
















类别恋爱 少女 奇幻






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简介我若要有 天不可无 我若要无 天不许有! 这是一个起始于第八山与第九山之间的故事 一个“我命如妖欲封天”的世界!


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内容简介:完结重生甜宠文。妖艳贱货的女明星vs病态偏执狂医生。制服诱惑1v1。肉多香甜,炖肉为主剧情为辅。重生前:顾眠最害怕的便是拿着手术刀的变态狂魔傅予。傅予打造了一座囚笼将顾眠囚禁在家里,不 准顾眠出去,变态偏执到了极点。顾眠被自己的毒闺蜜欺骗出轨背叛傅予,逃到国外后立刻被骗了钱财还被卖去了地下妓院。而她即将葬身火海的时候是傅予不要命地来救她,最后为了她死在火海里。重生后。顾眠立刻决定改变对傅予的态1w0-28652 >>


内容简介:《黑料女王又成顶流了》(爽文爆宠女强男强1v1)传闻冷灏冷大总裁,像他的名字一样,冷酷无情,不近女色,可没想到居然有一天会为了一个黑料满天飞的苏家败类自甘堕落,这是不是有点过了?冷少大 手一挥,每日的工作计划里多了一项追妻的重大项目,想尽办法要和苏瑾确立关系。看着自己又上了热搜,苏瑾仰天长叹,她分明只想搞事业冲向顶流,可是冷先生你怎么能成为我冲上顶流的绊脚石呢?震惊消息!新晋影后正在线直播打脸白莲花渣妹,走过路1w0-81907 >>


内容简介:   天降美娇妻,坐拥万贯财。因为一纸神秘婚书,本是一介小捕头的陈牧莫名多了一位漂亮媳妇,以及万贯家财。媳妇姓白,美若天仙。身边还有一位叫小青的娇媚丫鬟。然而某天,一个浑身 刺有金龙纹身的和尚忽然找到他,并告诉了他一个惊天大秘密——“施主,你家娘子不是人,她……是妖!”最让陈牧无语的是,不知从哪儿还冒出了七个头顶葫芦的精神小伙,声称媳妇抓了他们的爷爷。一时间,陈牧彻底凌乱了……——这是一个妖魍横行的世界,也是一个极欲极恶的世界。 本书类型:破案悬疑 (豆芽出品,必属精品!)1w0-1909 >>


内容简介:林庸穿越成为了冷宫出生的一个皇子,本来以为一生就这样了,没有想到激活了签到系统,在任何地方签到,都可以获得奖励。在冷宫签到,获得龙虎丹。在太极殿签到,获得《寻天秘典》。在藏书阁签到,获 得《天成真经》。在金銮殿签到,获得玄天之眼。如果您喜欢无敌从冷宫开始,皇宫签到六十年,别忘记分享给朋友作者:年末所写的《无敌从冷宫开始,皇宫签到六十年》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-83582 >>


内容简介:天地为炉,万物为铜,阴阳为炭,造化为工。气运之争,蟒雀吞龙。究竟是蟒雀为尊,还是圣龙崛起,凌驾众生?这是气掌乾坤的世界,磅礴宏伟,一气可搬山,可倒海,可翻天,可掌阴阳乾坤。世间源气分九 品,三品称玄,六品成天,九品号圣。吾有一口玄黄气,可吞天地日月星。1w233-70492 >>


内容简介:寡妇村里的小小村医,却获得神农医仙传承,从此开启了精彩之旅,带领村民,成为世界之首富村!各位书友要是觉得《凌风李诗云》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w2591- 4764 >>


内容简介:洪武六年,大明百废待兴,朱元璋促生产,杀贪官,保民生,励精图治!也在这一年,一位现代人士朱朗魂穿到了这个大风大浪的变革时代。“太子殿下臣要参奏朱朗秽乱东宫!”朱标微微一愣,随后想了想道 :“朱朗还是个孩子,那不是秽乱,只是不小心而已,我已经将宫女赐给朱朗了!”“皇后娘娘臣要参奏朱朗奢靡成风,骄奢淫逸!”马皇后一个皱眉:“朗儿为国为民,十分辛苦,仅仅小吃小喝,你们居然上纲上线,简直岂有此理!”“陛下臣要参奏朱朗有造反之心!”朱元璋露出了古怪的神色:“真的,这个混小子还有这个胆色?不错,不错,那个混小子军队够不够?咱给他补个一万人?”我叫朱朗,现代穿越过来的,嘿嘿,我的奶奶是皇1w0-76414 >>


内容简介:奉安城有句流传很广的古语:男儿不可长于妇孺之手。直到出自身将门的顾家女顾汐宁,卸甲归来,接掌顾家和顾氏族学后,奉安所有人的脸都被打肿了。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《将军退役后日常》还不 错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-75535 >>


内容简介:小兵提供Sonata大神最新作品《卑微的男子咒专生》小说最新章节全文免费阅读,卑微的男子咒专生小说txt下载,卑微的男子咒专生小说笔趣阁,卑微的男子咒专生无弹窗!本站最新最快更新卑微的 男子咒专生小说最新章节。1w0-76525 >>


