermit summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Peter the Hermit. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Hover Car Racer

Hover Car Racer summary: Hover Car Racer summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Hover Car Racer. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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