


























简介明星有粉丝就有黑粉。作为资深粉丝,我秦朗的爱豆苏凡被抢了风头,对方还是娱乐圈有各种不良新闻的“腹黑小人”徐逸琨,这怎能忍!于是我化身徐逸琨的黑粉,黑他,给他拆台,誓不罢休!然而我却偶然“招安”到了徐逸琨的粉丝后援会,只得向爱豆苏凡求援。苏凡让我成为了男团选秀节目的造型设计师,有机会和他们,还有更多参赛的帅哥密切接触,每天生活在梦幻之中。不对啊,我是黑粉,你们都忘了吗?QQ群号:648798508 每周六更新!






内容简介:简介:本文又名《大佬的替身狐软又甜》各个位面的反派大佬攻X又软又萌但总被大家当作绿茶的小狐狸受作为一只误被系统选中的狐狸,柒伊被迫成为了替身文里面的炮灰受。炮灰受没有人权,小狐狸被欺负 的哭红了眼。直到某日,不经意间露出了自己毛茸茸的耳朵和圆滚滚的肚皮从此,位面的各个大佬都表示自己疯了。为了能够完成任务,柒伊哭唧唧极不情愿的献上尾巴。——结果他的大白尾巴上的毛都被撸秃了。片段一“不听话的狐狸是要被抓了去做皮草的!”男人恐吓他。结果红着眼的小狐狸哭得更凶了。他边哭边奶凶奶凶的瞪着男人:“大骗砸!衣柜里有八件狐裘大衣的杀狐犯!!”片段二柒伊怀了小崽崽了,男人带他去做产检。不知想起了什么,小狐狸的眼泪啪嗒啪嗒往下掉。“建国后动物不许成精,那崽崽一个人怎么办?”男人一把搂住了小狐狸的腰:“多努力努力,生二胎。”原位面的白月光们:“柒伊就是个不折不扣的绿茶小婊砸!!”各个位面的病假or反派大佬们:“柒柒不是!柒柒最可爱了!柒柒是世界上最可爱最乖巧的小狐狸!!”——小狐狸能有什么坏心思呢?呆到深处天然黑罢了。1w0-75312 >>


内容简介:男朋友出轨之后简介:男朋友出轨,我睡了他兄弟各位书友要是觉得《男朋友出轨之后》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!您要是觉得《男朋友出轨之后》还不错的话请不要忘记向您Q Q群和微博微信里的朋友推荐哦!h31w0-38227 >>


内容简介:【小说网独家签约小说:全球游戏:开局获得混沌圣体】全球灵气复苏,一款能够将道具和技能具现到现实中的游戏横空出世…什么?将游戏道具和技能具现到现实需要大洋?在游戏充值通道关闭之前,张邵阳 默默的点开了充值按钮…“叮,恭喜玩家具现通天箓(真)。”“叮,恭喜玩家具现请神术(真)。”“叮,恭喜玩家具现仙法太上宝丹录。”…直到某一天,张绍阳突然发现,自己将原本应该降临现实的妖魔杀光了。小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-78211 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:我家工厂通古代】江峰意外发现家中工厂竟可以通往各个朝代,从此,他就成了贯穿千古的大忙人。商纣王:寡人愿用妲己向江神仙换救国之策。秦始皇:朕愿用一切换得长生不老 药!曹操:孤今生遇江峰已无憾!李世民:朕每日烧香三炷,只愿江峰早日归来!崇祯皇帝:江神人匡扶大明之将倾也!于是,江峰架不住这些皇帝盛情。飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢我家工厂通古代,别忘记分享给朋友作者:秦汉唐宋明所写的《我家工厂通古代》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-84533 >>


内容简介:#任务进行时,请保持严谨#『小姐姐您好,您已绑定绿茶攻略系统,是否了解详情』round1“你男朋友好像生气了,你去陪他吧,我没关系的…”予兮低着头拽着她的衣袖轻轻晃着,不经意抬头,眼圈 红红的,“只是会有点想你而已。”“乖,他不是我男朋友,姐姐陪你。”round2“你对你男朋友真好呀,我要是你男朋友,肯定每天睡觉都要笑醒了……”“不过……上次我还看到你男朋友跟另一个好看的姐姐一起吃饭来着,不过没你好看哦,是你男朋友的亲戚吗?”“他没有亲戚,他是孤儿。”“啊?对不起对不起,我不知道,他……”round3“你跟你男朋友在游戏上怎么都不是情头啊?要是我的话,情头情侣名肯定都跟你用!!”“不用在意这些细节。”“那他在意什么?你跟他换嘛!反正是情侣,你男朋友不会不同意的,上次我还看到他跟另一个姐姐用情头来着。”“……”还是分了吧。×ד靳姐姐……”予兮咽了口口水。“别叫姐姐,叫老公!”1w0-79098 >>


内容简介:张一鸣的人生,终结在了男人四十一枝花的年龄。再睁眼竟回到三十年前。那是最坏的时代,也是最好的时代。张一鸣将重来的人生过成了诗和远方,财富和梦想,亲情和爱情,他都要。gtpltp1w0- 32324 >>


内容简介:当药尊者从萧炎母亲的纳戒中飘出“小炎子,你可想要拜我为师?”萧炎:“你这糟老头子坏得很,吸我斗气”云岚宗萧炎:“师父,这糟老头子说要和你比炼药”古河:“药尊者,别来无恙啊,来看看这斗圣 骸骨做为你的躯体可还满意?”药老:“我看你有斗帝之资!”1w0-52687 >>