内容简介:  喧嚣的城市,抛弃浮躁的立足之地,踏上异国他乡,做个悠哉小农民。  喝啤酒,做小菜,吃牛羊烧烤,在小池塘养鱼,三五鱼虾,来一锅鲜美汤。  春有百花姹紫嫣红,秋有明月皓皓长空,夏有绿荫 凉风拂面,冬有白雪皑皑玉洁。  于林间盖一小屋,陋室无名,无仙也灵,让灵魂自在飞1w0-4158 >>


内容简介:  荒古时期,人族新生,天地间无数凶兽,蛮兽,妖兽纵横,以人为食,人族如蝼蚁般在夹缝中生存,奋力挣扎。  有人族先祖,以身犯险,种凶兽,蛮兽血脉于己身,获取凶兽血脉,借助血脉之力,获取 本属于凶兽的各种血脉神通,发挥出惊人战力,此为古族。  担山赶月,追星逐日,焚天煮海,法天象地,三头六臂......无数神通,爆发出惊人威力,为人族打开一条鲜血淋漓的生存之路。  无尽岁月,星空中,一座冰冷的古墓,在黑暗中漂流。  这是谁的墓?1w0-3912 >>


内容简介:怎么那么多太监烂尾的书呀?怎么这些书结局都不尽人意呢?苏嫣扶额。每一本书都是一个世界,做为倒霉读者的苏嫣要做的,就是为这些太监烂尾的、没有创造完美的世界弄一个完美结局。这是一个奇葩的世 界,苏嫣现,原来作者的脑洞真大呀……1w346-109359 >>


From Aerandria Scans: A collection of six short stories, each with it’s own supernatural girl. 1) Shijima - A fortune-teller who exists by sealing other people's memories and living it as her own. 2) Dismounting Midway 3) The Passing... 4) Falling Sakura in Profusion 5) Beside the Water 6) Time's Aftertaste

Love Tore

Kouji's mother has just remarried, and as a result, he has a brand new father and two unbelievably beautiful twin brothers. In order to get to know his new family better, Kouji transfers to the same private school that his newly acquired step-brothers attend. But when Kouji finally meets them, the two have completely opposite personalities! And it seems like one of them is intent on being more than brothers!?!

Tumbling (Mizukami Wataru)

Yuuta Takenata has dreamed of being a gymnast ever since he was a little kid, so when he gets into high school he starts up the 'Boys Rhythmic Gymnastics' team. He works hard and gets enough members to compete, but then the club adviser forces them to take the delinquent Azuma Wataru into they're club. He's loud, whinny and has absolutely no interest in gymnastics. Yuuta just gives up on him, telling to stop coming to the practices. But when he accidentally causes one of the members to break his arm, Azuma has to start training so as to take his part in the competition.


A shape-shifter wolf who was once a human, but became a semi-immortal when his lover betrayed and murdered him; adopted an orphaned boy, who is now a young man. They travel together, exorcising evil spirits and demons. Trouble follows and finds them often, but they always manage to come out on the other side, pretty much intact.

CEO Vengeful Wife

CEO Vengeful Wife summary: ...Sneak Peek into a chapter...
'Don't play with fire, President Jing.' His eyes darkened; the temperature in the room dropped drastically.
It was a warning.
However, Jing Lihua cherry red lips merely curled up into a smile.
'What if I want to play with fire, President Li?'
'Woman, do you not see your position? You are pinned down by me. Yet you still dare to act so frivolously? If you do not have any intention to finish things, you better not start them!' Li Zhiqiang's eyes were cold as frozen ice. 'Otherwise, I will make you regret.'
'President Li.' Jing Lihua's sweet voice again a.s.saulted his ears. 'What if I want you to make me regret?'
The second those words left her lips, she was kissed furiously.
...End of Sneak Peek...
Flesh made of translucent ice, bones made of precious gems...
Jing Lihua, the eldest miss of the aristocratic Jing family, was a cla.s.sic beauty with a tragic end.
Stabbed in the back by those closest to her, betrayed by those she put her utmost trust, forsaken by those for whom she sacrificed herself; years of harshness taught her a lot.
So when events take a turn and she is allowed to reincarnate seven years back on her marriage night, when everything was still in her hands, when everything had just started to take turns, she is determined to change the course of things...
She is determined to protect those who were true to her and at the same time... ruin those who had the demons in their hearts.
However, things take an interesting turn when she discovers new secrets left uncovered in her previous life.
A formidable man named 'President Li', the young master of the prestigious 'Li' family known as the great 'Devil' in the mortal world appears in her life and sends her plans into chaos...
Author Note: The First 20 chapters are rewritten by me. So they are good to go. After that for the next fort chapter, quality drops a bit. Then it gradually returns to best. Bear with it for a while. I'm in the process of editing.

Little Folks (December 1884)

Little Folks (December 1884) summary: Little Folks (December 1884) summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Little Folks (December 1884). If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Simply Irresistible

Simply Irresistible summary: Simply Irresistible summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Simply Irresistible. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Donovan Pasha, and Some People of Egypt

Donovan Pasha, and Some People of Egypt summary: Donovan Pasha, and Some People of Egypt summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Donovan Pasha, and Some People of Egypt. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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