内容简介:新书《万古神话》已经上传,大家多多支持! ~~~~~~~~ 微信号:anyeyoushang17K 名字:暗夜幽殇 大家可以关注一下 书友群:暗夜3群3705553 (满) 暗夜四群:219242890(新建) VIP读者群::210342236(暗夜山庄!)进群的成员需要订阅截图认证1w0-1214 >>


内容简介:一代兵王回归都市,遇到一位美女师父,没想到师父只传授我四样东西修仙、泡妞、把妹……各位书友要是觉得《史上第一修仙者》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-7987 6 >>




内容简介:霹雳(苦境)之中,渡罪杀生,成就佛魔轮转…千僧万佛血亡灾,涤罪诛刑应世开。魔佛妖僧怪和尚,声声句句鬼如来。“佛愆称首,万罪为宗,妙哉……”“万物本根,万象缘起,杀戮能生生不尽,本身便是 道之一体,道无高下,何来本末。”鬼如来手中涤罪犀角,自空盘旋枭首众人,带起一片血雨,点点血色点缀废墟之地,在众生哀嚎之中,编织出一处人间炼狱。金光布袋戏,东离剑游记……佛魔一念,诸天而行……1w0-51789 >>


内容简介:现代理工女穿越到古代农家小丫头身上。家徒四壁,上有恶毒奶奶,下有骗子“同乡”谈个情说个爱,却深陷身份之谜。看她如何打怪升级带着空间玩转异世界,抽丝剥茧寻找身份之谜,带着全家走上奔小康的 富贵日子。1w17547-26012 >>

Love Forecast (Izumi Rin)

Love Forecast (IZUMI Rin) summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Love Forecast (IZUMI Rin). If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


From MangaHelpers: 'The Sixth Dimension Experiment.' This experiment, in attempting to open one of the eleven dimensions in our reality, the sixth dimension (Secht), resulted in a catastrophic explosion that killed 110 million people and left 12 countries in ruins. The originator of this experiment, Himeka Yuki, bearing the total responsibility for the failure of this experiment, has been banished from reality for eternity. In response to this event, the world leaders in sciences formed a monitoring agency known as 'Zeien' to keep control of all scientists and technology in order to prevent another Sixth Dimension Experiment. 10 years have passed since the incident. Takaomi Yuki, the younger brother of Himeka, notices a change in the 'Time Machine Destination' that his sister has given him before her banishment. Suddenly, the device summons a lively girl armored with metals he has never seen. 'Takaomi-san! To save Earth, pull out your lance and ride me!' To uncover the truth, the two will begin an adventure that crosses time and space. [DrCoke]


Ayato and Yuki are good friends that go to school every morning together, but their relationship has changed in one night. Yuki's purpose is to eat 'the human soul' and Ayato's purpose is 'to kill Yuki'. In order to stop him, the two sides began a bitter battle, and the day after, they pretended as if nothing had happened, it felt it was a dream, so the cycle continues.

Honoka Na Koi No Danpen Wo

1) The Sincere Frozen Moon Asagi and Tachibana (lovers) are both Shinto exorcists, with Asagi being the head priest and Tachibana being the apprentice. Asagi comes from a long line of priests, each using a Heavenly Sword to fight evil spirits. Tachibana is very protective of Asagi and grows even more so when Asagi faints every time he uses the Heavenly Sword. How can Tachibana protect the one he loves? 2) The Dangerous New Moon Haruaki visits the priest, Ei, everyday on his lunch break. Haruaki confides any troubles he's been having to Ei, and Ei very much enjoys the company. Lately, Haruaki has been getting flak from his boss at work about how unkempt he dresses - a problem that seems insignificant at first, but ends up turning into something dangerous. 3) The Heavenly Swords Bulletin An extra that goes into detail on the Heavenly Swords that appear throughout the chapters. 4) Midday Mirage Toranosuke has sworn to avenge the death of his older brother, who was eaten by the demon, Shunjin. A souleater, Shunjin can only be defeated by one divine sword. But, when the time comes for Toranosuke to extract his revenge, can he really do it? Shunjin might be a monster, but there is something about him that draws Toranosuke's gaze. Could the demon slayer be falling for the demon? Can the quest for love triumph over the quest for revenge? 5-6) Half Moon Passing Nanaki, the youngest of the Heavenly Swords, has lost his sword form - meaning that, until he finds it, a void seal will spread across his body until he disappears from the mortal world. Ninomiya, the eldest of the Swords, wants to help Nanaki search, but is terrible with expressing himself with words. How can he convince Nanaki of his sincerity? 7) Crescent Moon Mirage A continuation of Toranosuke and Shunjin's story and a tying up of other loose ends.

The Colossus

The Colossus summary: The Colossus summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Colossus. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Abolitionists

The Abolitionists summary: The Abolitionists summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Abolitionists. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Ar tonelico – The Girl Who Continues to Sing at the End of the World

Ar tonelico – The Girl Who Continues to Sing at the End of the World summary: After the battle with Mir ended and the world was saved, Lyner and his friends were in the middle of a journey to gather the [feelings] they needed to craft a Song that would reach everyone in the world.
However, while the world should be peaceful again, various strange incidents have started happening.
Items produced through Grathmelding suddenly rose in price due to a shortage of materials, Tenba dismissed a large portion of their Reyvateil workforce, and this in turn caused these Reyvateils to begin falling into emotional instability one after other.
And finally, the Tenba troops have started a war with the Reyvateils at Skuwat Village, while a “mysterious ent.i.ty” that seems able to control the common subconscious of the Reyvateils seeks a confrontation with Lyner.
The first novelization of the popular PlayStation 2 RPG of the same name!

The Young Alaskans on the Missouri

The Young Alaskans on the Missouri summary: The Young Alaskans on the Missouri summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Young Alaskans on the Missouri. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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